• Published 15th Oct 2011
  • 8,869 Views, 587 Comments

Sketchy Salad Symphony - Sketchy Sounds

This is a tale of who we are, and how we got here.

  • ...

8th Movement

Sketchy awoke a whole hour before his alarm clock had actually been set to go off. He had a fair idea as to why his body had chosen to wake ahead of schedule - he’d been excited about today’s coming since last week.

Today was the day he got to spend some more time with Octavia, as per her request. Her request, not his. That thought was something that brought him a small sense of glee when he considered it. He had never expected to meet her, after all, much less hit it off so well with her that she’d want to spend some more time with him.

Still, knowing full well that with the level of excitement he felt he would not be getting back to sleep, he pulled himself out of bed and headed down the stairs. A brief glance into the bathroom told him that he had a bad case of bedmane which would need sorted out before he went anywhere. That would be no bother - he had plenty of time on his hooves this time around, what with him being up bright and early instead of lazing in bed for too long like he had done before. He saw to preparing himself some breakfast, humming a cheerful tune as he did so.

Meanwhile, across the other side of the city, Octavia too had risen from her bed and was attending to making herself presentable for the day ahead. There was a small smile on her face as she busied herself about her kitchen, putting the kettle on to boil and finding herself something to eat. It had taken her a few minutes after waking to recall that today she was to spend some more time on that most rare of activities for her: social interaction. Once her memory had caught up to her body, though, she had found herself smiling a little wider than usual. The thought of spending some time with a new friend twinkled brightly in the otherwise overcast sky that was her collective thoughts, threatening to break into a storm again.

Well, that maelstrom can wait. she thought to herself as she devoured her breakfast. For the time being, her focus was on the next few hours, and how she planned to spend them.

Roughly an hour and fifteen minutes after he’d awoken, Sketchy was on his way out of his apartment and towards the pre-arranged meeting place in the park. The same instrument from before was slung across his back in its case, and a slightly smug expression was on his face as he thought to himself how it would be nice to surprise Octavia by being there possibly before her.

I bet she’ll be surprised. he thought to himself. Seeing as last time I turned up a bit later than I’d planned to, although she said that was cool.

Nevertheless, he didn’t want to turn up late this time; rather, he wanted to ensure that he got to spend as much time with his fellow musician today as was possible. After all, they seemed to be getting on fairly well, so it was only natural for him to look forward to such a time as this.

It didn’t take him long to reach the band-stand, and he saw that, much to his satisfaction, he had indeed arrived before Octavia.

Perfect. he thought.

Octavia, meanwhile, left her home with the sort of punctuality expected of her, heading towards the park at a leisurely pace. She expected that her new friend would likely turn up a bit closer to the hour she had told him to arrive close to this time, though she nevertheless did not imagine that he would arrive before she did. After all, he didn’t seem to be a fan of getting up in the morning (which, she had to admit, was something she could identify well with), so she expected to have time enough to set herself up and play a little prior to his arrival.

She was somewhat surprised, therefore, but no less delighted, to note that as she approached their arranged meeting place, she could clearly hear the strains of a cello being played. As she crested the small slope that led down to the band-stand, she caught sight of the performer. A smile spread on her face, and she let out a small chuckle as she made her way down to the band-stand, keeping her gaze on her fellow earth pony as he continued to play. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t see her approach due to him having his eyes closed in concentration.

Sketchy was slightly taken aback to hear a smattering of applause as he bowed the last note in his piece. He flashed a big grin at his audience of one, though, as she sat quietly across from him. Her violet eyes twinkled in the morning sunlight as she returned his smile.

“Very well played, dear.” she stated, her voice as smooth and refined as ever. “And, might I also compliment you on your punctuality this morning?” she added with a brief grin.

“Hahaha! Why thank you, Octavia.” Sketchy replied, letting his instrument rest against him. “It’s good to see you.” he added.

“And you too, Sketchy.” she replied, her expression relaxed and her tone at ease. “It is a lovely morning, is it not?”

“Sure is! Y’know, I actually woke up like an hour early today?”

“Aha! That explains your new-found punctuality, then.” Octavia teased with a slight smirk.

“Guilty as charged.” Sketchy chuckled. “So, what’d you wanna play today?”

