• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 1,457 Views, 38 Comments

My Story - Richer19

My first FF on this site and it is a HiE story so that makes it so original. Rated T at the time.

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Chapter 6: Gamer vs. Trixie Part 1

This battle is going to be a two chapters and will not being using all the elements for the sake of keeping the story flowing.

Gamer vs. Trixie Part 1(Battle of Fire and Air)

When all of the opening scenes were done with and the game was now showing the title screen, I gave a small smile and said “Are you ready to play the game Trixie?” She gave her trademark grin and replied “The Great and Powerful Trixie is more than ready to show you that Trixie is more than capable of understanding these ‘things.’” I couldn’t help rolling my eyes a bit and thought “You could have said yes without the gloating.” Still even though I was dealing with Trixie, I could feel my old and familiar excitement start to rise in my body. I am a gamer through and through and it was a good time as any to see if this new body still retained my old reflexes and skills.

I also had an idea on a new way of holding something with my magic and I wanted to try that on my controller. I focused my magic on it but rather then surrounded it in the magic aura, I instead imagined my human hands grabbing onto the controller. The strain on me was lessened and I couldn’t help but give a small smile as I saw the controller hovering about head level. I turned the controller on in addition to the ‘portal of power’ as it was known back when I was a human. I selected the option that was called “Battle Mode” and after fiddling around with the options a bit, I picked the first map we were going to play on and decided on just doing standard battle.

However, before we could get started, the game flashed up a notice saying that player two’s controller was not connected. Giving a tired sigh, I turned my head back at Trixie who was looking at me with a confused gaze. The silence and awkward situation continued as we both waited to see the other do or say something. I knew that she would have no way of knowing how to even turn on the controller unless she had discovered how to do so accidentally; but I quickly brushed that idea away as I remembered from the few times I spent checking to see what she was doing, she was either staring at the new items that appeared from my backpack or at the controller.

“Why are staring at The Great and Powerful Trixie like that?!” she suddenly shouted snapping me out of my thoughts. I couldn’t resist the small smile forming on my face as I replied “I thought you said you were ready?”

I notice a small twitch of agitation before it disappeared. She then replied “Of course The Great and Powerful Trixie is ready to show you that Trixie is the greatest magical user who ever lived!” Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t help but vent out a small breath of annoyance and said “Alright first of all, it really get annoying listing to you speaking in third person. Second, I know of three other ponies that are stronger then you are and third you have not connected the controller up yet so why don’t you just hit the PS button and we can get on our way.” My statement had an obvious effect on her and although I was tempted to apologize for my behavior, in my defense, she kind of had it coming to her. Still, I had to give her credit for her ability to adapt to new things quickly as she lifted the controller with her magic and pushed the correct button on her first try.

The screen changed and was now showing a glowing screen with the words ‘Player 1, Select you Skylander’. I nodded my head in a silent agreement as I felt my body start to rise in excitement. I never got tired of seeing the animation that was about to happen.

I reached out with my magic and selected the first Skylander I was going to be using. Before placing that character on the portal, I said to Trixie “In the sense of fairness, you should pick a character that comes from the same element as the one I select; that way none of us have a type advantage.” Trixie of course agreed to that condition though I figured that she was more interested in showing me up in this game than anything else. Still…that might work to my advantage though I kept that to myself. I looked over at the Skylander in my grasp at the time, admiring the craftsmanship that was done on it and how well designed it was. I then said “Well in that case…would you please select your Skylander that resides in the fire element.”

The moment I was done, three other figures separated themselves from the floating circle that was above our heads. These figures, like the one I was holding, were the entire fire element and despite a few minor stats; they were all of the same level so they should be fairly even. I waited for Trixie to choose her character and I couldn’t help but enjoy the look on her face as she observed the strange models that were in front of her. I could guess that she was also still wondering about the strange portal-looking device was and the various other items.

I put on a droll expression and said “Sometime today would be nice Trixie.” She gave me an irritated look and said in her superior tone of voice “Trixie is choosing which of the creatures to use.” I gave a tired sigh but luckily for my sanity, she had decided on which Skylander to use. Once that was decided I started up the battle and the screen showed what appeared to be a mystical field. Words were on the screen and while I already knew what they were, I still gave a moment to give the others a chance to read it. I did it more for the sake of being polite because I had a feeling that even if they were able to read it, they would not understand what it meant.

