• Published 15th Oct 2011
  • 8,864 Views, 587 Comments

Sketchy Salad Symphony - Sketchy Sounds

This is a tale of who we are, and how we got here.

  • ...

La Gran Finale

Time had come to a standstill - or so it seemed.

The words Octavia had heard still moved through her head, but the rest of the world was frozen in this single moment.

She closed her wide-open eyes slowly, drawing in a deep breath, and focused her hearing inward, listening to the echo of those words as they resonated in her mind. It was as though they were wandering throughout a darkened town, in the vain hope of finding a home. There were no lit windows, though – save for one. One small home, lit only by a single warm candle as it held watch, welcoming the return of a long lost friend.

Octavia snapped from her trance-like state, raising a hoof to wipe her eyes. She could feel the dampness of welling tears building in her eyes, and her vision was starting to blur a little from it. She tried to focus her smeared gaze on Sketchy, fighting to hold back her tears from escaping long enough to speak and listen.

“Do... you mean that? I mean... truly, deeply believe that?”

Sketchy’s eyes slid closed for a few moments as he in turn slowly drew in a breath, ordering his thoughts and composing himself. When his eyes opened once more, the gaze that met Octavia’s blurred eyesight was a focused look of determination, with a warmth and happiness mixed into it as finally he had been able to speak what was in his heart.

“Yes. Yes, I do. I neither could, nor would have said so otherwise.”

What little retention over her emotions Octavia had left was smashed to bits under the gentle power of the words spoken to her. Her tears flowed freely from her eyes as she began to cry, and she collapsed from where she had sat up in shock next to the stallion when he had uttered the phrase that had put her in this state to begin with. Her face buried itself in his chest, and her forelegs wrapped themselves tightly around his body in no particularly orderly fashion; she simply grasped tightly to him wherever she found purchase.

“... I...” she faltered, fighting to speak between sobs as the emotion flooding from her wetted her companion’s chest, “....I ...do not know what to say...” She slowly lifted her head, turning her gaze on him once more.

What Sketchy saw as she looked to him made his heart ache. She was no longer hiding under any sort of mask of social airs or standing. The face before him was that of one whose defences had been smashed, and could no longer hide themselves. Her appearance was one both of vulnerability and yet at the same time, something so deeply alluring... but, in seeing her this way, the feeling that rose to the forefront of his mind was the urge to reassure her; to somehow express to her and let her feel what he himself felt towards her.

Her desperate and anxious embrace was met by his own gentle yet secure grip, as he held her to himself tightly.

“Then for now, don’t say anything.”

Octavia buried her face once more against the stallion’s chest, her emotion pouring forth. She continued to sob in a piteous fashion for a few minutes more, though gradually her breathing slowed as she pulled herself together. Her heart still beat like a drum in her chest as she grasped tightly to him still.

“Th... thank you...” she managed to say in a grateful whisper. She felt a soft kiss planted atop her head, and heard Sketchy’s gentle, reassuring tones.

“You’re most welcome, Octavia.”

Slowly, Octavia found more of her voice as she spoke up once more; though her speech was still barely more than a whisper. “No pony has ever...” she began, her sentence interrupted by a sniffle, before she continued, “...ever has said that to me, and truly meant it.”

“I’m glad to be the first then.” Sketchy replied. She could hear the smile in his intonation, and it brought a small smile to her own face as her tears subsided. A quiet sigh of contentment escaped her lips, as she felt an unprecedented feeling of comfort spread through her.

Internally, she felt as though she had been twisted and turned about in every direction; yet at the same time her heart was filled with an indescribably wonderful feeling.

He... loves me. If this is what love feels like, then...

She raised her head to look into the face of her stallion admirer, her eyes reddened and slightly puffy, and her mane a bit of a tangled and slightly soggy mess where it had fallen under her face. Yet even so, his expression did not change at the sight of her, and she kissed him softly on the nose before laying her head back down.

...how can I be sure I love him?

Putting the thought to the side for the time being, she held herself close to the warm body of her companion, sinking into the calm enjoyment of what it meant to be important to somepony.

Octavia’s actions were happily reciprocated by Sketchy, as he cuddled her gently and securely to himself; a contented sigh leaving his throat in turn. At length, however, he cleared his throat a little and spoke up quietly.

“Tavy? ...I know this is... that that was a big thing. Hearing that, I mean...” he began, carefully picking his words. “...and... I don’t expect a response from you right now this minute, but... I have to know how you feel, too.” It took him more effort than he’d expected to speak out the last part, as he knew for certain that it would likely be a scary thing to think about.

He wasn’t wrong in his assumption, as Octavia propped herself half up on her front hooves to look at him.

“I... I have never said those words to anyone... not in that way.” she stated. Her ears drooped slightly as she went on, her expression silently pleading for some understanding, her concern showing in her voice.

“...I want to be sure, I want those words to be true. Just... a little time? Please?” The look in her eyes silently begged for some leniency – though it was something she did not have to worry for, as she was soon to learn.

“As I said, I don’t expect you to tell me right away this instant.” Sketchy reassured her, honesty and understanding written across his features. “How could I claim to love you if I were to then straight away make such an unreasonable demand?” He lifted a hoof, brushing it gently across the violet-eyed mare’s cheek.

“I waited for years to get to know you, lass. A little more wait won’t kill me.”

A sigh of relief left Octavia’s throat as she slowly laid herself back down again, her eyes sliding shut. Her mind was a storm of disorganised thoughts: love, passion, music, concert, Luna, tension, frustration, uncertainty, Sketchy... like a tiny boat tossed about on angry seas, her mind threatened to sink under it all. She almost found herself panicking, though she kept her voice steady as she spoke.

“After the concert... I will be clearer. We will see then.” Her heart began to pound as she realised.

The concert... oh no, that is tomorrow night! Stay calm... you can do this!

“Alright.” Sketchy’s calm, deep tones quenched her panic to some degree. “Let’s get some sleep then, lass. Tomorrow you’re going to be brilliant.” His embrace around her tightened momentarily as he squeezed her gently, before he shuffled slightly to make himself comfortable for sleeping.

Octavia’s head found its way to the by-now familiar spot upon Sketchy’s chest and shoulder, and she clung tightly to him as she tried to relax. Her mind was still focused on the concert, however, and it showed in how she held fast to him with a slight tremble in her limbs.

Her living pillow apparently didn’t miss the fact that she had some tension still – his chest began to softly reverberate with the tones of a familiar tune as he hummed softly. It was one Octavia recognised: the very same they had played together the first time she had asked to meet up with him to play; though it was now being sounded out at a slower tempo in the form of a lullaby. The music began to work its magic on her, and she willingly let her eyes slide closed as the worries of tomorrow were at least in part overtaken by memories she had come to cherish. Her consciousness ebbed away amidst feelings of content and security as her grasp slackened on the stallion.

Sketchy in turn felt his mind succumbing to unconsciousness – but going by Octavia’s relaxed breathing and loosened grip, she was no longer conscious either.

Sleep found them both, and the night passed on with no further worries.

When morning came, it was Octavia who was the first to awaken. She groaned slightly as she sat up and opened her eyes a little. She flinched and shut them again, blinking a few times as the light hurt them. A wide yawn made its way from her mouth, and she once more forced her eyes open. They were still sore, and her vision was horribly blurred still. All she could make out was a mass of washed out colours, though as her eyes slowly came back to life, her vision began to coalesce into something more lucid. A faint murmur came from her side, and she looked round to see the familiar shape of her stallion companion still sleeping peacefully. A smile spread across her face as she looked down on his, finding simple pleasure in his peaceful expression.

Sketchy’s eyelids flickered slightly, and then his jaws opened wide as he yawned, stretching out a bit as he did so. His eyes slid open completely after that, and the first thing to fill his vision was the familiar shape of Octavia’s smiling face. He couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful sight to wake him, as far as he was concerned.

“Good morning, Tavy.”

“Good morning, dear.”

Sketchy sat up on his haunches, rolling his neck a bit. “Mmm. I hope you slept at least as well as I did.”

The cellist gave a slightly tired sounding yawn. “As it happens, I am afraid I had some minor nightmares. Tonight is weighing heavily upon my mind, there are no two ways about that.” She smiled reassuringly though, leaning her weight into the artist’s larger frame. “If not for you, however, I expect I would have tossed and turned the entire night.” Having said that, she leaned her head up and kissed him softly on the lips.

Sketchy returned her affections, putting a foreleg around her and hugging her gently. He broke from the kiss to speak. “Tonight is going to be fine. You are going to be brilliant – and besides, you’ll have me watching over you.”

The strings player’s ears pinned back as she thought over that. “Yes... you, and Sally... and the Princess... and... and...” She bit her lip, feeling a little light-headed from thinking over the prospect of not only performing for an audience of several hundred, but also some of her closest friends and one of the rulers of all Equestria itself.

She was brought back to earth as her face was pressed softly from behind into Sketchy’s neck.

“And it’s going to be just fine, love.” he stated reassuringly as an addendum to her sentence. “We’re all coming to smile upon you and inspire you to brilliance. Not to frown upon you or watch for you to fail.”

Octavia heaved a deep sigh, her forelegs wrapping around the stallion’s shoulders as she hugged tightly to him.

Performance jitters for the thousandth time? she mused, taking comfort in the reassurance she was being given.

“I get so worked up sometimes...” she murmured, distracting herself from such thoughts by nuzzling at her comforter’s neck. She felt a hoof run through her mane and along the back of her neck softly, accompanied by the deep tones of her closest friend.

“I can understand that. It’s always a worry, right up until you hit that first note and start things moving. But once you do that, once you make that first move; from then on is where the worry dissolves, when everything comes together at last. I’m a musician myself, Tavy. I know full well I can’t completely dispel your worries, but I hope I’m helping to allay some of them at least.”

Octavia nodded slowly as she brought her head away from his neck. “I will be fine, I know. I will have—oh! That reminds me!” she exclaimed. Without any explanation, she suddenly leapt up and scampered off down the stairs, leaving a slightly bewildered and still semi-conscious Sketchy to ponder what she was doing. He heard the sound of her rummaging in her bags for a few moments, followed by her hooves clattering quickly back up the stairs once more. She plopped back down onto the bed, deftly flipping the compact camera she was carrying into her front hooves.

“Now, stay adorable for me...” she instructed with a smile on her face, carefully finding a good focus and snapping a shot of the big earth pony as he still sat there with a grin on his features. “Perfect.” she smiled, setting down the camera.

“Why thanks, Tavy. You’re not a bad looker either.” Sketchy stated with a cheeky grin. A thought then struck him as he went on. “Oh, by the by, did you ask Luna what her preferred snack is?”

“Her Highness would rather enjoy a crisp daffodil and daisy.” Octavia replied with a smile and a nod. She rubbed her eyes a little, yawning slightly as she dispelled the last of her sleepiness. “It is a little difficult for me to think of food right now—oh, and on the topic of sandwiches, would you and Salad prefer to meet me at my home, or should I pick the two of you up?”

