• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 1,457 Views, 38 Comments

My Story - Richer19

My first FF on this site and it is a HiE story so that makes it so original. Rated T at the time.

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Chapter 9: Tea at the Tree-house

Let’s get started with chapter nine.

Tea at the Tree-house

Have you ever wondered what it would be like walking alongside your favorite character from whatever media is out there? Would you feel nervous or happy or even a little awe inspired? To me, I was overcome with a profound sense of excitement to the point where I was almost about to fangasm. We were walking along side by side heading towards Twilight’s home/library. The ponies who noticed us wither paid us no mind or were staring at us with either a strange or curious look. I couldn’t really blame them either as I could feel the joyous smile that was surely framed on my face or my step that had an almost skip-like pattern to them. I was luckily that I was able to hold in the rest of that excitement or else the rest of Ponyville might start thinking that I was weird…if they weren’t already.

However, all good things have to come to an end and that ending for me happen to when Twilight’s house was coming into view. Having seen it time and time again, the unusual design wasn’t much of a surprise to me. The logical part of my mind was trying to understand why it was such a good idea to have a public library built from a tree using flammable materials without risk; but I just chock that up to magic and decided to not worry about it too much.

We approached the door and being the gentlema…uh…gentlecolt that I was, I opened the door for Twilight with my hoof. I was surprise that I was adapting so well to how this body was functioning that I had the weird feeling that it was as natural to me as my normal human body was. I tried to get the thought out of my head and it seemed to work but it still felt like a small itch that you couldn’t just reach. Twilight gave a small smile and entered her home with me following close behind.

Inside the library, the first thing I notice was that the library slightly cooler then outside, providing a comfortable feeling that reminded me of back home. I let out a small gasp of relief which caused Twilight to ask “Is something the matter?” I turned to her and gave a content smile and said “Sorry…this place just reminds me of home.” I felt Twilight’s curiosity spike and she asked “How so?”

I took a while to answer her, my attention focused on the interior of the library. For the most part, everything was where I expected them to be. The few things that were new to me were a few doors that I had no idea where they lead to and some items that might have belong to Twilight or the other resident who lives here. After a while of just looking around, I replied “The room here…feels very…comfortable. I feel…very safe…for some odd reason.” Twilight was now even curious and asked “What do you mean by ‘safe’?” to which I replied “It feels like home…” my thoughts started wondering off before I could finished my sentence. I looked over at Twilight and saw that she was still waiting for me to finish, but I really had no idea where I was going with that thought so I just said “…never mind, it’s not important right now. Anyhow, didn’t you have some questions you wanted to ask?” I could tell that she was a little miff about having her question dodged in such a way; but she gave a small smile and replied “Of course, would you like something to eat or drink?” I gave a small smile and replied “Some tea would be nice; nothing too strong though with a bit of sweetener in it.” Twilight nodded her head and made her way towards one of the doors that I assume lead to the kitchen.

While she was out getting the tea, I made my way towards one of the cushions that was placed on the floor. Wishing I had something with some sort of back support, I lowered myself on the cushion and settled down. Using my magic, I removed my backpack and placed it next to me. It was then that I was overcome with a fragrance that I was unfamiliar with. It smelled like a mixture of fruits with a hint of jasmine. It took me a while before my brain was able to realize that the only possible scent it could be was Twilight. My brain started to haze up as the comforting scent entered my nose. For some strange, the scent reminded me of my mother and my body started to draw comfort and security from the scent. So much so that I was unaware of Twilight re-entering the main room with a pot of tea and two tea cups. She gave a small smile as she observed my collapsed form for a bit before saying “Are you planning on sleeping on my favorite pillow for the rest of the day.”

My body reacted in shock when I heard her, quickly bloating upright and scrambling off of the pillow. My mouth was constantly mumbling in apologies faster than I thought I could ever achieve normally. Her smile was still on her face and she replied “its fine Gamer. I don’t mind it at all…though I am a little surprise by the fact that you seemed so comfortable on that old thing.” I couldn’t help the small blush that I was on my face and I moved my body to another cushion. Settling down on the cushion, I notice that Twilight’s scent wasn’t as noticeable as her old cushion but it still had enough of an effect that it was still noticeable to me in the back of my mind.

