• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 1,457 Views, 38 Comments

My Story - Richer19

My first FF on this site and it is a HiE story so that makes it so original. Rated T at the time.

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Chapter 4: The Great and Powerful Challenge

Here we go with the next chapter.

The Great and Powerful Challenge

Applebloom lead mo towards Rarity’s house where I saw that her friends Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo were already waiting there for Applebloom. They looked like they were discussing something but whatever it was, they put on hold when they noticed our arrival. They walked up to Applebloom and started talking to her and even though I was able to hear what they are saying, I decided to keep out of the conversation.

It was then that they started walking towards the school. Their rather passive actions were actually surprising me. I was sure to myself that I wouldn’t have gone more than five feet without them starting to go off on some crazy adventure to try and get their Cutie Marks. Not that I was really complaining about it at all as it gave me the time to really enjoy the feeling of walking around Ponyville for the first time. Of course, there were other ponies out an about at this time and I was glad that they didn’t treat me like some kind of creature though I chalked that to the fact that I was a unicorn and not say a zebra.

As we were passing by Town Hall, I started to recognize various background ponies that had become popular within the fandom. It actually felt kind of weird that I was able to recognize them but not even know if the name that fans have given them were accurate. The only one I was totally sure of was the one pony whose popularity could rival even one of the main six.

“I wonder where she could…” Before I could finished my thought, I fast moving object slammed into my side, the impact big enough to slide me a few feet on the ground. When I stopped, I gave a groan of pain as I felt my stiffen in protest and my eyes watering a bit in reflex tears.

“Oh my mister, are you alright.” A voice sounded in my ears. I tried to focus my vision and saw that I was staring in the eyes of what is considered THE most popular background character in all of the mlp fandom.

“Are you alright there mister?” Derpy Hooves asked and I found myself almost flabbergasted. I was sure that my mouth was hanging open and I was quick to shut it closed as my brain tried to jump start itself.

When it finally did, I managed to say “It’s quiet alright miss. It was an accident after all.” She gave a small smile but that faded away as she said “It always seems to happen to me more than others…” I gave an encouraging smile and replied “Come on now, that’s just sticking thinking.”

“sticking thinking’…this place is really starting to get to me.” I thought to myself as got back on my hooves. I was now able to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders were now talking to a grayish unicorn. I looked over at Derpy and asked “Is the little one yours?” while gesturing with my hoof to where they were at.

She quickly looked over to where I was suggesting and replied “Yes! She is my little muffin after all.” I gave a small smile and said “You have a very beautiful daughter miss…” I gave a confused looked to fake the idea of me not knowing her name even though I was able to recognize her the moment I saw her. She brought my deception and replied “Derpy Hooves.”
I nodded my head in understand and said “Well Miss Hooves it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Gamer and I was just on my way to the school to drop off these three bundles of energy.” She gave a small chuckle and replied “Well…I was heading there as well. Why don’t we travel together?”

I gave a small smile and replied “That sounds like a good idea, but it might be a better idea to keep your feet on the ground Miss Hooves.” She nodded her head and we went back to where the fillies were located and I said “Come on everypony. You don’t want to be late for school.” They nodded their heads and we got back to making our way towards the school.

The rest of the trip was pleasant experience. Derpy and I were talking about various things that we were interested in, mostly about her job and her daughter. It felt nice walking like this, hanging out which these candy-colored equines that had such an impact on my life. However, like most good things, it had to come to an end at some point.

The school was fast approaching and I noticed that most of the young ones were clustering around the stage that was set up nearby. Curious as to what was going on, I looked around the clearing in hopes of finding the teacher which in all honesty was not that very hard given the fact that she was larger than the young kids and of course my prior knowledge. Derpy and I waited off to the side for the teacher to notice us and when she did, she started to make her way towards us. I notice a small smirk that seem to form on her face though I was puzzled as to what was the reason behind her smirk but remained passive in order to see where it was going.

She looked over at Derpy and asked “Is he your new coltfriend?” I felt my face start to heat up and I was sure that Derpy was the same way. The words I wanted to say were locked in my throat and my mind was having a hard time forming a more rational thought. It was then that Derpy said “Of course not. I’m still dating the Doc remember.” She turned to look at me and continued “I just met him today and he’s been really nice to me.”

I gave a small grin and replied “I thank you for the complement Miss Hooves.” The teacher gave a small chuckle and replied “Well…he is such a gentlecolt.” She paused for a moment before asking “Are you two going to stay for the magic show?”

I thought about it for a moment before replying with a smile “Well…I have nothing better to do today.” The teacher gave a small smile and it didn’t take long for Derpy to agree as well. We made our way to sit behind the little fillies and waited for the show to begin.

