• Published 15th Oct 2011
  • 8,869 Views, 587 Comments

Sketchy Salad Symphony - Sketchy Sounds

This is a tale of who we are, and how we got here.

  • ...

22nd Movement

“I am glad to be doing this again.”

Octavia’s statement was directed to her stallion companion, who nodded in agreement at her expression of her emotions.

“I hear you there, Tavy. These past several days, where my worries had been eating me up... it’s like I’ve finally woken up from a bad dream.”

The two of them were sat in their usual meeting place of the band-stand, having just spent nearly the entire past hour engaged in some musical recreation. It had been almost a week since the day when they had first resumed this practice of regularly meeting to spend some time playing, and neither pony was yet to find reason to stop.

“For you and I both, Sketchy. Though I am pleased to see that, as I had thought, it was merely a passing phantasm so to speak.”

“No kidding. So... did you want to go for another little wander around town? You have time, right?”

The cellist smiled, nodding to her stallion friend. “I certainly do, Sketchy. I am not yet pressed for time, and I should like to spend some more of what I have in your company.”

Sketchy returned his friend’s expression with a smile of his own as he tended to packing up his instrument. “Well, I’m hardly about to refuse you! Got any particular destination in mind?”

“Hmm. Well first and foremost, I believe it would be prudent to drop this instrument of mine off back at the amphitheatre. That is not too far from here, and then perhaps we might deposit yours also, yes?”

“Sounds like a plan. And what about after that?”

Octavia paused to think for a moment, before glancing to her larger friend with a small grin. “Do you think our dear Guard would object too terribly to a small intrusion upon the reservoir once more?”

“Not hardly. I think she’d welcome it!”

“Then it is decided.” With that, Octavia shouldered her now loaded cello case and led the way up from the little structure. She was soon joined by her fellow musician at her left side. She looked round to him, flashing a smile when she saw him in turn look round at her – an expression which he was quick to return.

The two of them walked on, leaving the park and heading for the theatre. Although there was little chatter between them, it was a far cry from the stifling quiet that had pervaded the atmosphere prior to the disagreement they had gone through earlier in the month.

This is a different kind of quiet. Sketchy thought to himself as he walked side by side with his reconciled friend. This... it’s like when I’m hanging out with Sally, or Freezy. It’s not like we have to fill the silence with idle talk in order to get something out of it.

Octavia, meanwhile, was quietly stewing a little in her thoughts. It wasn’t that she was in any way discontented with how things were; in fact, if anything she was quite the opposite.

And therein lies the problem, if it is even correct to call it that.

That in itself was an issue. She couldn’t really be sure as to whether the quiet contentment she felt when she was spending time in her stallion friend’s company was something that was a problem to her or not. She certainly did not mind the fact that, when she was with him, she felt quite happy and even somewhat more relaxed. However, this had brought with it an opposite effect when she was on her own. She had found her mind wandering on more than one occasion to musings on what her tall companion was up to whilst she was busying herself with her compositions.

I am certain that has never happened to me before. I have never given much thought to the activities of other stallions I have known.

Despite that, here she was. Meeting with her friend on a regular basis had done nothing to quell the thoughts she kept on having. Indeed, it had served only to increase them. If she were to be completely honest with herself, she knew these feelings and thoughts. They had been there since even before she and the larger pony had fallen out. Now that they had patched over that, she had felt even more positively disposed towards him.

“You alright there, Tavy? I said we’re here.”

Octavia blinked and shook her head, looking round at her friend. She realised soon after what he was on about: they were now stood in the shadow of the huge amphitheatre, mere metres from the backstage entrance.

“I... huh? Oh! Right.” she replied, and then upon noticing the concerned look on Sketchy’s face, waved a hoof dismissively.

“I am fine, sorry. I was merely a little caught up in my own thoughts.”

Sketchy was quick to appear reassured by that, his expression soon shifting to a relaxed smile. “Ah, I know the feeling. Anyway, shall we drop your cello off?”

“Yes, let us get that matter out of our way.”

Some time later, having allowed a stagehand to handle her prized instrument on this occasion, Octavia found herself once more strolling up the lazily spiralling avenue of Beech Grove, home to her fellow earth pony.

“So anyway, I’m making a good amount of headway on that commission I had.”

“Ah? The one from one of the palace staff?”

Sketchy nodded as he replied. “The very same.”

“You know, I do wish you would tell me whom you are drawing.” Octavia prodded, though her smile said that she didn’t mind a secret being kept.

“Sorry lass. Much as I’d like to let you in on that little secret, I did promise my client some confidentiality. You can understand that, surely.”

Octavia’s thoughts wandered briefly to her own top secret client, and she nodded. “More than you can know, Sketchy.”

Sketchy flashed her a smile at that. “That’s professionalism for you. If somepony doesn’t want other folks knowing about their business, you don’t tell. I do wish I could let the cat out of the bag, but I’m under orders not to, for now.”

“It is fine dear, do not fret. I am not one to pry.”

“Aye, I know. You’ve way more class than that.” Sketchy noted, earning him a bit of a blush from his shorter companion.