“Hmm... picking us both up from Graze will probably be easiest.” Sketchy replied after a few moments’ thought. “I should think Sally’ll be ready last, between me and her. I’ll just head on down there and you can come get us both. Oh, and I’ll find some reason to get her to make more sandwiches than there will be ponies as far as she knows for our little get together.”

“Wonderful. Ah, and I must also ask, where would you prefer to sit? You have the choice of anywhere you should wish – and I do mean, anywhere. I can even have you seated in the box next to Her Highness’s, if you wish – and so long as you do not think it will cause Salad to short-circuit!” Octavia stated, giggling a little at the thought of how the cheerful chef might react to being so close to the Princess she was a fan of.

“Sure, why not?” Sketchy nodded. “The view from there is likely to be unparalleled – and if nothing else, Sally’s reaction is likely to be priceless.” He grinned at the thought, eliciting a further laugh from Octavia.

“It is a little far off, but you will certainly have a good view of the Princess working her magic.”

“I’m looking forward to the whole thing.” Sketchy smiled, leaning his head down to hers and rubbing his forehead gently against her own.

Octavia’s eyes closed briefly as she returned the larger pony’s affections, opening her eyes once more to look up into his. “You are beautiful, you know that?”

“Is that so? I’m certainly not the most beautiful pony in the room, though.” Sketchy replied with a fond smile.

Octavia’s face flushed a deep red – even if she was by now a little more used to being generously complimented by the charming artist, she was yet to get over her bashfulness.

“...which reminds me!”

It was now Octavia’s turn to be somewhat confused, as Sketchy sprang from the bed in much the same manner as she had previously.

“Whatever are you—” she began, but her sentence was cut off mid-way as her eyes were temporarily blinded by a camera flash. Her pupils shrank to tiny dots, and she looked towards the flash’s origin with a slightly cross-eyed expression. “That... was very unfair of you.” she stated as her eyes slowly re-adjusted to normal. She saw Sketchy grinning at her from where he had put the camera back away in its drawer.

“All’s fair in love and war, my dear – and taking candids of each other.”

Octavia’s face creased into a smile, and she let out a happy laugh at his antics. “I suppose so. We cannot laze here all morning, however.”

“We can’t, you’re quite right. Still, I’m sure the both of us have quite the delightful pictures in our cameras now.” Sketchy agreed, flopping onto the bed on his side. He waved a sock-covered hoof at her with a playful smile. “Wanna give me a hoof getting these off?”

“Of course, I put them on to begin with, did I not?” Octavia replied with a small giggle and a nod of her head.

Sketchy rolled onto his back, his hooves presented for sock removal. Octavia proceeded to pull them off one by one, taking her time to enjoy the contact between her hooves and those of her companion. A wide smile spread over her face as she looked down to his. “I will never get tired of that.”

“Seeing me happy, you mean?” Sketchy inquired with a chuckle.

“Absolutely, and those adorable socks of yours.”

Sketchy grinned as he rolled back up to stand on his hooves. “I’ve yet to see you in yours. I’ve no doubt it’ll be a treat for the eyes, though.”

“You will have to help me put them on, too.” Octavia noted with a giggle.

Sketchy’s eyes narrowed slightly into a suggestive look. “I’ll look forward to it.” he stated with what he hoped was just the right amount of sauciness in his tone. His estimation seemed to be correct, as his admirer’s cheeks turned rather pink.

“Oh my, I look forward to that.” she said in a more shy tone than before.

Sketchy giggled a bit at that, nudging at her shoulder with his nose. “Let’s get ourselves organised. I’m going to sort some breakfast out, cereal work for you?”

Octavia rolled off the bed and bumped her flank against his playfully. “That sounds perfect, dear. Thank you.”

The artist nodded in return, a smile creasing his features at the mare’s buoyant mood. “Alright. You can go ahead and occupy the bathroom if you want, I’ll handle breakfast.” he said as he headed for the stairs.

Octavia followed after him, a smile adorning her face. She glanced down at him descending the stairs and let out a small giggle as she derived a guilty pleasure from what she saw. “Another wonderful sight this morning...” she commented, blushing slightly.

“Hmm?” the stallion questioned as he glanced back over his shoulder at her, but he quickly cottoned on to what she was on about. A grin spread across his face, and he shook his tail at her in a cheeky manner. He was certain he heard her let out a small squeak at that as he headed towards the kitchenette.

Having satisfied her immature side for the time being, the cellist made her way down the stairs and straight to the bathroom as offered. She gasped at her reflection, shaking her head and tutting a bit at the state of her messy mane.

Great, he took a picture of me with bedhead!

She laughed to herself quietly, attending to her tangled mess of hair. The sounds of her host clattering around as he organised breakfast for them both echoed through from outside the bathroom. It was a welcome racket, serving to remind her of what for once she did not have to tend to for herself on the day of a big concert. Exiting the washroom, she posed briefly to show off her restored appearance.

“You... bedhead... camera...” she said, shaking her head at the larger pony now sat at the table. He whistled admiringly in reply to her posing.

“Lookin’ good, Tavy, lookin’ real good!” he grinned, waggling his eyebrows in an exaggerated manner. It made her giggle as she joined him at the breakfast table, taking the place he’d set opposite him for her.

“I shall have to make this quick as I am going to be rather pressed for time. I do apologise.” She hastily tucked into her breakfast, relaxing into her seat as she enjoyed the feeling of satisfying her morning appetite.

“I know, hon. That’s why I figured it’d be best to have breakfast here, rather than heading out somewhere. That’d use up time we don’t have, and I wouldn’t dream of sending you off to get organised without having gotten something down your throat first. You can’t get everything done on an empty stomach, after all.”

“Very true, dear, very true. Whilst I still may not consume as much on the eve of a big concert as I might normally do, it would not be wise of me to forego at least lining my stomach.”

“It wouldn’t, at that. And as for afterwards, I’m sure Sally’ll have you covered.”

“Oh, indeed!” Octavia smiled as she gulped down the last of her breakfast. “I am doubly glad I invited her you know, what with your telling me she is fond of our dear Princess. That, and taking into consideration her hospitable nature... I expect I shall be quite glad to see her by the time tonight’s work is complete.”

“Her and her cool-box!” Sketchy chuckled, devouring the last of his own meal. “Well then,” he continued, rising to his feet, “I’d best see you on your way. Oh! Don’t forget your camera!” he added as he trotted to the bathroom to tidy himself up.

“Oh yes! Had better not leave it like I did my collar, hmm?” Octavia chuckled, trotting up the stairs to locate her camera.

Especially not when I shall want that photo I took for tonight.

Shortly thereafter, she and Sketchy were once more exiting the Old Chapel and making their way down the road towards town. It was a wonderfully sunny day, the sky clear and blue as could be. This was hardly any surprise though – considering that there would be a concert that very evening in honour of Princess Luna, it was only natural that her big sister would ensure that the weather leading up to it was perfect.

“Such wonderful weather today.” Octavia commented happily as she trotted along. “I could not ask for better for tonight.”

“Indeed not! Though I bet if you felt you had to, Celestia’d oblige it on this occasion.” Sketchy commented with a small laugh.

“You may be right!” Octavia agreed. She came to a halt at a fork in the road, looking round to Sketchy with a small sigh. “This is where we must part ways, for now. I have much to get done before tonight, and barely enough time in which to do it.”

“Aye, I know lass. What time should we expect you?”

“No later than half past seven tonight. It will be starting to get dark then. Please do ensure that you and Salad are both prepared to leave at that time, I dare not arrive late to such an event as this.”

“We wouldn’t dream of holding you up, lass.” Sketchy smiled. “We’ll be ready, promise.”

“Good.” Octavia smiled, breathing a small sigh of relief. She leaned her head up and kissed her stallion companion briefly on the lips. “I must get going now.” she stated as she brought her face away from his once more.

“On you go, then.” Sketchy replied, a fond smile on his face. “We’ll see you tonight!”

“Indeed! Until then!” Octavia’s voice chimed. She turned and headed off at a rapid trot towards her home, where the first of the day’s errands lay.

Sketchy meanwhile turned and made his way towards Graze. He had a few things to talk to Sally about, after all, and there was no time like the present.

“Good morning! Welcome to—Sketchy, hay!”

The stallion grinned at his unicorn friend as she greeted him in her usual manner. “Hi Sally! You excited for tonight?”

“Oh gosh! You betcha Ah am!” she replied, her excitement stripping away her formal manner as she almost bounced in place.

“Heh heh, silly question I s’pose. Listen, you planning on bringing some refreshments?”

“Well a’ course, hon. I mean, heck, Ah daresay yew an’ Ah both’ll want somethin’ tuh eat ‘fore the night’s over – and it is summer after all, doubtless we’ll be feelin’ the heat in a theatre fulla ponies.”

“Yeah, no kidding. And don’t forget Tavy, she’ll want something too.”

“Ooh, yer right! Ah can’t go forgettin’ her, and Ah bet she’ll be real worn out... Ah better make sure tuh bring plenty a’ water.” Salad noted, thinking out loud.

“Quite right! Oh and one other thing, Tavy has a friend who’d like to try some of your best as well. Apparently she’s someone who knows a lotta important folk around town, could really bolster things if you impressed her.”

Salad puffed her chest out a little at that. “Are yew kiddin’ me, hon? Impressin’ anypony—and Ah mean, anypony—with ma cookin’ is one thing Ah ain’t afraid tuh say Ah can do!”

“Alright. Well then, in that case I’ve an additional order for you besides what you’ll be putting together anyways. I’m told her friend has a taste for Daffodil and Daisy, nice and crispy. Think you can do that?”

“Yuh have to ask? ‘course Ah can, hon!” Salad grinned. “Anyways, yuh here just fer chit-chat, or tuh have some eats?”

“I’ll be honest Sally, I did already eat. I mainly came here to give you that little bit of info, and one other as well. For tonight’s concert, Tavy’s gonna come pick us up from here at half past seven on the dot.”

“Ooh! Alright hon, no worries. Ah’ll be sure to be ready by then.” A grin creased her features at that. “And Ah’ll look forward tuh seein’ yew all smart-lookin’ fer once.”

“Ha!” Sketchy replied with a laugh and a shake of his head. “Likewise, Sally.” he replied, sticking his tongue out and winking at her. “I’m gonna get going... I’ve nearly finished that one picture now. Hopefully I can get it done before the concert tonight.”

“OK hon. Reckon yuh can come on over fer about, say, six? That dress yuh got me ain’t half lovely, but it’s also a real pain tuh get into as well. Ah expect Ah’ll need some help, and at least one a’ ma folks gotta watch the floor.”

“No worries. Heck, I might need yours or your mum’s help making me look properly smart!”

“It’s settled, then. Ah’ll see yuh ‘round six. Yew go finish up makin’ yer art!”

Sketchy nodded at that, turning tail and heading out once more with a call of “Later, Sal!” over his shoulder.

With that, he set off towards home. His mind was swirling a bit in assorted thoughts as he made his way back up the hill. Foremost in his thoughts was how Octavia would react to his admission – or rather, the almost painful pondering over whether or not she felt as he did. It was certainly true that she felt a deep affection towards him, as that had been proven time and again. But was it love? That, he knew, was something only she could answer.