I watched as Twilight hover my tea cup towards me which I took into my own magical grip. I took a small sip and my taste buds were met with a warm and, to my surprise, familiar taste. My eyes light up in surprise as memories of my human life started to resurface. Those thoughts started to put me in a rather depressed mood despite the fact that out of all of the worlds I could have ended up in, Equestria was the best choice. Twilight must have notice because she asked “Is something the matter?” I looked at her and replied “I’m sorry. This tea just reminds me of home.”

Twilight looked somewhat distressed about it and she replied “I’m sorry.” However, I shook my head and replied “It’s quite alright Twilight. I was just a little caught off guard there for a minute. I’m fine.” I gave her a sympathetic smile which she returned as well. We sat there for a few minutes in content silence as we sip the tea. I tried to gauge what was going through Twilight’s head but she was avoiding my gaze, focusing more of her attention to either the floor or something on her shelf.

After Twilight had finished her first cup and poured out a second one, she asked “Where were you born?” To any other pony, it was an innocent enough question but to me it was a big red flag and I found myself trying to come up with a viable answer to her question “I…I really don’t remember to well where I was born.” Twilight looked like she was caught between annoyance for having her question avoided like that and sadness for what my answer was. She apologized for her question but I waved it off and replied that she was merely curious and that was something I could understand. I paused for a moment before adding the fact that I really didn’t talk about my past so much. My reason was two-fold; the first reason being that I had hoped to forestall any future and dangerous questions and the second reason…well…I had to admit to myself that I was trying to go for a sort of a mysterious kind of feel.

…sigh…I really can’t avoid saying it? Well…if it wasn’t that obvious; I do kind of have a bit of a crush on Twilight. My reason being was actually rather…well for a lack of a better word obvious. Watching the show, I found myself connecting with Twilight more than the others characters. I do like the intelligent girls and, though I would never admit this to her or anyone else, I do find her attractive physically. However, I was more interested in her personality and her charm then the physical aspect. So why don’t I just go right out and say it now? First of all, let’s get something clear right now. I have NO experience in terms of dating or having relationships with those of the other sex. Surprise yet? No…well considering the fact that I’m…or rather was…a human gamer in his late teens with asparagus; I think that gives me somewhat of an excuse for my behavior.

“Are you paying attention?” Twilight shouted for the third time, snapping me out of my train of thought. I gave a small apologizing smile and replied “I’m sorry Twilight. My mind appears to wonder off on itself more then I would have liked.” She gave an understanding smile and said “I know that feeling. Sometimes Spike would have to hit me with a pillow in order to get my attention.” We shared a humorous laugh together and I felt the mood in the room lighten up a bit. We continued to talk about other things that were of minor interest to each other. She was curious about the tech that was in my backpack and, knowing that out of all of the Mane Six, Twilight would be the most intelligent and level-headed of the group, started to give her a broad overview of what I knew was in the backpack and a few things that I believed were in there but wasn’t a hundred percent sure. For me, I asked Twilight if she could help me improve my magic since, according to the story I was going for at the time, I had been traveling so much that I never got around to actually learning how to use magic. That and the fact that my parents were both earth ponies explained my very limited knowledge and skill in the arcane art. Twilight was more than happy to give me a few pointers which were good enough for me.

By the time we were done with what we wanted to talk about, the sun was already setting and the moon was just about rise. I gave a small chuckle and said “Man…time does fly when you’re having an interesting conversation with an interesting mare.” I notice the blush on her face and it took her a moment to regain her composure before replying “I have a spare room you can use.” I nodded my head in thanks and she showed me to the room which was located on the first floor of her library.

The room was similar to the main room in which most of the walls were lined with bookshelves. There was a small bed set up in one corner and there was a nightstand and a desk. It was a simple place with simple furniture but it was enough for me. I gave my thanks to Twilight and she left the room, leaving me alone for the second time since I was in Equestria and while the first time I just fell asleep almost immediately, this time I felt like I still had some energy left. However, that was quickly leaving me so I just got into the bed and went to sleep. My dreams were filled with hopeless dreams.
I managed to get this one done before finals start so this means that I may not be able to update soon. Good thing that summer vacation will be here soon so that is a good thing. Oh yeah, let me know if this should warrant a rating change or not.