“You flatter me, sir.” she smiled. “It would appear we have reached our second stop off. I would accompany you inside, but I fear those accursed stairs to your apartment would slow my descent thereafter.”

Sketchy chuckled at that, looking round at her with an affectionate smile. “True, unless I carried you again. But there ain’t much point if we’re not hanging about, and you said you wanted to check out the reservoir again.”

“Very much so. I have not set foot down there since the previous time, and I should very much like to take another look. Especially with the weather being so delightful as it is today.”

“Aye, it’d be a shame to waste it. Just wait here, I won’t be five minutes.”

Octavia seated herself on a patch of grass, nodding to the grey-white stallion as he headed for the aged building he called home. It was quite peaceful up here, with very little passing traffic and a quiet ambience of birdsong and insects. It allowed her some time to wander through her thoughts a little more as she sat there.

Perhaps I should confide in him how I feel?

That was a thought that she had wrestled with for some time now. Each passing day had made it a more pressing concern, as she had found little respite from the twinges she kept feeling in her heart. Yet each time, she found her head filled with indecision.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Octavia rose from her seat and shook her head.

I certainly cannot keep this to myself for much longer... I am sure it is already affecting my behaviour, and there are only so many excuses I can make.

Still, there were other concerns in the cellist’s head as she considered voicing her feelings. After all, she herself had turned away the stallion’s affections when he had spoken of his attraction to her.

So how can I be sure I shall not face the same sort of rejection...?

Her stewing over the prospect was interrupted by Sketchy’s return, however – and her worrying was subdued somewhat as she noted the fond look on his face as he approached.

“Shall we head off?”

Octavia fell into step alongside the taller pony, nodding in agreement.

“Yes, let us be on our way. Do you think madam Freeze will be at the reservoir today?”

“I expect so. If memory serves correctly, she gets stationed there every two or three days. I think last time I spoke to her she was on gate duty, so we’ve a reasonably good chance of catching her.”

“Excellent. It will be nice to see her.”

The two made their way down the winding lane of Beech Grove. A comfortable silence pervaded between the two, due to both the pleasantly warm weather and the fact that, in spite of her mind settling somewhat, Octavia could still feel her stomach knotting itself a bit as she continued thinking over her decision.

“You alright there, Tavy?”

She looked round to see her companion eyeing her with a concerned expression.

“Yes! Ah, yes, I am fine. I do apologise, my thoughts are over taking me again.”

“Ahh, right. Well yeah, I can understand that. I’d tell you not to think about the you-know-what so much, but I know that never works.”

“I am less concerned about that matter than I was. I believe from a composition standpoint that everything is now as close to perfection as ever it shall be. I intend no further tinkering with its order.”

“Ah, that so? Well I’m glad to hear that!” Sketchy grinned brightly.

Octavia’s expression matched his own as she nodded. “It is a great relief to me also. I of course still have my worries, but you and those around me are always quick to reassure me that everything shall be fine. I must concede that, with that much faith put in my abilities, it would be foolish of me to not place some faith of my own there as well.”

“I’m glad to hear you think of it that way.” Sketchy affirmed as they approached the familiar large door set in the city wall.

“It is either that or worry myself into a wreck.”

The tall stallion nodded slightly at that as he knocked on the large door. “Yeah, when you put it that way it isn’t really a difficult choice.”

The door was slowly opened, revealing the familiar sight of a blue-maned pegasus wearing the golden armour of the Guard. She smiled in recognition of the two earth ponies before her and pulled the door all the way open.

“‘afternoon, you two. Come to relax for a bit downstairs?”

“That and to say hi to a friend, Sergeant.” Sketchy smiled.

“Indeed. Good afternoon to you too, madam. I trust the day finds you well?” Octavia chimed in.

Freeze Pop cast her gaze on the smaller of the two ponies, nodding her head.

“Well enough, yeah. It’s as quiet as ever ‘round here. Not that I’m complaining of course!”

“I’d hardly expect you to, Freezy.” Sketchy commented, earning him a grin from the Guard.

“Well yeah. Anyway, I expect you two wanna head downstairs to enjoy the P&Q for a bit, right? I’ll note you down on the register.”

With that, Freeze Pop parked herself back behind the desk, scribbling some notes in the tome before her.

“There we go! Both accounted for. Don’t go doing anything I wouldn’t down there.”

“Cheers, lass.”

“Thank you, madam.”

“No worries. Catch ya later!”

A short while later, the two earth ponies were sat on the large platform that dominated a portion of the reservoir’s surface. The dull roar of falling water gave the large pool a pleasant ambience; the sound was loud enough to filter out the surrounding noise of the city above, and yet not so insistent as to make it impossible to speak to those around you.

It was perfect, therefore, to conduct any kind of private conversation – a fact which had influenced Octavia’s decision to come here, although for now she was taking the time to enjoy the atmosphere as she still wrestled with her indecision.

“I am glad to be here once more.” she stated at length.

“You and me both, Octavia.”

