• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 1,457 Views, 38 Comments

My Story - Richer19

My first FF on this site and it is a HiE story so that makes it so original. Rated T at the time.

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Chapter 12: A Meeting of Elements Part 2

I'm apologize for the last chapter being short. I wanted this chapter to be part of the last one but I thought that it might of added a bit of a cliffhanger. That's what I get for thinking like that.

A Meeting of Elements Part 2

Twilight and her other friends were approaching Fluttershy's cottage where they saw that it was relativity peaceful. It wasn't strange in the slightest but somehow Twilight was feeling a little worry about her shy friend. She was also concern about the new pony but she wouldn't tell any one that. They all made their way to the front door and Twilight decided to try knocking first to see if Fluttershy was inside. Surprising enough, the door open to reveal the timid pegasus who then said "oh hello girls. I didn't know you were coming over today." in her usual quiet tone.Twilight and the others greeted their timid friend before Rarity asked "Fluttershy darling, was there a reason why you haven't shown up for our weekly get-together?" Fluttershy appeared to hide behind her mane before replying "I...I'm sorry Rarity. I had a visitor today and he was so eager to help me with taking care of my animal friends that I must have lost track of time." This of course got every pony attention and it didn't take long before Twilight asked "What guest?"

As my luck would have it, that was the moment I decided to enter the room. I came in through the back door and said as I was making my way towards the living room "Fluttershy, I managed to feed the chickens like you...wanted...me..." the rest of my sentence trailed off as I came to realize that Fluttershy had some guests over and to make things even more of a surprise, it was the rest of the Mane Six. I was able to reconize them all in an instant and could tell that all of them minus Fluttershy had a somewhat surprise look on their faces for a second before changing to a mix of curious and confusion though I notice that Twilight appear to be still in disbelief while Applejack had a friendly smile on her face and Rarity was giving me a mild disgusted look to me. One look on my clothes and I was able to guess her reason though I was unsure if it was because of the fact that there were a few stains on my shirt or the fact that my clothes in general were somewhat lacking in fashion. I was thankful at least that I discovered that my fur was able to absorb my body sweat otherwise there would have been a rather noticeble stench in the room.

After a few moments of awkward silence, I decided to break the ice and say "Did I interrupt something ladies?" Fluttershy gave her kind smile and said "Oh no not at all Gamer." I, of course had a feeling that was what she was going to say; not having it in her heart to make me feel bad. Returning her smile, I replied "Well...I've seem to know the names of half the mares in this room; will I perhaps be introuduce to the rest?"

In a move that would defy all notions of physics, law, and sanity; Pinkie Pie blasted from a standing position, or about as close to standing as you would get with Pinkie Pie, to a full charge tackle and slammed head-on into me. I felt the wind knocked out of me and almost lost my glasses. Before I had a chance to recover, I felt the weight of the pink pony on my body; pinning me to the floor. I opened my eyes to see my entire vision was assaulted by a big grin, piercing blue eyes, and as many shades of pink as one could possibly think of. It was then that Pinkie Pie said in her cheerful voice "Hi there, I'm Pinkie Pie" Still a little groggy, I meekly replied "Well...that's one way to make an introduction." Pinkie Pie, as expected, gave a snort of giggles before saying "Your funny." Despite myself, I couldn't help the small smile forming on my face before replying "And your kind of crushing my ribs right now so can you please get off."

Pinkie Pie of course got off of me and I managed to get back onto my hooves. After dusting off a bit, I replied "So was there something you wanted?" Her smile was still there and she said "Of course silly stallion. You see, I saw you when you were up on that stage with that meanie unicorn and there was that big screen that was making all those funny sounds. So when you all were done, I was making my way back to Sugercube Corner when I realized that I had never seen you before and since I've never seen you before that must mean that you were knew in town cause I know everypony in this town. So if I've never met you before and you were new in town then that must mean that I need to throw you my 'Welcome to Ponyville Party' so I tried to find you all day but you were hiding from me. So then I tried asking Rainbow Dash if she had seen you but she said no, then I tried asking Rarity and she said no, then I tried asking Applejack and she said to try Twilight house so I tried but Twilight said that you weren't there which made me so sad but we all went to Fluttershy's house and we found you here so do you want to go to Sugercube Corner for a party?"

That question, coupled with appropriate gestures, was one that I had expected ever since I had step foot in Ponyville. In truth, I wasn't the biggest fan of parties due to my lack of social skills but I knew how Pinkie Pie was going to react if I had said no and I do like my body the way it is right now. Shaking the images of cupcakes out of my mind, I replied "Sure Pinkie. A party sounds like a good idea." I saw her face light up and she started bouncing around the cabin, listing off all the things she needed to do to prepare for said party. Shaking my head and giving a small chuckle, I said in a joking kind of way "That mare seems to live off of nothing but sugar." The other girls gave a small chuckle and Twilight replied "That's Pinkie for you."

