• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


Likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Twilight Sparkle, Spider-Man, Guns, The Walking Dead, Math, James Bond 007, Grand Theft Auto V, Legos, and Jurassic Park

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Princess Celestia had a good day. Luna had been going out more often and was becoming quite fond of nightclubs, her dear niece Cadance had formally announced her pregnancy—though, privately, Celestia felt she was too young to be a great aunt—and, of course, Twilight, her beloved former student, had taken on her first student and Celestia couldn't be prouder! Yes, it had been a good day.

Celestia Sol woke up much like she did every day the morning: sun waking her as it danced upon her eye lids. Wait, the sun? Celestia's eyes snapped open to reveal she was in Twilight's old room in the observatory. On the other side of the room was a smaller bed where a small dusky unicorn was drooling on her pillow.

Clearly, it must be Tuesday.

Preread and edited by Stahl, Kinsley, and Jumbled

Chapters (2)

"Take my hand, Twilight," Sunset Shimmer once said, "Let me show you there's another way."

It's been three weeks since Twilight Sparkle joined her new friends at Canterlot High, and she really really really wants to hold hands with Sunset Shimmer again.

Chapters (6)

Sunset never liked Christmas – it was just similar enough to Hearth's Warming to make her homesick. And of course, she didn't like Hearth's Warming either. Her friends never remembered the holiday, so the most she ever had to look forward to was a 'Happy Hearth's Warming!' message in the journal. So when Heath's Warming Eve came around, she decided it was better to just drink the night away. Wrapped in a cozy blanket with a bottle of wine, she was prepared to spend her evening scowling at Christmas specials.

Then Fluttershy showed up. Suddenly the holidays didn't seem so bad.

This story has been superceded by Playing House, but left up for those interested in this version.

Thanks to:
ArchAngelsWings, for editing and in general being my partner in crime horsewords.
elmago02, for pre-reading and inspiring me to write about these characters.
Mouch30, for pre-reading and teaching me I never knew how to use a damn comma correctly.
Pasu-Chan, for making the beautiful cover art and pre-reading, since I seem to have gone pre-reader crazy with this one.

Chapters (4)

Principal Abacus Cinch is a cruel woman for whom life's only passion is the reputation of her school, Crystal Prep Academy and has an unknown deep hatred for Christmas. However, on the night of December 24, Cinch is confronted by the Spirits of Past, Present, and Future of Christmas who review her past and fortell her future. Will Cinch redeem her selfish ways or is she too late to repair the damage she may have caused?

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to A Dazzling Reformation

So much has happened during Spring Break. Sunset Shimmer found The Dazzlings living under a bridge, people found love, and The Dazzlings decided to become reformed. At first, they weren't going to go back to school.

But time has changed, and so have they. The Rainbooms and The Dazzlings came up with a plan to prove to the school that the three ex-sirens have changed, and they are determined to make it work. Sounds simple, right?

But what about Sonata's little problem...

Author's Note: If you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will fix them as soon as possible. Also, if you want to see anything happen in this story, please let me know and Lightning Bolt and I will consider it.

Co-Author: Lightning Bolt
Editor: Cloudfilly
Backup Editor: Sunatta

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer's first Christmas

Five days after the events of Sunset Shimmers first Christmas, the school throws a girls only Nude years eve party, and Sunset Shimmer decides to go, mostly because she's still relatively new to this world's traditions.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Midnight's Radiance

Sunset finally has time alone with Shining Armor. Naturally, she's too distracted to take advantage of that, thanks to what everypony's been saying.
She's the one that saved the princesses. The one that saved Equestria. 'Sunset Shimmer the Hero'.
But Sunset, she just wants to change. She wants to become a better friend, and be closer to the ponies important in her life.
So just how is she supposed to do that, if those very same ponies want her to be the hero everypony believes her to be?

Thanks to Cloureed again for the cover!
Set in the Trio-verse.

Chapters (3)

Heart's Warming is a time of joy and being with one's family, but it can also get a little hectic-- not to mention crazy! Especially in the Sparkle household...

Join Twilight and Sunset as they spend the holidays in Canterlot with the princess of friendship's parents; Twilight Velvet and Night Light! Oh! And don't forget Shining Armor and Princess Cadence too!
But not all is as it seems this Hearth's Warming season, for Twilight and Sunset have a secret they are most eager to share...

*If it wasn't obvious, this is a SunLight fic, so if you don't like that kind of stuff, don't bother reading. You.Have.Been.Warned.*
**AU Tag for obvious reasons...**
*** Additional character tag: Night Light***

Chapters (2)

From all across the multiverse, ponies are being called to fight! An evil force has arrived and its plans might just mean the end of ponykind. The brave Filli-Second travels from world to world, searching out the best of the best that can combat such a menace. But will they be enough?

I do not own any of the characters or references in this series. Any character or place reminiscent of someone else's intellectual property is merely done out of love for the source material or the fact that I haven't read enough fanfics to know that it already existed.


Cover art is my own.

Chapters (6)

Set after "Shimmer vs. Glimmer" but before "the Cutie Re-Mark"; slight crossover with the future "A Better Sunset" universe. Following her fight with Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer finds Twilight's "Mirror Communication Spell" for chatting with beings from other universes. Experimenting, Sunset discovers the existence of a universe where her pony self managed to patch things up with that universe's Celestia without having to leave her Equestria and has become the bearer of the Element of Magic, the wife of Flash Sentry (who is the bearer of the Element of Loyalty) and the Alicorn of Friendship.

Chapters (1)