Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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This story is a sequel to Rarity's Revenge

After getting back at Rainbow Dash for leaving her in the desert, Rarity felt that her punishment went too far for her. Now she's giving Rainbow a chance to get back at her by forcing her to do a hobby she might not like, and she has the perfect sport.

This story was requested by superfun

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash finds 2 matching necklaces that she thinks will look perfect on Rarity and Applejack. But turns out, the necklace is enchanted and makes the wearers turn into foals. Rainbow Dash must be the mom of these fillies.

Request from: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/209802/superfun

Superfun i'm sorry for taking way too long on this requested fic. I hope you like this fic and I hope all those months of waiting were worth it. Again i'm so sorry.:fluttershysad:

Edited Vector in Ms Paint by me.

Rainbow Dash vector : https://vector-mlp.deviantart.com/art/Vector-Rainbow-Dash-6-654051616
Foal Applejack Vector : http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/625/006/a9e.png
Foal Rarity vector: https://t2.rbxcdn.com/3df64801e710e311d2e866ad52fd8212

Chapters (5)

Despite knowing each other since childhood, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy aren't best friends. They're more than friends, they're sisters.

Not by blood, but from the heart.

(A one-shot collab with Harmony Pie. Also, dedicated to Quitty Pie)

Chapters (1)

Having lost a bet against Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack now have to do exactly what she says. Well, to a certain extent. Afterall, it can't be too outlandish or unreasonable when you go the extra distance to put it writing and have a certain pony put her signature on it.

A topic suggested by: Superfun.

Chapters (1)

One caring Rainbow + A rambunctuous filly :scootangel: = .......



Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash was thrilled to take her vacation this summer at Las Pegasus. But an unexpected threat causes her to injure her hooves, making her end her vacation early. She can fly, but that doesn't make her ache go away.

She doesn't like it, but she has to return home to rest her aching hooves. Fortunately, or unfortunately for her, Fluttershy and Scootaloo notice her early arrival. One of them has an idea to soothe those aching hooves.

Done as a request for superfun. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash spend there Nightmare night in chicken suits and end up in a pie fight with each other for them to both control a mountain of candy.

Reviewed by FamousLastWords here

Optimistic Neighsayer, ideas
Tranquil Night, editing
Red4567-2, cover art

Nightmare Night bonus credits:
Tranquil Night, editing

Chapters (2)

Scotaloo and Rainbow Dash are finally set to tie the knot after a romance decades in the making, but this older, different Rainbow Dash is not the one you know. She has suffered and aged much, unlike her younger more youthful lover.

From a prompt by Superfun
"Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo get married in the future.
Everyone is happy for them."

I of course couldn't let them be too happy. Not before a healthy dose of drama.
(Also a word of warning these prompts are done in one sitting with barely any editing, you will see errors, there will be many. Yes I will fix them eventually however not untill I have finished the prompts.)(Also there is a single sort of swear, other than that it is pretty much rated E.)(P.P.P.S This cover art is not perfect but close enough to portray what I want, if you find one that fits better lemme know below.)

Chapters (1)

Having Rainbow Dash for a marefriend has its downsides. Sometimes, she does stupid things. Stupid, dangerous things. Following Rainbow's most recent needless - and particularly risky - stunt, Applejack tries to talk some sense into her.

A snippet of an existing Appledash relationship. Takes place exactly two days after the events of 'A Canterlot Wedding'.

Many thanks to Stelar-Eclipse for allowing me to make use of his background for the cover image!

Chapters (1)