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Hearth's Warming Eve has come once again, which means fun in the snow, warm food, and spending time with family. At least, that's what it means for most ponies. For Scootaloo it means a day off from crusading, loneliness, and the coldest night of the year. When Discord begins to whisper to her from his stone prison, she questions the beliefs held by many. What was so great about Harmony? What could be so bad about a world where chocolate milk fell from the sky?

Thanks to The Band Brony, Gsppcrocks10, Inkscrawler, TheBuggiest, and minjask6572 for help with editing. Thanks to SStwins for the awesome cover art.

Now with its own TV Tropes Page!

Chapters (22)

Twilight Sparkle has every intention of crawling in to her freshly cleaned bed sheets.

So why is it so hard to get there?

Chapters (1)

After GLaDOS is uploaded into a potato battery, Wheatley humiliates the AI even further by uploading her into a project that was abandoned by Aperture a long time ago. In the blink of an eye, she finds herself in a deformed body of flesh and bone that resembles an equine, and is just as powerless as one too. It comes with all of its needs and bodily functions as well. To make matters worse, she's trapped in a land full of insufferable creatures that just want to make 'friends.' Will GLaDOS' cold, sadistic sense of humor and morals get the better of the ponies? Or will they peel away the once artificial being's metallic shell and find that there's a softer side? Probably not, but it's worth a try.

Story Theme: Tyler Bates - I Love You (Watchmen OST)

Thanks to Meeester, MrJoshy, and funkyferret for proofreading/reviewing.

Cover by Fedte16.

Chapters (16)

Twilight Sparkle flagrantly abuses her Come-To-Life spell, and learns a little bit about love in the process. Also, puns.

Now with actual cover art, thanks to the generous SuddenlyFerrets!

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (2)

Mood Wings - Observations on Pegasus Body Language.

When Twilight Sparkle finds this book, she discovers an entirely new field of research. The secrets of pegasus wings lie before her, and she insists on making her own observations on the matter.


Field research, of course.

Chapters (1)

Two months have passed since House faked his death to avoid prison and spend time with his best friend, Wilson. Together they have traveled the United States doing whatever it is Wilson wishes to do before he dies from terminal cancer.

The most recent decision was to go to Trentville, a small town with little to offer the pair, apart from an unbeatable drinking challenge.

After successfully completing the challenge House and Wilson pass out in an an alleyway behind the pub, only to wake up in rather different land.

How will House cope in a land that is filled with ideas he believes to be moronic, where kindness and friendship roam free. More importantly, how will Equestria cope with House's cold, hard, cynical logic? Also how will Wilson cope living in a land filled with ideals he has tried to convince House of his whole life?

Chapters (17)

It seemed like it was going to be a perfect morning for Twilight, until she realized she had woken up with Rarity and Rainbow Dash, tenderly cuddling next to her on the bed. Just what the hay happened last night? And why do they keep calling Twilight 'mistress'?

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia will at last get a taste of Twilight Sparkle. No, not in that way! The whole Elemental Harmony Squad is involved... no, still not in that way!

Popsicles will be prominently involved... and again, not in a naughty way. The only naughty pony here is Luna.

Chapters (1)

In the far north, where changelings live, change begins -- a single changeling breaks out of the collective mind, becoming an individual. The story follows the life and adventures of Chip -- a changeling that will bring upon a new era in the Hive.

Awesome image made by Foxena!

Chapters (80)

While helping Twilight rearrange her lab, Spike comes across a magical powder that changes him into a pony! While Twilight tries to find an antidote, pony Spike has some adventures of his own.

(Originally posted (part 1, at least) to EqD in May 2011. I'd run across a ponified Spike picture and suddenly got an urge to write it. Another story that I tried to make seem like a viable episode)

NOTE: This story takes place in the same continuity as Appleshy, Sparkle Kitten, Trixie's Great and Powerful Revenge, and Tragic Magic. It takes place chronologically after all of those except Tragic Magic. The other stories are not required reading to fully enjoy this story (though feel free to read them anyway!), but there are one or two elements that call back to Sparkle Kitten in particular.

Chapters (6)