• Published 15th Oct 2011
  • 8,869 Views, 587 Comments

Sketchy Salad Symphony - Sketchy Sounds

This is a tale of who we are, and how we got here.

  • ...

9th Movement

The afternoon sunshine beat down on the green grass of the Canterlot City Park. Reclining against a tree, Sketchy was sat once more capturing the likeness of the ponies around him as they enjoyed the good weather. It had been almost two weeks now since last he had been here for this particular activity.

It was as he was thus engaged that he heard a quiet voice from off to one side of him.

“Uhm... excuse me.” it said. He blinked and looked up, and to his right. He saw no-one. Cocking an eyebrow and shrugging his shoulders, he turned his attention back to the sketchpad before him.

“Uhm. Hello?” came the voice again. Once more he looked up, seeing no-one. He frowned, and was about to look back to his drawing, when the voice continued. “Ah... I’m up here.”

Sketchy tilted his head up a bit, and caught sight of a black pegasus hovering just above the branches of the tree he was reclining against. “...oh!” he said. “It’s you... Blacklight, wasn’t it? Hey, thanks for letting me draw you the other day.” he smiled. The dark-coloured pegasus nodded before he descended a bit, touching down on the grass.

“Uh, it was no bother... I mean, considering I didn’t really know you were doing it until you’d done it and all, and... yeah.” he said, mumbling slightly. Sketchy carefully set down the pencil he’d had between his teeth and peered curiously at Blacklight.

“Bit for your thoughts?” he grinned.

“...uh, what?” replied the pegasus, raising an eyebrow.

“Not heard that one before? In other words, I’m asking if there’s something on your mind, bud.” Sketchy replied with a grin. “I don’t mind giving a listening ear if you’re after one.”

“...oh! Right... well yeah, there is something, actually.”

“Uh huh? Well I’m all ears, as the expression goes.”

“OK,” began Blacklight, “you remember how a few days ago when you drew me, how I told you I was here looking for somepony in Canterlot?”

“Yep.” Sketchy nodded.

“Well... I think I found them—well no, I’m pretty sure I know it’s the pony I was looking for—but... well... I don’t really...” he said, trailing off so quietly Sketchy couldn’t make out the rest of what he said.

“I’m sorry? You don’t really...?”

“Oh uhm, I don’t really know how to... well... how to approach her.” Blacklight replied.

“...oho, so it’s a mare, hmm?” Sketchy grinned, at which the black pegasus looked somewhat alarmed, blushing somewhat so that his muzzle turned slightly purple.

“Ah—! I wasn’t going to tell you that!” he said, wincing slightly. His ears flattened and he bowed his head slightly in a sheepish fashion. “Well... I guess there’s no point trying to keep that bit a secret... Yeah, it’s this mare I saw... uh, do you mind if I tell you a possibly really lame story?” he asked with an apologetic look.

Sketchy shook his head, his expression remaining friendly. “Not at all, dude. I’ve an ear for stories. What’s yours?”

“Alright... so, uhm. Do you know Cape Sunrise, up to the north?”

“Well... can’t say I’ve ever been there myself, but yeah, I know of it.”

“It’s where I’m from.” the pegasus explained. “It’s... not the biggest place in the world. Or the liveliest. Or the most interesting... or the most fast-moving...” he was about to continue when he noticed Sketchy raising an eyebrow at him. “...uhm. You get the idea. It’s, well, it’s hardly what you’d call exciting.”


“Well anyway. I’ve lived there most of my life. And I’ll be honest, I’ve been fairly happy living there—well, at least I thought so. I mean, it’s an easy enough life there, there’re enough jobs to go round, and it’s peaceful and quiet and all in all quite nice.”

“Right... so, then what made you come to Canterlot—oh wait, I bet I can guess. Saw a pretty mare on holiday?” Sketchy grinned.

Blacklight shuffled his hooves a bit. “Sorta yes, sorta no... look, it’s not that simple, OK?”

“Right, right, sorry. Go on.”

“OK, so... one day, when the sun was going down... I saw something amazing. Something that doesn’t happen around that town ordinarily.”


“Have you ever heard of the aurora? The, uhm, the lights that show over the sea sometimes, like, close to the poles?”

“Heard of, yeah. Never had the pleasure of seeing them first-hoof, though. I’ve only ever seen photographs.”