“And seeing madam Freeze Pop again as well. A pleasure indeed, she is very dedicated. I must admit, I have always found the Guards to be quite impressive. Their resolve is without peer.”

“Well, you’ve met at least one of the Princesses. Guarding somepony like that is worth the dedication.”

Octavia smiled at that, thinking over her time spent tutoring the Princess of the Night. “Very true.” She stretched out a bit, relaxing from the walking they had done, and leaned her head gently against her companion’s shoulder.

“This is a most beautiful place, and my company to boot.”

Sketchy blinked at that, and turned his gaze down to her with a chuckle.

“Are you saying I’m beautiful? I tend more towards ‘handsome’, myself.” he replied, a playful smile on his face.

The cellist narrowed her eyes slightly in a coy grin, a light-hearted tone to her own voice.

“Handsome it is, then, but my point is still valid.” she replied, turning her attention once more to their surroundings. “This is a magical place, I am glad to have had you guide me to it.”

Her companion copied her behaviour, looking around again at the cascading fall of water and the flowing pool around them.

“I simply had the feeling, when I first thought to bring you here, that you’d appreciate it. I’m glad I was proven right.” he replied, his tone quite relaxed. He felt a gentle prod to his cheek, as his smaller companion poked him with her nose.

“I... uhm... Sketchy?” she said, her voice quavering slightly.

The stallion turned his attention to her, noting a look of consternation on her face. He raised an eyebrow questioningly at that, though at the same time he kept a welcoming smile on his features.


“May I... ask you something?”

What in the world has gotten her so nervous? Sketchy thought to himself. It surely can’t be the concert... she just said before that’s all been ironed out. So what’s bothering her now?

“Anything.” he replied, his curiosity regarding her nervousness showing plainly on his face.

“Would you...” Octavia began, but her sentence trailed off as uncertainty overcame her and she averted her eyes.

Are you really going to go through with this? You may end up hurting once more! Must you risk that so close as you are to such an important event?

She turned her gaze back to the larger pony sat next to her, making eye contact once more. Her heart fluttered slightly, and in that moment her decision was finally made.

“I just... I believe I... do have feelings for you.”

Sketchy’s jaw fell open as his mind processed what his ears had just fed it. He continued to stare at her in a dumbfounded manner, whilst his train of thought proceeded along a rather erratic line.

Wait... WHAT!? This isn’t happening. It is happening! Is this supposed to be happening!? This can’t be happening! Am I just hallucinating? I could be hallucinating! Check what she said!

Before he could convince his jaw to work properly, however, Octavia continued.

“I think... One thing I know... you make my heart sing. But... please, please understand, this is new for me. I... I am confused by it all...”

“I...” Sketchy began to say, but he had to fight to not falter completely as the pony before him turned her face back to look into his own, her eyes large and filled with a mix of desperation and longing – the same that he had seen mixed in with her other emotions back when she had demanded proof of his character.

“I... I am not sure yet, but... I do feel something for you, inside my heart.”

Sketchy slowly pulled himself together, taking a breath as he ordered his thoughts before he spoke.

“I understand, Octavia.” he stated, in what he hoped was as reassuring a tone as possible.

A tear ran from the corner of one of Octavia’s eyes as she felt her heart pounding in her chest. It was as though something was squeezing at it, and yet at the same time she felt an indescribable sense of relief to have spoken out her feelings.

“I... I do not want to break your heart, if I am wrong about my feelings.” she stammered out, faltering a little. Her forelegs found their way around her companion’s shoulders, and she hugged herself tightly to him. “But I hope that you will not give up on me.”

After only a moment’s pause, Sketchy gently wrapped a foreleg around the body of his unnerved companion. He heard a faint whimper from her as he gently squeezed her in reciprocation, and felt her relax slightly against him.

“I know you don’t... I won’t give up on you, Tavy.” he replied.

The latter half of his sentence was barely more than a whisper, but it was not missed by Octavia as her tender-hearted companion had lowered his mouth to mere inches away from her ear. She hugged tightly to him once more, somewhat overcome as she felt her heart flooded by a greater depth of comfort than she had ever known from being around another pony.

Presently, she lifted her head to speak. Her voice was barely above a whisper.

“Please... be slow with me. This is unfamiliar to me, and difficult.” She subconsciously squeezed tighter for a moment before continuing. “I need to tell you something. Something very private.”

She had Sketchy’s full attention with that, and he regarded her with a questioning, yet welcoming gaze.

“You can tell me anything.”

Octavia’s gaze fell to the floor for a moment, slowly returning to meet with his.

“I have never actually had a relationship of this kind.” she stated somewhat nervously, pausing to hold her breath for a moment as she bit her lip. “I... simply never had the time.”

A large grin spread across Sketchy’s face at that, as he found himself having to exert a great deal of self-control to avoid laughing out loud.

Here was I wondering if for a moment the Octavia I know had suddenly been replaced... but nope, that’s her alright. That’s definitely her!

His amusement wasn’t lost on Octavia, whose cheeks turned a deep red. “I am sorry for spilling my thoughts out everywhere like this.” she stated, a note of distress in her voice as she began to look more and more frazzled. “I... I look at the other fillies and feel drawn to them, yet I never said anything. But now... I feel the same such things when I look upon you. I had not thought it possible... but, here we are.”

