Twilight Stories 434 stories
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After Twilight receives flawless marks on her exams, Princess Celestia rewards her with a visit to her private garden. Contains filly Twilight and Momlestia.

Cover art by Mamandil on deviantArt and used with permission.


Chapters (1)

Midnight Sparkle appears one last time in Twilight's dream, not to antagonize her, rather to just talk and clear things up.

Chapters (1)

Ever since she enrolled in the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns, Twilight Sparkle devoted her life to the ways of magic. But after she takes a test about it, she gets a score that wasn't up to her own standards.

Special thanks to both Subject 19 and Rainbow FlutterDash for proofreading for me! You guys are awesome!

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle receives a letter from Princess Celestia. The letter is simple and to-the-point, but shakes Twilight to the core: Princess Celestia has a new student.

Feeling a little put-out by Celestia having a new student, Twilight goes to talk with her and clear the air.

Takes place post-Season 6. Cover art is an image by keursh29

Day 15 of my Self-Imposed 28 Fics in 28 Days Challenge

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds herself with nothing left to handle in her home and so travels on a Spring morning into the heart of what was once just a small town. Along the way she recalls the paths each of her friends followed, the repercussions and choices that shaped the nation, and perhaps more significantly the importance of being thankful.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle.

Princess of Friendship, Bearer of the Element of Magic, student to Princess Celestia.

Just how powerful is she? And why is she the best Alicorn princess?

All her greatest foes have the unfortunate pleasure of finding out the answer...

Rated T for TOTAL COMEDIC INSANITY Oh, and SPOILERS for the MLP Movie.

Artwork by Tsitra360

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle isn't sure she likes the way ponies tend to put her on a pedestal now that she's a princess. Celestia has some unexpected words of wisdom on the subject.

This fic is not a sequel to anything in particular, but probably takes place in the same setting as Chocolate Fluff.

Credit goes to Jordanis for finally giving me an idea I could use. Credit also goes to him for providing last-second editing, and vastly improving Celestia's dialogue.

Amazing cover art by LuleMT.

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight has had a very rough day. Fortunately her special somepony knows just how to make her feel better.

A sweet bit of fluff for Valentine's Day.

Cover art by Fairandfaithful.

This was posted without any third-party editing, so please forgive any minor errors that may have crept in.

Chapters (1)

During Princess Celestia's break, Twilight Sparkle asks her a certain question that she's been curious about for a while, but thinks that Celestia is best suited to answer it.

"What's Ruling a Nation Like?"

The answer she receives, however, makes her regret the decision she made to do so.

A fun little one-shot I decided to do thanks to a game of 7 word fan fiction I played some time ago.

Edited by:KorenCZ11 Found Here

Chapters (1)

A griffon with a Cutie Mark? This does not bode well for Equestria. If the Cutie Mark Crusaders have achieved what was previously considered unachievable... it could have tremendous consequences for the future of Equestria.

Chapters (1)