I felt my body start to tense in excitement as I said “Now…it’s time to battle Trixie.” Yeah…I was not that very good at coming up with battle cries but I figured that was minor compared to what happened next. I placed my creature on the portal and the screen started working in overdrive as the portal registered the information before displaying on the screen. A bird-like creature materialized on the plain whose appearance looked like this…

Under the creature was its name which the rest of the ponies read as ‘Sunburn’. Once Sunburn left the screen, it went back to its usual mystic screen but this time it was waiting for the player two Skylander. Giving a subtle movement with my hoof, I indicated that it was now Trixie’s turn to place her Skylander. She did, which I might add by doing so with more flail then what was really needed. The screen flashed again and showed Trixie’s choice which looked like this…

Under this creatures name was the word ‘Flameslinger’ and while the creature was strange to the Equestrian ponies, the design was not different for me though I have read a few fantasy non-fiction books in my human form. Still, I couldn’t think about that at the moment because the game had just begun.

I lost myself as my magic was controlling my character faster than I could have ever done with my hands. The controller seemed to be able to registered button commands faster than it could have back on Earth and I wondered if it was because of the overwhelming amount of magical energy in this world. Still, I had to force myself to stay focus and win this fight as fast as I can. My plan for betting Trixie revolves around how long it will take for Trixie to become accustomed to the game. It was something I liked to call the ‘New Gamer Adjustment.’ Basically, it’s that moment when you are first playing a game and are trying to figure out how the controls are and how the game actually plays. Naturally, those who have spent a lot of hours playing games don’t suffer from this as often though it does appear when you play a game that has a style that you are unfamiliar with.

Since there were no video games, minus the few arcade ones, Trixie would no doubt be going through it and all I had to do was to make sure I kept pressure on her and try to win before she has a chance to become familiar with the game.
With that plan in mind, I did my best to keep pressure on her. The quick glances I took showed the minor frustration and confusion on her face as I continue to batter her in my attacks while dodging her own. So it wasn’t much of a surprise that I ended up winning the first match.

I heard the crowd cheering behind me and I couldn’t help but give a small smile of enjoyment, although it was more for the fact that I was playing the game itself and not from the crowd. However, Trixie assumed otherwise and said “Don’t think you’ve won yet nobody. Trixie still has a few tricks up her sleeves.” I gave her a side glance and replied “But you’re not even wearing sleeves.” She made an annoyed sound under her breath but I ignored it and focused back on the game.
After switching to a new stage and removing the Skylanders that were on the portal, I brought out the next set which all of them belonged to the Air element. I selected the Skylander known as Whirlwind while Trixie selected the one Skylander that was familiar to her and most other ponies which was Sonic Boom. To those in the crowd, they looked like this…

I placed my character on the portal and Trixie was quick to follow. The game started up and we were on the offensive. I started to notice that while her playing style was still a little sloppy, she was begging to get better. I was coming to the realization that she was begging to get a feel for the game and while she was still inexperienced with the overall game, she was becoming aware of how the game plays out and was now actually starting to give me something of a challenge.
It was then that I noticed something…strange going on with the game. I wasn’t sure what it was but for some reason, whenever I thought I was going to lose, Whirlwind seemed to gain a few more seconds of what gamers might refer to as ‘invincibility frames’. For those who don’t know, it’s when a character gets hit and, for a brief moment, is unaffected by anymore hits. These usually only last a few seconds, but the frames on Whirlwind seemed to last slightly longer. It wasn’t enough for the average player to see but for someone who has played the game for so long, it was almost as clear as the midday sun.

The battle took longer than the last but I still ended up the winner, much to the annoyance of Trixie. Still, as the review of the battle was appearing on the screen, my mind was torn between the realizations that Trixie was almost over the usual adjustment of playing a new game and the strange invincibility frames that seemed to increase whenever I had almost gotten beaten.
This has so been long overdue. I am deeply sorry about that and I really do not know how often I will be updating but I will try my best.