He was soon home again, and hunched over his drawing board with an intense look of focus in his eyes. The portrait before him was nearing completion, needing only the last final touches and minor corrections here and there to render it complete. His mind wandered slightly as he saw to his task, musing over what Octavia was up to.

As it happened, what Octavia was up to was working her way through an assortment of tasks. After returning home briefly to drop off some of her things, she had galloped off to drop off her camera at a chemists', stressing to them that it was of the utmost importance that her photographs were ready before four o’ clock at the latest. Following that, she had made her way to a tailor’s parlour on Silk Street in order to have herself measured and some final work done on the gown she would wear for tonight’s performance. Had it been almost any other concert, she would not have gone to such lengths as wearing something special for it; after all, her ordinary appearance was already something she kept immaculate for all occasions. However, when she had asked of the Princess whether or not it was necessary to go the extra mile, the alicorn had thought about it for several long moments and then affirmed to her that, yes, all things considered it would be worth it.

“Considering your audience, it is important that you look stunning.” had been her phrasing.

As she now made her way back towards the shop where she had left her camera, her carefully packaged gown slung over her back, Octavia pondered over Luna’s words. Or, not so much her words as her expression at the time, for there had been a sparkle in her eyes and even a hint of mischief in her tone.

Her musings were soon pushed aside, however, as she stepped over the chemists' threshold and smelled the familiar scents of alchemical wonderments used for developing photographs. She was greeted politely by an attendant earth pony, whom was quick to inform her that they had worked as quickly as possible on developing her photographs, and they were now ready.

“And well before the deadline. Thank you, sir.” Octavia smiled, opening the envelope of photographs presented to her. She hastily flipped through them to find the most important one, and a relieved smile spread across her features.

“Just perfect. Thank you once more.” she stated, tucking away the collection of pictures into her bag and hoofing over the fee. “You have no idea how important this was for tonight!” she smiled.

“With how anxious you seemed, madam, it was easy enough to gain some inkling.”

“Hmm. It cannot be helped. Pre-show jitters, and it is an important show. I shall have to be on my way, dear, but thank you once more for dealing with this in such a rapid and professional manner.”

“Not at all, miss Octavia. And all the best for tonight!”

Another task accomplished, Octavia set out for home once more as she went over her mental checklist. She had dropped off her camera, had her clothing finished up, picked up her photographs... now all that remained was to spend the next few hours preparing herself for the concert. She would take some time to relax a little and have something to eat, despite her stomach tying itself in knots. It would do her no good to collapse from lack of nutrition in the middle of such a large performance, after all.

Next, she reminded herself as she trotted along,she would need to spend time on her appearance. Even if she nearly always looked her best, for a performance it was imperative that she spent time upon making herself absolutely perfect. Not a hair out of place nor the slightest imperfection in sight - which would mean taking an hour or more on painstakingly beautifying herself. That included carefully squeezing her delicate frame into the gown she now carried; though what with her having had it tailored to fit her perfectly, she did not expect that to be much of a problem. Styling her mane and tail, however, she knew would take longer - and she wanted to take the time soaking herself in a comfortable bath as well.

I shall have time. I must simply relax.

Across town, Sketchy had put his pencil down for the day. TIme was ticking on, and he knew he would have to go to the bother of smartening up his appearance. It would be best to start on that now, or he would end up in a hasty rush which would result in him looking a big mess. That wouldn’t do if he was going to accompany the premier strings player of the symphony orchestra on possibly the biggest night of her life to date.

Sure, most folks are gonna be looking at her and not me. Then again, I’ll be accompanying her... Oh heck. Any way you look at it, things are not gonna be the same after tonight, are they?

His thoughts continued to swirl whilst he attended to running himself a bath, first and foremost. While it hadn’t been that long since his last one, he still didn’t want to turn up with his coat sweaty or smelling at all. He soaked in the tub for what he hoped was suitably long enough to be considered clean and tidy, and then after towelling himself down he moved onto the next task: tidying up his mane and tail. He wasn’t one for carefully styling them for hours on end as he knew some ponies were, hence actually tidying his hair into some semblance of order was a bit of a bothersome task for him, but he took to it with gusto regardless.

So it was that after almost an hour and a half of carefully tending to his appearance, a smartly dressed and well groomed Sketchy strode into Graze. His mane and tail had been painstakingly brushed and styled into a much more orderly version of their usual unkempt style, and he wore a pure black jacket and tie as a striking contrast to his grey-white coat. He carried himself in a more upright and poised manner as well, a subconscious side effect of having spent so much time on crafting his image.

“Good afternoon, sir! Welcome to Graze, may I take your order?” Salad politely inquired, before staring at him for several seconds.

“...strike me dead, Sketchy, Ah barely recognised yuh!” she blurted, an extra pinkness painting her cheeks. “Gosh darn, yuh dun went and pulled all the stops, didn’tcha?” she grinned, walking round the counter and trotting around him in a circle to inspect his polished appearance.

“How’d I look, Sal?” he questioned, a smile on his face but a slight tinge of nervousness in his voice.

“At least as dapper as Fancy Pants, hon. Ma word... well, seein’ as yer here and all, we oughta go get me all prettied up too, huh?” she grinned. Having said that, she pulled off her apron and hung it up behind the counter.

“Will yuh be alright here on your own, hon?” the other unicorn mare piped up, addressing her husband. He simply nodded in reply.

“Ah will. Yew go make our lil’ girl look her best.”

Sketchy, Salad, and her mother headed up the stairs to the Sandwich family’s home. It was somewhere Sketchy had been many a time, having become almost a second home to him when he had been growing up in the Equestrian capital. The familiar surroundings helped calm his nerves a little, as Salad promptly trotted off in the direction of the bathroom.

“Ah’m gonna make maself nice an’ squeaky clean!” she called as she shut the bathroom door.

“Good call, hon! Last thing yuh want is tuh ruin that new dress bah puttin’ it on right after yuh just done finished work!” Honey agreed, turning her attention thereafter to Sketchy.

“Well well, yer lookin’ mighty fine there young ‘un.” she said approvingly. “Why, Ah daresay that fancy filly a’ yours ain’t gonna know what hit her when she claps eyes on yuh.”

“Thanks, Mrs Sandwich.” Sketchy grinned, seating himself on one of the easy chairs. “That was the plan.”

“Well Ah can see it workin’. Ah am excited for our little Sally though. She ain’t been to somethin’ like this in years... Mustard and I, well, we just ain’t had the time nor the energy. We ain’t gettin’ any younger, after all - and heck, Sally’s th’ age now where it just ain’t the done thing to be seen out with yer parents.” she chuckled.

“Aye, I know what you mean.” Sketchy nodded. “She’s not just the little filly I played with all the time in primary school any more. She’s fast becoming her own mare... though I still can’t help but see her as anything besides my honorary little sister.”

“Ah can see that, Sketchy – and Ah’m glad. Ah know she’s got folks watchin’ out for her.” Honey smiled, pausing to listen to Salad’s slightly tuneless singing emanating from the bathroom. “You an’ Freezy Pop... and Ah guess, that filly friend a’ yours too, now.”

“Her name’s Octavia, Mrs Sandwich...” Sketchy chuckled.

“‘tavia, right. I’ll remember that one sooner or later, Ah assure yuh.” Honey replied with a giggle. She let out a sigh as she relaxed back into the couch she was sat upon. “Honestly, Sketchy, whenever did yuh grow up so big an’ handsome, hmm? Seems only yesterday yuh were runnin’ around gettin’ under me an’ Mustard’s hooves along with yer troublemakin’ pegasus friend and our lil’ Sally. Now here we are with yuh datin’ that gal from the orchestra, an’ about to go and watch a real big concert on her. Ah do reckon yer ma and pa both’d be real impressed.”

Sketchy smiled broadly at her praise. “I’m sure they will be. I’m going to send a letter or maybe a telegram in the next day or two to catch up with them both. I know my mum’ll be over the moon... she was a bit worried when I said I was coming back here that I might end up getting involved with some cheap floozy who’d suck me dry. Tavy’s nothing of the sort.”

“She sure ain’t, no. She’s mighty generous, in fact, bringin’ both you and Sal along like this. Ah sure hope she invited Freezy too?”

“She did, aye, but you know how her schedule is. She can’t make it due to her duties. ‘sides, she’s probably sick of the tunes by now. She’s already been along every so often.”

“She has? Why’s that?”

Sketchy opened his mouth to answer, but then he heard the bathroom door opening from off the living room where he and Honey sat. He smiled.

“I’ll tell you later.” he said, tilting his head back towards the direction of the bathroom and raising his eyebrows slightly as a means of explanation why he didn’t want to say anything.

Honey nodded her head at that, a small grin playing around her features. Age had taught her perceptiveness, and it didn’t take her much to put two and two together.

“Y’all done cleanin’ up, Sally hon?”

Salad trotted through, her mane still somewhat damp and spread out across her neck and back. It was also hanging in front of her eyes, lending her a rather comical appearance.

“Ah reckon so, ma!” she giggled, fully aware of how silly she must look. “Do yuh reckon Ah ought to wear ma mane down?”

“I think you should, if it counts for anything.” Sketchy piped up with a smile. “I’ve not seen you sporting that look in a while, I bet it’d go well with your dress.”

“Well, if nothin’ else it’ll be easier to dry off in a hurry.” Honey remarked with a laugh, rising from her seat. “But yeah hon, Ah think yuh should. Let’s go get yuh all prettied up. Sketchy, yew just make yerself comfortable. Ah reckon we’ll maybe need yer help when Ah get to puttin’ her in her dress perhaps.”

Almost two hours after the the three ponies had disappeared up the stairs, Mustard’s attention was caught by the return of his wife. He smiled fondly over at her, and then his eyes widened as he caught sight of the two ponies that descended the stairs after her.

“Well... now ain’t that a sight? Is that really ma own lil’ Sally and her noisy artist friend?” he smiled.

It was easy to see from where his admiration came. Salad’s appearance had undergone quite the transformation from cheerful country girl working behind the counter to elegant lady ready to step out for a grand evening’s entertainment. The pastel green and yellow dress she proudly wore suited her perfectly, and her long blonde mane had been brushed straight, flowing free and naturally down her neck and across her back. Her tail had undergone some brushing and combing as well, and it hung in a natural long flow behind her. In addition to that, she was carrying herself with the sort of poise usually displayed by Canterlot’s upper crust. That was both due to her feeling that much more proud of her appearance, and the fact that the way her dress fit meant that she had to make more of an effort not to slouch for it to hang properly on her frame.

“Why indeed, father!” she intoned in her best fancy accent, and then let out a giggle as she dropped it. “Ah sure do look smashin’, huh? Ah’d best go grab that box out the kitchen so’s Ah don’t forget.”

Before she could take a step towards the kitchen, however, her mother held a hoof out in her path.

“Oh no yuh don’t! Ah ain’t havin’ all the work we just did undone just like that. Ah’ll snatch it for yuh. You just wait here and look pretty, hon.”

“Alright ma.” Salad smiled, trotting over to seat herself close to the door. Sketchy joined her, and Mustard walked over shortly thereafter.