“Right... well, one day I was there just watching the sunset... and then outta nowhere, I actually saw an aurora in the sky over our little town. Straight out of nowhere, it was incredible!”

Sketchy raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t think Cape Sunrise was that far north.”

“It’s not!” Blacklight replied, the memory of the sight stirring some excitement in him. “I was as surprised as you! And then as I was watching that, you know what I saw? It wasn’t actually a regular aurora at all - somepony was making it happen themselves!”

“Really, now?” Sketchy said, unable to prevent a hint of amusement creeping into his voice.

“Yeah, really!” Blacklight replied, apparently so excited that he didn’t notice his audience’s mirth. “And I was like, whoa! You know? I had to know who it was who did it... so before I knew what I was about, I flew after them. But I couldn’t keep up... I only managed to get a good look at her, I never managed to catch up enough to actually say hi. And then she was gone... whoever she is, she’s a heck of flier. I bet she could keep going for days. She sure left me for dust...”

“So that’s who you’ve been looking for, here in Canterlot?”

“That’s right.” Blacklight nodded. “...and... I actually saw her the other day. I... I just knew it was her. And! She knew who I was!” he continued, his eyes going wide. “I couldn’t believe it! I mean, how could she even know that!? It’s not like I’m some famous guy or something, I’m just, well, I’m nopony! So yeah... when I saw it was her, and when she knew who I was... I uhm... I chickened out and ran.” he said ashamedly, hanging his head. “After all this time, I couldn’t find the guts to actually talk to her. I just... I flew off! I didn’t know what else to do...”

Sketchy eyed the dark-coated pegasus before him contemplatively for a few moments, and then his face cracked into a broad grin. “Well... I got some good news for you then, Blacklight.” he said.

“...huh?” the pegasus replied, tilting his head. “What kinda good news...?” he asked, slightly confusedly.

“I know how she knew you.”

“You do!?”

Sketchy could no longer contain his laughter at that point, and he let out a chuckle. “Of course I do!” he said happily. “I told her!”

Blacklight’s jaw fell open as he stood staring at the earth pony in disbelief. “You... what!?” he said, his eyes widening once more.

“I told her.” he repeated. “...her name is Freeze Pop, by the way. And just the other day she was telling me about how one of her colleagues had told her a funny story... something about a black pegasus’s little misadventures in one of the local watering holes?” he said with a smile.

Blacklight visibly winced at being reminded of that. “...yeah...” he said, looking away. Thanks for reminding me. he added mentally.

“Ahaha, sorry dude.” Sketchy replied with an apologetic smile. “Anyway, she told me that story, and I mentioned to her about the black pegasus I’d done a drawing of. Though I didn’t actually think you really would be the same guy. Really is a small world after all.”

“Yeah. Uhm... so uh... did she—uhm, Freeze Pop, I mean—did she... say anything about me...?” Blacklight asked, cautiously.

“As a matter of fact, yeah, she did.” Sketchy replied, then grinned broadly as he continued. “She said you were kinda cute.”

“...r... really!?” Blacklight exclaimed, obviously more loudly than he’d meant to as he swiftly clapped a hoof over his mouth and looked around, his muzzle turning purple again. “Er, I mean... really?” he said again, more quietly.

“Really.” Sketchy nodded. “I showed her my drawing of you. She seemed kinda taken with it.” he added.

Blacklight’s expression became a mix of excitement and anxiousness as he processed all he’d just been told. “That’s... hmm... oh gosh... what should I do...?” he thought out loud.

“Well, if you want my advice, I’d go find her again. And maybe not run off just from her saying hi.” Sketchy grinned.

“Right, yeah.” the pegasus nodded. “Uh... is there, um, anywhere I could, you know... reliably find her?” he asked.

Sketchy glanced up at the clock near by. It was about two in the afternoon. “Well, hmm... considering the time, yeah. I expect she’s gonna be a hungry horse. She’ll be going to get something to eat. I’m willing to bet she’ll be heading to this little place on Beech Avenue, called Graze. It’s a nice little sandwich shop.”

“...uhm... I don’t really know my way around Canterlot, yet...”

Sketchy thought for a bit, then shrugged, smiled, and started putting his stuff into his bag. “Well, tell you what...” he said, as he tucked away his things, “How about I show you? I was planning to get some food myself anyway.”

