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    Created by Sgtns
    - October, 2014
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I was at a rave last night only to wake up in the middle of the woods and find myself befriending bunch of wooden wolves and mutated lions. Also to find out that i was some type of king to something called a "Everfree" Whatever that was.

I though of this story during class one day and wrote it down. This is just a quick work in progress to see if it works or not and to see if anyone likes it. There will also be new characters added new and or old.

Chapters (3)

My name’s Marcus. Marcus Cortez. I’m currently a freshman at CUFTA. You don’t know what that means? Well, it stands for “Canterlot University for the Arts.” While it is a little unsettling to go to college in a completely different world from my own, and while being a human in a school full of mostly ponies is a little intimidating, I’m doing fine so far. I don’t have to worry about roommates, since I don’t live in a dorm. I live with my aunt.

Her name is Celestia. Princess Celestia.

You’re probably wondering how a human could be the nephew of a pony, and an alicorn princess, no less. Well, it’s quite the story.

In case you haven't guessed yet this is an anthro story, and my first time writing a story in first person, so we'll see how this goes.

The prologue for this story starts sixteen years prior to the return of Nightmare Moon and the story's main events take place after Season 3 ends.

The cover picture is an original drawing of mine.

Edited by danail24

Chapters (29)

Equestria has many legends and stories. Sometimes they are told one way, sometimes another. When a legend shared by two races comes back, how will Equestria react to the return of one such legend. One that the Griffon Kingdom speak highly of?

Special thanks to BluegrassBrooke, BookMarkofCanterlot, and Brandedahall for helping me edit and write the story.

Chapters (5)

A LoHaV story

There was a time, you know? When I would work on my essays, visiting the large library/museum, and just read.

I missed those times.

Now, I'm cursed into a statue by the power of rainbows. Granted, I was homicidal, killing Ponies, Minotaurs, Felines, Gryphons, and Diamond dogs (mostly diamond dogs) like flies, and mayhap giving Sombra and Luna a little push wasn't such a good idea (more of the latter than the former).

But hey, when you're the host of THE Darkness, you got to do what you had to do, right? And besides, homicidal tendencies are the normal quirks of Hosts, and sometimes, insanity as well.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Stardust

Times are changing for Equestria as Twilight’s return brings with it news of people and cultures from beyond the peaceful world everypony knows. Aid and volunteers are freely offered to help the besieged humans of Earth because every Equestrian knows that’s what good friends do. Unfortunately, making friends can also have the unintended consequence of making enemies.

When the monsters besieging the humans strike at Equestria with a level of brutality not seen in over a thousand years, the cry for help is sent to all the kingdoms of the world. Honored allies step forth to fulfill ancient treaties and oaths. Enemies, old and new, bury their grievances. An alliance never before seen in Equestria will be created to combat the monsters from the void.

And because of these events, a grim but welcome sibling to the XCOM project is born.

(XCOM/FiM Crossover)
(Sequel to Stardust, which I recommend reading before starting this. Fortitude Amicitia and Broken aren't required reading but are supplemental to the storyline)
(Gore tag for blood and violence)
(Alternate Universe tag because of the divergence from canon that Stardust has caused)
(Uses elements of Season 4)
(Coverart produced by the amazing Carnelian!)
(Many thanks to Arzoo, BradTheBrony, Vandenbz and Setokaiva for prereading!)
(As of 03/07/2016, the prereading team consists of Arzoo, BradTheBrony, Noble Cause and Metallusionsismagic!)
(Complete with it's own TVTropes page as part of the Stardust continuity. Could use some updating!)
(Character tags will be added as chapters are added!)
(Featured 5/12/2014! Thanks folks!)
(Possible spoilers in the comments! BEWARE!)

Chapters (44)

Following the harrowing experiences of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy, Sergeant Matthew Baker prepares to lead his squad of new and old faces in the infamous Operation Market-Garden. However, they get blown a little off course along the way. Now stuck in Equestria, Baker must do his best to help the ponies, confront his past, and lead his men back home. But, one man can only do so much.

Notes: Prior knowledge of the game is not required, but would be useful.
Rated Teen for harsh language and some gore.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro.
Brothers in Arms developed by Gearbox Software and published by Ubisoft.

Chapters (16)

He was a simple sailor, sent on an expedition to explore strange new portions of the sea. Not even a week in though, disaster strikes. When a strange ooze in the water captures him he is left to die by the crew and dragged down. Now he is a monster, lost in a strange world with nothing except a thirst for vengeance.
(A League of Legends and MLP crossover)

Chapters (5)

They came to Earth in peace, all but looking for salvation. The world greeted them with open arms. The... Ponies... Were all nice and cheerful. Until... They wanted to take over the world, saying it is unfit for humanity. They attacked. They killed. They... Made humans into ponies. Humans fought back, but crumbled soon after. Except one. He fought with Queen Solar and Heaven King; Celestia and Luna's Mother and Father. He lost and was sealed in ice for two thousand years. Now he's back, and his trigger-finger is itchy for war.

BETA: Chaotic Pony

Cover Image: HeimoBauss

Chapters (6)

Stop me if you've heard this one. A depressed/angry loner goes to a costume party dressed as a movie villain and gets sucked into Equestria. Once there, he/she finds that they now have the powers and abilities of the character they were cosplaying as, and proceed to go on a violent rampage and attempt to conquer the land. Well, this story has a slight twist. See, I'm not a bad guy, just a little lonely. And the character that I decided to portray? Why, Captain America of course.

I make no claims to the copywrited characters depicted herein. All characters are property of Hasbro, DHX, Marvel Comics, or DC Comics. The cover image is property of CSImadmax on Devianart and is currently being used without permission. If asked, I will remove the image.

Well, how about that. I just made the Featured Box! 4/23/2014

Chapters (2)

Cory Powell, one of XCOM's strongest psionic soldiers, sacrificed himself to end the Ethereal invasion. While humanity celebrated the end of the war and mourned for the fallen, the Volunteer was left to his thoughts in the endless void created by the Temple Ship's destruction. It wasn't long before fate found him again in the form of a new world, virtually untouched by the horrors of war. The Ethereals, however, aren't done with humanity or the Volunteer, and they will stop at nothing to either assimilate or destroy mankind and the races of Equis.

(Inspired by Arad's absolutely amazing story, Stardust.)

Chapters (4)