• Published 15th Oct 2011
  • 8,869 Views, 587 Comments

Sketchy Salad Symphony - Sketchy Sounds

This is a tale of who we are, and how we got here.

  • ...

3rd Movement

Freeze Pop was not a fan of early mornings, it had to be said. Getting up early was not one of her strengths; which was why she was glad that, tonight, she was on night duty. That, and being on the night shift meant the possibility of spending some time with the Princess of the Moon if she happened to wander during the night. Experience had taught her that this was occasionally the case: Luna, it seemed, had a certain childish innocence to her that her older sister lacked nowadays. With that said, over the months since her return, Freeze Pop had noted some changes in her ruler. The most pronounced change she had observed was that her highness had started to actually sleep at night - a behaviour that had taken her completely by surprise. It wasn’t so much the fact that Celestia was even capable of doing so that had come as such a shock, so much as it was that she was actually doing so. In her whole career as a member of the Royal Guard, it had been entirely unheard of. She even remembered back when she’d first been inducted, talking to some of the veteran members of the guard about some curiosities she’d had. It had taken her some months to work up the nerve to ask about some of the things she’d wondered about the princess they were sworn to protect.

“When does she sleep?” The question had just slipped out one day, when she was stood around at the doors of the royal palace with one of her older comrades, on duty. He had simply sighed in return and looked round.

“Her Highness, you mean?” he asked in reply.

Freeze looked round at him and nodded. “I’m... well, I’m thinking out loud here, but... she raises and lowers both the sun and the moon. So... when does she find time to sleep between doing all that and running the kingdom as well?”

The older pegasus sighed and shook his head. “...short answer is, she doesn’t.”


“She doesn’t sleep, young-blood. I’ve been in service most of my life. Her Highness never sleeps. Ever.”


“If she does, she’s doing it when we’re not looking... granted, there are times she retires to her bedchambers and has us guard the doors... but that’s only so she can be alone for a while. I’ve been assigned to that duty on occasion, and I’ll tell you this: when she asks that of us, it isn’t to sleep. It’s just so she can have time to think. Sometimes out loud.”

“...what’s she thinking about?”

Her comrade sighed. “Listen... Freeze Pop, isn’t it?” he asked. When he got a nod in return, he went on. “Right, Freeze Pop. Why don’t you go ask?”

The simplicity of such an idea had hit her like a tonne of bricks, but there was of course a very good reason why she didn’t just go and ask.

“I couldn’t do that! It wouldn’t be proper!”

The older guard had laughed at that and shaken his head, a large smile creasing his features. “Young lady, when you’ve been doing this as long as I have, you learn a little about what her highness thinks of being proper. Do us both a favour: just go and talk to her. She always has time for her subjects, you know?”

“Are you sure? I mean, will it be alright if I leave my post here...?”she had asked anxiously. Her comrade had cracked an even bigger smile at that.

“Well, I’d say so. Unless you think I can’t handle the huge army bearing down on us on my own.” he dead-panned. “Go on, satisfy your curiosity already. You’re not going to get in trouble for leaving your post to talk to the princess herself.”

At that, Freeze had snapped to attention in a neat salute, thanked the older pony, and headed inside the palace.

The princess hadn’t been hard to find: Freeze had found her fairly easily due to noticing a young purple unicorn exiting the corridor leading to Celestia’s study. As per usual, Celestia’s star student paid the guard little heed - going by the look on her face, she clearly had something on her mind that she was determined to do some reading up on. That was pretty normal for her; in fact, thinking on it, Freeze couldn’t really name any occasions off the top of her head where the studious and serious unicorn hadn’t been wearing such an expression.

She shrugged the thought off as she approached the door of the study. She cleared her throat and spoke, not wanting to risk damaging the door’s finish with a knock of her armour-clad hoof.

“Your Highness?”

A faint and slightly reluctant sigh was heard from within, before the door was slowly swung open by a cursory flick of magic. Beyond, Freeze could see the form of Princess Celestia herself, still settled on a comfortable couch. The alicorn looked over at her questioningly, though her eyes were as kind as always. A small smile formed on her features.

“Hello, Freeze Pop, isn’t it?” the princess spoke, her pastel-striped mane and tail floating in their ever-present wavy fashion. “What brings you here, dear?” she inquired pleasantly, her voice carrying the gentle warmth of a summer breeze. This was something Freeze had liked a lot about Equestria’s beloved ruler upon actually meeting her: much like the sun she controlled, she was warm and welcoming, and had a way of making you feel more at-ease and relaxed. It was a trifle disarming, and yet pleasant at the same time.

“Well, nothing urgent, Your Highness.” she replied, bowing her head slightly. “Uhm... to be completely honest with you, I... just wanted to talk.”

She expected to be given a brush-off, or to be scolded, or perhaps even to be told to leave right away. She certainly wasn’t expecting the reaction that she did get.

