• Member Since 30th Jun, 2015


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Octavia's performance at the wedding of Princess Cadence was cancelled, and her ensemble was replaced by a mysterious DJ! When she goes to investigate, she discovers a world of music she never imagined from the turntables of Vinyl Scratch. She takes a chance and follows the DJ back to her home in Ponyville, and begins a journey full of music, love, laughs, some tears (maybe?), and... an evil plot!? What?

Let's read along, shall we? But brace yourself... it's gonna take a while.

Each chapter comes with a one-panel comic in the author's notes, drawn by yours truly!

Chapters (32)

For Derpy Hooves, it seems like every day gets worse than before. Her whole life she has been seen as nothing but a rolling disaster. She's seen as a clueless, quirky, messed up pony, simply due to her walleyed disability. How can she possibly hope to erase the stereotypes she was assigned? For Derpy, it's impossible.

Impossible, that is, until she chances into a certain purple unicorn. Will this meeting be yet another failure, or could it be the opportunity she's been looking for, and how could that opportunity affect her life?

I'd like to thank slip_stitch for being both an editor and a proofreader for me. Without her help, this story would literally be one giant punctuation error.
Also, thanks to Ardensfax for giving me the inspiration to try my hand at writing, Tobyc for putting a massive amount of work into a tvtropes page dedicated to the story, and Perilian for the massive amount of encouragement that kept me motivated enough to work my hardest at writing.

With a giant thanks to Kevinltk, Address Unknown is now available in both ePub and mobi formats! If you would like to download them, they are available here:

ePub - Teen (Clop Free)
mobi - Teen (Clop Free)

Cover art designed by Novel Idea

And, for everyone out there that enjoys Address Unknown, I have been honored to have a dramatic reading done by HanaYoriUta!

Here are the links, in 3 separate installments:
Chapters 1-15
Chapters 16-30
Clop Chapters

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Tales of Apple Scratch: The Lieutenant Cloud Kicker

(Humanized) Vinyl "Apple" Scratch may not have been born an Apple, but she has been part of the Apple Family since Granny Smith took her in years ago. Finally back from Manehatten, She's got a huge surprise for her best Friend/"Sister" Applejack. A surprise that will change their life forever.

(First fiction ever=> Rewritten from September 2013 to November 2013)
First cover art done by:BillieW
New cover art done by: Swift-Blaze

Apple Scratch Saga:
1: Apple Scratch toward the world
2: A summer at the farm
3: Onward to the Equestria games
Bonus/World Building : Tales of Apple Scratch

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Apple Scratch : A summer at the Farm

Ponyville has been chosen to host the most important sporting events in the Country. It's up to the two grown up sisters of the Apple family and their friends to represent their town in the games.
Will they make Ponyville proud?
Will they win some gold medals?
How will they manage so much nobles in town? Including their lovers' family.

Awesome Cover art by BillieW.

Apple Scratch Saga:
1: Apple Scratch toward the world
2: A summer at the farm
3: Onward to the Equestria games
Bonus/World Building : Tales of Apple Scratch

Chapters (35)

This story is a sequel to An Apple Scratch toward the World.

(Humanized) After their decisive actions during Chrysalis' Invasion of Canterlot, Princess Celestia gives to Vinyl and her 'sister' Applejack an other Mission. One they would have hope it never befalls to them. (or So they first thought)

Cover masterly done by BillieW

Apple Scratch Saga:
1: Apple Scratch toward the world
2: A summer at the farm
3: Onward to the Equestria games
Bonus/World Building : Tales of Apple Scratch

Chapters (25)

Harry Potter was a lonely boy who one day wished for a friend. Luna, trapped on the moon, wished for the same. And so their wishes are granted. How will the two deal with each other? And what about Nightmare Moon? Needless to say, their lives are going to change in both expected and unexpected ways...

Other stories in the Lonelyverse:
Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess: Hallowe'en Special
A Nightmare Christmas

Chapters 9-11 now re-written.

Chapters (31)

(The continuation of this story-verse is Star Trek: Pegasus.)

This is a direct sequel to my previous fic The Quandary of DisQord and is, of course, another Star Trek: The Next Generation / Friendship is Magic crossover. This time, however, Q has decided to bring the crew of the Enterprise-D along for the ride as well.

This is a much lighter story than Quandary was (since Quandary was the story of Discord's reign prior to his first defeat, it was bound to be a bit on the dark side). Also, be warned, though I tried to keep them to a minimum, there are still a few references to and spoilers for Quandary in this fic here, so I'd obviously recommend reading that one first before reading this one. Though, at the same time, this one is hopefully self-contained enough that you wouldn't necessarily have to read Quandary first in order to understand anything, if you don't care to.

Also beware, there is a bit of very mild one-sided shipping between one of the ponies and one of the humans, but nothing super serious or squicky or anything like that. And the Discord/Celestia ship from Quandary is touched upon again, of course. Just thought I'd mention it here, in case someone might be turned off by that sort of thing.

As with Quandary, extensive (and spoiler-filled) Author's Notes can be found after the end of the final chapter.

(Cover image is a direct screen-grab from the Next Gen episode "The Arsenal of Freedom" that I played around with in GIMP.)

Chapters (15)

Every pony in Equestria knows the names Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl Scratch. Every musician in Equestria knows and reveres their talent and most semi-jokingly complain that Octavia and Vinyl's relationship should count as a monopoly on musical talent. Very few know their early story, years ago when Octavia had only just left Canterlot Conservatory and Vinyl was... well, being Vinyl.

Chapters (33)

This story is a sequel to Syncopation

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Philharmonica. There's nopony in all of Equestria that doesn't know these names. They are the pinnacles of their genres and the peaks of every genre in between, but it wasn't always this way.

When they first met, Octavia was fresh out of the Canterlot Conservatory and Vinyl was the only member of Syncopated Records, a new music company created by Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur de Lis. They have grown since then, overcome trials both as individuals and as a company, but Fancy Pants still has greater plans for his company. Plans to expand, to become bigger names, to be known not only in Canterlot, but in all of Equestria! In order to do this, the musicians of Syncopated Records, Vinyl, Octavia, Harpo Parish Nadermane, and Lyra Heartstrings will travel through the princessdom, playing their songs and trying to make their own mark in music.

But it will be difficult. They'll have to be more than a company and more than a music group. They'll have to work together, getting used to their off-beat attitudes until they can work as one.

Syncopation must meet with Synchronization.

Chapters (9)