The little ones, I could tell, were bursting with energy. The sight of them or any young ones almost always seem to put a smile on my face. The wait for the show was starting to drag on and it wasn’t long before I got board waiting. Thinking that it was a perfect time as any, I decided to see what was in my backpack or if there was anything in there to begin with. The reason I thought that was because during the time that I had my backpack on, it felt like there was nothing inside.
I slung my backpack off and using my teeth, which left a rather foul taste of metal in my mouth, opened the backpack. The first thing that surprised me was that as I was opening the bag, a soft light was coming out of the hole. The light was not blinding and it gave the impression that my backpack had somehow gotten itself magical abilities. My curiosity sparked, I put my head inside my backpack and I couldn’t help but let out a gasp of wonder.

My backpack had grown in carrying capacity and I don’t mean like a few feet of extra space but more like a limitless abyss. The abyss was filled with that soft light and I could barely contain myself. It was then that I notice something off in the distance. It looked familiar to me but I had to make sure that it was what I thought it was so I tried to reach for it but I was afraid that if I fell into my backpack, that I would be unable to get out. I tried to think of what to do before I realized that I was a unicorn and therefore, according to Equestria Laws of Nature, I should be able to do magic.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my mind. I was not sure how I was able to use magic in the first place but I figured that it would work in a similar way compared to the books I’ve read and the games I’ve played. I started by focusing my mind in order to find some kind of orb or nexus of energy that would be my magical strength. It was a challenge since I was already board with waiting for the show to start.

Eventually, I found a sort of swirling nexus of energy located around the base of my horn and feeling that this was the energy that I was looking for, immerse myself into that energy. Once I was in the flow of energy, I started to command the energy to bring the item towards me. I quickly realized that I had to send the energy through my horn which I had to admit made perfect sense. I started to smile as the item slowly made its way to me. Once it was close enough that I was able to observe it in detail, I couldn’t stop the grin that was on my face. It was exactly what I thought it was and I couldn’t wait to use it.

It was then that I heard the sound of clapping, or rather that’s what I thought the sound of hooves hitting the ground sounded like, and I decided that it was enough exploring my backpack and with reluctance; I pulled my head out of the backpack and closed it up. I looked up on the stage and…well…part of me was surprise to see her here while another part of me was already groaning in annoyance.

It was ‘The Great and Powerful’ Trixie. She appeared to be just the same as before. She had that smile of superiority on her face and already the sound and flashes of fireworks. Almost subconsciously, I tuned out her boasting and bragging and instead started daydreaming about what I could do and what I should do with the items that I was sure was to be inside my backpack.

The performance was actually going rather well considering Trixie hasn’t started challenging other ponies to prove her worth, but considering the fact that her audience was a bunch of young ponies; she might have believe to have not needed to. I did notice that she would on occasion look over at me. At least, I thought she was looking at me but she might have been looking at Derpy.

When the performance was over, she now had her disapproving eyes set on Derpy. I started to get a little concern as to where this might have been going and I started to hope that I wasn’t being paranoid. However, sure enough, it went almost exactly where I thought it was going to go.

“And just what in Equestria are you suppose to be?” Trixie asked in a rather annoyed tone as if Derpy prescience was causing her to feel sick. Before Derpy had a chance to reply, Trixie continued “It must be so hard knowing those eyes of yours make you look like a freak.”

I looked over at Derpy and could see the start of tears forming in her eyes. The sight of them started sending adrenaline through my body in an unfamiliar way. I was normally a rather passive person and tried my best to avoid any sort of conflict, that wasn’t in a video game, but now the only thing I was thinking about was defending Derpy. However, my rational side kick in and made me realize that there was no way I was going to defeat Trixie the way Twilight did, I had just figured out how to use magic now five minutes ago. My mind was racing to find something I use to give me an advantage and my eyes just happen to fall on my backpack. I remember the item that was inside and I realized that if that item was there, then the other must be there and if they were there…

I quickly stepped in front of Derpy and said “That quite enough Miss Trixie. That’s no way to treat another pony like that. Now you are going to apologize to Miss Hooves right now.”

She gave a hearty laugh and asked “And what are you going to do if I don’t apologize to the wall-eyed freak?” My temper was starting to rise inside of me and without thinking, I replied “Then I will have no choice but to challenge you.” Once again she laughed and said “So you think you are a match for the Great and Powerful Trixie. Ha, I can tell that you barely have any skills in magic.”

My gaze became stern and hard as my mind focused on the one thing that I know I can focus on. The one thing that I knew in the bottom of my heart was my special talent. Using my magic, I brought my backpack in front of me and opened it. The light was shining from it caused the young ponies to let out a collective gasps of wonderment while Trixie just made some kind of scuffing sound.

I then said “You are right Trixie…I’m not that strong in magic. However, there is one place I know of where I will have the advantage. The one place that magic is as controlled as the weather.” I reached into the bag with my magic and grabbed the item that I first saw. I started to lift it from the bag and I said in the most commanding voice I could “Now Trixie, I challenge you to face me in my realm…” The item was now out of my backpack and everypony let out a gasp of surprise as they saw this item.

“…The realm of videogames!” I finished with passion.
Will Gamer have the skills needed to defeat Trixie? Find out in the next chapter.
A.N: For those of you who are Trixie fans, please note that I do not hate her that much, I just needed an antagonist and she fit the bill.