“Hmm... you choose. Seeing as you arrived first today, we shall say it is your prerogative.” Octavia replied with a smile as she saw to taking her own instrument out of its case.

“Alright... hmm. Did you ever hear ‘Tale of the Forgotten City’?”

Octavia paused in her movements as she wracked her memories of assorted pieces.

“I cannot say that I have, off the top of my head. However, I expect if you play me a few bars I should quickly pick it up.” she replied, resuming getting the instrument out.

“OK then.” Sketchy nodded, placing the bow to the strings. “It’s actually a duet, or it’s supposed to be. I guess I’ll just whistle the second part for the moment. You’ll no doubt pick it up real fast.”

With that said, he slowly bowed a long, deep note on the cello. The melody he whistled as he continued on was a mournful one, yet also relaxing at the same time. Across from him, Octavia soon had her own instrument ready. She closed her eyes to listen as he played, soon quietly joining in with her own cello. It didn’t take long before both instruments were resonating with the piece’s mournful yet strangely calming tones. Between them, they told the tale of a once-great city, pride of a nation and its people, which was to one day have disaster visited upon it by the ravages of war. Where once stood an icon of a flourishing people, now only stood the crumbling ruins of buildings and long-forgotten dreams. Yet even in such a place, life still flourished; the music spun a tale of nature’s slow and steady work reclaiming what belonged to it once more.

“A most beautiful piece, Sketchy - if a little melancholic.” Octavia commented once they had played it through a few times. It had not taken her too many attempts to get it down properly, and on the most recent play through it, she had hardly missed a note. Sketchy was quietly impressed by this, though he said nothing of it for the time being.

“I’ve always thought so, too.” he replied with a smile. “It’s definitely one of my favourites, though.”

“Mmm.” his fellow musician replied, a thoughtful look on her face. “...I have... a question.”

“Oh?” he replied, tilting his head slightly at her. Her tone seemed a little uncertain.

“Would you like to take a stroll with me, for a bit?” she asked of him, shifting slightly in her seat.

“Sure!” he replied with a smile. “We don’t have to sit around playing music all day - even if it is pretty awesome playing together.”

“Oh come now, you are exaggerating.” Octavia scolded him lightly. “It is hardly that amazing of an experience, I am certain.”

“It’s still quite something, Tavy. Like it or not, I consider it a privilege to be able to jam with you.” Sketchy replied, a hint of a cheeky smile playing round his features.

“Hmph.” she replied resignedly, shaking her head - though the small smile he saw on her face told him that she was less upset about it than she was putting on. “Well, if you say it is such, I suppose I shall have to take your word for it.” she added. “Regardless, shall we stretch our legs?”

“Sure, let’s.” he agreed, seeing to stowing his own instrument.

“...and we’ve been friends ever since.” Sketchy finished saying, some hours later.

“I see.” Octavia replied, nodding. The two of them were sat on the grass in the park, at the top of a small hill. “I can see from what you say that you care quite a lot for Miss Sandwich - and clearly the feeling is mutual.”

“Well, yeah...” Sketchy nodded. “I mean, she doesn’t have any actual siblings, and neither do I. I guess it just made sense for me to look out for her, us being neighbours and all.”

“Indeed... I shall admit, I am a little jealous.”

Sketchy blinked in surprise at that admission from his companion. “You are? How so?”

Octavia turned to look up at her larger friend. “Well, when I was still a filly, I had few if any ponies that I could call friends - and certainly none so close as you and Salad are. Missing out on such a thing is what I am a little jealous of.”

Sketchy nodded. “I see. True, we are pretty close. Even now she still bothers me for small favours here and there just like a sibling would. Not that I mind, though.”

“Mm, so I see.” Octavia nodded, then rolled her head round slightly. “Ugh. I do apologise. All of this practicing of late has not been kind on my neck.”

“Oh?” Sketchy questioned. “Busy schedule, then?”

“Yes. Do you recall, I mentioned that I have a high profile concert on the horizon? Well... it is nothing less than the Summer Equinox Celebration. Or a part of it thereof.”

“Summer Equinox...?” Sketchy questioned. “I can’t say I’ve heard of that one before. The Summer Sun Celebration I know of, what’s the Equinox one for?”

