• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


Likes My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Twilight Sparkle, Spider-Man, Guns, The Walking Dead, Math, James Bond 007, Grand Theft Auto V, Legos, and Jurassic Park

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Twilight succeeds in going to equestria and learning about magic but she pulls along a lot of unwanted guests along the way. So with everyone hating Twilight and Sunset Shimmer having to face her old demons. Along with secrets being spilled as time goes on. How will it all work out?

Chapters (2)

Sunset Shimmer wants nothing more than to be able to enjoy the holidays with her friends, but the festive season does nothing more than remind her of how alone and cold she's been for so many years. Is it possible for her to learn to love the holidays again?

Maybe with the help of some friends, she can.

Chapters (1)

Soon after the battle of the bands the three sirens, Adagio Dazzle, Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze are forced into mandatory friendship rehabilitation. A fancy way of saying each Dazzling has some annoying high school student hovering over them every hour of the day.

Aria Blaze being the spiteful opportunist that she is seeks to turn it into an opportunity to gain revenge against the ringleader of those who defeated them. One way or another Flash Sentry will be hers.

I've dabbled into Shipping in the past with some of my stories, but this will be my first full on shipfic. Why is this story marked Equestria Girls as well as human? Because it has elements of both, just read it and find out.

Art I'm using as the cover created by - MixiePie.

Chapters (9)

Season 5 Finale-related.
So many realities. So many horrible futures. But in yet another alternate timeline, Twilight finds herself in the Golden Oak Library with the Princess of Friendship: Sunset Shimmer. Rather than the awful futures she's seen before, she now finds herself in a timeline that actually seems nice. But that means she has a tough decision to make...

-Awesome cover art used with permission from the amazingly talented Huussii (Teemu Husso).
-Based on an idea from Silver Quill.
-Featured as of 12/8/15! Thank you to all the readers!
-Editors: GenerousGhibli and E3gner

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle unwittingly makes her first prank phone call. It's... an experience.

I don't know where this came from. It was a stupid random idea, but one that just begged to be written, so I did, and it turned out pretty alright for my first comedy. :pinkiehappy:

Now with a reading on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK_V6pjzcUA
Thanks, Agent Fluffy! :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

Winter is coming, and everyone but Sunset Shimmer are making plans for Christmas. When Sunset Shimmer asks what it is, she gets a big answer, and an even bigger hands on experience.

Chapters (1)


In the midst of trying to foil Starlight Glimmer's time travel plan, Twilight and Spike land in a future where Equestria is ruled by... one of their closest friends!

Based on an idea that me and my girlfriend came up with in a Skype call

Cover art from the Fall of Sunset Shimmer comic.

Edited by Bryce "The WrestleManiac" Kanyon

Chapters (1)

In a world where Sunset Shimmer did not go through the mirror, she tries to become a better pony.

In a world where Sunset Shimmer tries to become a better pony, she helps Celestia's new student, Twilight Sparkle

In a world where Sunset Shimmer helps Twilight Sparkle, well... a lot of things change

(cover by NightFuryStriker)

Chapters (4)

Twilight needed to work on that counter spell. The fate of the whole world depended on it. So yea, she had to stay up all night if that's what it took. She went for a snack, but Pinkie Pie really didn't have that much of a variety, so she just sat down and stared at a blank paper. And then Sunset woke up. Maybe she could help Twilight with the spell. Or... since everybody else was sleeping...

Rated 'Teen' just in case... :derpyderp1:
What should have happened after the scene in Rainbow Rocks... :twilightsmile:
Yes, there is a picture in here. It actually inspired the story when I got a bit stumped on it. :raritystarry:

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer spends a quiet, ordinary afternoon and evening at home.

Chapters (2)