• Published 1st Jul 2013
  • 16,389 Views, 108 Comments

Her Body Was Cold - NeverClever

[Clopfic] [Necrophilia/Necromancy] [Mind Control] [Cum Inflation] There's many reasons the crystal ponies feared King Sombra. His journals detail just a few of them.

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Comments ( 27 )

Well this enďing was just fine by me....a little sad but still good in all im going tk check out that next story....but one thing....can sombra find a changling and use it as his new "toy"

4127556 OK that's just creepy, i had the exact same thought.

no freaking way their still alive and shes forced to remember all that i cant believe i would think this story was hot but i do its about raping dead mares and i found it hot im such a horrible person :raritycry: but i really liked the story though :moustache:

The ending was a bit underwhelming, in my opinion. It didn't feel like it dwelled on any of the complex emotions long enough, and though I know that it would've been uncouth to be too direct about it, it also felt as though the statement that Vibrant was discovering her own writings from before she was freed was under focused and... beat around the bush, for lack of a better phrase.

That being said, the idea was great; a crystal pony uncovering repressed memories through her own written pages that she doesn't remember is an awesome plot, but it felt like, when you take the fic as a whole, it seems as if you came up with the ending, well, near the end as opposed to having this concept in mind from the beginning.

It was a great fic that was well executed, but generally could've been better all around, especially if it was was pre-planned (which I'm assuming it wasn't, that you just went chapter by chapter; if it was, than disregard that statement).

All in all, I don't regret for a second my favoriting of this.

There's nothing like the curious mix of excitement, fear, and disgust with myself that I feel when I see this fic has updated.

i loved this and i am sad to see it end.:fluttershysad: but i hope you continue to write:pinkiehappy:

4127672 well my friend we havw dark creepy and sexy minds i wounder..can you make stories like good ones?

4130930 to bad I don't write, if I did I probably could.

4128657 4129013 In some ways, self-loathing as a reader reaction makes me much prouder than all the people simply saying "omg so hwt do moar" :pinkiecrazy::raritystarry:

4128897 As the notes and comments from chapter 1 and 2 show, this really wasn't planned to be longer than one chapter. I did consider the ending before writing it, but you're right that the baggage of the previous chapters sort of diluted it. This is particularly noticeable in terms of characters--I was trying to relate Vibrant's story to all the other characters mentioned, but it wasn't really the cleanest way to handle it since there was so many. This was the main reason I decided to make the sequels separate entries instead of chapters. :derpytongue2:

I tried to contrast Vibrant's more subdued reaction at the end with the very explicit, blunt emotions of the previous chapters (i.e., the ones where they have direct contact with Sombra), but now that you mention it, the difference may have been too great.

Still, glad you enjoyed it despite its flaws--I always look forward your critiques because they tend to be honest and accurate :twilightsmile:

4127556 4127672 Given that changelings operate on a completely different morality from ponies (and, by extension, humans), they probably would enjoy it.

4131734 bur of course sambra is an op jerk off im sure he well find a way to make changlings hate him like clipping thier wings and cutting off thier horns and depending on from witch hive dont feed it the emotion it feeds on

4132378 Mutilation is both cruel and pointless. It's important to take care of one's toys, both to make sure they last longer and so that playing with them is more enjoyable.

4132912 This story follows the canon of the show (Sombra was defeated, Crystal Empire reappeared, so forth). How "happy" the ending is depends solely on how you interpret the behavior of the crystal ponies in that episode :raritywink:

4134530 alright well since he is an op man that i wish to be i do believe he can find and capture a dead changling somewhere in the world then do his thing so then he takes control of it

4131734 true DAT, didn't think about it that way.

4205847 Let's not rush into anything, I'm the old-fashioned type :rainbowkiss:

4278100 That sounds like a setup for a really funny porn

You could call it "Five CCs of Sexy" or something :rainbowlaugh:

I guess you could say the first chapter was very...




4314337 I like to think of it as animated

*Badumtish* :rainbowkiss:

4314367 I'll be here all day.

Interesting storyline...

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

4971300 Eh, I wouldn't go so far as to call it a story. It's mostly an excuse plot.

Thanks just the same, though :twilightsmile:

4972307 What I mean is that the plotline could easily open up into a full-blown epic if you made a sequel right.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

6858917 I think you succeeded as well.

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