• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 1,457 Views, 38 Comments

My Story - Richer19

My first FF on this site and it is a HiE story so that makes it so original. Rated T at the time.

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Chapter 11: A Meeting of Elements Part 1

Here is Chapter 11. I'm trying something new in that I'm writing this chapter up directly instead of just writing it up on my Microsoft Word program and pasting it on here. Let me know if there are any changes in the quality of the chapter.

Chapter 11: A Meeting of Elements Part 1

Once I got to the main part of the library, I notice that Twilight seemed occupied in a book. I also was finally made aware of the other resident in the library; the baby dragon named Spike. Of course I knew his name before we were introduced and in order to maintain my cover of ignorance, I had to wait until i was introduced. He was currently dusting some of the bookshelves at the time and both him and Twilight seemed deeply focused on what they were doing. Despite the chance of talking to Twilight some more, I thought that it might be better if I gave them their own time. As carefully as I could, I made my way towards the front door of the library and went outside with my backpack in tow.

Outside the library, I was met with the warm summer rays and a cool breeze flowing through my freshly washed mane. It was a moment that made me feel very thankful that I was able to experience something like this in my life. It was a weird feeling considering that I usually didn't like going outside when I was a human because all the bugs and mosquitoes seemed to love me for some reason. However, dealing with that situation almost seems pointless right now but that may be because there are other more pressing issues that I had to deal with. I gave a small sigh and started to make my way towards the town square; hoping to run into any pony that I knew from the show.

As I was walking down the street, I notice that most of the ponies who lived here seem to have either accepted me being here or I had lost their interest which was fine either way for me. I much prefer to blend in the crowd rather then being the center of attention. Minus a few curious glances, I was generally left alone with my thoughts which was another thing I was use to.

If it hasn't come to that much of a surprise yet, but I'm not a very sociable person. Mostly because of the fact that I find myself more comfortable during times when I'm by myself or with a few friends. It was a part of me that on some days I was glad to have but on other days I was angry with myself for having it.

Shaking my head to get rid of the negative thoughts, I instead turned my focus on which of the Mane Six I wanted to meet next. I had already been aquainted with Applejack and Twilight Sparkle which only left Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy. I knew that Pinkie would turn up and surprise me at some point in the near future. Rainbow Dash would be the most difficult for me to find due to my lack of wings or any magic that will allow me to stay on clouds. Rarity would be the easiest to meet due to the fact that she would be working at this time. However, my body gives a mild shudder when I started to think what might happen if I was to enter that store. The only pony left then was Fluttershy and out of the four, she might be the hardest to become friends with due to her shyness. However, that shyness might make it less likely that she'll do something weird or strange.

After getting directions to her cottage from some ponies, I started on the dirt path that lead to her cottage as well as the Everfree Forest. I had always wondered why Fluttershy chose to have her cottage built so close to the forest but I reason that it was due to the fact that she was both shy and the fact that she was closer to the animals that she took care of. When I reached the cottage, I saw that it was already busy with activity. Animals were moving around or staying in one place. I also notice that Fluttershy was gliding around on her wings, delivering food to the various animals that were near by. I realized that I might have come during breakfast time and even just thinking about it was enough to cause my stomach to start to growl.

It was then that I felt something hitting my leg over and over again. Looking down, I notice that the source of that beating was caused by a white bunny that seemed to have a rather disgusted look on his face. It didn't take me long to realize that it was Angel, Fluttershy's pet. Though there were times while watching the episode where I question who was the owner of the house. Shaking the thought out of my head, I return my attention back to the bunny. It still had that impatient look on his face but I was unable to tell what it wanted. I had a hard enough time telling human body language and now dealing with rabbit body language pretty much made me a fish out of water.