“Sally hon, Ah honestly can’t believe how lovely yer lookin’.” he stated, kissing her gently on top of her head. “Yuh remind me of yer ma when she was your age. Took ma breath away, so she did – heck, she still does.” he chuckled. “Them folks that see yuh tonight ain’t gonna know what hit ‘em, seriously.”

Salad giggled happily at that. “Well good! The more folks that wonder who Ah am, thuh better. I’ll have ‘em all eatin’ out ma hoof, so tuh speak!”

“Well certainly you’ll make for one heck of an advertisement for here.” Sketchy agreed. “I expect Tavy’s connoisseur friend’ll be pretty impressed.”

“Ah sure hope so, hon. But either way, Ah’m just gonna focus on enjoyin’ maself tonight.”

“And so you should, love.” Honey’s voice chimed in as she strode over to them, floating a blue cool-box over to her daughter. “Do be sure to tell me all about yer evening when you come home, Ah just know yer gonna have a great time.”

As if on cue, they heard the clopping hooves and rumbling wheels of a carriage pulling up outside of Graze.

“That sounds like our ride!” Sketchy noted, rising to his feet. Sally followed him, and the two moved to the door.

“You kids have fun!” Mustard called after them, accompanied by Honey smiling and waving as they headed out the door; Salad exiting first as her stallion friend held the door for her.

Outside stood the carriage Octavia had been provided for the night. It was of a classical black patent leather construction, trimmed with brass features and finished with deep red wooden doors and accents. A pair of well groomed earth pony stallions stood patiently to the front of the carriage, both of whom were clad in suit jackets much like the one Sketchy himself wore.

The door of the carriage was opened, and Octavia stepped out. Both Sketchy and Sally’s eyes widened at her appearance, as she too had clearly spent a lot of time on her image for the night. For one thing, she was clad in a clingy black dress, long to her back hooves, and trimmed to flatter her figure. The bottom of it was split to reveal her hind legs, just far enough that her treble clef cutie mark was almost visible. Her mane had been pulled back into a half braid, and her ordinary collar and bow-tie were nowhere to be found. All in all, it was quite the departure from her regular appearance - however, with this being an important evening, it was no surprise to see that she had gone to such lengths.

“Do you not both look fantastic!” she smiled, taking in the altered appearance of both of her friends. “Madam Sally, you look most beautiful. I would barely have recognised you with your mane that way, it suits you so very well!”

“Why thanks, hon!” Salad replied with a broad smile. “Yer lookin’ smashing yerself. Right Sketchy?” she added, nudging her stallion friend.

“Sal’s right. You’re looking even more beautiful than normal, Tavy.” Sketchy commented, taking the time to fully take in her more formal look.

“Why thank you, both of you.” Octavia replied happily. “You, Sketchy, are looking every inch the gentlecolt tonight. Goodness me though, we must be on our way lest we make a tardy entrance. Come along, my carriage is your carriage.”

The three of them climbed aboard the plushly fitted carriage. As it moved off, Octavia glanced to her two friends with a slightly anxious smile. “I hope neither of you are timid. You are in for quite the experience.”

“Oh, don’t sweat it Tavy.” Sketchy grinned. “I’ll be fine, I’m sure Sally will too. Right Sal?”

“Ayup! Don’t yew worry yer pretty head none, Octavia. Ah’ll be fine. Ah’m lookin’ forward to it!”

“That is a relief.” the cellist nodded, glancing from Sketchy to Salad. “Tell me dear, have you been kept abreast of affairs, of late?”

“Do yuh mean, am Ah aware of yew two bein’ a thing, as it were?” Salad giggled in reply. “Yep, Ah know. C’mon, did yuh honestly think this big lug’d keep his mouth shut about datin’ yuh?”

“I would not have expected him to keep it secret from those whom are like family to him, no.” Octavia smiled.

“A’ course not. And Ah say, good fer the both of yuh. Y’ make a real cute pair, y’know? Ah’m honestly glad tuh see it.” Salad stated, a genuine smile spreading across her face.

Octavia relaxed a bit in her seat at that. She had been slightly worried that perhaps the unicorn may have still held some resentment, but hearing it from her own mouth and seeing her smile, she could tell that there was no bad blood to be found.

“Excited about tonight?” she questioned as the carriage rounded a corner and drove uphill. From up ahead, there were frequent bright flashes of light visible from within the crowd gathered outside of the amphitheatre; itself being decoratively uplit to accentuate its grandiose structure.

“Oh stars, yes!” Salad replied, nodding her head enthusiastically. “Why, Ah ain’t been along to a concert like this since Ah was just a little filly. This is gonna be a night tuh remember!”

You got that right! Sketchy mentally chuckled to himself, trying to imagine how she would react when she saw who they were to be seated next to.

The carriage came to a halt, joining the back of a queue of similarly ornate coaches. They could now see that, outside of the amphitheatre, there was a sizeable gathering of ponies from all over the city. This was of course of little surprise: the Summer Equinox Concert had been widely advertised for weeks beforehand, and as a result it was well known that everypony who was anypony in Canterlot would be attending. As each carriage released its passengers, the crowd erupted with flashes of light as several cameras photographed the movers and shakers of Equestrian high society as they made their way inside.

Octavia’s carriage trundled forward slowly inch by inch, until it reached the point that it would be next in line to open to the barrage of flashing lights and cheers.

The cellist looked across to her two friends with a reassuring smile.

“Now is your moment to be incredibly bold.” she informed them, nodding to Sketchy first.

The stallion looked from her to the window and back again, nodded his head, took a deep breath... and opened the door. The noise from the crowd became that much louder as it flooded in, and he squared his shoulders before carefully stepping down from the carriage. He looked around at the assembled crowd, blinking his eyes a bit against the bursts of light, before turning back to the carriage door and offering a hoof to assist Sally out of the transport.

“Go ahead, madam. Your turn to shine.” Octavia intoned above the racket of the crowd as she smiled to the sandwich artist.

“Oh stars... Ah wasn’t quite expectin’ this...!” Salad exclaimed, though she carefully picked up the cool-box she had brought along and, with as much grace as she could muster, put her hoof to her friend’s and gratefully accepted his assistance with stepping down from the carriage. She put on the best smile she could manage, looking around at the assembled crowd. Sketchy meanwhile turned back to the carriage and smiled up to its last remaining passenger.

“C’mon lass. Let’s not tease them further.”

Octavia let out a small chuckle at that, and then she too stepped from the carriage. The crowd exploded in a flurry of flashes and cheers of admiration, with a multitude of ponies’ voices clamouring to ask the famed cellist questions, pose for their cameras, give them her autograph... Octavia, however, was well used to this sort of thing, and she simply squared her shoulders, put on a calm smile, and set off along the red carpet leading into the theatre.

“It is crazy, I know! I do hope Sally does not mind!” she called over the din to Sketchy as he followed after her. She turned her head to the slightly terrified looking unicorn and called to her also, her voice slicing through the din of the crowd. “Keep up, dear! Do not let these piranhas scare you!”

The unicorn nodded quickly in response to Octavia’s instruction, quickly catching up to her and keeping pace with both her and the stallion on her other side. As they approached the grand front doors of the amphitheatre, they were swung slowly open by two rather sturdy looking Royal Guards. Beyond the doors lay a great atrium filled with smartly dressed ponies milling around, making small talk with each other and generally acting with a greater level of self-importance than was warranted. Octavia, however, immediately set off towards a sweeping flight of stairs to one side.

“We—well, you, are going this way. Please, follow me, you two.” she instructed, gliding up the stairs with regal grace. “Far more beautiful out here than the backstage, would you not agree?” she commented with a small laugh to Sketchy.

The stallion nodded at that, a smile playing around his features. “Sure is. I gotta say though, I’m glad to be out of the limelight. That was a little... intense.”

Salad remained quiet for the moment, as her eyes were roving all around them as they walked. The amphitheatre’s interior was indeed a thing of beauty. As they reached the top of the stairs, they came to a hallway with a high ceiling. The carpet underfoot was exquisitely decorated with threads of many colours, complex patterns stitched throughout. The walls were hung with pictures of assorted famous ponies, many of whom had performed at one point or another in the theatre. Famed musicians, acclaimed actors, legendary singers... there was not a one of the classical performing stage arts not accounted for among the portraits. From the ceiling hung banners of the stars of tonight’s troupe - including one of none other than Octavia herself, poised and ready, holding her cello with a look of total authority.

A light giggle left Octavia’s lips as she glanced up at the banner of herself. “My goodness me, let us hope they never find that picture you took this morning, hmm?” she noted to her stallion companion. Her attention was then briefly stolen away once more by the assorted other ponies in the area wishing her a good night and a good show.

“Oh, they won’t.” Sketchy reassured her, before stepping a bit closer to her and lowering his voice. “Seeing the real you, under all these masks you have to wear for everyone else... that’s a privilege I don’t intend to share.”

His words brought a smile and a blush to the strings player’s face as they continued on their way, stopping by a set of double doors. A little further down the hallway stood the silent figures of a quartet of Royal Guards, unmoving under the ambient light. Octavia nodded to a nearby usher to open the doors before them. Beyond the doors lay a vacant box seat, generously furnished with ornate pillows to sit upon.

“These are your seats, my dears!” Octavia explained in a melodious voice. “Now please, if you should find yourselves in need of anything—anything at all—the usher will be certain to get it for you with all due haste. You are, after all, my guests here tonight.”

Salad let out a low whistle of appreciation. “Shucks hon, that's somethin’ else. This is a real treat!”

Octavia smiled at that. “Wait until the show begins! Speaking of which, I must be on my way now to make ready for the performance. Is there anything either of you need of me at present?”

Sketchy glanced from Octavia to the retreating usher, then to Salad, and then finally back to Octavia. “A brief moment of your time, alone?”

Salad smiled to herself at that, and discreetly made her way into the box seat to make herself comfortable. She flashed a brief wink at her two friends as she politely made herself scarce.

“But of course, dear.” Octavia answered the stallion, walking off to one side with him. “What do you need?”

Her query was swiftly answered, as Sketchy leaned his face down to hers and planted a kiss on her lips – though it was only a brief gesture of affection, as he soon pulled away with a smile on his face. “Just that. Well, and also to say: do your best, don’t worry, and above all, enjoy yourself. I know you’re going to be amazing out there.”

A blush painted Octavia’s face as she looked back up at her admirer, a smile soon creasing her features. “Thank you, dear. Thank you.” she replied, letting out a small sigh of contentment. “I shall see you afterward. Enjoy the performance!”

Sketchy nodded at that, as the cellist turned and walked back down the hallway. His smile broadened as he turned and joined his unicorn friend in the box seat. The doors were closed behind him, and he settled down on the pillows comfortably.

“Yer such a big softy, Sketchy.” Salad commented, grinning at him. “Heavens though, this is an amazin’ view from up here. She really went the extra mile fer us.”

“She did at that.” Sketchy agreed, glancing over the railing of the box to the crowded theatre below. “I’m kinda glad we got seats up here though, away from all that racket.”

“Same here. Ah ain’t a fan of that kinda hustle and bustle.”

