• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 1,457 Views, 38 Comments

My Story - Richer19

My first FF on this site and it is a HiE story so that makes it so original. Rated T at the time.

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Chapter 5: The Pre-game Setup

Let’s get started with the chapter. In case you were wondering, I will be only showing games that are rated E through T; though that doesn’t mean that I don’t have any M rated games ‘hint hint’

The Pre-game Setup

The silence was so widespread that I felt I could hear a pin drop from a distance. Their faces were a mix of curiosity and surprise. Even Trixie had a moment a surprise before her smug smile returned on her face and she replied “And just what is that suppose to be?”

I also had a smug smile on my face and replied “This Miss Trixie is a device that will allow us to be able to interact in the realm of video games. However, this in itself will not be enough. We will need more hardware and power in order to open the portal that will take us to a world where the only limitation is your imagination…and your skills in programming but that is irrelevant.”

I made my way on the stage with my backpack right behind me. Once on the stage, I handed the controller over to Trixie and said “Why don’t you take a moment to get familiar with it. I will need some time to set up.” Without waiting for Trixie’s reply, not that I was really interested in hearing it, I returned my attention to my backpack and I started using my magic to search for what I needed. The first thing I sought was a type of power source. Without that, this whole thing would be useless. I was searching my backpack as best I could but there was a part of me wondering how I would even have something like that in the first place. When I was about to give up the search, I notice an orb that was floating around and when I got closer to inspect it, I saw that the orb was filled with electrical energy and there were various A/C outlets around the orb. I was not sure how I knew it at the time, but I felt like the electricity inside the orb was resting at 120 volts of power.
Grinning, I pulled out the orb and place it on the stage. The other ponies watched in wonderment at the new item that had come out of my backpack and some were waiting to see if I was going to explain it but I didn’t have the time to go into detail about it and the fact that it was the first time I saw such a thing myself that I could do little to explain it beside making the usual physical observations. Besides, I had already found the monitor that was inside my backpack and I was brining it out now.

Everyone, minus me of course, let out a collective gasp of surprise and I could even hear a sense of fear behind them as the object was being placed on the stage, growing larger to reach its normal size since it was compact inside my backpack. Once it was at its full size, I connected the power cable to the orb and looked over at the crowd before saying “Do not be alarmed, this is merely a monitor that will allow all of us to see into the realm of videogames. This…” I gestured with my hoof towards the monitor “…is a 60” high definition 3-d plasma screen TV.” Of course they had no idea what I had just said as all they were seeing was this…

I gave a small smile and continued “But this is not the main device needed to enter this realm. For that, we need the help of one of the most powerful hardware that has been created.” I reached with my magic and found the device that I was looking for. As I was bringing it out, I replied “Look in awe and surprise as you become the first ponies to witness the power…” The device was out of my backpack and another gasp escape the ponies as they saw this item.

“…of the Playstation 3, or PS3 for short. This particular model contains 320 GB of memory, built in DVD and Blue-ray player and an internal Wi-Fi signal for connecting to the Internet. All of while still retaining the slim look you see before you” Of course all of what I said went right over their heads but I figured that as long as I knew what I was talking about, then it would appear even more magical in their eyes.

With the speed born from countless times doing it, I plugged up the PS3 to the TV and to the orb. With the excitement flowing through my body, I used my magic to push the power button on the TV. There was a barely audible click before the screen was showing the words ‘No Signal’. I gave a small smile before pushing the power button on the PS3. The screen went dark before opening up to the main menu. All were flabbergasted by the visuals of the 1080i graphics and if they were in awe by just the main screen, then I couldn’t wait for them to see the looks on their faces when we really got started. While they were still looking at it, I used my magic to grab a second PS3 controller and pressing the PS button to connect it up. With the red light shining about the ‘1’, I turned my attention back to Trixie, who had remained quiet throughout the whole thing which I think was a first.

I gave a smile and said “Of course, this is all nice and all but we still haven’t entered the videogame realm.” She looked at me with confusion and I could feel the same stare on a few others and continued “For that, we need the activation disk.” I knew I was calling it the wrong name but I figured that it gave the video game CD some mysterious name. I started thinking about all the games I knew I had in my backpack, trying to think of the right one to use. It was then that one game came into mind and I couldn’t help the smile on my face to grow a little wider.

“And I just happen to know the perfect activation disk that we will use.” I reached into my backpack with my magic and found the game I was looking for. However, due to the nature of the game, I gathered up all of the other stuff that we were going to need. I pulled out the game and said “Now Trixie…” I notice that she had returned to her rather unimpressive look “…We are all ready to begin our journey into a realm that had just recently taken a rather special place in my heart. Trixie, prepare yourself to enter the realm…of the Skylanders!”

Upon the word ‘Skylanders’ everything that was still hidden in my backpack was suddenly pouring out. Everyone saw the thirty two action figures that I commanded to fly around Trixie, myself, and the crowd. At the same time, a cylinder like item was placed in between Trixie and me. To those who notice it, they saw that it looked something like this.

I opened the case and pulled out the game disk and placed it inside the PS3. It disappeared in the console and the screen went to dark before lighting up in an impressive display of light and sound.

I didn’t know it at the time, but at this moment while the crowd was distracted by what they saw on the screen, six mares were just coming into view. They were here to make sure that Trixie wasn’t causing any sort of trouble, but at the sight of the TV showing the opening and the music was playing caused them to pause for a moment. It went unspoken between the six mares and they decided to wait and see how things were going to play out. Besides, the purplish unicorn was curious about the strange machines and about the unicorn colt that was sitting next to Trixie.
I really don’t know if I would be using pictures for the rest of the story but I do find that it does provide a good visual.