“Oh! Well uh... as long as it’s no bother...” Blacklight replied, looking up at the larger pony as he got to his feet.

“‘course it’s not.” Sketchy smiled. “Besides... I think you’ll do a bit better if you’ve someone around to introduce you to her, won’t you?”

“Oh... yeah. Probably.” Blacklight nodded. He took to the air, hovering a few feet off the ground as he followed after Sketchy. “Uhm... so, uh, you know Freeze Pop?” he asked hesitantly.

“Since I was just a foal, thereabouts.”

“What’s she like...?”

Sketchy thought for a bit on that question. He’d never really had to introduce anyone to Freeze Pop before: usually, she took care of that all on her own. “She’s pretty outgoing. Oh, and quite blunt. She’s definitely not afraid to call a spade a spade.”

“Er, what?”

“In other words, she’s not afraid to tell ponies exactly what she thinks of them. She’s not one for wasting words.”

“Right, I’m with you.” Blacklight nodded. “That’s cool I guess.”

“Yeah. Well, I suppose you can consider it forewarning as well as a descriptor of how she is.” Sketchy replied. “She can be pretty in your face sometimes, after all.”

“I think I’ll be alright.”

Sketchy grinned. “Well, we’ll soon find out.” he replied as they rounded a corner and approached the welcoming sandwich shop. “This here’s the place. C’mon in, I know the girl who usually works here. She’s real nice.”

The two of them headed inside the shop. As Sketchy had expected, Salad was at her usual station behind the counter.

“Good afternoon! Welcome to Graze!” she called cheerfully as the bell over the door tinkled. Then upon recognising her customer, she smiled wider. “Hey, Sketchy! Can I get you your usual?” she asked cheerfully.

“If you would, Sal.” he replied. “Oh, and I’d like you to meet someone. My friend here’s called Blacklight.”

“Oh, the pegasus on a cloud you told me about the other day?” she asked, turning her attention to the newcomer. “Pleasure to meet you, sir.” she said politely. “I hear this is your first time in the big city?”

“That’s right.” Blacklight nodded.

“Hmm... you have the sound of someone from up north, if you don’t mind my saying so...” Salad noted.

“I don’t really mind.” the pegasus replied with a nod. “I mean, I am from further north. Cape Sunrise, to be exact.”

“Ah! I figured it had to be somewhere like that.” Salad nodded. “I travel around a little myself every so often, you see. I’ve been around those parts once or twice. Lovely scenery up there.” she commented, happily keeping up the banter while she busied herself with putting together her friend’s usual order. “Can I get you something to eat too, by the way?” she added as she neatly sliced the sandwich she was preparing.

“Oh, uhm, sure. Can I have... tomato, lettuce and avocado on sour-dough?” he asked.

“You certainly can!” Salad smiled. “Interesting combo, if you don’t mind my saying.”

“Just my preference.” the pegasus replied. “Oh, how much—” he began, but Sketchy cut in.

“It’s on me, this time.” he smiled.

“Oh, are you sure?”

“Yeah, why not? I mean, to me it sounds like your first time here’s gone a little rough so far.” Sketchy replied. “So I may as well do what little I can to help you feel a bit more welcome.”

“Oh, well... thanks!” Blacklight smiled.

“See? It’s working already.” Sketchy chuckled. “Go ahead and pick out a table, I’ll pay for this stuff.”

“Alright. Thanks, Sketchy.” the pegasus nodded, turning and heading off to find somewhere to sit.

“So... that’s the fella that was lookin’ fer Freezy?” Salad questioned as the pegasus moved away, dropping her tone to a quiet voice as her normal mannerisms took over from her practiced Canterlot voice.

“Yep!” Sketchy nodded. “You don’t gotta worry. He seems pretty harmless.”

“Well, that’s good.” Salad replied, a smile creasing her face. “I’d had ma worries.”

“Yeah, same here.” her friend nodded. “But no, he’s nice as can be, if a bit shy.”

“Well, yuh always had a knack for breakin’ folks outta their shells, hon.” Salad replied. “An’ Ah can see he’s already startin’ tuh come outta his, if he was wearin’ one.”

“Well let’s face it, he’s gonna need to if he doesn’t wanna be scared to death by Freezy.” Sketchy replied with a knowing wink. “How much is that?”