Sketchy finally got his mirth under control as she spoke, his expression softening into an understanding smile. It was clear from his expression that her words had touched his heart, and he slowly nodded his head as she finished speaking.

“I see, Tavy... it makes me very happy, then, to know that I’m the first to have gotten a confession such as that from you.”

The cellist glanced briefly over her shoulder, then back to her companion as she released him from her embrace. “Can you please do me a favour?”

“Sure?” Sketchy replied, tilting his head questioningly as he released her in turn.

“Please keep this quiet... for the time being, at least?” Octavia requested, her voice a whisper.

The stallion leaned his head forward, locking eyes with her, and his lips curved into a smile as he spoke.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” he swore, his tone soft and purposeful.

Octavia let out a contented sigh, an amused smile creeping onto her own face at the use of the famed promise. She glanced once more back over her other shoulder, to confirm that she and her companion were still alone.

“Do you think Freeze Pop is busy, currently?”

Sketchy glanced over in the direction of the stairway back up for a moment, before looking back to the musician pony with a grin.

“Depends on your definition of the word. Officially speaking, yes, she’s busy guarding the entrance to this reservoir. In actuality? She’s probably amusing herself with a crossword up there.”

Octavia giggled quietly at that, though her expression soon shifted to one of uncertainty as her mind was once more caught up in a bout of indecision. She shuffled her hooves in an anxious fashion, apparently trying to decide whether or not to move.

Sketchy watched her for a few moments, trying to decide for himself whether he ought to say anything. Just as he was about to speak, however, Octavia finally came to some kind of decision. She rose up and slid her forelegs around his shoulders once more, holding herself upright and bringing her nose close to his own. He could feel her shallow breaths blowing against the end of his muzzle as her eyes met with his own once more, the shimmering light filtered through the cascading water reflecting in those twin violet pools.

She spoke, her voice quavering a little, but nonetheless resolute as she finally found the determination to make the request that had fleetingly crossed her mind before.

“Would you... kiss me?”

Sketchy couldn’t remember the last time someone had said something to him that had caused his eyes to go as wide as they now grew, if indeed it had ever occurred at all in his life up til now. Never had he expected to hear such an openly worded request for his affections, least of all from the mare before him. A veritable tornado of intermingled thoughts and feelings tore through his head, lasting for what felt like several long minutes. It was in actuality no more than a second or so before his mind very quickly settled on two very clear facts: this was Octavia herself before him outright asking for his affections, and he would regret it for the rest of his whole life if he didn’t grant said request.

He didn’t voice his reply, choosing simply to act. His heart began to pound in his chest as he leaned his head forward, his eyes starting to close. Seeing this, Octavia inclined her head back a little. Her grasp on him tightened slightly in anticipation, her mind a blur once more.

Are you certain this is what you want? ...I can no longer be sure... but this somehow feels right...

Her eyes in turn began to close, her lips quivering a little.

What will this feel like...? Never before, only a simple friendly peck... but this is a different thing entirely...

For the briefest of moments, the two of them caught wind of each others’ scent - but before either one could fully take it in, their lips had met.

Sketchy felt a rush of warm air against his nose as Octavia almost gasped. He felt her trembling in their embrace, yet at the same time she did not withdraw from him. To the contrary, he was rather surprised to feel her press more firmly into the kiss as her front hooves clenched more tightly across his back. His apprehension slowly melted away, being replaced by a deep warmth of fulfilment as something he had thought could only remain as a dream unfolded before him.

Octavia felt one of the stallion’s forelegs wrap itself around her body, supporting her posture and at the same time embracing her where she stood. She squeaked a little, a quiet whimper escaping her throat. Her anxiety ebbed away as it was overtaken by a calm feeling of pleasure.

This is better than I could have imagined...

She broke from the kiss, turning her head to the side. Her face was flushed, and her heart still pounded in her chest as she gasped a little for air. She turned her head back and buried her face in her companion’s chest, clinging tightly to him as she spoke once more in a shaky whisper.

“Sketchy... that... was wonderful...”

Sketchy’s own pounding heart was easily audible to the cellist as she held her head to his chest. She felt his grip around her tighten a little, the foreleg around her trembling somewhat.

“Y... yeah... That... was amazing...” he agreed, his voice also shaking slightly.

I’m not dreaming this, right? That really happened. I... I kissed her. I kissed Octavia. That... I’ve only ever DREAMED of such a thing...!

The tranquility surrounding them was shattered, suddenly, by a harsh ringing from Octavia’s saddlebag. The bag’s owner jumped, quickly digging through it for her timepiece.

“Oh goodness!” she exclaimed. “I am sorry dear, I am going to be late to practice!” Turning to look at him once more, a pleading expression wrote itself on her face.

“Can we... see each other tomorrow? I really want to see you again soon.” she asked, her expression pained and panicked at the same time.