“To talk? Certainly! I always have time to talk.” the princess replied, a warm smile spreading across her face like the rising sun. She got up from her couch and stepped toward the armour-clad pegasus. “Come along. I was planning to take a stroll in the garden. You can be my escort.” she stated happily, before leading the way out of the study and along the corridor towards one of the palace’s exits.

If it weren’t for her well-disciplined nature, Freeze’s jaw would have hung open. As it was, she simply nodded, her eyes a little wide, and followed alongside the tall and elegant form of her sovereign. The latter remained quiet until they had made their way outside.

Presently, after having strolled along a little way into the palace gardens, the princess spoke. “So, what did you want to talk about, my little pony?”

Freeze looked up at that, to see the kindly face of the princess looking back down at her with the same warm smile she’d worn before. It was a smile which instilled her with the feeling that she could tell her anything and the princess would understand completely. That made it easier to voice what was on her mind, and she spoke up.

“I... was wondering some things, Princess Celestia.” she replied. “Uhm. Some things about you, that is.” she added, slightly hesitantly. The alicorn displayed no sign of being surprised or offended though, simply nodding her head in reply.

“What were you wondering, child?”

“...when do you sleep, your majesty?” she said, just putting it simply. Being blunt and straightforward had always been one of her strengths.

Celestia’s face creased slightly into a frown. “...I generally don’t...” she replied, looking off into the horizon for a few moments. There was a definite tint of melancholy to her tone, one which Freeze could at least understand. She knew, after all, of the tale of Nightmare Moon, and what the princess had been forced to do. Considering the look on her face now and the tone of her voice, it was clear that even now, the pain of those events had not fully healed. The sound of her sovereign’s voice quickly stopped any further musing, though.

“To be honest... I have not slept a wink since that day. Not that I need sleep... as you may know, there is honestly very little I require to keep myself active.”

Freeze simply nodded at that. “Yes Your Highness... uhm, forgive me for prying, but then, does that mean that you used to sleep? Before, I mean.”

The white-pink alicorn nodded gently, her smile returning once more. “Why yes my dear. Once I put the sun to bed, I would retire also after watching the moon rise and the stars come out. Sleep is more an indulgence than a necessity for me, as I mentioned. Nevertheless, it was one I was allowed every night due to the generosity of my sister.”

And so the topic was breached. A question Freeze wouldn’t have dared to ask out loud was answered. Granted, she’d had little doubt that the tale of Nightmare Moon was true, especially when she saw the princess’s expression when she’d spoken of “that day”, but now it was made clear. She didn’t want to upset the kind ruler though, and so she spoke.

“I see. I’m... I’m sorry if I upset you at all, Your Highness.” She was surprised to hear the princess’s soft laughter in reply to that, and she turned her head to look up into her face again. She was greeted with a welcoming and warm smile, as Celestia had apparently found something to laugh at.

“My dear, you don’t have to be so formal around me all the time. Yes, granted, I am the princess, but I’m still a pony just like you and everyone else in a lot of ways.”

Freeze blinked in surprise. “Uhm... what ways do you mean?” she asked, for the moment unsure of what to say exactly, and so filling the gap with a question. Celestia chuckled softly and smiled all the more.

“All the ways that matter the most, Freeze. Now listen. When we are in the presence of other ponies, I am your Princess and you are my Royal Guard. Proper protocol should be followed at such times.”

The armour-clad pegasus nodded her head at that. Celestia then spoke on further.

“But right now, out here in the gardens as we are, there is nopony else around to see. So we needn’t put on any sort of facade, dear. Therefore, I shall be just Celestia - and you can be just Freeze Pop.”

Freeze Pop blinked in surprise once more at the princess’s candour. “...r-really?” she said, still not quite able to believe what she’d heard.

“Well my dear, unless you make a habit of addressing everyone you know by some sort of title, then yes.” Celestia replied with a hint of a cheeky smile playing around her features. “Come now, just try it.”

“...alright... Celestia.” Freeze said hesitantly. “So, uhm... you’ve not slept at all? Not even a brief nap?”

“No. Not since the day I was forced to banish my little sister.” Celestia replied, the same note of sadness from earlier creeping into her voice. “After all, as the stories tell, I had to take over her duties. Governing both night and day leaves me little time to rest. And what if I should oversleep? Granted, I could have a wake-up call assigned, but I would not dream of it. Even during the night, there is still the need for Equestria to be able to call upon its princess... so, I stay awake. I don’t really have any other choice.”

Freeze Pop frowned slightly at that. “That sounds somewhat harsh, if you don’t mind my saying so, Celestia.”