After Pinkie introduction, the other two were more collected with theirs. Rainbow Dash was for the most part tolerant of me from what I was able to tell. It might have to due with the fact that I was still new around here or it might be because I might not have been the type of pony she would want to take to a Wonderbolt show. Rarity was of course her pose self and I had a feeling that she might have been more accepting of me if I was cleaned up better rather then looking like I had a hard day at Sweet Apple Acres.Still, they were pleasant enough and I was sure that if I tried my best, I could become friends with all of them which would make living here overall easier. Rarity was talking about having me come over to her store to try on some new clothes when I felt a light nudge on my shoulder. I looked over and saw that it was Fluttershy, who was talking to Twilight earlier. Politely excusing myself from talking to Rarity, I brought my full attention to Fluttershy which did cause to flinch a bit. She recovered and asked "I'm sorry, but I just remember that there was some load of bird feed in my shed that I would like to be moved where the other bags are." I nodded my head and replied "Of course I can Fluttershy." Before making my way outside to do just that.

Unknown to me at that time, the moment I left, Twilight said "Alright, now that he will be busy for a time; there's something that's been bugging me for a while." "Whatever do you mean, darling?" Rarity asked, her curiosity sparked. Twilight took a small breath and made sure she had everypony attention before saying "Don't you find it weird that we would find Gamer here of all places?" Applejack tilted her head and asked "What do you mean by that?" "Well...He claims that this is his first time in Ponyville right?" All of the girls nodded their heads in agreement and Twilight continued "So then...how would he even know about where Fluttershy's cottage was at." Fluttershy said in a quiet voice "I did ask him about it and he told me he got some directions from a few ponies in town." The reason seemed enough for the others in the group but Twilight was not swayed and she countered by saying "But now that raises the question of how he knew you in the first place." Applejack then said "Not to put a bad apple in your batch Twilight, but we are kind of famous around these parts. What with being the users of the Elements of Harmony and out victories over Nightmare Moon and Discord." Of course Rainbow Dash intervened by saying "I'm with Twilight on this one. Something about him doesn't seem right."

It was at that moment that an earsplitting scream tore through the house; scaring the ponies inside and causing Fluttershy to dive under her couch. Twilight quickly identify the voice and said "that sounded like Gamer." she turn to the rest of the girls and said "Come on girls. He could be in trouble." The others nodded their head and after a bit of coaxing to get Fluttershy out, they all made their way towards the backyard. What they saw, both brought more questions in their mind and shock.

What they saw was my body lying on the ground, trashing about like I was being attack. Violent shocks of magical lighting were surging from my body and my mouth was open but no words were coming out. Even as they watched, The storm slowly disappeared until it was gone completely and even then they waited a few moments to see if anything else was going to happen. When it was all quiet, the users of the Elements of Harmony all gathered around my prone body and saw something there that would change their whole opinion about me.
Canterlot Castle
Around the same time

Celestia was enjoying her afternoon snack when she suddenly felt a sharp pain slash through her brain. The feeling was so unexpected and violent that she lost her magical grip on her cup of tea, causing a small but audible crash. As a servant came in to clean the mess and her guards came to check on her, the goddess of the sun appeared to fine and claim that she was mearly distracted by something. However, inside her head, memories from long ago were starting to surface and her mood was slowly becoming anything but sunny. There was one thought that seem to enter her mind and latch on like a leech.

"So...they have returned."
Golden Claw (Capitol of the Griffon Kingdom)
Around the same time

A page was running as fast as he could, trying to get through the busy hallways of the castle. He dare not fly for fear that he might break something important as he ran towards the seneschal's office. Eventually, he reached the door and ignoring protocol, went inside without knocking. The seneschal, who was a middle-age griffin without any interesting details, came up from his chair and was about to ask why the page busted through his door when the page replied, almost out of breath "Message...from...from the...high priest." The seneschal realized that it must be important and motioned for the page to continue. The page took a deep breath and said "Tell the king...they have returned." The seneschal of course was confuse as to who 'they' were and ask the page to explain. The page shook his head and said in the language of the griffin"Die Klaue weniger diejenigen!"
Ignis lapidem, City of Eternal Fire (Capitol of the Dragon Tribes)
Around the same time

Firewatcher watched through his reflective pool at the scene that was displayed on it's surface. The scene both cause an equal mix of wonder and curiosity. He turned his golden eyes to the only other creature present in the room and said "Are you able to see what I can see." The creature was hidden in the shadows, wrapped up in a clock of muddy brown. The creature said nothing seemed to have communicated something because Firewatcher asked "What do you think will happen now?" The creature came towards the pool to witness the scene in detail. Silence was present until the creature replied "He will be confused, and scared as will the others. Their fear of what they have forgotten will lead him to us." Firewatcher return his attention to the pool and said "And once he has cross the border..." The creature started to move his way towards the door. Before he left, he said "Leave him to me." Firewatcher gave a tired sigh as he returned his attention to the scene of six mares surrounding a stallion.
I really hope you enjoy this chapter. Not spoiling or anything but I will say the plot is starting to kick up. In an unrelated note, in terms of artwork, I do not mind if you make pictures based on the story but do know that I don't really do commissions so it will be base on your choice. If you do decided to do artwork, send me a private message with a link to the picture and I will try my best to place in on a future chapter with my thoughts on it. I would do the art myself but I'm not that very good at it. Anyhow, let me know if it interest you and I do have a deviant account if you feel like posting it there. That's all for my rant.
P.S: I used a bit of German and Latin in this chapter. If you want to know what they mean, use Google translate.