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    Created by Sgtns
    - October, 2014
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Dusk Shine has been in a crazy relationship with Eris ever since she decided to crash his birthday party two years ago. Their opposing nature has made every day of their love just as exciting and unorthodox as the first day it started.

Follow Dusk Shine as he tries to keep his sanity with the girl that drives him crazy in more ways than one.

Chapters (4)

Garble's behavior towards Spike and his pony friends - despite being mimicked by his cronies - was unacceptable by the standards of the Elder dragons, and he was taken sorely to task for it. When the Elders decided an apology had to be delivered, Garble's twin sister, Garbledina, volunteered to deliver the apology. She claimed it was a sense of responsibility for her twin's behavior, but in truth she was curious about the 'runt' who so thoroughly got under his skin.

When she actually meets him, however, that curiosity quickly grows to something more. This comes as a shock to Spike and his friends...especially to a certain unicorn mare.

Cover image - cropped from the image that inspired this story - by Mr. 101.

Chapters (6)

For a thousand years Equestria was peaceful and happy... For over a thousand years Equestria was ruled by good and harmony... No more.

The time has come for them to be reminded of the true meaning of Evil. Time to crash the party. Time to crush Equestria! Time to bring back the black! To unleash the Minions of War!

The time has come for the Overlord to awaken.

Because Evil always finds a way...

Featured not even 15 hours after it came out on the 5th of April!
And for a second time on the 14th of May!
And again on the 18th of July.
And now with a LoHAV Wiki Page!

My seconds fanfiction, and once again inspired by the League of Humans Acting Villainous.

Characters and tags will be added as the story progresses.

And this is for all of you who say that the Overlord can't speak.

Chapters (6)

Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage, the man who made dozens of jutsus in his lifetime. His speed was unrivaled in his day, and his love and dedication for the Hidden Leaf Village was rivaled only by his brother's, the First Hokage. How will the legendary Second Hokage fare when what he cares about most is forever out of his reach? Will he find a new reason to live?

Beginning inspired by HiE - A Hollow in Equestria

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any rights to the art or story concepts of Naruto or MLP, the credit goes to the respective owners of both franchises.

Chapters (4)

So, I accepted an invitation from a first cousin, once removed. It seemed like a sweet deal at the time, I mean, there were these conventions I wanted to go and he so graciously offered me a place to stay! Alright, so I had to share a room with my brothers, but I had the first convention all for myself! Plenty of cash to spend, and my costume was really easy to make!

Naturally, I spent all of the money that didn't go into my costume on everything that caught my fancy.

I should have left that table alone.

Now? Now... I am not as mad at Celestia as I could have been, as I should have been, all things considered. I can't help but let it be smoke in the wind.

It's in my nature.

And she... she knew there was a chance it would happen.

I'm so sorry, Wind Whistler. It was my fault.

DJSkywalker has been contributing so much, I'm officially adding Dj as a co-author.

Chapters (56)

I used to live on a place called Earth, where things were pretty reasonable. I had a job, I went to school, and life was pretty much normal.

After a night of revisiting Resident Evil 3: Nemesis with my friend, we got an idea. Comic Con was coming up, why not go as one of the most feared things in gaming history? A few days pass and bam, I'm decked out in Nemesis' signature overcoat/power limiter with the look to match. Damn shame we didn't have the time to make his signature rocket launcher though...

As luck would have it, a merchant behind one of the stalls had a perfect replica. I really shouldn't have taken that thing...

Yet another character in the League of Humans Acting Villanous. I know it's late. Forgive me.

Inspired by stories like
Headless, not Heartless


The Rise of Darth Vulcan

Also, rated teen for language and violence.

Editing done by Doccular42 and Salacar

Chapters (15)

When Dipper and Mabel find a magical portal to Equestria they meet the mane 6 and they all soon become friends. But trouble brews when the eight new friends must now join forces to stop Trixie and Gideon from taking over all of Equestria and Discord from making Gravity Falls into his own playground. These friends will need much more then just luck...they'll need friendship.

The time this story takes place is between the second and third season, so stuff like Trixie's and Twilight's battle, Discord being reformed, and Twilight becoming a princess has yet to happen.

Cover Art by: TheUltraVioletS on DeviantART

Chapters (11)

Story is Cancelled, but a better one is up in the Sequel Box to the right!

The Militia recently suffered one of their greatest losses at the hands of the IMC, and nearly lost an entire battlegroup. However, one Destroyer damaged it's warp drive, and was sent deep into uncharted territory. Along with it, one of their best Pilots, Joshua, went along for the ride. Haunted by his mistakes in the IMC Pilot seats, he vowed to do right by his new position, and that includes helping whoever needs him, whether they be former IMC, hardcore Militia, or even talking magical ponies, as they begin to battle across Equestria, fighting to help maintain one form of peace where theirs had previously failed. Assisted by the Destroyer, known as Horizon, Joshua will lead the Equestrians through war against all of their known enemies, and help to find his own salvation among the alien populace.

I do not know if there is anything at all written anywhere about the technologies of the ships or anything about the characters (if there are any) in Titanfall, so it's mostly assumptions from other EA titles, and what I believe may have happened in the background of the Campaign.

Original characters used, so warning about that, and maybe a little bit jumpy here and there, but this is the first time I've taken on Titanfall, and what I find best to use, so there.

Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!

Currently Undergoing Rewrite

Titanfall is owned by EA and Respawn Entertainment.
I own and regret nothing.

Chapters (18)

When a very mysterious book with no name or author ends up in Twilight's possession, it opens up the possibility to explore past the boundaries of Equestria and the universe. Eager to make new discoveries, Twilight gathers her friends for what's sure to be an amazing journey exploring the realms unknown to ponykind. As the first volunteer and traveler beyond the reaches of Equestria, Applejack quickly learns that not every place is safe as she finds herself trapped on the USG Ishimura. With the help of Twilight, her own skill, and a few unlikely allies, Applejack fights to survive the nightmare she wasn't prepared to face, but can she make it back home alive?

Rated T for Mature: Adult Language & Gore
Coverart found here.

Chapters (0)

When a six year old human boy is transported to Equestria by accident, he will need a home. Everyone needs shelter, protection and love to live a happy life, but who could love a predator from another world? Luckily for young Chris, somepony steps up to the plate.

Cover art by akumamattata Deviant Art
Re-imagined by Hunterhd1
Edited by Dream Seeker
Read by Leonexus Random

Chapters (59)