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(Semi-sequel to The Diamond and The Apple, though it's not required for you to read that to understand this fic. Story idea suggested by Osakayumu. Proofread by Smity1038 on DeviantArt. Proofread and edited by deadpansnarker on FiMFiction.)

Hearth's Warming, truly a most pointless holiday, at least as far as Spoiled Rich sees it. The rich mare sees it as nothing but a waste of time that could be better spent doing almost anything else. And she's the only one in all of Equestria who thinks that way.

However, on this particular Hearth's Warming Eve, Spoiled is about to have an out of this world experience. For a few "spirits" will be stopping by in the hopes of teaching her a lesson, not only about the holiday, but about herself.

Together, they'll delve into Spoiled's past, present, and future, digging up memories Spoiled herself has long forgotten. And realities she's ignored or payed little attention to over the years.

But will they be able to pin down just why Spoiled hates Hearth's Warming so much? And can they do the impossible and get Spoiled to change her ways (or at least make amends)?

Chapters (1)

Spoiled and Filthy Rich are so over. Witness the joy. Savour the moment. Start saving your money again. Before all that though, a final moving send-off for the lady herself. Enjoy!

Will probably never be canon... but you never know, right?

A sort-of sequel to Filthy Rich Gets Divorced! (Almost) , but definitely able to be read without seeing the original.

Chapters (1)

Even though it's only been days since the Storm King's invasion of Equestria, Tempest has now been tasked to start learning about friendship. After an encounter with Starlight Glimmer, she joins the Reformed Unicorn Mares group. Surely interacting with a few ponies can't be too hard, right?

Thanks again to AShadowOfCygnus for editing.

Cover art is Where's the Rum? by DocWario.

Chapters (1)

During this year's Hearth's Warming party at Twilight's castle, Trixie is enjoying lounging by the fire, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders ask to hear a story. So, Trixie decides it's the perfect time to tell them about the time she saved Hearth's Warming.

Thanks to Csquared and ferret for pre-reading and suggestions.

Chapters (1)

When Chrysalis, former queen of the changelings, is finally found, it seems something strange has happened to her. The once proud and noble queen now has cats. A lot of cats.

(An idea based off of a brief conversation with YuGiOh Brony in the comments of A Changeling at the Breakfast Table. However, the two stories are in no way connected. So while I might encourage others to read it as a way to shamelessly plug myself, there is no need to in order to enjoy this story.)

(Now with a dramatic reading: here)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is having another baby... and the delivery isn't going that fine. In order to make sure their first daughter, Fire Swift, not to worry too much (and him as well), Soarin tells her how they fell in love and the disaster that almost happened on the day of their wedding.

Warning! Contains small spoilers from The Movie

Cover art by Kikirdcz

Chapters (1)

What do you get when Twilight finds a thing that has never been categorized in any book?


Chapters (1)

Realizing the position they're in, the changelings decide on a different plan than the one their queen's giving.

Author's idearz: Some credit goes to this person. They did a thing and I decided to do another thing they did by basing it on the thing with this thing while they did their thing...

Chapters (1)

Two minor villains, two heinous crimes, one cramped cell, and one very nerdy pony out to prove she can work friendship's magic too.
But will Spoiled Rich and Lightning Dust actually learn the value of friendship? Whatever happens, Moondancer's sure it will make an excellent case study and that she can deal with the ethics board.

Takes place sometime after The Washouts.

Warning: While not directly shown, rape will be a major theme.

Chapters (7)

Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich are having a party off in order to decide who is the best party pony in Equestria. A competition Maud Pie joins, with the intent of winning.

Chapters (1)