• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015


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This story is a sequel to Sunset Shimmer Buys A Burrito

Over a month has passed since the CHS Battle of the Bands. In that time, Sonata Dusk has become estranged from the other Dazzlings. Penniless, she attempts to secure a meal. Luckily, there's a warm burrito nearby. Less luckily, the burrito belongs to Sunset Shimmer. How will Sonata handle being face to face with her old foe?

This is a P.O.V.-flip of Sunset's story. Reading that half first is not required, but reading both is recommended.

Like its twin, this story is part of the Burritoverse continuity.

Chapters (1)

Starlight was recently accepted to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. She looked forward to interesting classes and an overall exciting new life. She even made a great friend. She and her new friend become inseparable and seem like the perfect duo, but all foals experience different things from life that make or break them. When life seems to be bearing down on Starlight's friend, how will she confront the issue and will she be successful?


This story is a Starlight Glimmer headcanon, set before Sunset was banished, but not too long before. I would say Starlight is around 13 in human years.

The sad tag is very loosely used, but none of the tags really fit this story too well.

*Also, I would put in cover art, but I wanted to get this out before the season 5 finale airs and this headcanon is completely shattered. I will probably come back to set one later when I find a good pic.

Chapters (1)

All was rather well in the young Princess Stella Nova's life. She was happy with her mother, Princess Twilight Sparkle and her father, Prince Flash Sentry. The day continued as usual until her mother received a heartbreaking message, and thus started the chain of events that would change Stella's life forever. Are these good events? Bad?

Or is there more on the young filly's mind that she's not speaking aloud?


Special thanks to my wonderful bf Tarbtano for helping me with this! QWQ

Chapters (5)

Without their voices, the Sirens can't cast any magic.
And without their magic, the Sirens can't survive.
Adagio is well aware of this, and even though Aria abandoned them, she's trying her hardest to take care of Sonata - she knows it won't be long before they succumb to their hunger and starve.
There's only one person who could help - Sunset Shimmer. But would Sunset and her friends be willing to help, after everything the Dazzlings had done? Will the Sirens find a way to survive, and finally get their sweet atonement?

Spin off story: Aria Ablaze

Cover art by me.
Rated T for mentions of sex and swearing.
This fic was inspired by 'Sweet Atonement' by Xandria. I'm only using the title because I think it fits really well and I like the song.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to A Tale of Two Twilights

After learning about her human self and the events that transpired in Friendship Games, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike make it a mission to learn more about the humans that Sunset has lived with for years. Everything seems to be moving along swimmingly, but when magic begins to terrorize the Rainbooms from an outside force, the two Equestrians learn that a lot has changed since that fateful night during the Fall Formal.

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer's human counterpart is preparing for the investigation that would either launch her career to new heights, or destroy it in an instant.

Chapters (12)

After a mishap with Rainbow Dash's guitar, Sunset Shimmer goes to get some more guitar strings. On the way back, she just so happens to run into her human counterpart.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has been accepted by the girls at Canterlot High as a friend and she's learning a lot about friendship. However, she still finds herself missing her old home more often than not. She decides to volunteer her time at the local horse park to try and give herself something to do and reconnect, at least vaguely, with her equine roots.

Before the Battle of the Bands Adagio Dazzle had everything she thought she needed. Ambition, power, loyal-ish minions and her voice. Now, she has nothing. No friends, no magic and no future unless she can figure out how to pick herself up after the defeat of the Dazzlings.

Perhaps fellow failed villain could help her through these tough times?

Chapters to be released once per month. Unless life gets in the way.

Chapters (12)

Two news kids. The Shiverribas, Ralph and Aiden Shiverriba move to Canterlot High. The Rainbooms notice Ralph is hiding something. But what? They soon discover that there is a reason Ralph is strange. He writes books, not just ordinary books. Horror books! That's not even the weirdest part, the books are actually a prison for all his monsters. Trapped.

When the Rainbooms accidentally release them all. The Shiverribas and Rainbooms must work together to get all the monsters back in their books, before the town is overwhelmed and destroyed by monsters.

Reader beware, your in for a scare

Chapters (20)

Before the Humane 6's monthly sleepover, Applejack suggests that they should all try horseback riding. Sunset is less than eager to do this, but she tries it anyway. I mean, how hard can it be for an ex-pony to ride a horse in this world? Right?

This is a one-shot. The Twilight in this story is the human universe Twilight, "Sci Twi"
Takes place in the Dagifire timeline.

Chapters (1)

When the Rainbooms get trapped under the stage, they start arguing with each other (and disown each other in the process). This allows the Dazzlings to feed on their negative energy. Once Sunset stops their arguing and the group apologizes for what they did wrong, Twilight snaps and gets mad at the Rainbooms for the way they treated each other.

Content Warning: You'll see the Rainbooms arguing at the beginning of this story, and quite a few accusations from Twilight (and in a recent revision involving "bad future" sequences; Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack's respective families and/or relatives). Reader discretion is advised.

**UPDATE #1: I have decided to make some edits and corrections to this story! I hope you like the revisions!!**

**UPDATE #2: Changed title to "Rainbow Rocks (partial) Rewrite"**

**UPDATE #3: I made some changes to two of the chapters in this story!**

Chapters (5)