Sketchy leaned his head down to hers, gently nuzzling at her cheek. “Of course we can, Tavy.” he replied in a soft tone, and then a smile crossed his face as an idea popped into his head.

“Do you need to be there fast?”

The stone grey mare nodded quickly. “I have little time and a long walk ahead. I cannot imagine being late if the Princess is there also.”

“Well, we can’t have that.” the stallion replied, lowering himself to his knees. “C’mon. I know the way by now. I’ll show you that speed of mine that got me to Ponyville in an hour.”

Octavia’s eyes widened at that, but she nodded gratefully and clambered on to her companion’s back, wrapping her forelegs snugly around his neck.

“I feel like I may need a seatbelt!” she commented, laying her head to the side of his neck. That got her a chuckle from Sketchy as he rose once more to his feet.

“So long as you hold on tight and don’t let go, you’ll be just fine. Here we go!”

He started at a walk and soon sped to a canter, clattering up the stairs. As they neared the top, he called to the guard he knew to be waiting in the small office.

“Open the door, Freezy! Tavy’s gonna be late!”

He cornered sharply as they reached the top of the stairs, and a fresh breeze blew in through the open door. Sketchy continued straight on through the arch, with his passenger leaving a brief call of “Thank you, Freeze Pop!” in their wake.

As they exited the reservoir, the stallion soon picked up his pace. They shot along the Canterlot streets at a gallop, with Octavia hanging on tightly to the pony she had so recently confessed her attraction to. As the wind whipped through her mane and that of her stallion steed, she pressed her face against his neck – partly to shield her eyes from the wind, but also to allow her the opportunity to inhale his scent. It was a soothing thing in the middle of the panic she was feeling about her possible tardiness, as she felt her stomach knotting again.

Sketchy was somewhat fortunate in that most ponies that saw him coming quickly moved out of his way. That, and with the evening already having drawn in, the streets were not as busy as they were during the day. It didn’t take him long therefore to reach the amphitheatre, and he came to a skidding halt a few feet away from the backstage entrance. He bent his knees slightly to let the smaller mare off his back, and she hopped off quickly.

Octavia shook herself a bit to dust herself off, tending quickly to her windswept mane and tail. She began to head to the backstage entrance, but paused mid-step, shaking her head.

What are you thinking? One track mind!

She turned around quickly and trotted over to her stallion saviour. Taking a quick glance around to see whether anyone else could see, she craned her head up and planted another kiss on his lips.

Octavia’s affections were met far more readily this time; Sketchy happily pressed his lips against her own firmly – though it was he who broke away first this time, smiling.

“Go on, get going.” he instructed. “There’s plenty more where that came from, and I don’t plan on disappearing from Canterlot during the course of your practice.”

With that said, he straightened up once more and shook himself vigorously, looking into the deep violet eyes of his companion once more as a smile creased his features.

“Knock ‘em dead, beautiful.”

Octavia felt her face flushing brightly once more at both the shared affection and the stallion’s compliment. She nodded quickly, turned about and almost pranced her way to the backstage entrance, turning to look back briefly before she entered.

“This has been the best day ever.” she smiled, before vanishing through the doorway.

Sketchy stood there a few moments longer, a huge smile spreading across his face.

Gotta agree with you there, lass! he thought to himself at the shorter pony’s comment, as he then turned and trotted his way back down the street. On this occasion, he was of the opinion that his presence would probably be more of a distraction than anything else.

As it was, Octavia was all smiles as she joined her fellow musicians. The change in her demeanour was quite apparent to all present, and they looked upon the cellist with an air of curiosity. She said nothing of the cause of her happiness though, assuring those who questioned her on it that there was good reason for it.

Some time later, however, Octavia’s mood had been dampened somewhat - in both a literal and figurative sense.

Blasted pegasus ponies... thunder! Not rain! she mentally grumbled, attempting to shake herself dry. She yawned, blinking tiredly as she slowly made her way away from the amphitheatre. She was not looking forward to the walk home as her hooves felt like weights on the end of each limb. She had spent almost the entire rehearsal behind her cello this time around. That at least was a plus; it was indicative of her fellow performers having acclimated themselves to the minor revisions she had made, and the performance as a whole.

As she slowly ambled her way along, her mind drifted back over the events that had transpired earlier in the day: her free time spent playing together with her stallion friend, revisiting the secluded reservoir... and then her confession of her feelings, and the act of intimacy that had followed. Octavia felt a flutter in her chest at the fresh memory; she even skipped in her step slightly as she continued her meandering. A smile crossed her tired features as she momentarily wondered how silly she had to look behaving so childishly.

A good thing it is so late as to ensure few witnesses of my ridiculous behaviour. she mused to herself. Perhaps I am being too hard on those weather ponies. Coordination to music is hardly within their ordinary line of duties.

On the edge of her hearing, she caught a faint, echoing sound. She couldn’t quite identify it, but it sounded like some kind of wind instrument. Almost instinctively, she found herself following the sound toward its source; her distracted mind failed to take in the fact that she was wandering away from the path that would take her home.