“It marks the turning point when the days begin to shorten, and Princess Luna thus takes a greater share of responsibility for the day-to-day of Equestria.” Octavia replied. “...and, it has not been celebrated for over a millennium. For obvious reasons.”

“Well, understandably so.” Sketchy nodded. “...and now I see where the tension is coming from. That must be weighing rather heavily on you.”

“It is, somewhat.” Octavia replied. “But I shall pull through. This sort of pressure is ordinary.”

“I suppose so. “ the larger pony replied, a thoughtful look on his face. After a few moments’ contemplation, he ventured “...I... might be able to help you, actually.”

“How so?” Octavia queried of him, looking at him with a quizzical expression.

“Well... ever since Sally started working at the shop, she told me that sometimes it made her feel kinda sore. So... I took it upon myself to do what I could to help her. May I?”

“May you what?” the smaller pony asked, raising an eyebrow.

“...let me just show you.” With that, he gently placed a hoof to the back of her neck. “Whereabouts is it most sore?”

Octavia flinched slightly at the unexpected contact, but she didn’t shy away from it. “Ah. Up a little...?” she directed. “There.” she said, feeling the large hoof stop over a particularly tense knot. “That has been giving me trouble.”

“Oh, I gotcha there. Yeah, I can feel it.” Sketchy replied with a nod. “Lemme see what I can do for you.” He pressed firmly, and then began to gently circle his hoof around.

“Mmph!” Octavia winced, the massaging action initially causing her some discomfort. She kept still, however, as her friend frowned in concentration, focusing on his task. Slowly, she felt the tension beginning to unravel from her neck. “That... that is quite... a relief...” she murmured.

“Good, then it’s working.” Sketchy replied with a small laugh. “As I say, I learned to do this back when Sally started helping out in the shop. She’d always end up feeling a bit tense at times, so I read up on this stuff for her sake. But, I don’t mind using the knowledge to help out another friend in need.”

“I am most grateful.” Octavia replied, starting to lean her weight more heavily on her front hooves. “Pardon me, if you are going to continue this treatment I shall have to lie down.”

That got a laugh from Sketchy, and he lifted his hoof off her neck for a moment. “Sure thing! Go right ahead, I’ll be more than happy to keep going.”

“Well then, if it is no trouble...” Octavia nodded, settling down onto the grass.

“Comfy?” Sketchy asked, placing his hoof back down on her neck.

“Mmm. Continue.” she chuckled. Sketchy obliged her, firmly working his hoof over her sore spot.

Some minutes later, Octavia was lying stretched out where she had settled, feeling far more relaxed than she had for some time. The ache in her neck had more or less evaporated thanks to the attentions of Sketchy, who now sat next to her with a small contented smile on his face.

“So, how you feeling?” he chuckled.

“Hmm? Quite good, thank you.” Octavia replied somewhat lazily. “I almost wish I could remain here the rest of the day, lazing here under the sun.” she continued, but then stretched and got to her feet. “Alas, duty calls.” she said with a smile to her companion.

“You’ve still got a little bit of time before that though, right?”

“Yes. Yes, I do.” she replied, nodding. “...would you like to walk with me to the amphitheatre? It is where I am headed for practice.”


Shouldering their baggage, the two of them made their way along the streets of Canterlot toward the large venue. With it being one of the city’s main attractions, it was an easy location to head for - not least because the structure itself rose well above the tops of the buildings surrounding it.

Sketchy, however, was not really focused so much on where they were headed so much as he was on whom he was heading towards the venue with. His mind was a myriad of conflicting thoughts as he tried to put together an accurate picture of how things were now, and whether certain words or actions would damage his current standing with the strings player by his side. He stole a brief glance down at her as they continued on their way – and at the same time, caught a brief glance from her. She didn’t turn her face away in embarrassment, however – instead, she simply smiled warmly at him as they continued on. Sketchy’s expression soon mirrored hers, as he turned his gaze back to the road ahead. The picture in his head was now starting to come into sharp focus.

A short distance from the amphitheatre, he stopped. “This is your stop, I think.” he said.

