Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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This story is a sequel to Rumble's Big Day

There is nothing wrong with Scootaloo. She just can't fly yet. Rainbow Dash knows this, and continues to work hard to get that filly off the ground.

There is nothing wrong with Rumble. He's just a little uptight about his flight practice. Thunderlane knows this, and keeps trying to teach his brother the fun and exciting aerial manoeuvres of the Wonderbolts.

Thunderlane is convinced Rainbow Dash is going to hurt Scootaloo if she keeps this up.

Rainbow Dash is convinced Rumble is going to hurt himself if Thunderlane keeps this up.

You know what they say: "If you think you can do better than me, do it yourself."

(Former working title: "SOON TO BE PONYGRAD'S FAVORITE FIC")

Chapters (5)

While Rainbows at work, her friends come by to see how she's doing. She had been acting strangely all week and now her friends know why.

UPDATE 3/20/20: I got very disinterested in this story after a while and no longer plan to complete it. Almost a year ago I decided to rewrite it from the ground up hoping that I would regain my interest and create a better outcome. Unfortunately, that didn't work and I'm sorry if anyone (though I doubt it) wondered what might've happened next.

(Bad) Cover Art By: Me

Chapters (9)

Ever since the sonic rainboom incident, Rainbow Dash has kept a secret. She's kept the secret even from her friends for as long as she could remember. This is her story.

(told from Rainbow's POV.)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been feeling a great deal of pain lately, from headaches to sore limbs, but she brushes them off to perform her first Wonderbolt show. During the show she crashes to the ground as she is wracked in pain. She is soon rescued by two Pegasus and is taken too the dying King Wind Crasher, where she is told that not only is she going to become Queen, but that she was not born a Pegasus, but an Alicorn.

(A complete rewrite of Queen of Cloudsdale)

Chapters (2)

When Rainbow Dash was a young filly her parents were killed in a freak storm that caught Equestria off guard. She was sent to the Cloudsdale Orphanage where she would spend the rest of her foalhood.

When she's a teenager however a new arrival comes to the orphanage in the form of a Pegasus baby. When the matron asks Rainbow Dash to help take care of the filly, her life changes forever.

Cover image made by Animalia Life.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A Violet Rainbow

Two weeks after Rainbow Dash's berrification, the town still hasn't stopped teasing her about it. Dash is not at all happy and wishes that Twilight and Pinkie Pie could get a taste of their own medicine. With a mischievous revenge scheme in mind, Rainbow sets out to enact her plan. After pranking Pinkie Pie, however, Rainbow Dash gains an unexpected partner in her shenanigans.

(Contains inflation. While this has no clop or sexual content, the plot may have content that can be perceived as fetish fuel. Read at your own discretion.)

Chapters (2)

(Written as a birthday present for Matt11. Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty are from the "Ponyville Mysteries" series.)

As Scootaloo's honorary big sister, Rainbow Dash has taken on a lot of responsibilities over the years. But nothing can quite prepare her for this situation.

When Scootaloo's friends mention that she's sad and alone in the clubhouse, Rainbow goes to investigate. And when she learns what went wrong, she finds herself thrust into the middle of a delicate situation.

Can Rainbow help her honorary little sister to feel better, and help her to patch things up with Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty? Or is the rainbow maned mare out of her depth?

Chapters (1)

(Takes place immediately after the events of "Molt Down", so obviously it will contain some spoilers. Proofread and edited by yodajax10.)

Having completed his molting phase, Spike's scales now come with a pair of wings that allow him to fly. But Smolder soon blabs to Twilight that her fellow dragon is having trouble mastering his new wings, and needs to learn how.

Fortunately, Twilight decides to sign Spike up for flying lessons with Rainbow Dash, much like when she was learning how to master her wings. And after a bit of pleading, Rainbow agrees.

But what will happen when Twilight decides to get in on the lessons as well? And more importantly, will Spike be able to master his new wings without constantly crash landing? Plus, what reason does Twilight have for getting involved?

Chapters (1)

It's been one year on the dot exactly since Rainbow first adopted Scootaloo, and Scootaloo intends to show her gratefulness towards the pegasus in spades. So, she gets the best idea ever, a cake from Sugarcube Corner! Trouble is, getting it home. How hard can it be?

(Wait, featured? How did this happen?)

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has a vivid nightmare, and Rainbow Dash tries to be the big sister she knows Scootaloo needs.

All feedback is welcome and encouraged, this is my first story so I could really use it! :scootangel:

Also special thanks to my friend pikablob for proofreading this and encouraging me to write it!

Cover art used with permission, made by the very talented Sea-Maas!

Chapters (1)