As she wound her way through the city streets, the music became clearer to her. A smile spread across her face as she found herself making her way up a more familiar avenue, and she finally recognised the sound wafting through the air as that of a saxophone. Reaching the top of the winding street, she looked up towards the balcony from where the sound was issuing forth from.

Sat comfortably in the moonlight, a soulful sound drifting from the end of his saxophone, was Sketchy. Thanks to him living so high up, he was afforded the small luxury of being able to play like this with minimal disturbance to his neighbours. The sound from this instrument was directed skyward, after all. To those outside, of course, it was still fairly audible from a distance – a fact made obvious by it having drawn the attention of his fellow musician.

Octavia remained secluded in the shadows below as she drew closer to the Old Chapel, enjoying the fact that, for once, it was she who was the audience and someone else whom was playing. Upon noting the music coming to an end, and seeing her friend put his instrument down and gaze up at the stars, she stepped forth from the shadows and raised her forelegs, clapping her front hooves together in a small show of appreciation.

Sketchy’s ears perked up at that, and he was further surprised to hear a familiar feminine voice from below calling up to him.

“Bravo, dear. You are quite masterful!”

The stallion peered carefully over the edge of the balcony, and the sight that met his eyes as his gaze fell on Octavia was almost enough to take the strength from his legs. She was stood below in the glow of a street lamp, a sweet smile on her face and an admiring gaze in her violet eyes. Combined with the slick dampness of her mane, it made for an extremely alluring image. It took him a moment or two to find his voice to call quietly back to her.

“...Tavy? What are you doing here? I’d have thought you’d be heading straight home after practice...”

His friend shook her mane out a bit, trying in vain to dry it out some more in the cool night air.

“I was indeed... but, distracted as I have been, I found both my mind and my hooves wandering. When I finally realised what I was about, my ears had already led me to the source of a wonderful sound.”

“I see...” Sketchy nodded, a smile crossing his face at her compliment. His head tilted to the side, however, as his mind caught up to his eyesight and he took note of something odd about her appearance.

“You’re soaked! What happened?”

The cellist laughed a little at that, shaking her head. “That is a long story... do you plan to make me stand out here in the chilly air to tell you it?”

She was rewarded for her humour with a laugh and a smile from her fellow musician, along with a shake of his head. “Of course not. Wait right there, I’ll be down in just a tic...”

With that he was gone from the balcony. Octavia trotted quietly over to the door to the apartment block and seated herself, waiting for the arrival of the stallion to whom she had opened her heart earlier in the day. Even though she was patiently waiting on his arrival, she was at the same time slightly anxious. She felt a shiver run through her body, one not wrought of the cold but rather of her anticipated meeting once more with him.

She wasn’t kept waiting long. The door was soon pulled open and held there for her by Sketchy. She nodded her head briefly to him in thanks, her gaze staying on him as she walked in past the door. He too was watching her as she stepped past him, releasing the door once she was inside.

“I hope I am not troubling you, dear.”

“Not at all.” the tall pony replied, a small smile forming on his face. “C’mon, I have some warm and dry towels with your name on them.”

Octavia shivered a little as she followed him up the stairs; her lack of motion had allowed the cold water to settle against her skin again.

“Those pegasus ponies and their clouds... do you recall, from the practices you attended previously, where we had rolls of thunder?”

Sketchy nodded over his shoulder. “They goofed?”

His companion let out an exasperated hrmpf sound in reply as she went on. “I do not know how these things work with them... buck it or push it or what have you! It rained, though. I am so very glad the Princess was not there.” Her tail lashed back and forth in annoyance as she recalled the event. It was only through some exceptional quick thinking on the part of the orchestra that their sheet had not been ruined.

“It might have been better if she was. They probably would have been scolded by her for their ineptitude.” the taller pony replied, a grin evident in his tone.

Octavia chuckled lightly at that, shaking her head. She was glad he was making light of the situation; something which made it simpler for her to do so in turn.

“Perhaps so. I do think that perhaps sometimes I am being too hard on them. Regardless, I cannot remain so incensed now that I am here. Besides, had it not rained I would likely have ended up venturing home at a far later hour, and required an escort from the Guards.”

Her statement was met with a quiet laugh from the stallion as he reached the top of the stairs, trotting over to his apartment’s door.

“I guess in that regard you maybe even owe them a small thanks.” he mused out loud, pushing the door open and holding it for her as he had with the downstairs entrance.

Octavia picked her way in gingerly, trying not to drip rainwater everywhere. “It has not been without cost; I expect I look rather ridiculous right now.” she pointed out, shrugging off her bags to one side and rolling her shoulders a bit. The door clicked shut behind her, and her host headed past her towards the bathroom.

“We’ll change that in just a tick!” he called, his voice reverberating slightly in the small room he had vanished into. He reappeared shortly thereafter with a large, creamy coloured towel. It looked to be almost as long as Octavia herself from nose to tail.

A relieved smile spread on the cellist’s face as she walked over to the towel-wielding stallion. She looked up to him with a pleading expression in her eyes.

“Would... you mind helping me?” she asked coyly.