Their conversation was interrupted by the box seat doors next to theirs being opened. The party of Guards they’d seen earlier promptly entered the box, their eyes moving in all directions. After a few brief moments’ examination, the four of them turned and headed back out again. Salad was only half paying attention, and she soon turned her gaze back on the crowd below. She therefore missed the appearance of none other than the Princess of the Night as she strode gracefully into her own box seat and parked her hindquarters, taking a moment to also gaze down on the crowd below. She then looked round to the box next to her own, and a smile of recognition crossed her face.

“Why, hello again there, Sketchy Sounds. A pleasure to see you once more.”

Salad blinked, raised her head, and looked round to see who it was that was sat up here that knew her friend. Her jaw hung open in abject shock when her eyes fell upon the face of the night-blue coated alicorn sat mere feet away from them.

“And a good evening to you as well, Miss.” Luna continued, offering a smile to the unicorn. “It pleases me to see Madam Octavia has brought herself some friends to share this wonderful night with.”

“Why, thank you, Your Highness.” Sketchy replied politely, then turned to glance at his open-mouthed companion. “...shut your mouth, Sally. You’re gonna get a bug caught in there.” he told her, poking her gently in the side.

Salad’s jaw shut as she snapped out of her shock, but her eyes were still wide open. “M-m-ma stars...” she stammered, finally gaining some semblance of control over her mouth once more. “Uhm, ah... i-i-i-it’s a pleasure, Yer Highness... P-princess Luna!”

“Oh, the pleasure is mine, I assure you!” the Princess replied with a twinkle in her eyes, glancing back once more at the crowd below.

“Why didn’tcha tell me she was gonna be here? Right next to our seats, Ah mean!?” Salad demanded of her companion in a slightly panicked whisper.

“You didn’t ask!” Sketchy replied, his tone also hushed.

Below them, the theatre was now filled to capacity. The din of the expectant audience was at its peak, an air of excited anticipation hanging over the whole theatre. The open roof of the structure created an illusion of greater grandeur than the theatre truly possessed; the clear night sky over head filled with twinkling stars gave the feeling that the roof was merely a part of the vast cosmos above. Barely visible off in the distance was a dark gathering of storm clouds, briefly lit with a shimmer of lightning. Sketchy smiled to himself briefly at that, fully aware that those were to be utilised during the concert’s performance.

I do hope the weather ponies don’t foul that up! he thought to himself.

The noise below began to quiet down, as the orchestra emerged and found their way into the pit. The conductor stood quietly upon his podium, silently watching over the assorted musicians filing into place. Hidden from the spotlights, the sound engineers busied themselves over checking and double-checking their equipment.

Luna’s voice sounded quietly as the noise from below slowly subsided. “Sir Sketchy, you may have been present for some of our rehearsals, but there have been refinements since. I hope that you both enjoy what our dear cellist has created for us all.” Her focus was still on the orchestra below, but she cast a sidelong look towards the ponies in the box seat next to hers as she spoke, a brief smile playing around her lips.

Sketchy coughed slightly upon being addressed so formally by the Princess. He found himself glad he hadn’t been drinking at the time, for he was certain that his beverage would have ended up spat out in shock.

“I’m sure I will, Princess.” he replied quietly.

“I certainly hope so... aha, here come our performers of the hour.” Luna noted quietly, her attention returning fully to the stage.

Sure enough, the curtains swayed slightly and then pulled up in a small arch. Two violinists, a violist, and finally a very well known cellist walked forth from the arch. Their appearance was met with cheering and applause from the waiting audience as the musicians found their places on stage. The quartet took a bow as one before settling themselves on their seats and readying their music.

Octavia rolled her neck, shook out her forelegs, and tucked her pages into neat piles upon her music stand. She carefully latched her bow in place on her specialised shoe, then stole a glance up to the box seats where she knew the three ponies whom she cared the most for were situated. She was barely able to make out Sketchy flashing her a huge smile from his elevated position. She smiled briefly herself before her expression returned to its usual serious look as she sat up tall in her seat. Her voice projected clearly as she spoke, filling the theatre with the aid of the microphone placed by her seat.

“I would like to thank each and every pony here tonight for coming to witness this event. I have spent countless nights working tirelessly to bring you all a fitting tribute to our Princess of the Moon, Princess Luna.”

She pointed a hoof towards the box where Luna herself was seated, and a spotlight illuminated the Princess in all her regal glory. There was a burst of cheering and applause from the crowd below, which she acknowledged with a smile and a graceful bow of her head. The spotlight faded after a few moments, and Octavia spoke once more as the audience's adulation subsided.

“We are going to perform for you the entire progression as shown upon your programmes, although there is also an additional piece which shall be included thereafter. I sincerely hope you enjoy all that we bring you this evening.” With that, she tapped her bow upon her music stand, signalling to her fellow quartet musicians to ready themselves.

Both Sketchy and Sally leaned forward on their comfortable seating, eager to take in the aural wonders to come. There was one stray thought that momentarily wandered through Sketchy’s mind, however.

...an additional piece? I wonder what that’s about...

His wonderings were silenced however as a hush pervaded the atmosphere. The silence seemed to last for an eternity, but then Octavia’s raised bow met the strings of her instrument. The cellist leaned her head to its neck, listening closely to its deep tones reverberating through the air. Her eyes slid shut as her hooves moved with the practiced grace only several years’ worth of devotion to her talent could bring, sliding deftly over the strings as though she and her instrument were simply two parts of one whole.

The theatre was filled with the sonorous voice of Octavia’s cello, its tones flowing languidly through the audience like the overflow of a deep cup filled beyond capacity. The flowing notes were given added character as her fellow musicians in the quartet chimed in on the appropriate measure, their timing as perfect as could be. The introductory piece was a somewhat subdued composition, its last few notes lingering in the air as they were sustained briefly by the quartet, but then silence fell once more.

There was an eruption of applause from the gathered audience, but it fell into an awed hush as the theatre lights dimmed. Even as this occurred, though, a bright light shone forth from above. Hushed gasps of wonder came from below, as several hundred pairs of eyes were lifted skyward to behold a single shimmering star piercing the darkness from on high.

Sketchy too had his gaze drawn heavenward, stealing only a brief glance to the side to confirm that, indeed, Princess Luna was working her magic. The alicorn’s horn had a shimmering blue aura to it, and there was a pleased smile on her face as she influenced the night sky to her will.

Octavia’s bow once more descended upon the strings of her instrument, playing a somewhat more energetic melody. Her quartet were soon to follow, and then so too did the orchestra. The air was filled with a lively and cheerful song, and as more instruments joined its orchestration, so too did more of the stars above begin to twinkle and flash, streaking and dancing across the heavens.

There was barely a single utterance from the hundreds of gathered ponies below, save for the occasional exclamation of wonderment as the spectacle was played out. There were none who had ever seen something so incredible; after all, the Princess of the Night had been absent for a millennium and hence unable to put on such a dazzling display.

The heavily orchestrated symphony rolled on smoothly into its next progression. The tone was delicate and smooth, with lighter tones sprinkled throughout. It was paced at a more languorous pace than the piece that had preceded it, and as the peaceful melody permeated the air it was accompanied by a shower of falling stars passing over the great theatre.

“Are you seeing this?” Sketchy whispered to his unicorn friend, only barely audible over the soothing piece playing out around them.

“Ah sure am...” came the quiet reply. Neither one of them dared tear their eyes away from the wondrous display overhead.

Octavia’s composition continued on, transitioning to a soft ensemble of wind instruments. The accompanying display overhead went from a sky full of falling stars to a glittering shower of stardust which rained down into the theatre - yet somehow dissipated before landing among the audience. As this continued, the ambient light in the theatre began to dim down completely, and slowly the glittering shower subsided. All that remained was a single shaft of light shining down upon the cellist on stage. The melody of wind instruments fell away, giving way to the cello’s deep voice as Octavia sustained a single, deep note for several measures. The sound grew in volume, beginning to shake the fixtures with its resonance - but then suddenly it was halted as the light from above vanished, and the theatre lights came back on.

The sky overhead was pitch black, crowded with thick black storm clouds. There were a few short gasps before the sky exploded with a loud CRASH of thunder, accompanied by a similar thundering of cymbals. Lightning arced from above, seeming to strike the very theatre itself, and the assembled violins erupted in a flurry of scaling notes, fighting back and forth with their direction as the wind rose. The thunder roared again, accompanied by the crashing of cymbals, and more lightning struck at the theatre, clearly illuminating the rods erected atop its roof to direct the strikes.

Sketchy heard a strangled scream from his unicorn friend when the thunder had begun; he found himself startled by it as well. He had jumped when the first lightning bolt struck, but he had relaxed a bit when he realised that it was being directed in a specific manner.

The artificial storm began to subside as the accompanying orchestration gave way, and the clouds slowly parted as Octavia and her quartet played a series of fluttering notes. The deep purple hue of the cosmos on high was revealed once more in all its glory, bright stars littered across the sky – and taking pride of place, the majestic beauty of the full moon. The quartet took turns in leading a complex staccato melody, reaching an abrupt ending on a beautifully sweet note that seemed to sing for several long moments after it had ended.

Silence pervaded the atmosphere once more: the audience seemed caught in a trance, and only after several long moments had passed did the theatre break out in raucous applause and cheering, hundreds of pairs of hooves stomping their approval.

Octavia rose from her seat and bowed her head briefly, before speaking loudly into her microphone. “To the most talented choreographer, Princess Luna, for the inspiration!” she declared, gesturing once more to the box seat where the Princess sat. A spotlight was shone upon her once more, and this time she wore a much larger smile as she waved and bowed her head to the appreciative audience.

As the audience continued to gush with cheers, the cellist seated herself once more. She waited for the applause to die down somewhat, before tapping her music stand as before with her bow. The audience fell into a hush as she spoke up again.

“At this time, I would like to play a piece that I recently wrote; as I stated before we began tonight. With some recent events that have transpired, I have come to meet someone very special... and I wrote this for him.”

A smattering of applause followed her statement as she shook out her mane, sitting up straight in her seat once more.

Up in his box seat, Sketchy blinked a few times and took a sharp gasp in. He leaned forward, his full attention immediately under her command. To his side, Salad took a look from Sketchy down to the stage, and suppressed her urge to squeal delightedly.

Octavia took up her bow once more, breathing at an even pace as she brought it to meet the strings. Her eyes slid shut as she began to play once more, this tune far different to those that had been played out so far this evening.

Single notes echoed out from the cello, quietly moving through the spaces of the theatre. Although they had a bright sound, they somehow felt hollow. They had a strong tone, and yet carried an air of timidity; they spoke of a vulnerability overlaid with a resolute nature. The complex nature of every bar carried an echo of vigour and tenacity, the wordless story slowly tying itself together.

Unlike with the previous pieces that had been played, Sketchy didn’t dare peel his gaze away from the stage. His breathing was shallow and quiet, as though he feared even the slightest breath would cause the melody to shatter. Yet as Octavia played on and her tale unfolded, a smile grew across his face.