“Fer both yer snacks? Five bits, hon.” Salad replied, as her friend fumbled about a bit with his satchel. “Thanks, and enjoy yer eatin’!” she said cheerily as Sketchy deposited the money on her counter. “Go on and take a seat.”

Sketchy took the unicorn up on her invitation, heading over to the table Blacklight had parked himself at. The latter was looking around the shop and out the window.

“Nice little shop, this place.” he remarked. “Reminds me of some of the little places back home.” he added, sounding rather happy about that particular aspect.

“Yeah, the idea with this place has always been for it to feel warm and welcoming.” Sketchy nodded. “Regardless of how much it’s expanded as time’s gone by, Sally’s folks’ve always tried to keep it feeling like a little family-run shop – cos, well, it is.”

As if on cue, Salad strode over to the pair’s table, their chosen sandwiches on plates hovering before her via her unicorn magic.

“Here you are, gents.” she said, in her polite and proper Canterlot tones. “Enjoy, and if you need anything, simply ask.”

“Thanks, Sal.” Sketchy smiled to her.

“Thank you, uhm... I’m sorry, what was your name?” Blacklight asked slightly awkwardly.

“Salad, dear. Salad Sandwich, but just call me Salad.” the unicorn replied.

“Right. Thanks, Salad.” Blacklight nodded.

“A pleasure, sir. Enjoy your food!” she replied before turning away again and resuming her post behind the counter.

“Well, she seems nice enough.” Blacklight noted.

“She is.” Sketchy affirmed. “Like I say, known her since we were just kids. We’re pretty close – of course, you wouldn’t know just by looking. She’s very professional.”

Blacklight nodded. “And does her food match that?” he asked, picking up the sandwich before him between his front hooves.

Sketchy just grinned at that. “See for yourself.” he replied, picking up his own and taking a bite. The pegasus across from him shrugged his shoulders briefly and bit into his snack, chewing thoughtfully on his mouthful before swallowing.

“...mmm. Wow, that’s pretty darned good.” he stated, taking another bite and munching on it thoroughly.

“She didn’t get her mark for nothing.” replied Sketchy, glancing up briefly as he heard the shop’s bell tinkle as the door was pushed open. His pegasus companion was for the time being engaged in eating his snack, hence he didn’t see exactly whom had entered.

That was probably just as well, as the shop’s new customer was a pristine white coloured pegasus with a blue mane and tail, clad in the resplendent golden armour of the Royal Guard. Sketchy didn’t go out of his way to acknowledge her arrival, as he didn’t want his current company to be spooked after he had only just seemed to start to feel at-ease. Nevertheless, he saw the white pegasus glance his way and give a smile and a nod, to which he briefly smiled back. He was thankful that Blacklight didn’t notice this, busy as he was with his food. The latter did, however, twitch an ear as the clanking footfalls of the armoured pony approaching their table drew near.

“Hey there, Sketchy.” came the cool voice of Freeze Pop. “Mind if I sit here?”

“Go right ahead.” Sketchy replied, shifting over a bit to make room for his pegasus friend. Opposite him, Blacklight had frozen mid-bite, his eyes wide as he looked at the newcomer. Freeze seated herself on the bench, and quirked an eyebrow at the black pegasus.

“Hey... haven’t I seen you somewhere?” she queried.

“N... n... not at all! Not me! Nope, no way!” Blacklight stammered, averting his eyes as he was reminded of his rather embarrassing encounter with a whole lot of Guards.

“Really? Coulda sworn I’ve seen you before.” Freeze replied, adding ”Settle down. You don’t look the criminal sort, I figure I saw you elsewhere...”

“You guys have met.” Sketchy piped up. “Under slightly different circumstances, though.”

“...we have?” Blacklight asked, still eyeing the guard uneasily. “I’m pretty sure I don’t know any Royal Guards.”

“...huh.” Sketchy mused, then looked round at Freeze. “Perhaps you oughta take off your helmet, lass.”

The white pegasus arched an eyebrow, but pulled off her helmet anyway. Her improbably fluffy ice blue mane poofed out from under its restraint, albeit a little flattened. Blacklight audibly gasped in surprise.

“It’s you...! I mean, you’re a...! And you’re...!” he faltered.

