• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


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A month or so after the Battle of the Bands, Principal Celestia calls Sunset Shimmer and friends to her office, for a long-overdue discussion.

Edited and smoothed over with help from the ever-patient Little Jackie Papercut.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer: The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well

It is Hearth's Warming Eve in Ponyville, and the town is celebrating. Sunset Shimmer is at a party with her friends when she spots a suspicious figure leaping across the rooftops of Ponyville. Donning her Mare-Do-Well costume, she goes out to investigate, but not before Rarity offers to give the heroine a festive makeover for the occasion.

A one-shot companion story to "Sunset Shimmer: The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well." Reading the original story can give insight as to how Sunset arrived in Ponyville and became the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well; however, since this one-shot doesn't contain spoilers for the main plotline, it is not required.

Special thanks to my proofreader, professorsawyer!

Chapters (1)

After being betrayed by her friends during the Anon a Miss incident the darkness threatens to swallow up Sunset, but there are those who want to offer a helping hand and guide her in another direction. Will she take those offered hands, or will she let herself fall to the darkness forever?

Chapters (6)

Takes place before the Season Finale. When Starlight Glimmer returns to try to wreak havok on the lives of the Mane 6, Nyx and Ben for revenge on how they ruined her life, the formerly Humanverse Sunset Shimmer and Flash try to stop her.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer never believed in Santa Claus or the fantastic stories surrounding him, especially when someone like Pinkie Pie tries to convince her that he's real, and everyone knows to take everything she says with a grain of salt. However, the two teenage girls are thrust into an extraordinary situation when Sunset finds a strange old man lying on the snow in front of her house one night just days before Christmas.

Chapters (1)

According to popular myth, girls don't fart.

Yeah, we all know that's a load.

Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy are having a slumber party, having a good time as friends, when the unexpected happens.

Someone farts and stinks up the whole room.

None of them will admit they did it. Each of them is blaming one of the others.

Can a fart destroy friendship?

Chapters (1)

Sonata Dusk has never really experienced Christmas, and this might be her first time. What makes it even better is... She is spending this Christmas with Sunset Shimmer.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shadowbolts Adventures: The Real Friendship Games

One cold snowy night, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle chance upon three faces from Sunset Shimmer's past who have lost their way.

Chapters (1)

After so many years, Sunset Shimmer is finally ready to return to Equestria. At long last, she will be able to reconnect with the land she was born in and feel the magic flow through her body once more. Most of all, she’s ready to face the mentor she betrayed, to apologize for everything and beg for her forgiveness.

Princess Celestia is eager to see her old prodigal student as well. Finally, she will have the chance to forgive her and reaffirm her love for her. What’s more, she will finally be able to give Sunset Shimmer what she has earned for herself and fulfill all the dreams she had since she was a filly.

At least, that’s how it was supposed to go.

Cover art by Bluse

Chapters (2)

Soon after the defeat of the Dazzlings, Sunset Shimmer finds herself going through some changes she doesn't understand. With help from her friends, will she be able to fix her issue, or will she be stuck the way she is forever?

Thanks to mah proofreader: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/professorsawyer for all the help :D This story is dedicated to our great moderator: *drum roll* https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Eldorado

Chapters (4)