Octavia nodded in reply. “That it is.” she agreed, a slight hint of feeling let down in her voice. “Hard to believe the day has passed by so quickly.”

“I know, right?” the larger earth pony nodded, and then his tone and expression became a little more serious. “Say, uh, Tavy?” he began. Octavia turned her full attention to him, tilting her head slightly at his change in tone all of a sudden.

“Yes, Sketchy?”

“I... wanna ask you something.”

“Oh? Well, by all means, ask away, dear.”

“Alright. So, uhm. I was thinking, next time we meet up...”

“Yes?” Octavia smiled, pleased to hear that there was to be a next time – not that she had expected any less, of course.

“...I’d like us to have dinner together.”

“Aha? With Miss Sandwich again?” Octavia asked, remembering the last time the three had eaten together, and how she’d enjoyed it.

“Uh... nope. I mean, well, you know... just you and me.” Sketchy replied. At the same time, he heard his mind screaming to him that he must be mad to be asking what he was asking of her.

“...Sketchy... do you mean... as in, a date?” Octavia replied, a slight frown on her face.

He considered saying no, and to forget it. He considered also pretending that he was joking and to laugh it up... but ultimately, what he replied with was simply “...yes.”

Octavia’s frown remained, and then she lowered her gaze towards the ground, and slowly shook her head. “I... am afraid I must decline, Sketchy.” she replied. He heard in her voice a most sorrowful and at the same time apologetic tone – and all at once he could tell why. It was a tone that said that it wasn’t that she didn’t want to spend time with him; but rather that was the tone of one who was being faced with having to inform someone else that they did not feel the same way towards them as they themselves felt.

“...wha...” he managed to say, but any further words caught in his throat as he fought to hold his emotions in check. If there was one thing he was not going to do, it was to lose control in front of her and cry his eyes out - in spite of the pain he now felt stabbing at him right in his heart.

Octavia looked back up at him briefly, and he saw in her eyes a mix of sadness, regret, yet also compassion and a silent pleading not to be hated... but then she averted her gaze once more to the side. “I... I should go. I am... I am sorry, Sketchy, for hurting you.” she said, turning towards the amphitheatre. She had only moved a step or two, however, when the larger pony’s voice halted her in her tracks.


Slowly, Octavia turned to look back at him. She looked as though she was bracing herself to be shouted at, or to be argued with, or similar.

“Yes...?” she asked, slowly and in a slightly muted tone.

Still fighting with the emotions threatening to ruin his composure, Sketchy spoke up, the words coming slowly and deliberately.

“If... you’re going to turn me down... at least tell me why.” he said, fixing his gaze firmly on her. Octavia averted her gaze for a moment, composing herself, then turned back to look him in the eyes.

“I... it is not...” she began, faltering slightly, and then she cleared her throat. “Please understand. It... it is nothing to do with the way you are, Sketchy.” she affirmed. “But... I do not... I have never...” and then she sighed and looked down. “I... do not look at stallions that way, Sketchy.” she finally managed.

It took a few moments for him to cotton on to what she meant, but slowly a look of realisation dawned on his face.

“Oh...” he said, blandly, then shook his head slightly. “Right. Right!” he continued, forcing himself to sound cheerful - though in truth he did feel at least a little relief in that he wasn’t being turned down for anything he had done. “Well, then I’m glad we cleared that up.”

Octavia blinked at him a few times. “Sketchy... are you alright? Are... are you not upset...?” she asked, a worried tone in her voice – although there was also a note of relief to it as well.

Sketchy managed a small smile. “I’d be lying if I said no, Octavia... but, I’d have been more upset if you’d walked away without a word of explanation. We’re... we’re friends after all, aren’t we?”

Octavia’s expression softened into a smile. “Yes. Yes, we are friends, Sketchy.” she replied, before trotting over to him, rearing up on her hind legs as she tended to for playing, and threw her forelegs round his neck, hugging him. “Thank you...” she said quietly, before letting go and looking up at him with a grateful expression. “I should get going.” she said, glancing toward the venue once more.

Sketchy nodded. “On you go, don’t keep them waiting.” he replied, then added with a small smile “Knock ‘em dead.”