“Hey, whoa, settle down, Blacklight.” Sketchy instructed, grinning at him. “Maybe stick around this time?” he added. Blacklight gave him a slightly hurt look. “Sorry, sorry. Look, let’s get things off on the right hoof this time, shall we? Blacklight, this is my good friend Freeze Pop. Freeze Pop, this is Blacklight.”

“...uhm. Shining.” Blacklight mumbled.


“Shining. Blacklight Shining. That’s my name.” Blacklight replied, regaining some of his composure. “I just, I tend to go by Blacklight. It’s shorter.”

“Ah, right.” Sketchy nodded. “Kinda like Sally just going by Salad.”

“Or me just going by Freeze.” stated the white pegasus, looking thoughtfully at the black one across from her. “So, what brings you to the big city, Blacklight? I heard tell you were looking for someone.”

Sketchy smiled at that. It was so very to the point – typical of her.

“Uh... yeah, that’s right...” Blacklight nodded, his muzzle starting to take on a purplish tinge.

“Anyone I know?” Freeze asked, her expression staying perfectly neutral – to the unfamiliar eye, at least, but her friend detected the slightest smile playing around her lips.

“You... you might say that...” Blacklight replied, shuffling nervously where he sat.

“Do tell!”

“Uhm, well... actually...” he started, looking away. His voice quieted to a mumble. “...actually... it’s um...” he said, his voice becoming too indistinct to make out the last of his sentence as he trailed off.

“Hmm? Speak up, please, Blacklight, I can’t make out what you’re saying.” Freeze instructed.

“I uhm... I’m... I’m fairly sure... it’s um... you...?” Blacklight replied, the last word coming out in a slight squeak. At that, Freeze Pop promptly burst out laughing – a response that caused the black pegasus to become a little indignant. “...h-hey! What’s so funny?” he demanded, frowning slightly.

“Ah!” Freeze exclaimed, putting a hoof to her mouth. “I’m sorry. It’s just... that... the way you said that last word... you totally...!” she said, before giggling again. She hastily stopped, though, when she saw Blacklight look down at the floor. “Look, honestly, sorry.” she apologised. “You came all the way to Canterlot looking for me? It’d be a lie to say I wasn’t flattered. Tell me your story.”

Blacklight looked back up at her, blinking. “Uh, well... I’m from Cape Sunrise, up towards the north. I’ve lived there all my life... if you’ve ever been there, you know how it is. It’s pretty quiet, fairly peaceful.”

“Yeah, I’ve passed by.” Freeze replied. “Go on.”

“Well... one day when I was watching the sunset... I saw an aurora. That never happens around that place. It’s not far enough north for that to happen, so I was pretty surprised to see it. And then, well... I saw it was a pony making it happen, not like some natural thing. I was blown away! Before I knew what I was about, I was trying to catch up to that pony who did it... but, she was way too fast for me. Or, rather, she just out lasted me. She just kept going, I couldn’t keep up...”

“...so it was you, then.” Freeze replied, a smile creasing her face.

“Wait, you remember that!?” Blacklight exclaimed. Sketchy, too, had a look of surprise on his face.

“I never heard about that, Freezy.”

“Well of course you didn’t, Sketchy. You never asked.” Freeze replied to her friend with a dismissive wave, before turning to look over at Blacklight. “I remember that, yeah. Some pony started following me, and I wondered why. I didn’t think I’d have a fan or some such, so I figured maybe you were just wanting to challenge me or something. That or you were just some creep trying to hit on me. So I figured I’d show you what I was made of.”

“Well, you showed me alright.” the black pegasus replied. “Left me for dust.”

“Yeah. But as I said, I’m pretty impressed that you still came after me, even after all that. What spurred that on?”

“A number of things, I guess... I think, at that point, I realised that I didn’t want to keep living the same life day after day.”

“At what point?”

“When I made the decision to track you down... I guess I figured, a pony that can do that kind of trick must know a lot of other cool pegasi – and I hardly know any. Cape Sunrise isn’t exactly the most densely populated town in the world.”

Freeze smiled, shrugging. “Works for me, dude. Cool pegasi, huh? Well, I know a few. Myself included, of course.” she smirked.

“Uh huh?”

“Yeah. You can come hang out with me and my other pegasus pals some time, that’s no problem.” she said airily.

“...really!? Just like that!?”

