• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 1,457 Views, 38 Comments

My Story - Richer19

My first FF on this site and it is a HiE story so that makes it so original. Rated T at the time.

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Prologue A Weird Program

Hello everyone to my first chapter of my first story on this site. I’ve come across a rather annoying writer’s block on my other stories so I decided to try over here and see what happens. For your information, I do not consider myself to be a talented writer. I merely write as a way to relax after a hard day. If you have any comments or suggestions to improve my writing, I would be happy to hear them and if you want to view my other work, you can check out my Fan Fiction profile. Well…that’s enough of my rambling, time to get this party started.

A Weird Program

Canterlot Castle P.T.I.S Room

The door slowly opened creating a small groan caused by years of unused. Such a noise would deter anypony from entering the room but this pony was on a mission and he was determined to see it through. The pony inside and closed the door before reaching out to flip a switch which would activate the equipment. The male could hear the groaning of unknown parts as the lights slowly started to come on, shining the room and the pony in a pale yellow light.

The pony was a male due to his body build but he was wearing a full set of armor that made it almost impossible to distingue his other features. He started to make his way towards the center of the room the armor striking the cold stone floor causing the noise to vibrate in the room.

The pony was making his way towards what appeared to be a large sphere but the truth was that it was actually the P.T.I.S. The pony was unsure as to what the acronym meant. All he needed to know was that this device has the answers that he needed.

The pony reached the center and sat down on the chair. His gaze fell onto the black screen with one word displayed reading “Command…” The pony picked up the headset that was lying on the desk and place it on his head after removing his helmet. After adjusting the device, he spoke in a monotone voice “Search Moonsaber.”

The device emitted a small groan as the machine started to search through the record. The process felt slow for the pony but the truth was that it only last for about five minutes before a line of text appeared on the screen that read “Classified Information. Denied Access.”

The pony gave a small growl of anger and replied “Command override, Access classified information. Override code ‘Eternal Night’” However the device still denied the pony access but now it added a new line of text below which said “Searching for Pony with Access…”
Earth, Dorm Room 402

My name is Richard Eldridge. I am currently a college student who is studying for a videogame design degree and for all intense it is going rather well. I was currently living on campus as I needed practice living on my own even though my house is only thirty minutes away from the college.

I stepped into my room after a hard day of school and put my backpack next to my bed and sat down in front of my laptop. I knew I had homework that needed to get done but there was something that has caught my attention like a plague, but it was a plague that I would be more than happy to get again and again. For you see, I was in fact a brony and had fallen to enjoy watching a show about ponies. For the most part, I kept it to myself which was easy for me since I was not a very outgoing person and the fact that I lived by myself in my dorm room.

I turned on my laptop and pulled up the internet and started to look through devinart and equestria daily to see if there was any new art or information that strike my attention. Seeing that there was nothing, I decided to get started on my homework but the slight grumbling of my stomach let me know that it was time for lunch.

“I better get something to eat first” I thought to myself before leaving my desk and heading out to grab a bit. What I didn’t notice was my laptop picking up a new wireless signal and the download progress bar that had appeared the moment I left my dorm room.
Canterlot Castle P.T.I.S Room

The screen now had a new line of text which read “Pony Found. Waiting for Transport.” “Wait…What!” The pony said in a surprised tone and tried to prevent whatever was going on but no matter what he tried, the device would continue to show that single line. Feeling like he had made some kind of mistake, the pony quickly pulled the headphones off and made a beeline out of the room, leaving the device to finish whatever the pony had cause.
Earth Dorm Room 402

I walked back into my room after eating lunch determined to get started on my homework and not be distracted by ponies. However, I had to give a small chuckle to myself as I remembered how many times I said that before and how many times I was unable to uphold that promise. However, this time, it was not going to be ponies that distracted me from work this time.

I saw on my laptop that it had just finished downloading something which confused my since I never had it download anything before I left to get lunch. I tried to figure out what it had downloaded but whatever it was, it was not located on my hard drive at all. The only thing I could see was a button that had the words “Activate Program”
Thinking that there was nothing to worry about, I decided to click on the button. It was at that moment that my laptop started to make some strange noises that I didn’t think a computer were capable of making. Fearing that my computer might blow up or something, I started to back away and headed for the door but before I could make it, a rainbow colored vacuum suddenly burst out of my computer screen and started sucking. What was strange was that the only thing it appeared to be affecting was I. I tried to grab onto to something to hold on but I was not that very strong and it was not long before I was flung through the vacuum.

What I didn’t know at the time, but the moment I was through the vacuum. The vacuum collapsed on itself before exploding in a massive sonic rainboom. As the rainboom expanded around the world, it started to affect every person that I ever knew or had known about me and deleted me from their mind. Ten seconds later, no one would know the person Richard Eldridge.

I would have a new life and a second chance to make something of myself.
This is probably totally unoriginal way of doing this but I like it and I hope you all will enjoy this. Let me know how this chapter was and I will try to do my best to put more chapters up as soon as I can.