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This story is a sequel to Best Pegasus

I watched Legend Of Everfree today. I had heard one spoiler for it, which turned out to be completely false. But when I heard that spoiler, this is the scene I imagined. I was sad the film proved it untrue, so I wrote it down. This is the post-credits stinger scene I dreamed of.

Of course, I then remembered the thousand-word minimum limit, so I had to add another scene first, based on my last holiday with friends, which made quite a happy epilogue in itself, to then be followed by the cliffhanger.

Spoiler warnings: I don't think there are any spoilers in here for Legend Of Everfree that you wouldn't be able to guess just from that film's title and summer camp premise. I think I'd have written this story exactly the same even before seeing the film. The only potential spoiler is confirmation by omission - what happens in this story does not happen in the film, so it's a spoiler to be able to rule these events out. Sorry, I wish they had happened, and rendered this unnecessary, but they didn't.

This story and Best Pegasus have no characters or events in common, but both serve as prequels to Haunted Wasteland if you want them to. They don't have to, though, as all three function as standalone stories, and no knowledge of the others is required.

Also, this has nothing whatsoever to do with The Jungle Book, I just liked the pun title. And a big shout out to CGPH - I can't quite 'thank' him for the (false) spoiler, but this story definitely wouldn't exist without it, so it's all good.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to "So Aria, How Are You Paying Our Bills?"

Adagio Dazzle had been thinking how to get back her powers back, but nothing seemed to work. She then went to Canterlot High to observe the students, but availed to nothing. Feeling irritated, she accidentally triggered the magic gem piece that once a part of her, turning her into a child.

How would she ever turn back to her normal size?

Nicely edited by SudokuBrony.
Superbly proofread by Koekelbag

Inspired by this image.

Want more shorts on EQG? Check out my the other Equestria Girls one shots!

Chapters (1)

Weeks after defeat, the sirens known to many as the Dazzlings lost their magical voice. Adagio became depressed, Aria shut herself from the world, and Sonata just did what she could.

Adagio used to pay for everything, but ever since that fateful encounter, she was simply too depressed. Sonata thought she could do it, but suddenly, Aria was paying for everything.

Sonata wondered; where is she getting all the money?

Now has a sequel! “Whoa Adagio, Why are You So Small?”

Wonderfully edited by Level Dasher.

Want more shorts on EQG? Check out my the other Equestria Girls one shots!

Chapters (1)

During an otherwise ordinary bus ride on the way back from the Friendship Games, Indigo Zap and her friends reflect upon what they have seen and experienced.

Until one of them has an unsettling realization about the very moral fibre of their characters.

Rated Teen for mature language.
Special Thanks to SolidFire for his editing work.
Cover image by the talented Uotapo
Story inspired by the works of Mitchell and Webb

Chapters (1)

Midnight Sparkle appears one last time in Twilight's dream, not to antagonize her, rather to just talk and clear things up.

Chapters (1)

Join Soarin' as he tries to express his feelings for a certain rainbow haired tomboy.

Chapters (1)

When Midnight Sparkle shattered reality in her mad desire to understand everything about magic, Daydream Shimmer was able to reverse most of the damage.

But not all of it.

Weeks later, Sunset Shimmer and her friends find themselves dealing with some annoying magical pests from Equestria that are running wild all over CHS.

Commissioned through Patreon. Find out how you can commission a story today!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shadowbolts Adventures: The Shadows of Nightmare Night

Every day Twilight Sparkle takes a bus from the big city to her new school in Canterlot, but she has started to notice she somehow caught the eye of a strange man who watches her day after day. Starting to freak out, Twilight confesses to Indigo Zap, who decides to teach Twilight to defend herself if the worst should happen.

Special thanks to Bootsy Slickmane for pre-reading, and his absolutely awesome cover art.

Chapters (1)

Lemon Zest is on her way to a friend's house when she runs into another girl lost in her headphones from her rival school Canterlot High... but do they really have to be enemies?

Special thanks to Bootsy Slickmane for his slick cover art.

Chapters (1)

As the Hearth's Warming season approaches, even Sunset Shimmer is affected by the season of love and friendship. When she speaks one-on-one with Flash Sentry for the first time and they go out on the town, they end up sharing a cold night together that soon turns hot and reminds her that she wasn't always alone.

Chapters (1)