• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


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After transferring to Canterlot High, Twilight Sparkle realizes she has a crush on Sunset Shimmer. Being the analytical type, she develops a plan to capture Sunset's heart...using the scientific method.

Sex tag for mild sexual references.
Edited by fourths.

Chapters (10)

Sonata Dusk used to have friends. The Dazzlings hung out together all the time and told her what to do, and that's what friends are, right? She has Taco Tuesdays, though, and listening outside the chorus room is pretty cool. But Sunset Shimmer keeps looking at her funny, and oh crap, she's going to interrupt taco time.

12th-place finisher in the Writeoff Association's "Behind Closed Doors" event.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is Princess Celestia's most faithful student, and an incredibly powerful unicorn. She has her own room in the castle, her own assistant, who happens to be a dragon she hatched during her school exams, a large room for practicing new spells, and a huge library of books. The only thing Sunset lacks is friends.

After reading the signs of Nightmare Moon's return, Princess Celestia decides that her student is ready to embrace her destiny, but needs to make friends first. Princess Celestia sends Sunset Shimmer to a small town called Ponyville, where she meets an odd assortment of ponies who end up becoming her friends and helping her find the Elements and bring about the Summer Sun Celebration she'd wanted for so long.

OBVIOUSLY AU! Teen is just for possible future language.

More characters than those listed, but can only choose five. The ONLY OC is Scarlet, my dragon OC that was mentioned in a previous story.

No idea who the cover art belongs to. If it's yours, tell me and I'll take it down.

Also, feel perfectly free to tell me what you dislike about the story, and I'll try and work on it in future chapters. If you just don't like the Sunset AU or my choices for the Elements, sorry.

Chapters (1)

Sunset returns home for the holidays seeking forgiveness and reconciliation.

Warning contains: Comforting and excessive tears.

Cover art credits to Mrs.1989, who graciously gave me permission to use his art.

Graciously edited by MikeWalker.

Chapters (1)

After the Friendship Games, the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts became friends. For a couple months they have been talking about Christmas and how they are gonna spend it together. Though Twilight thinks otherwise. What is she thinking about?

Chapters (1)

Pinkie is determined to make this Christmas the best one Sunset has ever had and she has a certain pony princess who can help.

Warning:Contains Rarijack, Flutterdash, and a whole lot of Sunlight

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to If Only In My Dreams

Linked with Love, In All It Forms

After being given a second chance thanks to Pony Joe, Rose Aphid is trying to find a place to stay, so that his kindness will not have been wasted. But the snow storm is getting worse and she cannot see where she is going.

Luckily for Rose, there is another very special pony out in the storm as well. Will she be able to help Rose find a place to stay?

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Castle Clean Up

Coinciding with Quick

Written with permission from Tittysparkles and TheDudeAbides

Coverart from here

Twilight has been using her discovery with the Want It, Need It spell to satisfy her urges ever since and decides it is the best way to deal with her heat this season, so she doesn't have to suffer through it, nor look for a stallion to help her, while making sure said stallion doesn't knock her up, the latter of which she won't do due to being a fillyfooler.

However, she is so intent to rid herself of her heat, she forgets one crucial detail whilst having her futanari clones help her through it. Mares can get pregnant when in heat if somepony releases inside their womb, a fact she learns all too well. Her only comfort is confining in Cadance, the only pony who knew Twilight was having orgies with her own clones.

Now, pregnant with her own child, Twilight must figure out how to explain to her friends, her parents, Celestia and, worst of all, her brother, that she got herself pregnant... with herself.

Along with dealing with the difficulties pregnancy brings on its own, Twilight will have to deal with how the rest of Equestria will react to the idea that she sired her own child.

Luckily for her, there is another pony coming to grips with the idea of sudden motherhood; somepony Twilight is very surprised to meet again.

Note: When it says she gets herself with herself, it means one of her clones got her pregnant, not that she's pregnant with another her.

TittySparkles story just opened this thought in my mind the moment i read it, though i kept in inside until now.

In Popular Stories from 13-15/8/2015.

Chapters (1)

Together at birth, but separated during life. Only to be brought back together by destiny. Such is the fate for the daughters of the Alicorns. Twilight, Starlight, and Sunset. What do the three truly have together that makes them so great. Why do they pose the greatest challenge for each other. Well it's simple really. Well... if you have siblings of course you'd understand.

(this will only be a one shot because I've been sick. Also Merry Christmas. )

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Reformed

Discord, Luna, and Starlight Glimmer are joined by Sunset Shimmer and a friend to talk about their struggles as former villains.

Chapters (1)