Sketchy couldn’t find it in his heart to say no to her when she put it like that, and he leaned back on his haunches, gripping the large towel with his forelegs.

“Of course not.” he replied – and promptly wrapped both the towel and his forelegs around her in a warm hug. A contented sigh left Octavia’s throat as she curled into the combined comfort of both the cozy towel and her companion’s tender affections.

“You know, this was simply a ploy to get a hug from you.” she whispered.

Sketchy’s quiet laughter answered her admission of her plans. “I know. How’s that feel?” he added, starting to gently towel off her coat.

The mare’s head came to rest on his shoulder, and he felt her nose rubbing softly against the side of his face. A quiet whimper was the only reply he got from her in answer to his question, but it spoke volumes about her mood. An idea struck him, however, and he let go of her for a moment.

“C’mon over here, lass.” he instructed, getting up on all fours and walking over to the couch. He patted the space next to him invitingly.

Octavia hardly needed any more invitation than that, and she made her way over carefully, making sure she didn’t trip over the towel still draped around her. She clambered up beside him and leaned her weight into him once more.

“You are so nice, you know that?” she stated in a matter-of-fact manner. Her compliment was met by Sketchy’s forelegs wrapping around her once more, hugging her gently to his side.

“I’m often accused of that.” he noted, a contented smile on his face. He resumed carefully tending to the task of assisting her in drying off; although it had to be said that neither he nor Octavia seemed so concerned with that so much as enjoying being so close to one another. The idea was further proven by Octavia as she laid a foreleg around the stallion’s chest and clung to him more snugly.

“I must look a mess by now.” she noted with a small giggle as the towel was carefully rubbed through her mane.

“You do, just a little,” Sketchy agreed, “but it doesn’t make you any less cute if you ask me.”

Octavia’s face lit up a reddish-pink at the compliment, her expression becoming a little shy. “You sure know how to flatter, too.” she noted with another brief giggle.

The stallion’s cheeks were painted in a rosy hue in turn upon seeing her this way. “Well thank you, Tavy.” he smiled, nuzzling her forehead gently. “I think we’ve dried you off as well as possible now.”

“So it would seem...” the cellist agreed with a playful flick of her tail. Her eyes narrowed a small amount as she shifted her weight more against him, seeking further affection as her forelegs found their way around his shoulders. Her eyes began to close completely as she brought her face near to his own, and for the third time that day her lips pressed against his.

Sketchy found himself slightly surprised, but far less so this time by his companion’s gentle affections. His grasp on her tightened slightly as he leaned back further into the couch, coming to rest on his back with his shoulders propped up on its arm – and hence with Octavia atop him. He too had closed his eyes, filtering out everything except the feeling of her touch, the subtle scent of her presence, the gentle sound of her breathing... and the faint but sweet taste of her kiss. A quiet “Mmm” sounded in his throat, in spite of any effort on his part to contain it.

After a brief few moments Octavia’s lips slid from his own, and he felt her cheek brush against his as she settled herself comfortably on top of him. Her quiet, relaxed tones came from the vicinity of his shoulder as she laid her head down.

“I never knew that could feel so good.”

“Me neither, Tavy...” Sketchy agreed, a small sigh of contentment blowing quietly from his nose. He had no doubt she could feel the pulse of his heart through his chest – but, unlike earlier in the day when it had been pounding with excitement and anticipation, now it was steady and relaxed. He could feel her grasp around him slacken slightly as Octavia allowed the tension from the rather disastrous rehearsal to ebb away from her.

How is this possible? For this to be so... relaxing? she idly pondered to herself. She smiled, however, as she felt the warmth of her companion through her coat. She had never felt so comfortable or so secure as this in another pony’s company. Whatever the cause, I am not about to protest it.

The atmosphere receded into a simple quiet contentment for the two, as they lay still on the couch. The only sounds were that of Octavia’s quiet breathing, Sketchy’s longer breaths, and the quiet ticking of a clock sat atop a nearby shelf.

After what felt like only a few minutes’ relaxation, Sketchy lazily glanced over at the ticking clock. He was rather taken aback to note that the last five minutes had actually been forty-five, and he shifted slightly.

“Tavy... we’re gonna end up falling asleep here at this rate.” he noted – though in truth he was still finding it difficult to find motivation to move. He was comfortable, after all.

Octavia stirred, waking from an already shallow slumber. “Mmm, you are right... I can stay?” she inquired, already certain that doing so was hardly necessary. Her host proved her right as he chuckled quietly at her question.

“What kind of guy would I be, turfing out a lady such as yourself in the middle of the night?” he asked rhetorically. “Of course you can.”

The cellist’s expression moulded itself into a relaxed smile as she sat up to allow her host up in turn. She stretched, yawning widely in the process – and was therefore taken by surprise as she felt a hoof tickle her unprotected side. She let out a squeal as she jumped, turning to look at the perpetrator of such an assault with a menacing look in her eyes.

“How dare you, fine sir!” she scolded, though her tone was nowhere near serious. That, and it matched the smile on her lips rather than the look in her eyes.

