• Member Since 21st Mar, 2013


May the floss be with you.

Favourites 272 stories
  • Favourites 272 stories - 1441 unread chapters
    Created by Normal
    - October, 2014
Found 217 stories in 65ms

Total Words: 10,703,838
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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The law exists to protect Equestrian citizens, and must be enacted in a fair and even manner. Prince Blueblood knows this; he's accepted punishment for his numerous minor disturbances of the Equestrian legal system, without ever trying to slip out of it.

Fluttershy is in violation the law. Ergo, she must be brought to justice. That's just logic.

Now if only he can get the captain of the guard and his annoyingly lackidasial aunt to cooperate...

Made for the eighth FTP competition. Cover art by hwaho.

Chapters (1)

A thousand years after the Princesses disappeared from Equestria, Twilight Sparkle meets a lost Cloudsdale scout named Rainbow Dash. Together they look for a way to end the thousand-year night and dispel the darkness that has spread across Equestria.

Edited by Pascoite
Contains fairly mild grim-dark. Inspiration taken from the Dark Souls games, but it's not strictly a crossover.
Chapters titled "Arc #: Chapter Name" are part of the main story. Chapters titled "Character: Chapter Name" are one-shots about other characters, set in the same world, and aren't necessary in order to follow the main story.

Chapters (10)

Marigold Medley had always been excited to follow in the footsteps of her sister, Sour Sweet, and attend her first year at Crystal Prep Academy. But with the Friendship Games approaching, something seems off. No one's talking about the Games. There's no buzz of excitement in the halls. It's as if no one at Crystal Prep cares about the biggest sporting event of their high school careers.

Getting her classmates psyched for the Friendship Games may be a tall order, but it's one Mari is willing to tackle, with some help from her friends, of course. If only her shoes didn't keep getting in the way...

Featured by The Royal Guard!

Chapters (1)

Fresh cookies are a great start to a summer afternoon, and an unexpected surprise makes things even better. What's a little filly to do, though, when the best foalsitter ever is running late, her BBBFF starts acting funny, and her house is filled with molten rock?

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer watches Frozen and really enjoys it. Her friends don't quite understand her new obsession.

This story is a birthday present for MLPFan234. If you liked it, you should also check out her SunLight story Practice which is awesome sauce.

Featured Box, 13 Nov 2015!

Chapters (1)

[invalid integer] years after the events of the show, one pony wanders the decrepit streets of Canterlot, with only her memories for company.

Warning: contains Sweetie Bot!

Primary Cast: Sweetie Belle
Secondary Cast: Twilight, Discord, Celestia, Rarity, Spike, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo

Chapters (6)

This story started with a single realization. The voice actor for both Snails and Ranma happened to be the same person.

Snails 1/2 is a Ranma 1/2 spoof. Not actually a crossover, this is the story of Snails dealing with a Jusenkyo style curse. When hit with cold water he... becomes a filly. As if that wasn't horrifying enough, he quickly finds himself caught between rivalries, forced into competitions, and now he feels like he is developing a severe phobia of water.

With artwork by Alkarasu and edited by Swyrl, this is a story made as a pure slice of life comedy in the style of anime.

For the continuing story, join us in Snails 1/2:The Perfect Stallion

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to The Monster in the Twilight

Now that Luna has returned to the throne, and the aftermath of her brief appearance as Nightmare Moon is being cleaned up, the story is over. Right?

Not quite.

Twilight Sparkle had nearly been destroyed in the chaos of Nightmare Moon’s return, but now with the assistance of her five friends, she is facing a fascinating new world filled with wonderful things. No longer the scarred monster who nearly destroyed Canterlot and raged through the Everfree Forest for over a decade, now she has been healed by the Elements of Harmony and is living at the edge of town with her adoptive mother Zecora. Not all the fears of her past can be left behind that easily though, and now she must face the consequences of her actions as she faces the most daunting challenge of her life.


Letters is a sequel to the alternate universe story The Monster in the Twilight. In this story, Twilight Sparkle exchanges letters with Princess Luna, two ponies with a common problem of fitting in and making friends after the destruction of Nightmare Moon.

Normally I would try to talk you into reading the sequel even if you haven’t read the original story, but in this case, you’ll probably be more confused than entertained. But go ahead. I don’t mind if you don’t read the first story. You’ll never find out what an Urlock is, but that’s fine. It’s your funeral.

Editing Assistance by Alicorn Priest, Peter and Tek

Credit for the incredible picture All Night Study Group goes to Bibliodragon at Deviantart

Physical books are available on Lulu.com (up to Chapter 82)
Letters From a Little Princess Monster (Paperback) 726 pages
Letters From a Little Princess Monster (Massive Hardback) 780 pages

Chapters (99)

He's a semi-omniscient four-legged reptile of action
This goofy little gator will never flinch from the fray
He's got more than just his disguise,
He's got a pair of big walleyes
And whenever you're near him, you'll always hear him say:
He's Gummy!
Gummy the Gator!

Now with live reading by ZeusMacD.

This is a one-shot. It will never be any more than a one-shot I couldn't get out of my head

This is also partly a tribute to the greatest show Disney ever produced, Phineas & Ferb. I was doing some idle searching, and found that the show recently ended, wrapping up six years on air. I wish Swampy and Povenmire good luck in their future endeavors.

Chapters (1)

As part of her search for somepony to assist her with legal matters, Twilight spends most of her time interviewing potential candidates. When this results in her neglecting her friends, Rarity decides to take matters into her own hooves.

By which she means getting a job interview with Twilight and acting as unprofessionally as possible.

I regret nothing.

Written after my friend The-Chibster asked me to 'RariTwi' this wonderful comic by Accordingtodevin. Cover art was done by my partner in raritwi crime, ArcticWaters.

Chapters (1)