The melody sang forth a change in time, and of something new and unexpected. The notes that came from the cello were rushed and rested in an unusual signature; it almost seemed as though someone had smeared the cellist’s sheet with a blurry haze as the melody fought to find direction. Yet as the song continued, it seemed to become clearer little by little with every passing measure. Every stroke of the bow over the strings sounded like a call for companionship - a call which was met by a deeper note that melted together delicately with the first. The song progressed onward, and the cellist played in such a manner that it sounded like two separate instruments talking to each other in happy notations. Their voices longed for each other, then laughed together as their friendship was facilitated by the deft work of Octavia’s bow.

As the piece progressed further, tones of anxiety and doubt came forth, then also a feeling of fear. But then the feelings were scattered by uplifting tones of joy, happiness, and of sharing.Octavia opened her eyes to glance to the sheet on her stand, and a smile spread across her face as she finally drew forth a quick set of measures that lightened the mood of the piece further to a delightful ending. Her bow left the strings, dropping to her side as she relaxed, taking a breath.

Once more, the theatre was filled with applause. Octavia rose from her seat, accompanied by her quartet, and they moved to the front centre of the stage. They bowed as one, the customary roses being tossed onto the stage around them. After they had taken several bows, the cellist held her hoof aloft once more.

“To my cherished Princess Luna and her return to Equestria, and to my companion Sketchy Sounds for inspiring that last piece.”

Sketchy’s face was enflamed with a blush as he heard Octavia’s words. It was not helped any by the Princess opposite him first bowing her head to the crowd below, and then turning to bow her head in acknowledgement to him. He could only return the gesture graciously as he continued to sit there feeling as though his face was burning up.

As for Salad, she was now far less embarrassed over her own freezing up in front of the Princess earlier on, and she suppressed a giggle as she beheld her stallion friend for once at a loss for words.

The theatre’s house lighting slowly came on as the performers on stage took their final bows and then exited through the once more raised portion of the stage curtains. The hubbub from below gradually grew in volume as the audience rose from their seats to make their way out, full of wonderment still over the spectacle they had witnessed.

Sketchy barely even acknowledged the fact that, off to the side, the Princess was exiting her box seat. Salad of course took note, but any disappointment she may have felt at missing a chance to say hello to the Princess was somewhat dwarfed by her amusement at Sketchy’s current state of mind. She waved a hoof at him and clicked her tongue a few times.

“Sketchy, hon? Ya OK there?” she giggled.

“Uh? Ah! Yeah, I’m OK... uhm. So. That... that just happened.” he managed, as his mind caught up to the rest of him.

“It surely did!”

“I... just wow...” he went on, but anything more he might have had to say was interrupted by a knock on the box seat doors.

“Usher here. I have come to escort you to the backstage.”

The post-concert craziness back stage was a buzz of excitement. Several well-dressed ponies were congratulating each other and sharing the experience of a fantastic performance in a variety of animated fashions. It was through this cheerful chaos that Sketchy and Sally were led, to a set of double doors with a familiar detachment of four Royal Guards stood at attention to either side.

“Madam Octavia awaits you.” the usher intoned simply, pushing the doors open.

The pair walked through, making their way along a small corridor. The doors were closed behind them and they found themselves emerging into a larger, more opulent chamber adorned with dark mahogany furnishings and rich velvet red carpeting. What stood out most of all, however, were the two ponies already present in the room: a tall and elegant night-blue pony adorned with jet black jewellery and glassy blue slippers, and a smaller stone grey pony in a clingy black dress.

“My little ponies, welcome!” the former of the pair intoned, being the first to notice their arrival. “Come, join us please!” she invited, her teal eyes aglow with happiness.

As Sketchy and Salad approached the pair, Octavia ran from when she had been stood talking with the Princess and hugged the stallion tightly. “My goodness! What an amazing evening! And did you see? The pegasus ponies did the weather right!” she exclaimed, her tone filled with wild excitement.

“I did!” Sketchy replied, finding her excitement to be quite infectious as he hugged her tightly in return. “It was spectacular! My goodness!”

Octavia held him tightly for a few moments more, then seemed to remember some of her manners as she released him and cleared her throat slightly. “Please do not forget protocol regarding the Princess.” she instructed her two friends, before turning around to look at Luna. She bowed her head politely as she spoke up.

“Your Highness, Princess Luna, these two are my friends. Sketchy Sounds, whom you have met, and Salad Sandwich.”

The dark blue alicorn nodded her head politely in turn, a smile on her face.

Sketchy too bowed his head respectfully in greeting. “Your Highness, that was an astounding spectacle tonight. I am in awe, well done.”

Salad too had bowed her head, raising it again as she chimed in. “Whut Sketchy there said. Ah ain’t never seen anything like it in all ma days!” she stated, for the time being still too star-struck to effect her more refined mannerisms.

“Thank you, all of you.” the Princess replied, her smile broadening. “I was most delighted with the finished piece... and I was both surprised and delighted to hear that last composition as well.”

“It was something else...” Sketchy agreed, looking fondly at Octavia – the latter of whom blushed somewhat.

“It was a gift to you, Sketchy. I do have something more I wish to give you, but that can wait. At this time I believe there is one of us here who has something for our dear Princess.”

“There is? You do?” Luna inquired, her expression quizzical and delighted. “And what, pray tell, did you bring me?” she asked, a twinkle in her eyes.

Both Sketchy and Octavia directed their gaze to Salad, who looked back at them both with a bewildered look.

“Uh... what’re yuh both lokin’ at me for? Ah didn’t bring anything...” she started, trailing off as the cogs began to turn in her head. “Unless... wait... then, yer friend is...” she stammered, looking from Octavia to the elegant alicorn stood looking expectantly at her.

Octavia simply nodded a reply, her grin growing by the second.

Salad’s legs began to shake a little, and she gulped. “Right! Uhm... well ah... y’see, Yur Highness... uhm... Ah’m, uh... a lil’ bit of a, uh... a fan? Uhm, so to speak, and uh... Ah’m, well, Ah make sandwiches... it’s, uh, it’s ma talent... y’know... and...” she said, falteringly. It was all her friends could do to not laugh as the poor unicorn practically had a meltdown.

Thankfully, Princess Luna proved herself to be a most understanding ruler, and she nodded kindly at the rapidly destabilising sandwich maker. “My dear—Salad, was it?” she asked. A shaky nod from the unicorn told her to continue. “I would be most delighted to sample your culinary art. Your timing is absolutely perfect, I am somewhat hungry after moving the heavens like that.”

That seemed to be the catalyst required to fire the unicorn’s hospitable side back up, as her confidence and ordinary friendly demeanour leapt back to the fore.

“Right!” she declared, popping open her cool-box with a cursory flick of her magic. “Well hon—ah, er, Ah mean, Yur Highness—Ah think Ah’ve got just the thing!” With that, she lifted out a small pile of very carefully wrapped sandwiches, swiftly locating the one order that she had puzzled over a little and respectfully passing it to the slender alicorn before her.

“Thank you!” Luna smiled, taking the snack from the young unicorn and taking a bite. She chewed it thoughtfully, and then her eyes widened slightly as she gulped down the mouthful. “Absolutely delicious! Rarely in all my time have I had the pleasure of tasting something so exceptional. You are most gifted my dear! Tell me, where might I find your shop?”

Salad looked as though she might burst from happiness as she beamed delightedly at the Princess’s praise. “Chestnut Street! It’s called Graze, Your Highness, and yer welcome any time!” she babbled almost incoherently.

Luna nodded, demolishing the rest of her sandwich. “Mmm. My thanks, miss Sandwich, that really hit the spot. Graze, you say? You will most definitely have my custom again!”

Salad could no longer properly contain herself, and she let out a squeal of delight. She then hastily clapped both her front hooves over her mouth and looked thoroughly embarrassed, her rosy pink face turning a deeper red. It elicited a further good-natured giggle from the Princess, as she then cleared her throat and addressed all three of her companions.

“My friends, I must be leaving you I am afraid. This has been the most wonderful night in many a long year, and I thank you all for making it so.” she trotted toward the corridor, looking back over her shoulder as she went. “Remember, this may have been a Celebration of the Moon and what I bring you, but it is as much your night as it is mine – especially so for you, Octavia.”

“It was a pleasure meetin’ yuh, Yur Highness!” Salad called, finding her voice once more as she waved goodbye to the Princess, bowing once more.

“A pleasure as always!” Sketchy added.

“Enjoy the rest of your evening, Princess!” Octavia chimed in.

The starry-maned alicorn nodded one last time as she found her way from the room, and the doors at the end of the corridor closed behind her.

Octavia let out a long sigh as the Princess exited, trotting over to the large sofa in one corner of the room and flopping down on it.

“What... a... night!” she commented, her tone tired yet happy.

“Oh ma stars!” Salad piped up, turning to look at her two friends. She still looked as though she may explode with glee at any moment. “You two planned this whole thing, didn’tcha!?” she accused, though she was quite obviously by no means upset about it.

“Sketchy’s idea.” Octavia nodded, a small giggle escaping her throat.

“Yep, this nefarious plot was master-minded by me, and Tavy here was my devious co-conspirator!” Sketchy grinned, trotting over to plonk himself down in front of the sofa where his co-conspirator lay.

“The Princess is a good sport, and very easy to talk to.” Octavia noted happily.

“Well shewt, either way, yuh gone done and made a wish come true. So thank yuh both!” Salad replied, giggling happily. Her horn shimmered as she picked up the remaining snacks and walked over to join her two friends, passing them both their respective favoured delicacies.

“Ah don’t know ‘bout either of yew, but if yer feelin’ anywhere near as giddy as Ah am right now, yuh better eat up ‘fore you black out!” she grinned in a slightly dazed fashion before swiftly uncapping a bottle of water and drinking some of its contents.

Octavia sat up to take her share of the refreshments. Seeing the unicorn downing some water quickly brought to her mind how exhausted and dehydrated she felt now after spending the past few hours on stage under the glare of the lights. She quickly saw to opening the bottle Salad had given her, and took a grateful gulp of its contents. She then held the cold glass to her head, sighing in relief as it cooled her down.

Sketchy meanwhile took very little time to demolish the sandwich he was given. The evening’s excitement had given him somewhat of an appetite, and he happily scoffed his snack in no time at all.

“Slap bang straight to the spot as always, Sally. Her Highness is right, you’re pretty incredible!”

“Well, is it any surprise that she gained royal endorsement so readily?” Octavia commented around a bite of her own snack. “She seems to outdo herself every time.”

“Ooh heck you two, yuh keep that up and mah head’ll burst!” Salad joked as she swallowed the last of her own snack.

“Very well, we will spare you the praise if only for the sake of your head.” Octavia giggled. “But with that said, do you think perhaps she may come to you for catering, now she is aware of your expertise?”

“Hmm... Ah ain’t got a clue, hon. Ah’ll tell you this though, Ah know ma folks sure as sugar wouldn’t turn her down if she asked. No sir!”

Octavia swallowed the last of her own sandwich, taking another gulp of water. “Well, once the Princess is clear of the building, we should be able to exit. I expect it is still quite crazy out there at present. My... did you enjoy yourself, Sally? I confess I was unsure of your tastes in performance, though I assumed you would enjoy the concert. Did you see, where the pegasus ponies got that weather right?”