Octavia nodded, smiled, and quickly headed toward the amphitheatre’s entrance.Sketchy remained stood where he was until she vanished from view. Only after she was out of sight did he let his shoulders slump and a long sigh escape from his lungs. He turned and walked slowly away from the amphitheatre, his gaze downcast.

You weren’t to know. he thought to himself. Nevertheless, he couldn’t help feeling somewhat saddened by what had happened. That and, perhaps, somehow betrayed - though perhaps it was more his own emotions that were to blame rather than Octavia’s actions.

He continued on through the Canterlot streets, dragging his hooves slightly as he walked. He reached home some time later, flopping down lifelessly on his bed, and laid there, gazing listlessly out of the window at the empty sky. He was unsure of how long he remained there, watching the clouds pass by - but a loud knocking broke through his melancholy all of a sudden. He sat up slightly.

“Who is it?” he called, his voice carrying more depression than he had wanted to let on.

“Sketchy, hon? It’s Sally. Are ya all right?” came the reply, muffled by the door.

“Sally? Oh, uh... come on in, it’s still open...” he called back, staying where he was and lowering his head back down. He heard the door open and the footfalls of his unicorn friend on the floor below.


“Up here...” he said, not really bothering to turn his head in her direction. He heard her hooves come clopping softly up the stairs, and heard her approach him from the side.

“...Sketchy, hon? Whut happened to yuh?” came her voice, her tone soft and caring.

He shifted his gaze to the side to look at her. “Well...” he began. He proceeded to tell her, in brief detail, about how he had propositioned Octavia – and how it had fallen flat, and why. Salad’s expression went from concern, to surprise, and then to sorrow finally as he finished his story.

“Oh Sketchy hon... Ah’m so sorry!” she said, lowering her head down to his and gently nuzzling his cheek. “Ah can’t even imagine how much that’s gotta hurt... Ah’m here for yuh, hon.”

Sketchy sighed, closing his eyes. He could no longer hold back the emotions torturing him, and he sniffed loudly as tears began to well in his eyes. “...sorry you gotta see me this way...” he said in a slightly shaky voice, as the tears rolled down his cheeks.

Salad hopped up onto the bed next to him, seating herself there. She laid a comforting foreleg over his back, gently patting his shoulder. “Hush yer nonsense, Sketchy.” she reassured him. “You don’t gotta apologise for that. Just let out what yuh gotta let out.”

Despite his tears, Sketchy managed a small smile at that. “Thanks, Sally... that... it means a lot.”

Some time later, the two were sat downstairs on either side of the table in the main area of his apartment. It was now dark outside, and the both of them had a steaming mug of hot chocolate before them.

“Ah still can’t believe it, Sketchy.” Salad said, shaking her head sadly. “Ah’m... Ah hate tuh say it, but Ah’m almost sorry Ah ever introduced the two of yuh.”

Sketchy shook his head. “Don’t be, Sally. It was an inevitability that I’d have asked her what I did, sooner or later. I think it’s better I found out now, rather than further on down the line. I think I’d have felt worse if I’d felt I was being lead on, and then had that happened.”

“So... what’re you sayin’, Sketchy?”

“What I’m saying is, better for that to be out in the open now. At least now there doesn’t need to be any awkwardness between me and her over any uh... y’know. Tension.” he finished slightly awkwardly.

“Ah s’pose.” Salad nodded. “But still, Sketchy, it tears me up seein’ ya all sad as yuh were. Or are, p’raps Ah should say.”

“I know, Sally.” he replied, smiling a little. “I’ll be alright... I just need to, I don’t know... try to bury a few things I guess. If she’s not the one, she’s not the one.” he added, the last sentence coming out with a heavy hint of melancholy. Salad reached over and gently patted the stallion’s foreleg.

“Easy now, hon... when’d you plan to meet up again, anyways?”

“...oh, blast it!” Sketchy said with a frown. “I completely and utterly forgot to make any kinda arrangement with her!”

“Well shoot, Sketchy... ya better do somethin’ about that first chance ya get. Why, Ah bet that girl’s mighty worried ‘bout you right now. It’s important that yuh--” she said, but her sentence was interrupted by a loud knocking... from above.

“Well now whut in tarnation?” she exclaimed, looking up toward the source of the noise. Sketchy followed her gaze, having heard the sound too, before a look of realisation dawned on his face.