“Well, yeah. That a problem?” Freeze asked, tilting her head. “I mean, that is generally how folks get acquainted is by hangin’ out with each other. I don’t see us developing any kinda friendship without spending some time around each other, and that is what you want is to make some friends, isn’t it?”

The black pegasus was speechless for a few moments, but slowly a smile formed on his face. “Yeah... yeah it is, Freeze.” he replied happily.

“Cool. Well then, I’m gonna eat this delicious sandwich that dear little Sal is about to pass me,” stated Freeze, tilting her head toward the approaching unicorn, “and then after I do that, I’m gonna go dump my armour back home and get some exercise. Wanna join me for that latter part?”

“Sure.” replied Blacklight. “...if you don’t mind. And uhm....” he added.

“Sure I don’t. And... what?” asked Freeze. “Thanks, Salad.” she added, as the sandwich was set down on the table before.

“And... would you show me that amazing trick you pulled off that brought me here to begin with?” Blacklight asked, a little more confidently.

Freeze Pop’s expression once again became mirthful, and she let out a chuckle. “Ho ho! Pretty gutsy request, just outta the blue. I don’t go throwing the Aurora Flare around just for anypony, you know.”

“But you’ll still do it... right?” Blacklight replied with a small smile, his former nervousness beginning to evaporate as it had before when he’d talked with Sketchy the first time they had met.

“...well darn it, I can’t very well say no to a request to show off, now, can I?” Freeze laughed. “Sure I will, Blackie. But only cos you’re twisting my leg on it.” she smirked.

“...Blackie?” Blacklight asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, dude.” Freeze replied, tearing off a bite of sandwich and scoffing it. “I just like to shorten stuff if I can. Ask Sal or Sketchy here.” she added, gesturing at her two friends.

“Right, I see.” nodded Blacklight. “Well... I guess I can live with that.”

Freeze grinned. “You don’t have much of a choice!” she snickered, though her tone was far from serious.

Sketchy meanwhile was simply sitting back and allowing Freeze room to just be herself and talk to the black pegasus. He could see they were getting along well enough now that Blacklight had overcome some of his earlier shyness, and it seemed that Freeze was taking a shine to him. I suppose I ought to do the smart thing here, then. he thought to himself with a smile.

“Well guys, it’s been fun hanging out and all, but I’ll have to get going.” he said.

“Oh? You’re busy for once?” Freeze grinned at him.

“Sure am, as a matter of fact.” Sketchy nodded. “I picked up a commission sheet a few days ago for commemorative art of Equestria’s saviours. That, and I’ve another thing or two I’ve been working on.”

“Yeah? Such as?”

“Yeah, what have you been working on? That drawing you did of me was fairly good, after all.”

“Well...” Sketchy replied, then rummaged in his satchel. “There is one rather special one I did... here we are!” he said, pulling out a sketch pad and opening it on a specific page. The two pegasi took a look at the page. Freeze whistled.

“Wow, nice, Sketchy. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such an awesome piece from you.”

“Whoa, yeah.” Blacklight agreed. “That’s really something! You gonna show the model that?” he asked.

“...depends on when I next run into her.” Sketchy replied, his smile fading a bit as he put the pad back in his bag. “But yeah, of course I will.”

“I’m sure she’ll be impressed. It’s pretty awesome.”

“Yeah. Anyway, as I said, got stuff I gotta get done. You two fliers have fun showing off.” he grinned, pulling the satchel over his shoulders.

“Oh you know I will!” Freeze grinned. Blacklight had a similar expression on his face.

“Yeah. I mean, it’s like, flying is always fun!” he said emphatically, which got an agreeing nod from Freeze.

“Blackie knows what’s up!” she laughed. Sketchy rolled his eyes and shook his head at that.

“Catch you guys later, I guess.” he said, and headed for the door. “Later, Sally!” he called over his shoulder as he headed out.

Freeze Pop meanwhile turned her attention back to Blacklight. “So, Cape Sunrise, huh? Peaceful little place that... I’m guessing not many pegasi - well heck, you said as much earlier. So what’s your tricktionary look like?”

“Um... well, kinda... blank...” Blacklight replied a little abashedly.

“...ouch.” Freeze winced. “Well that’s no good. We’ll have to do something about that; can’t have you meeting other guys who like to show off if you can’t do a bit of show-boating yourself!” she grinned.

