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  • Favourites 208 stories - 1693 unread chapters
    Created by Ziore
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 18,021,853
Estimated Reading: 7 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Wanderings of a Non-Brony

After the six year journey around the planet in Wanderings of a Non-Brony, The human TD Harrison Powell finds himself in Equestria for good. He sees no choice but to settle down in Ponyville, ready to live the rest of his life as best as he can.

This is his life.

Edited by Marioland1 and Strike89

Chapters (56)

Conjuration is a lost art in Equestria. Celestia is bored, and decides to learn some summoning spells. She summons an otherworldy creature, but will it be anything like what she expects? A non adventurous HiE. Mostly just learning about interactions. I'm just gonna roll with it, and add tags an ratings as the story unfolds.

Chapters (25)

Twilight Sparkle has disappeared. Not just from the face of Equestria but possibly from the face of her universe itself. She must now learn how to survive in a place unlike anything which she has experienced thus far. Luckily she has a friend out in the Wasteland. Join Twilight and The Lone Wanderer as they try and discover a way to send Twilight back to Equestria. Of course this is the Wasteland and things are never as simple as they appear...

Now has a Tumblr

Chapters (35)

Spike has always considered Ponyville his home, and has always held Rarity a special place in his heart. That is, until a group of dragons showed up after years of looking for him. After meeting his real family and hearing why he was brought into the ponies' care, he starts to rethink his old thoughts.

Now he only has a week to make a decision: either stay with the ponies who loved and cared for him most of his life, or go with the dragons and finally be with his real family. The decision would have been all so clear...

...if there wasn't another factor in the equation.

Much love to those who oversaw the story:

Pre-Readers: Skeeter the Lurker & Mr101
Editors: The Abyss & Man_Demon

Chapters (3)

A Spartan of the UNSC falls into Equestria and has various shenanigans in the land. First chapters revolve around how he meets the royalty, the mane six, and the new world in general.

Chapters (18)

WARNING! This is a terrible sequel to a terrible fic! DO NOT READ!

2 years after the events of Monster, Nightshade is a national hero, much like the mane 6 themselves. Lyra still hasn't forgiven herself for what she did, and Fluttershy is trying to cope with the loss. When Discord breaks out, what will happen to Equestria? How will the mane 6 react? And what does any of this have to do with our stone imprisoned hero?
Firebolt is a fan character, winner of the cover art contest, by virtue of being the only entry, even though I ended up making the art myself. By 'making' I mean novice photoshop using paint. The cover art for this story, I also stole images from the web, and paint shopped them, although I have to say for my nonexistent art skills, it looks pretty good.

Warning: This fic will contain heavy Fluttershy shipping, and some more innuendo (because we all had soooo much fun with that in the last story) but once again, NO SEX, It's in the side fic, Ascended 'Clop' The URL is below.


Chapters (30)

A human wakes up to find that not only has he been altered in species and gender, but that he has also landed halfway across the world from Equestria, in an unfamiliar land.

This is not that story. Not yet, anyway.

A decade in passing and Kaz has gained a reputation as a member of a well-known group of explorers traveling the world. Not once have they set foot on Equestrian soil, and she was content to keep it that way, for her appearance would bring about unwanted attention from a few certain ponies and one certain baby dragon. So what happens when the rest of the group hears of unbelievable tales of Equestria, and decide that it's time they paid a visit?

An impending disaster, that's what.

Chapters (3)

After GLaDOS is uploaded into a potato battery, Wheatley humiliates the AI even further by uploading her into a project that was abandoned by Aperture a long time ago. In the blink of an eye, she finds herself in a deformed body of flesh and bone that resembles an equine, and is just as powerless as one too. It comes with all of its needs and bodily functions as well. To make matters worse, she's trapped in a land full of insufferable creatures that just want to make 'friends.' Will GLaDOS' cold, sadistic sense of humor and morals get the better of the ponies? Or will they peel away the once artificial being's metallic shell and find that there's a softer side? Probably not, but it's worth a try.

Story Theme: Tyler Bates - I Love You (Watchmen OST)

Thanks to Meeester, MrJoshy, and funkyferret for proofreading/reviewing.

Cover by Fedte16.

Chapters (16)

Discord has given up. Defeated so easily? It's time to retire. But he can't just leave Equestria without chaos can he? So he selects a random human to take up his mantle and to create a new reign of chaos.

Can this human manage new powers? Will he go mad or he will he end up as a statue for foals to gawk at? Is there a third option? Not very likely but with this much power he's going to try his best to create chaos and harmony at the same time.

Link to the picture I used: http://karzahnii.deviantart.com/art/Discord-s-Game-322137800%0A

I do promise to try and keep this light hearted and relatively comedic. Oh right I wrote this in response to the 50 000 word pony story contest. I failed horribly but I thought I'd post what I've got up here. I do plan on finishing this and it being around 50 000 words in the end.

A little warning for you in that the prologue is written very differently then the rest of the story. Also it is mostly unnecessary if you want to skip it altogether. The other thing I promise is that the romance is between ponies only and ponies that appear in the show.

Chapters (15)

Taking a short cut across the beach was a bad idea during hurricane season. One arrived without warning, and Gray spotted a sturdy looking shed, he sprinted towards it for cover. But then a powerful wind swept him up...

....Princess Celestia looked out the window from her throne at the heavy storm. She went back to her paperwork, which was blown from the table by an unseen wind. There was a flash and a silhouette flew through the air, rolling to a stop at the bottom of her dais...

Okay, so this one isn't my idea. I am being give them, and am fleshing them out. This one, for once, will be proof read/edited by KnightFlower. Mainly because he's the one given me the ideas and he asked me to write it for him. Didn't think I was that good at writing! If you want to add this to a group, can you please ask me first? Thank you.

No, that does not mean I'll be doing other requests, at the moment. Dark tag added for some small bits.

Chapters (23)