Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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When Scootaloo has only a few days to turn in a last minute essay on the origins of Ponyville, Discord, naturally, takes her back in time.

Chapters (1)

Close to a year after their wedding, Fluttershy talks to her wife Rainbow Dash about the idea of adopting a foal. Rainbow Dash is unsure about the idea but starts to think it over, and as she does comes to find there's a pony close to both of them that needs them. What will happen?

Cover image made by Redheadfly.

Written for the Third FlutterDash Group Contest

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash really messed up. She promised Scootaloo one epic stunt show for her birthday, but can't exactly do it herself while limping and covered in bandages. Good thing Fluttershy is available. Too bad Fluttershy has no idea what she's doing.

Chapters (1)

After a long weekend at Wonderbolts practice, Rainbow Dash finds Scootaloo on top of a small hill on the outskirts of Ponyville, which she intends to ride down on her scooter. Now, Rainbow has seen her sister ride down much bigger hills than the one presented before her. But Rainbow still becomes terrified at the thought of her riding down it and possibly hurting herself. Thus Rainbow spends the majority of her day trying to comprehend why her fear had been so strong. Meanwhile, Scootaloo agrees to a competition with a fourteen year old Pegasus stallion, that may be a little too dangerous for an eight year old filly.

Chapters (6)

Running three boutiques across two cities and a town brings an unwelcome upsurge in dressmaking demands for Rarity, Ponyville's foremost fashionista and self-styled judge, jury, and executioner of artistic works and wonders. Then again, it is the Gala Season.

Of course, things would be that little bit less exasperating if a certain pegasus pony wasn't so irritatingly laid-back about the whole thing. And for a connoisseur of quality and merit, there's a crime even worse than sunbathing while others are sweating over stitches…

Written as part of Calming Moon's National Pony Writing Month 2017.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Please Forgive Me

Rainbow Dash had recently admitted to Scootaloo that she's her birth mother, Rainbow Dash is nervous about what this is going to mean for not only her future but Scootaloo's. Help comes to her from an unexpected place however, another single mom living in Ponyville who understands where Rainbow is coming from, Derpy Hooves.

A fanfic in the universe of Please Forgive Me written for Mother's Day.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Momma

Rainbow Dash is headed out for Mother's Day with her mom. She sees Scootaloo while out and discovers something she would have never dreamed. Now, she is faced with a choice that could change her life forever.

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash has been friends with Pinkie Pie for years. Best friends, actually. She knows her very well, and they've been together through a lot of hardships that only made their friendship strong —though kinda rocky in the beginning.

So, if she knows her so well, why suddenly she wonders where Pinkie's talent to make ponies happy comes from?

Dedicated to one of my dearest, most understanding friends, whose mails never fail to make me smile: TheMareWhoSaysNi. Thank you a lot for standing me and my silly rants :heart:

Translated to chinese by leejunxian98

Chapters (1)

Can you make a blue moon? Luna is sceptical, but Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash decide to have a go.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is usually a very take-charge kind of person, but even she can recognize when a problem won't be solved by going really fast, beating the crap out of something, or being the best at literally every sport. She's humble like that.

In this case, the problem is stationary, crapless, and unresponsive to even the most obscure athletic gear. That means it's time to call in the experts.

(Note: The following story isn't set at Camp Everfree, but this is the best picture I could get of these three without anyone else in frame.)

Chapters (1)