
As a teenage pony, travel you back and forth in time in order to save Equestria from a devastating future, while also learning how to accept the magic of friendship and leave behind a painful past.

2nd POV story in which your OC is the main character. Each chapter will have three alternatives based on your OC's pony race. References to the OC will be gender neutral in writing.

The story takes place in the same universe as "Apostle", though little to no spoilers will be present.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Mother Knows Best

After being turned back into a young colt, Sombra is tasked to keep an eye on Mother's new creation in someplace called... Ponyville and manipulate her to become evil.

However, that is easier said than done as it turns out the mission would be quite hard for Sombra to complete.

Would Sombra turn Umbré evil, or would Umbré turn Sombra good?

The romance does not come until much, much, much later

(I was going to use the title Umbré and Sombra's Epic Adventures, but the more I thought of it, the more I didn't like it)

Chapters (5)

Scrapping this as theres enough inconsustencies would need rewrites

Chapters (18)

Sombra is just minding his own business, when suddenly his old pal Flurry Heart is at his door, and her parents are nowhere to be seen… . Considering the fact that they both know the answer, they’ve just accepted it for now, and decided; “eh… . What’s the harm… ?” Oh how they couldn’t be more right… .

Will Sombra be able to keep Flurry Heart out of trouble till her parents return? Or will they both experience far worse than a late pickup time… ? Only one way to find out… .

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to A New Dynasty

The Crystal Empire has cut all ties with Equestria as a result of the banishment of Princess Twilight. The retired Royal Sisters speak the Crystal Empire's royal family. The Crystal Empire's royal family speak to a lost family member. And Discord speaks to someone else.

Chapters (1)

Babysitting fillies isn't for fluttershy. She should stick to woodland creatures.

Chapters (3)

Princess Luna is all too familiar with feeling inadequate, but she never really thought her experiences with feeling overshadowed by Celestia would ever help anyone else. Her thoughts prove to be untrue when she realizes that she is a major role model and positive influence for Princess Cadance and Shining Armor’s youngest daughter, her beloved great-niece, Princess Skyla. The filly adores and idolizes Luna, who is more than happy to take Skyla under her wing.

While Flurry Heart is the heir to the Crystal Empire and has all the support she needs, Skyla is often unintentionally neglected by her parents, so she considers Luna to be more of a second mother to her than an aunt. Whenever Skyla feels alone, needs advice, or just needs somepony to talk to, she runs to Luna, who will be her defining influence as she grows up.

Chapters (2)

Darian Frey is the best pirate in all of Cyrodiil, at least according to himself. After visiting Atmora, fighting off a vampire invasion, blowing up a Dwemer city and destroying the Awakener Cult, he started to run out of things to do.

Far away from the coast of Tamriel, the leader of the mysterious unicorns of Sun Tower learns about a threat that could spell doom to everycreature. To prevent it, she begins looking for an adventurer that might be daring enough to go to the place that most call the Dreadlands, that Ponies call the Old Country and that ancient texts call Equestria…

Crossover between MLP:FiM and Tales of the Ketty Jay (with a few other fandoms and ideas thrown in).

Chapters (15)

As you might’ve known; Flurry Heart is four years old. And yet… she’s still in diapers.

So… ; since she’s still in diapers as a four year old; you’d probably think that she’ll get some help; right? Well… ; she did… . But the pony who’s helping her is… not so helpful… .

Regardless; will that pony succeed… ? Or will this pony not be so helpful as mentioned… ? Only one way to find out… .

Chapters (5)

Princess Twilight and Sunset Shimmer try to connect their two worlds but later unleashing new power of destruction of magic flooding into the new magical universe

Chapters (3)