“Ah surely did! All of y’all did an amazin’ job, Ah was honestly riveted to ma seat the whole time. Were yuh worried about that weather thing, or somethin’?”

“Ever so slightly, dear. And the lightning was somewhat of a late addition, one of the more scientifically minded unicorns explained how we might set up some lightning rods to further enhance the performance.”

“The whole thing was amazing, Tavy.” Sketchy stated, smiling fondly at her.

Octavia turned her gaze on him, and her expression softened into a similar smile. “That last piece was all for you, you know.” she stated, her voice dropping to a soft whisper.

“I somehow knew it was before you specifically named me as the inspiration.” Sketchy replied, gazing into her eyes. “It was utterly beautiful.”

Octavia got up from the couch, her smile still lingering as she trotted over to where she had left her notebook. She retrieved from it a stack of pages of sheet music, walking back over and passing them to the slightly bewildered stallion.

“Uhm... you know I can’t read sheet, right...?” he questioned her briefly.

“That does not matter, dear.”

Sketchy looked upon the cover sheet of the composition in his hooves. The title was simple. "Unexpected Love Song." He smiled upon reading that, and then flipped over to the first page. He nearly cried upon laying eyes on it.

Clipped to the page was the very same photo she had taken of him that morning - and written under every bar on the page was one simple stage direction.

[---- I love you ----]


The cellist leaned over, putting a hoof to his shoulder as she propped herself up to bring her mouth close to his ear. “I have a secret.” she stated. Her lips drew close to his ear, her breath tickling at the sensitive hair on its rim as she whispered.

“I love you.”

Sketchy immediately set the music down at that, and hugged her fiercely. Octavia happily threw her forelegs around him, pressing close to him. At last, she felt like a perfect fit to his embrace, and she let out a quiet sigh of contentment as her eyes slid shut.

Salad watched the two for a few moments, a delighted smile creasing her features. She decided it best to give them some room, and, as neither of them seemed to be paying her any heed right now, discreetly packed away the packaging from the sandwiches and the empty water bottles into her box, and quietly let herself out of the room.

Neither of the two ponies left in the room noticed the unicorn’s exit. For both of them, the world had receded into nothing besides each other and the indescribable feeling bubbling over in both of their hearts.

“Thank you for being so wonderful.” Octavia’s quiet voice sounded, almost inaudibly.

“Same to you, Tavy.”

Octavia brought her lips to those of her stallion, a quiet whimper sounding in her throat. Everything had tied together so perfectly. She could not begin to describe how fulfilling it felt to be together now with this one pony.

It was Sketchy that broke from their embrace first, bringing his lips from hers to speak. “I... hope we can get out of here soon.”

“Yes, we should get going... it will be somewhat crazy out there. Just... stay close and we should be able to slip out through the back, I will have them bring the coach around.” Octavia replied, letting go of him at that – albeit slightly reluctantly. She collected her bags and smoothed out her dress, shaking out her mane and giving her tail a brief flick. “...hmm. Sally must have gone outside already.”

Sketchy realised as he glanced around the room that, indeed, the rosy-coated unicorn was nowhere to be seen. He smiled to himself. “Looks like it... I think she just wanted to give us our space.”

Octavia nodded as she walked back over to his side, glancing towards the door. “You ready for some madness?”

“Bring it on.”

A wave of noise hit the two earth ponies as they exited the doors at the end of the corridor. Cheers and applause were soon directed their way – or more specifically, in Octavia’s direction, as the assembled musicians voiced their adulation.

“Thank you, my friends!” Octavia spoke up over the din. “You all did a fantastic job this evening – a job that was rigorous and greatly rewarding. The Princess Herself gave us her highest praise for our efforts. None of this would have been possible without each and every one of you here. All of you deserve the applause that was given us tonight. I thank you all!”

Her declaration was met with shouts and cheers, but she spoke up once more as she noticed her stallion companion standing back as she addressed her comrades.

“Some of you were a little confused over the addition to our performance, and I know our engineers were simply lost over what to do. I greatly appreciate you winging it. That’s a joke for you pegasus ponies!” she said with a dry smile, which was met with a smattering of giggles.

“To clear that up, allow me to introduce you all to Sketchy Sounds: the stallion whom stole my heart from the pages of romantic musical overture.” She turned her head expectantly towards him, smiling.

With a sheepish glance around at the assembled musicians, Sketchy stepped forward to stand alongside the beautiful cellist. A smattering of polite applause came from the assembled well dressed ponies, along with a number of congratulatory remarks. Octavia spoke up once more.

“Once again, my deepest thanks to all of you. I hope, I do so very much hope that we will have another spectacular concert on our hooves in the winter months to come. There are talents as yet untapped in our number, and without; I am sure that our performances to come shall have even greater depth and character. Until next we are called upon, however, I shall bid you all a good evening. Enjoy the after-party!”

Her pronouncement was met with a hearty cheer from the orchestral ponies present, and they then went back to milling about and talking among themselves, preparing to leave the theatre.

Octavia swiftly turned her head to the tall pony stood by her. “Quickly, before they try to small talk us to death. Make sure Sally stays close!” she whispered with a wink.

Sketchy suppressed a giggle, turning his head to look for the unicorn. He spotted her stood off to one side, and flashed her a smile, tilting his head briefly to get her to follow them. Salad smiled back, hastily trotting over. The three of them made their way over to a large door, which was opened for them.

A rush of cool night air swept over the three as they walked outside, and the door was closed behind them. There was a sudden noticeable calm as the thick door shut in the noise from the theatre. The only sounds were those of stagehands moving crates and instrument cases in preparation for them to be sent to their owners’ homes and studios.

“Ahhh. Silence. And room to breathe, no less.” Octavia remarked, taking in a deep breath of cool air. “Any moment now and we shall be on our way.” She glanced briefly to the unicorn stood with her and her stallion, and mouthed a silent “thank you” to her. Salad simply smiled and winked back.

Octavia’s carriage approached, coming to a halt before the three. Octavia stepped forward, pulling open the carriage door for her friends. “Let us be on our way, hmm?” she smiled, climbing in. She was followed by her two friends, the larger of whom pulled the door closed behind him.

“Aye, let’s be off! he agreed.

“So, Salad my dear... where would you need to be headed at this hour? To Graze?”

“That’d be about right, hon!”

Octavia nodded, raising her voice. “To Graze, sirs!”

The carriage set off at a brisk pace, moving swiftly up the path and around the crowd still dispersing outside of the theatre.

Sketchy relaxed, hugging Octavia gently to him as their ride trundled along the road. For now he was content simply to be here with her: although there were words he wanted to say, they could wait until the two were alone and far from prying eyes or ears. Octavia seemed perfectly content to lean against him, lazily tilting her head back to gaze up at him with an affectionate look in her violet eyes.

After what seemed like only a short while, the carriage pulled to a halt, snapping both earth ponies out of their quiet relaxation.

“Oh! Oh my, we are here already.” Octavia realised, sitting up in her seat. She offered a warm smile to the unicorn. “My dear, I do hope you enjoy the rest of your evening. I greatly apologise the crowd and the craziness, though I wager the experience made it worthwhile. I imagine once the Princess comes to visit you should see quite the increase in your business!”

Salad’s eyes lit up with glee as the still-fresh memory was stirred in her head. “Ooh, Ah’m sure it will! Thank yuh for an amazin’ evening, Octavia. An’ yew too Sketchy, yuh evil mastermind!” she grinned, flashing her stallion friend a wink with her last remark. She carefully stepped down out of the carriage, taking care not to get her dress caught.

“Yew two enjoy yer evenin’ as well!” she added with a delighted smile, moving toward the shop door. Already the interior lights were flickering to life, as her parents had obviously heard the returning carriage.

“Until next time, my dear!” Octavia called, leaning her head out of the carriage. “I shall look forward to enjoying more of your delicious delicacies soon!”

Having said that, she pulled the door closed and flopped back down against the big stallion sat next to her. “So... your place or mine?” she asked quietly, a relaxed smile on her face.

“Let’s head for mine.” Sketchy replied after a moment’s consideration. “Nopony important knows where I live... present company excluded, of course.” he stated with a chuckle.

“By all means, they are waiting for directions.”

Sketchy grinned, tilting his head back slightly toward the drivers. “To the Old Chapel on Beech Grove, gents!”

The carriage moved off once more, and Octavia let out a quiet neigh as she flopped against the large frame of her tall companion, relieved to be able to let down her usual appearance. Her forelegs wrapped loosely around him as she allowed herself to be gently swayed by the carriage’s motion. “I brought something along with me, just in case we would return to yours.” she murmured quietly.

“Mmhmm?” Sketchy inquired, nuzzling gently at the top of the musician’s head.

“You will see.” Octavia replied with a devious giggle. She said no more, and Sketchy didn’t question her further on it as the carriage continued on its way uphill; choosing instead to let it be a surprise.

“Looks like we are here.” Octavia noted as the carriage pulled to a halt outside the ancient building.

“Looks like it!” Sketchy nodded, letting himself out of the carriage first. He then turned and, as before, offered a supporting hoof to his mare companion. She blushed softly at his show of chivalry, gratefully taking the proffered hoof and carefully stepping down from the carriage. Her dress was somewhat of a task for her to navigate, though she still maintained her regal poise. She retrieved her baggage and then turned to address the ponies yoked to the carriage.

“Thank you sirs, you have both been wonderful. Your assistance this evening is greatly appreciated. Please do check in with my publicist again for future events!” she smiled.

The pair of stallions simply nodded and smiled in return, setting off with the carriage in tow once more. The cellist then turned to Sketchy.

“My fine sir, please show a lady inside.”

“As you wish, my dear lady.” he replied, stepping over the Chapel’s threshold and holding the heavy wooden door open for her. The classically trained mare made her way inside with head held high and high hoofsteps; though once she was inside and the door closed, she slumped, yawned wide, and stretched a bit.

“Let me tell you, it is hard putting on that face all night. Ha!” she laughed, having clearly taken off her high class mask to don something more comfortable.

“Reckon you’ll manage the stairs, or do you need carried?” Sketchy inquired, his tone mirthful and happy at seeing her relaxing into a more natural state. His expression was clearly asking her if she wanted to be carried regardless of if she was exhausted or not.

Octavia adjusted her stature slightly and shook out her mane, pulling the banding off the braid in her hair and working the twines out of it as well. “Hmm? Oh, I was thinking you could go first...” she replied nonchalantly. “That way I can gawk unladylike”

Sketchy blinked a few times and then let out a snort of laughter. “You’re terrible!” he laughed, then leaned his head down to her own and gently pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes meeting with the cellist’s own violet ones. “And you’re also gonna get exactly what you want.” he added, turning and starting his way up the stairs with a particularly flirtatious swish of his tail.

His companion stuck her tongue out childishly, a big smile on her face as she followed after him. “Hmph! At least now I need not feel so embarrassed about it.” she stated with a giggle. “And it is quite the fine sight from back here.” she added, shamelessly admiring her stallion companion’s physique as he made his way up the stairs.

“Why thank you, Tavy,” he replied, smirking slightly as he turned his head back to look down at her, “the view from here is quite something too.” He was somewhat delighted to see the cellist’s face flush red at the compliment.

