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Rumble needs somepony to help him train for an upcoming race. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are having an argument over Dash’s training style, resulting in Fluttershy agreeing to train Rumble.

But can Fluttershy's kinder approach get the results needed to help Rumble?

Chapters (1)

After over a month of trying and failing to acquire a cutie mark, Pipsqueak is antsy in trying anything to get to it while Rumble isn't too bothered. What both colts don't know is that there are some talents that are guided by fate rather than random tasks. And fate is about to hit them like a freight train.

Well maybe not that hard, but it's gonna hit.

Based loosely on episode 7.21. And by loosely I mean pretty much fully. Except maybe geographically.

Chapters (1)

The Friendship Festival turned into a celebration of the defeat of the Storm King, and things are getting interesting. Capper and Celaeno are trying to drink each other under the table. Queen Novo and Princess Celestia are reopening trade negotiations, with Skystar and Twilight doing their best to help and one of the Storm King's Mooks can only wonder what do with his life.

It's going to be a long night.

Chapters (1)

Equestria has been saved, all the important ponies have been saved, and through all of that the changelings have been reformed. With the exception of one.

As all the ponies escaped from their cocoon prisons they all see that the battle wasn't over yet once Chrysalis emerges from the rubble of her destroyed throne. They were all getting ready for the final showdown and put an end to evil tyrant's ways, however, once she emerged they all saw that something bad has happened.

Apparently the explosion the love from all the reformed changelings has caused was too much for Chrysalis to handle and in doing so caused the former queen to develop amnesia. Absolutely no memory of anything not even her own name.

Starlight Glimmer, however, sees this as an opportunity to make a new friend and she's willing to take the risk.

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of The Washouts, rebellious former Wonderbolt cadet Lightning Dust is feeling a bit worse for wear. Can a visit from her old colleague Rainbow Dash lift her spirits at all?

Well, let's find out.

SPOILERS for those who haven't seen the latest episodes.

Chapters (1)

After hearing Sunburst and Starlight's news, Tempest is reminded about a dark era in her past.

Chapters (2)

Cloudchaser, Raindrops, and Thunderlane are three ponies with problems. Cloudchaser's problem is that she thinks Raindrops is stealing Thunderlane from her, and she must win him back. Raindrops's problem is that she likes Thunderlane, but she isn't sure about how to express her feelings, or even if she should.

And Thunderlane's problem? He's completely oblivious to the fact that his family friend and his wingpony are courting him at the same time. In fact, none of these pegasi really know what the others are truly thinking. And unless one of them gets a clue soon, it's gonna be pretty awkward for all involved.

Oh, and just to make things even more complicated, Flitter and Derpy are helping CC and Rainy in their endeavors. Guess which one is doing so against her will.

Partly inspired by the Eric Clapton song, and partly inspired by an inside joke. Special shout-out to xjuggernaughtx and statoose. They know why.

Chapters (15)

It turns out, the changeling invasion of Canterlot was very...improvised.

Chapters (2)

Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice is a pattern.

Filthy Rich knows this pattern. The delicious smells of freshly baked eggs, cheese and pastry tell him that something has gone terribly wrong, and he can't help the feeling Diamond's note has something to do with it.

Patterns are made to be broken. It's high time for a talk.

A side story in direct continuity with The Silver Standard and What Riches Still Await. Familiarity is highly recommended, but not required.

Chapters (1)

It's Family Appreciation Day once again, and Scootaloo's aunts/parents are making their long awaited debut. Unfortunately, their arrival coincides with Filthy and Spoiled Rich's presentation and, well...

Read it, and find out.

Cover image belongs to the talented Pixelkitties[

FEATURED FROM 14/10/17 TO 17/10/17

Chapters (1)