“Well it’s not like it’s all blank!” Blacklight replied. “I mean, I at least know the basic stuff. Y’know, rolls, loops, that sorta thing... I just haven’t been able to think up something really spectacular, y’know?”

“Right, gotcha.” Freeze nodded. “Well... that’s not such a worry. I mean, not everyone’s Rainbow Dash, we’re not all gonna pull off a Sonic Rainboom. Heck, most of us don’t even have the colouration for that kinda madness!”

“Yeah, I know I don’t.”

“Me neither. ‘sides, I can’t even break the sound barrier. I might be a strong flier, but I’m more about endurance than speed.”

“Last time I checked, I can’t do that either.” agreed Blacklight. “Speed and agility I can do, but not that sort of speed. And I think you have me beat in endurance, going by past experience.”

“Yeah, sure seems it!” the white pegasus smiled. “Wasn’t always this way though.” she added, rising to her feet and pushing her head back into her helmet. “In fact it took me several tries to get into the Guard. Wasn’t until I really pushed myself hard that I became as good as I am today.”

“Yeah?” the black pegasus replied, and then as he stood to follow her, a realisation struck him. “...oh...”

“What’s the matter?” asked Freeze.

“I didn’t realise quite how tall you were.”

“Huh? ...oh!”

Now that the two were on their feet, Freeze was reminded of the fact that she was above average size for a mare of her kind. Whilst it was true that she wasn’t as tall as her earth pony friend, she was nevertheless fairly long-legged. This was a fact she was now starkly reminded of by the fact that her current companion stood about half a head shorter than her, his withers sitting a few inches below her own. In addition to that, as she looked at him from her vantage point, she was able to note that, between herself and her new friend, she was the more solidly built of the two. Granted, her own rigorous physical training along with the constant fitness required of the Guard probably had a lot to do with her sturdier physique, but it was still a bit of a surprise to her to encounter a stallion with a lighter and more slender build than herself. She smiled fondly at him after taking this all in, which in turn made his face turn slightly purple.

“...um...” he said, averting his gaze a bit. “...is there some reason you’re... smiling like that at me?”

“Ah? Oh, uh, none in particular.” Freeze replied nonchalantly. I just thought you looked kinda cute is all. she added to herself mentally. “C’mon, let’s be on our way. I wanna get this armour off and stretch my wings. You can come and hang out on the roof at my complex, it’s fairly relaxing this time of year.”

“Okay!” the smaller pegasus nodded, following her as she headed out of the shop. The two took to the air shortly after; Freeze carrying herself effortlessly through the air with steady beats of her large wings, whilst the more lightly built Blacklight simply glided alongside her, occasionally flapping his wings to keep himself on a steady glide path. It didn’t take them long to reach the very same rooftop where, a few days previously, an alarmed Blacklight had fled from the mare he now accompanied as the two touched down. He was quick to recognise the building as he looked around.

“Hey... isn’t this...?” he began, to which Freeze nodded as she cut in.

“The place you were hanging out when I surprised you and you scarpered? Yep, this is it alright.” she said. “And it also happens to be where I make my home. Canterlot’s a bit short on cloud cities, after all - though I do nevertheless have a cloud of sorts to sleep on. Uh, anyway, just hang here for a bit. I’m gonna go make myself look less scary.” she laughed, heading for the stairs down into the building itself.

“OK, Freeze!” Blacklight replied, wandering towards the edge of the rooftop plaza. He seated himself much as he had the first time he’d met the white pegasus here, and looked out over the city.

Well, he thought to himself, things have gone better than I thought they might. He was relieved about that - after his somewhat inauspicious first encounter with the pony who had made such a big impression on him, he had been somewhat at a loss for how to approach her once more. When he’d then seen the only pony in town with whom he’d actually managed to hold any sort of meaningful conversation with thus far, he had decided that was probably the best place to start asking for help. He certainly hadn’t expected Sketchy to already be acquainted with the pony he was seeking, though, and he counted himself fortunate that things had turned out as they did in that regard.

And now, here he was, about to spend some time hanging out with her without much if any semblance of awkwardness left.