Okay, I am still not quite used to that! she thought to herself. “You definitely know how to flatter me.”

“You make it sound as though that should be hard, lass!” Sketchy grinned as he reached the top of the stairs and turned to look at her. “It’s not. I only need look at you and I see countless things to compliment.”

Octavia’s face looked as though she had spent a good few minutes with her head pressed up against a heat lamp, and she nearly missed a step as she stumbled a little up to the top. “Oh my gosh.” was all she could reply with.

Sketchy couldn’t help himself at that, and a small squeal escaped his throat at seeing her so flustered from his compliments. The cellist’s expression creased into an abashed smile, her ears pinning back slightly as she looked on him with a coy expression.

“Mmm... I am so worn out, you know? I simply cannot wait to get snuggled up with you.”

The artist’s heart fluttered a little at that, and he nodded. “You and me both, lass. C’mon.” With that, he headed to the door of his apartment and opened the door, holding it once more like the gentlecolt he had been proclaimed to be.

Octavia trotted her way in, holding her head and tail high like a showhorse on display. She took in a deep breath as she passed the threshold, letting it out again in a contented sigh as the now familiar scents of the apartment filled her nose. “Truly, nothing better at the end of such an evening than to catch wind of something so soothing. So... lived in.”

The apartment door clicked shut, and Sketchy walked over to her side. His nose brushed softly against her cheek as he spoke. “On the subject of scents, you smell as beautiful as you look tonight.”

The grey mare smiled, her mind drifting back a bit to the long soaking she had taken earlier on that day in a tub hung heavy with the scent of honey and roses.

A shame I could not have shared it... she thought to herself, though she knew there would be opportunities for that in the future. “Why... thank you dear.” she replied, closing her eyes and turning her head to brush her cheek up against his own.

“You’re quite welcome... let me give you a hoof here.” he added, sliding the bags off her back and to the ground carefully.

Octavia felt the muscles in her back relaxing as the load was removed from her. “My... socks are inside those bags.” she commented quietly. “The little pink bundles.”

“Ooh... sounds delightful...” Sketchy replied, his nose trailing back up along her spine from where he had slid her bags off of her back. “Though I think before either one of us puts on any night attire, we should take the fancy outfits off.” He brought his nose away from her back as he said that, simply letting it hang as a smile formed on his features.

The cellist’s eyes widened, but she hastily nodded in agreement. “Oh, yes of course.” She looked over to him and then grabbed hold of the tie round his neck, carefully unravelling the knot and then gently pulling it off with her teeth. She smiled with a rather accomplished expression on her face as she tossed it to one side, and then reared up to balance on her hind legs as she swept her mane up off her back with her forelegs. She turned her back and leaned her head forward, clearly revealing the zip fastening of her dress.

“Your turn.”

Sketchy stepped close, gingerly taking hold of the fastener between his teeth. He slowly pulled it down, hearing its wearer let out a soft “mmm” as she was unbound from the no doubt flattering but not entirely comfortable evening wear. She held it in place to prevent it falling from her even though it was completely undone, turning to face her stallion admirer before letting go of the covering with a shy expression on her face. Both the dress and her mane fell at the same time, and although it was completely ordinary for ponies to walk around with no clothes on at all, Sketchy nevertheless felt his heart beating faster at such a sight.

Octavia stroked a hoof over her mane before dropping back onto all fours, then wordlessly moved to unfasten the jacket still wrapped around her artist admirer. She struggled a bit with the buttons, eliciting a bit of a giggle from both herself and the jacket’s owner.

What a time to let your inner klutz out! she mentally laughed. Nevertheless, she had soon unfastened each one. She raised her nose to rub against that of her companion’s and even stole a brief kiss. Her affection was reciprocated by the taller pony, whom then took a step back and reared up on his back legs in much the same fashion as she had previously. With a deft shrug of his shoulders, the jacket slid off and landed behind him, and he then dropped back onto all fours with a muted clop of hooves. Octavia had shrank back slightly when he had reared up, the sight being quite the reminder of their difference in size. She lifted her head once more, however, when she felt his nose brushing against one of her ears.

“Shall we head upstairs?” he whispered, though he gave her no time to reply as he added “Don’t forget your socks.” His lips brushed smoothly across her ear as he turned and headed off up there himself.

Octavia let out a brief gasp, dipping her head swiftly to her bags and fishing out the aforementioned pink bundles. With them securely grasped in her mouth, she made her way up the stairs to find Sketchy already stood by the bed with an expectant grin on his face. She smiled around the fabric stuck in her mouth, crawling onto to the bed.

“Wwuff yuu fffinkinfff, fffir?” she giggled, her speech entirely incomprehensible.

“Sorry lass?” he giggled, shaking his head slightly with a smile on his face.

The cellist dropped her unintentional gag next to her and grinned back at him. “Pardon me. What are you thinking, sir?”

“Well, if you must know,” Sketchy grinned, moving around to where she sat on the bed, “I’m thinking I’d like to return your favour from before!” With that, he lowered his head to her shoulder and shoved with just enough force to roll her onto her back. The cellist let out a squeak and a giggle as she was pushed over, ending up on her back with her hooves in the air.

“Oh no, what ever will I do?” she laughed, her gaze remaining fixed on him as a relaxed and happy smile spread across her face.

A huge smile spread across the stallion’s face as he buried his nose in her chest, laughing happily at her antics. “You are absolutely adorable like that!” he said, his voice muffled slightly by her coat. Octavia giggled aloud at the affection, then let out a prolonged “mmm” as she relaxed completely under the slightly rough but soothing attention. All the tension she had felt throughout the day began to melt away from her as her mind settled happily on nothing but enjoying herself here in this moment.

Sketchy lifted his head from her chest after a moment, a mischievous grin on his face. “Right. Let’s see those hooves of yours.” he instructed, carefully picking up one of her socks.

Octavia responded with a shy nod, wiggling a foreleg at him. A slight blush painted her cheeks. As she had previously told him, she rarely wore socks – and she had never had someone else put them on her.

In fairness, Sketchy had never attempted to put socks over another pony’s hooves either – though thankfully for him, it was an easy enough feat to accomplish. He pulled the soft covering down over Octavia’s extended foreleg, releasing it when he felt it stretch to its intended length. He let out a giggle and gave the still-exposed part of her foreleg a kiss.

A shudder of enjoyment rippled through Octavia’s body from both the pleasant sensation of soft fabric covering her leg and the tender affection of her stallion. “Oooh, oh my gosh...” she sighed out, hastily offering up her other foreleg. Sketchy let out a laugh at that.

“Why, I do believe she likes it!” he smiled, grabbing up another sock. He slid it down over her leg at a more leisurely pace, the warm breath from his nose blowing softly over her coat. The cellist couldn’t contain herself this time, and she whinnied with delight as her foreleg was attended to. She smiled up at Sketchy as the thought then struck her she still had two more hooves left.

The joy of having four feet!

Sketchy picked up the third sock, slipping it over her left hind leg. She had to restrain herself from instinctively bucking it, ending up with her simply wiggling her hoof at him as it was covered in pink fabric. The rest of her limbs stretched out to her sides as she relaxed into the warm feeling spreading through her being. Her stallion companion picked up the final sock, slipping it down her remaining uncovered hoof. His nose didn’t stop when he ran out of sock, however; rather he continued to trace his nose down her leg and then back up along her chest.

Octavia whimpered loudly under the gentle touch, her coat almost standing on end. She reached her forelegs up as his head approached her own, placing her hooves gently either side of his head and pulling his face to hers. Her lips met his, and they remained there for several long moments.

Sketchy happily returned her affections, his eyes closing in the tender moment. He brought his face back slightly from her own and grinned, rolling over onto his back as he kept a hold of her, so she ended up sat astride him.

One of us has her socks on...”

“Indeed, we shall have to fix that!”

As Octavia saw to the task of assisting Sketchy with his night attire, a question bubbled to the surface of her mind. It wasn’t one she dared give voice to yet, but it was something that had been quietly smouldering away in the back of her mind with a growing intensity of late. As she looked into the stallion’s eyes, she saw reflected in them the same feeling. She began to realise, as she laid herself down on top of him and gently pressed her nose against his own, that tonight had been a moment both of them had been waiting far longer than the span of their current relationship for.

Sketchy seemed to realise, looking back into her eyes, where her thoughts were wandering. He tensed slightly, his pulse racing. The same matter had been on his mind as well – but thus far, the line had been drawn that neither wished to cross without some level of certainty. Now, however...



Both of them had spoken at once. A nervous laugh was shared, both of them smiling at the comedy of their mistimed speech.

“Ladies first, Octavia. What’s on your mind?”

“...I am not sure how to put this easily in words...”

“Would you rather I go first?”

“If... if you would...”

“Alright.” Sketchy nodded. “Tavy... I love you. You know that I do, and over the past few weeks when we’ve been together... I’ve loved every minute of it. Being so close to you especially... it makes me happier than I ever would have imagined.”

The nervousness in Octavia’s expression ebbed away as she listened to him, nodding. “I love you too, my grand stallion. In truth... I believe I knew this to be the case well before tonight. But until now I was not so certain. I grow more and more certain with every passing moment spent with you, though. Certain enough, that...” her grip around him tightened, and some of the apprehension returned. It was accompanied with a look of longing in her eyes, as she took a breath and continued. “...that I... want to give of myself.”

Sketchy clutched tighter to her at that. “I’ve felt the same way more and more, recently, Tavy.”

The two of them held each others’ gaze a few moments longer in silence.

“Are you sure this is what you want?”

Sketchy’s question echoed in the cellist’s head. She rolled it around carefully, listening for the slightest sound of doubt. Whether due to overpowering emotion and longing or simple certainty she couldn’t tell, but there came no echo of incertitude.

“I am sure.”

“You seem rather pleased... you already talked my ear off about the amazing concert. What more are you hiding that has you so delighted?”

Princess Luna’s attention was stolen from gazing out a high window at the night sky by the soft inquiring tones of her elder sister.

“I am simply thinking back on something I said earlier on tonight. I told the three ponies whom I was met by after the concert that this night is as much theirs as it is mine. And so it is, perhaps moreso theirs. Time will pass, after all, and this celebration will repeat itself many a time.”

“Very true.”

“But for my friends who were with me, tonight is unique. I think that for two of them at least, they are not going to forget this night for as long as they shall live.”

“A delightful thought, little sister. And I hope it is true. There is nothing more wonderful to witness than the beginning of something new.”

The moon rode high and proud in the night sky of Canterlot. For many that looked upon it, it was the symbol of Princess Luna’s greater share in the hours of the day for the year from here on, and it promised longer nights and colder days. For some it was a beacon to navigate by, and for others still a welcome source of light in the deeper shadows of night.

But for two of the city’s residents, it marked a new season in their lives. One that would be punctuated with greater intimacy, a deeper level of trust, and the knowledge that, as they continued along the road of life’s journey, neither one was alone any more.

Tonight, however, they would fall asleep held in each others’ embrace; both of them having taken their first taste of what the future had to offer. The morning to come promised limitless potential – and neither one would miss it for the world.

—Sketchy Salad Symphony—