"What?" I asked the rabbit, knowing full well that he understood my language. He gave a quiet sigh and pointed at his stomach before pointing to where Fluttershy was at, who was still oblivious to what was going on at the time. After he finished, I quickly tried to piece together the gestures and I came to the conclusion that he was trying to say that he was hungry and wanted Fluttershy to feed him now. I looked over at her and saw that she was still tending to some other animals at the time and from the looks of it wasn't going to be done for a while. I return my attention back to Angel and said "You're hungry right?" He nodded his head and I got up closer so I was practically face to face with him and said in my best low but mildly intimidating tone "Then you can either make your own breakfast or go out and forge for food. Just because you live with her doesn't mean you're any better then the rest of the animals she take care of." I paused for a moment to see his reaction which was a mix between startle and surprise. I then said in an afterthought "And between you and me fuzzball; where I'm from, some of those animals shes feeding right now wouldn't mind adding a rabbit to their diet."

That seemed to send the message home to him and with a squeak born of fear, he ran off back to his small house. When I was sure that he was gone, I gave a tired sigh and started to think about what had happen. I felt a little bad for saying what I had said to Angel and it wasn't really my fault that he was raised the way he was. However, I remember the episode where Angel was acting like a spoiled child and treating Fluttershy like a doormat and while I was never one to use violence outside a videogame, sometimes you just have to be a little stern with them.

"Oh...thank you for taking care of Angel Bunny for me. I don't know why he acts that way sometimes." said in a voice that had both mixtures of bashfulness and kindness flowing out of her mouth. The one pony who no matter what the situation is, can always end up causing a massive heart attack from either cuteness or shock. The pegasus who represents the Element of Kindness and is able to talk down a dragon. I turned my head to come face to face with Fluttershy.

The door to the library opened...or should I say was blasted open. Twilight gave a startled yelp as she was tackled by the hyperactive pink pony known as Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie was looking down on Twilight's face with that kind of look she always gets whenever shes coming up with a party. Vaguely, Twilight was aware of her other friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity who followed in after Pinkie blasted through the door.

"Twilight Twilight is he here is he here huh huh huh?" Pinkie asked in her usual hyperactive voice. Still a little dazed from the tackle, Twilight responded "Who Pinkie." She then gave a look that made Twilight feel as if she should have known the answer before replying "The new pony, duh. You see I was helping out Mr. and Miss. Cake with baking some new treats when suddenly I realized that I haven't given my "welcome to Ponyville" party to the new colt. You know the one that was playing on that weird screen with the meany magician and the screen went all 'Bang!' 'Boom!''Smack!'. So I tried to find him but he was no where to be found so I asked Dashie if shes seen him but she said no. Then Rainbow Dash and I went to ask Rarity but she didn't see him either so we then went to see Applejack and she said she hadn't see him since yesterday and that got me really sad because I thought he might have left but then Applejack thought that Twilight might know and I was all." Pinkie Pie paused at that moment to take a deep breath before continuing "Oh my gosh we should go ask Twilight so we went over to your house and here we are so is he here is he here." Pinkie finished and she couldn't stop herself from bouncing all over the room.

Twilight shook her head a bit, now use to Pinkie Pie's antics and replied "Let me go see if he's around." However, after looking around, Twilight was surprise to find that he was nowhere to be found. She returned to the main room where her friends were at and said "He must have left because he's not here." Pinkie Pie of course had a look of disappointment on her face at the thought on missing out on throwing a "welcome to Ponyville" party. However, before her sadness got to the point when her mane deflated, Rainbow Dash said "You know, come to think of it, I haven't seen Fluttershy around either." Applejack replied "Doesn't she usually feeds her animals around this time though." However, Rarity then said "That may be true dear Applejack, but Fluttershy would never miss our daily lunch and spa day and she always shows up at my store around this time."

Twilight was feeling a moment of uncertainty in which one part of her wanted to look for Gamer while the other part wanted to see if Fluttershy was alright. She made up her mind and said "Okay, why don't we check up on Fluttershy and see if she needs any help, then we can start looking for Gamer." Her other friends showed a bit of confusion on their faces and Twilight had to repress a sigh before adding "That's his name." They all nodded in understand and after leaving Spike in charge, set out for Fluttershy's cottage.
I hope you are enjoying the story. I'm still working on the order of events and what I have plan for the overall story, but I hope to get that taken care of soon.