Well... aside from that feeling I keep getting every time she looks at me that way... he thought, mentally chiding himself for it. Still, he couldn’t help feeling slightly overwhelmed - he’d thought that it would perhaps have taken him longer to locate the mysterious pony he’d seen some time ago, and hence that he would have more time to think about how to approach her. As it was, he’d ended up running into her far sooner than he’d expected and been woefully under-prepared for it. But, perhaps it was a good thing - seeing as he had been given no time to work out any real plan for approaching her, it meant he was putting on no veneer of false confidence for her as he had given some thought to. Instead, he was just being himself - a little shy, a bit quiet and perhaps a bit unsure of himself. Almost the polar opposite of his new acquaintance.

“Hey! Ready to go?”

Speaking of his new acquaintance, her voice came from behind him, from where he’d seen her head inside. He looked round to her with a nod, noting her changed appearance now she no longer wore her golden armour. Her wings were outstretched, feathers fluttering slightly in the wind. She had a confident smile on her face as she looked at him.

“Yeah. Yeah, I am.” he smiled back, spreading his own wings.

“Then, let’s be off!” she smiled, galloping toward the edge of the plaza and leaping off. She glided downward and then, with a mighty beat of her wings, pulled up in a tight arc. She was followed soon after by Blacklight.

The two of them soared up toward the clouds, the larger pony leading the way. They continued to ascend, Freeze finally stopping to rest on a cloud some several feet above the city. Her companion came to rest on the same cloud, panting slightly.

“The air’s a little thin, up here...” he noted a little tiredly.

“The higher you go, the thinner it gets.” Freeze responded with a nod. “It’s why I’m the only pony I know that can pull off my signature trick - above a certain height, the air’s so thin you can barely breathe, and it gets super cold.”

“Then... how do you manage it?”

“Lots of practice!” Freeze replied with a confident smirk. “Keep your eyes on me, Blackie - I’ll show you something awesome!”

Meanwhile, back on the ground, a different larger-than-average pony was on his way home. He felt faintly melancholic, having seen Freeze Pop hitting it off fairly well with the black pegasus who’d been looking for her. Perhaps it was because of this, lost in thought as he was as he walked, that he ended up running straight into another pony as they rounded the corner from an adjoining street as he walked.

“Oomph!” he said, as the other pony bumped into his legs. “Sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was...” he began, trailing off as he heard the other pony simultaneously speak up.

“Ouch! Do excuse me, I was...”

The other pony’s voice trailed off too, as the two looked at each other.


“Sketchy! ...um, I did not expect to bump into you like this...” she said, surprised – but also, he noted, seemingly happy to see him.

“Uhm, yeah... I was just heading back home...” he replied.

“You were? I see... ah... Sketchy... are you busy, tonight...?” Octavia questioned him, haltingly.

“Tonight? Uh... well no, not especially... oh!” he exclaimed, suddenly remembering something he’d thought of earlier. “Uhm, I just remembered, I have something for you...” he said, rummaging in his satchel.

“Ah, yes?” Octavia asked, tilting her head. “I do wish I could stick around and talk, but I must get home—oh... oh my goodness...” she gasped, blinking at the piece of paper he pulled free from his pad.

“I want you to have this...” he said, his voice slightly impaired by holding the paper between his teeth. He had intended to hand it over the next day when he would have been meeting her, but he decided now was as good a time as any.

“It is beautiful...” Octavia replied, taking the paper from him gingerly and tucking it into the saddlebag she had slung across her back. “Did you say you are free? I should like to request your presence, then, tonight. We shall all be practicing at the amphitheatre – and, as you are my friend... I should like your opinion on how it sounds.”

Sketchy blinked. “Well... sure!” he smiled. “I’d be delighted—nay, honoured to come along and listen. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a show in that particular venue in my life, now I think on it.”

“Well then, we shall have to do something about that.” Octavia replied with a nod. “Forgive me for rushing on, but I must allow myself some time to rest prior to practice. Can you meet me in the town square in, let me see... five hours? Just around sundown, that should be. Practice is scheduled to begin in the evening shortly after the sun sets and the moon has risen.”

“Five hours, town square. Got it!” Sketchy replied with a smile. “I’ll see you then!”

Octavia smiled warmly as she started on her way once more. “I shall look forward to it!” she called back to him as she went on her way.

Sketchy watched her go, and then turned to look up at the sky with a small, contented sigh. As if by some divine twist of circumstance, as he looked into the skies over the city, he saw the unmistakable sparkling trails of his white pegasus friend’s signature trick. Somehow, he couldn’t help but think that, perhaps, today fortune was smiling on him.