Sketchy grinned back at her in a highly mischievous fashion. “Couldn’t resist!” he replied as he sat up, amused at her feigned indignance. “Is the terrifying Tavy going to exact some horrible vengeance upon me now?”

Octavia thought for a moment, then lunged and grabbed hold of the stallion’s tail in her teeth. She gave it a playful tug, her eyes narrowed in a childish grin.

“Uhyy hyyvve yuuuh nnnuuh!” she stated incomprehensibly.

Sketchy promptly burst out laughing at her foalish antics, having never expected such ridiculous behavior from her.

“You have me now?” he managed to get out between giggles, a huge grin on his face as he saw the cellist at her most simultaneously ridiculous and adorable.

Octavia giggled happily herself, letting go of her mouthful. Her smile remained as she spoke up. “If you ever, ever tell anyone how silly I am, I swear... I will... do... something!” she stated rather unconvincingly, being unable to think of something mean in that moment even as a joke. She winked at her companion, a happy smile adorning her features.

“I’m sure you will, Tavy, I’m sure you will.” Sketchy replied, his laughter finally under control. He leaned over and nuzzled at her forehead affectionately once more. “Why don’t you take that towel back through to the bathroom and I’ll go sort the bed out?”

The violet-eyed mare nodded her head at that, picking up the towel where it had lain on the couch still, and trotting off to the bathroom with it. She heard the sound of her host climbing the stairs to start sorting out sleeping space. As she was about to leave the bathroom, she caught sight of herself in the mirror and gasped.

What a wreck! she thought to herself. Nevertheless, she was more amused than frustrated by it, as she saw to the task of tidying her frazzled mane up a little. Deciding she was mostly satisfied with her appearance after a good few minutes spent in front of the mirror, she headed up the stairs to find her stallion companion.

“Sorry for taking my time. I was trying to freshen up a little.” she explained.

“That’s alright, you gave me enough time to get sorted.”

As Sketchy finished patting down the bedclothes and walked past her to go and use the bathroom, Octavia blinked. All four of the stallion’s legs were covered, up to his knees, with red bedsocks. It took her a great deal of restraint not to utter a foal-like squeal of delight upon seeing such a thing. She pulled off her collar and bow-tie, setting them down on a nearby chest of drawers, and then called after the descending stallion.

“Do you have a particular preference? I mean, would you rather the left or the right side?” There was a hint of nervousness in her voice. The bed, large as it was, seemed slightly intimidating now – although she reassured herself that, considering whom it belonged to, she should have very few concerns about sleeping in it.

“None in particular...” came the reply from below, followed by the sound of her host humming a tune to himself as he busied himself in the washroom.

Octavia’s gaze fell to the bed once more, and she flopped onto it tiredly. The blankets were warm, soft, and welcoming; and as she crawled across it on her knees she caught a hint of the stallion’s scent in the fabrics. Opting to claim the right side for herself, she stretched out a bit and relaxed as she idly listened to the melody emanating from downstairs.

Presently, the music stopped as Sketchy exited the bathroom and climbed the stairs. The electrical glow from downstairs faded as he switched off the lights, and the upstairs area was soon dimmed to naught but filtered ambience from the moon and stars as he extinguished the lights in his bedroom as well. The dampened sound of his footfalls marked his movement to the french window, and he was silhouetted against the glass for a moment. As the blinds were pulled, the stallion’s outline vanished in the muted light.

“I was getting comfortable waiting for you.” Octavia spoke into the gloom, her eyes having not yet adjusted to the almost total darkness. She reached out with a hoof towards where she had spotted her host, trying to ascertain his location. There was a slight creak behind her as he flopped onto the bed himself, followed by the sound of fabric against horse hair as he shuffled under the blankets.

“Well, I think you’ll be far more comfortable now I’m here.”

Octavia let out a slight gasp as she felt a hoof touch her shoulder. She allowed herself to fall in the direction that she was gently pulled, though, a quiet whimper escaping her throat as she did so.

“Oh... I do believe so...” she whispered in reply, reaching toward the limb that had pulled her. She found her way under the blankets, shuffling along until she met the unmistakable sturdy mass of her admirer. She pulled herself close, her chest pressing up to his side.

“Ah, there you are...” came the soft, deep voice of her living pillow. She was dimly aware of the blankets being adjusted around her. Her foreleg found its way across the broad chest of her friend; her hind leg slipped over his too as she hugged close to him.

“Thank you, dear.” she whispered, her voice barely audible. She laid her head to rest on his shoulder, a long, slow breath of a sigh blowing gently on his neck. Her anxiety was gone, overcome by the welcoming relaxation brought about by simply being close to the pony she had grown so fond of.

“Thank you for being wonderful.”

“...mm... ditto, Tavy...” came the sleepy-sounding reply.

A smile spread on Octavia’s face as she closed her eyes, her ears occasionally twitching at the unfamiliar sounds of a living space not her own. She was vaguely aware of the warm embrace on her slackening slightly as the larger pony succumbed to unconsciousness, but she was soon to follow him.

A singular thought crossed the mind of both musicians before they drifted toward dream land.

What a perfect way to end the day...