“Oh! I betcha that’s Freeze, Sally. Good timing, too... I could use another friendly face right now.” he said, rising from his seat at the table. “That you Freeze? Gimme a sec!” he called as he climbed the stairs.

“Well who else is gonna come knocking on your window, Sketchy?” came the to-the-point tones of Freeze Pop. “Listen, I ain’t just here to say hi.” she continued as her friend reached the French window and pulled it open.

“Oh yeah?” queried the earth pony as he laid eyes on his white-coated pegasus friend, the latter of whom was currently clad in her garb of office. “What’s up, then? Oh and come on in, assuming you’ve time to.” he added, standing aside.

Freeze Pop wasted no time in taking him up on the offer to come in, stepping neatly through the frame.

“Well, I was on duty over at the amphitheatre tonight, Sketchy. Seems our star performer was a bit distracted throughout. Once practice was over she came straight to me and asked if she could trouble me to deliver you a message, seeing as she ain’t got a clue where you live. Now of course, she wasn't to know you an’ I are friends anyway, and even if she hadn’t’ve asked I’d’ve come right right over here. But that’s beside the point. She asked me to ask you if you’d meet with her in the park again, four days from today. Oh, and she also said to say sorry to you for her.”

“Well, you can tell her...” Sketchy began, then trailed off as he thought for a bit. Can I really do this? Will it be OK to continue meeting with her...? It may be a bit too much...

“Yeah? Tell her what, bud?” Freeze’s cool tones sliced neatly through his internal dithering. He shrugged, shook his head, then smiled.

“...tell her I’d love to, just the same as before.”

“OK. I’ll let her know.”

“Thanks, Freezy. I suppose I should tell you what went on, huh?”

His pegasus friend cracked a smile at that. “Oh for goodness’ sake, you think I can’t guess?” she said, then laid a hoof on his shoulder. “Listen dude, we maybe ain’t been friends as long as you and Sally, but I know you well enough to know how you are when you see something you really want. You just go after it without thinking it through. That’s both a good and a bad thing. My guess? You were too forthcoming with our little musician friend, and you got a rebuff. Am I right?”

“...yeah. That’s more or less it.”

“That’s what I figured. You don’t gotta tell me any more than that. I know all about the whole getting turned down thing, as well you know. So... just know, I’m here for ya. ‘kay?”

A grin spread across Sketchy’s face as he looked his pegasus friend in the eye. “I got it, Freezy. Thanks. To both of you.” he added, turning to look at Salad briefly as well.

“Any time, Sketchy.” the pegasus nodded. “Well, it’s getting late. I’m gonna head home and sleep. Some of us gotta get up in good time tomorrow.”

“Oh gosh, yer right!” Salad’s voice piped up, as she took a glance at a wall clock. “Ah ought ta get goin’ too, Sketchy honey. Are you gonna be OK?”

“Yeah... yeah, Sally, I think I will. I’ve got you guys looking out for me after all, don’t I?” he smiled.

“That you do, Sketchy.” Freeze nodded, as Salad trotted over to the two of them.

The large earth pony grinned a bit more broadly as he turned slightly and then threw one of his forelegs around Freeze’s shoulders and the other around Salad’s in a surprise gesture of affection. The two of them were a little surprised, but were quick to smile and laugh, returning the hug.

“Thanks, you two.” he told them. “I’m really lucky to have you both.”

“Hey likewise.” Freeze replied with a nod as she let go of him.

“What Freezy said.” Salad affirmed, releasing her grip too. Sketchy released the two of them, dropping back onto all fours.

“I’ll catch you guys later, then.” he smiled. “Sleep well, both of you.”

“You too!” they replied in almost perfect unison as they made their way to their respective preferred exits. Freeze vanished via the window, and Salad left by the more conventional route, after saying goodnight once more.

Sketchy let out a small sigh as his apartment was now down to just him once more - but, somehow, it felt less lonely than it had some hours previous. He climbed the stairs to bed and flopped down, making himself comfortable. Within the hour he had drifted off into a peaceful slumber, his mind for now comforted by the thought that regardless of what had transpired, there were still those close to his heart who would be there for him.