• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


Likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Twilight Sparkle, Spider-Man, Guns, The Walking Dead, Math, James Bond 007, Grand Theft Auto V, Legos, and Jurassic Park

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It's been a few months since the Battle of the Bands, and Adagio Dazzle is trying her best to become one of the "good guys." Sure, she won't wear any pajamas that aren't ninety percent see-through. And yeah, she can't stop threatening to kick puppies. But still, she's trying!

A week before her first Hearth's Warming, Adagio finds herself facing the most ridiculous task of her life: teaching Pinkie Pie the true meaning of the holiday season. Now, armed with nothing but her wits and a lot of alcohol, Adagio must save Hearth's Warming for the woman she loves doesn't hate as much as everyone else.

Originally written for Obselescence's Secret Santa Jingle-Off as a present for the lovely Majin Syeekoh.
Thanks to Oroboro, Not_A_Hat, Foehn, and Pascoite for prereading and editing.

Chapters (1)

All is normal in CHS but an old enemy decides to come back to cause some havoc, taking the Rainbooms with her but Sunset and Shy investigate

Chapters (4)

In a completion with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy finds out that she is good with art. Really good. She ends up going to a comic-con, and Sunset Shimmer, Twilight, and Sunny Flare help her get a crowd. This idea actually ends up working.

Chapters (1)

"Sunset, you weren't the first unearthly threat to come to this world, and you won't be the last. If we seem calm in the face of strange events, it's not because we're oblivious or indifferent to them. It's because they're not strange to us. The Fall Formal may have been the most important night of your life, but to us... it was Thursday."

(Slice-of-life adventures of Canterlot High's unlikely band of monster hunters.)

Now with a Tropes page, courtesy of AnoneMouseJr.

Chapters (35)

When Apple Bloom discovers a strange phenomenon among the bushes outside of Canterlot High, she meets Apple Bloom, a talking pony no less, and together with their respective friends they venture out into the other world, exchanging places in an attempt to learn as much as they can about the strange new worlds without being found out as impostors.

But one such human has already begun to suspect, one who is a part of both worlds.

Coverart by GreenFlyThePegasus see his other work at Greenfly's Tumblr page

Chapters (13)

Even after helping to defeat the Dazzlings and showing the whole school her new and improved self, Sunset wonders if she'll be able to have a proper relationship with someone. Hopefully the other girls can give her some advice on what to look for. Even though they're not exactly experienced experts.

(Disclaimer: Not actually a dating manual)

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer reflects on her past mistakes in the human world, but when reminding herself what she had left broken back in Equestria, she decides to go back home.

Chapters (1)

Twilight had come down from what happened to her during the friendship games, but there are some remnants of Midnight Sparkle floating around and finding it's way into random objects. Student are grabbing hold of these object and acting strangely and turning into monsters.

It's up to Twilight Sparkle to take on the form of Kamen Rider and purify the magic.

Chapters (5)

All of the female students in Canterlot High have been invited to a specialist childcare course. The aim of the course is to teach the students how to look after babies.

However due to cuts in the school budget, the students won't be getting any dolls to practice with. Instead, they're going to be doing something a little more practical...


Inspired by "Wrist".

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to A Ghost of a Nightmare

When a ghost haunts Canterlot High, the girls wonder how to deal with such an entity. Desperate, they seek the help of the Princess friend who knows friends who can help them. But with the Real Ghostbusters retired, the Princess will have to send in the next best thing. The Extreme Ghostbusters. Will the college university ghost catchers catch the ghostly menace of the girls school?

Continuation following the events of fics The Pony Ghostbusters and A Ghost of a Nightmare

Chapters (7)