Celestia’s expression returned to a small smile as she looked back at her guard, her voice carrying an air of wisdom. “I don’t mind. You are not the first to express that opinion on the matter; I very much doubt you’ll be the last.” she stated plainly. “And perhaps you are right. Perhaps it is too harsh a thing to endure - but what other option do I have? Equestria has only one princess to care for it now. I am needed every hour of every day, practically, what with meeting with officials, reviewing and approving laws, dealing with problems... there is precious little time I can spend on myself.”

Freeze Pop nodded, slowly. She could see Celestia’s point, but still... something about it seemed somehow wrong. She frowned to herself, and then her eyes widened as she mulled the issue over in her head.

“...Celestia? Seeing as we’re being so candid... will you hear what I think?”

The larger pony blinked at her, but nodded in reply. “Of course, my dear. Your candour is quite welcome.”

Freeze Pop took in a deep breath, composing herself for a moment. “Alright. Celestia... I do think you’re being too harsh on yourself. And I think you know you are, and I have a good idea of why you’re doing it. You felt guilty for having to banish Princess Luna when she went rogue, and you’ve never gotten over your guilt. That’s why you’re punishing yourself with forced overworking, even now, because you’re unwilling to forgive yourself for doing the only thing you could to save your many subjects as opposed to your one sister.”

Celestia jerked her head back from the pegasus as though she’d been stung on the nose, and then turned her face away quickly. There were a few long moments’ silence. For those few moments Freeze felt a horrible feeling of dread, wondering if perhaps she had overstepped her bounds and bought herself a one-way ticket to prison, exile, or worse. She was therefore unprepared for the sound that came from Celestia, which was that of a soft sniffling sob.

“... C... Celestia...?” she said softly, blinking in surprise, now more concerned for the elegant monarch than for herself.

The pastel-striped mane shifted slightly, as Celestia slowly turned her face back toward the guard. Tears stained her cheeks and dripped from her jaw. Her smile had vanished, and for once Freeze found herself staring into the true face of Equestria’s ruler.

She had heard it said that the eyes are the window of the soul. Looking into those of Celestia was painful: there was such deep sorrow written within them, sorrow that spilled forth from her eyes and enveloped her entire face. She wore no smile - indeed, she bore the look of one who may never do so ever again. Only now did Freeze come to realise that the normally calm and serene expression the princess wore was little more than a mask. An expertly-made and nigh-imperceptible mask, but a mask nonetheless.

“I... I’m sorry...” Freeze started, but she was interrupted by a slight shake of the princess’s head.

“It’s quite alright, dear.” Celestia said, her voice lacking its usual warmth. Instead it carried a heavy burden of tiredness, and an undisguised tone of sadness. “You are, after all, more or less correct. I have not fully forgiven myself for what was forced upon me, even though I know that, had I not acted, all of Equestria would have been further imperilled. But there is one thing you need to understand, child.”

“What one thing is that?” the pegasus asked quietly, her tone a mix of concern for her sovereign’s well-being blended with curiosity regarding her last remark.

“Forgiveness is something given by another. While it is true that sometimes we must forgive ourselves, true forgiveness only comes when those we have wronged are able to forgive us also. For some it never comes until the end, for others... it may never come.”

“Ah.” Freeze replied, nodding. “I... I see what you’re getting at, now.”

Indeed, Celestia’s situation was unlike that of any other pony. Even if she were able to forgive herself, she would never receive the forgiveness she so desperately needed from her younger sister - and, with the two of them being exceptionally long-lived, if not immortal...

An eternity without being forgiven? Freeze thought to herself. That... it sounds like a true fate worse than death itself.

She looked into the face of her monarch for several long seconds more - and then, forgetting for the time being any pretence she’d still held regarding rank, title, or social standing, she stepped closer to the pale pink-white coated alicorn and gently pressed her neck against the latter’s own long neck comfortingly. She was a little surprised, but far less so this time, to hear a faint whisper of “Thank you...” escape the older pony’s lips.

Freeze smiled to herself at the memory. Even if the subject matter had been saddening, that had been a turning point in her service to the palace. She’d come to realise, far more clearly than before, that in spite of their wielding of powerful magic, being responsible for the passing of days and the changing of seasons (along with assorted other matters), Princesses Celestia and Luna were still, at their core, the same as everypony else. Both had emotions, needs, desires and ambitions. Both required others around them to keep them company, to talk to, to laugh with, to cry with, to enjoy life with. And both of them had, on the day Luna had been banished, lost their only family and closest friend.

It had been cause for massive celebration, therefore, the day Princess Luna returned to her home. Naturally, the palace staff had given the two sisters their space. Having been apart for a whole millennium, it was a perfectly understandable notion that they may want time to themselves to catch up. What had brought Freeze the most joy, however, had been the day about a week later when she had been scheduled in for duty and she was called into Celestia’s presence shortly after she arrived. Night had fallen little more than an hour previous, and the princess had a very serious look on her face as she regarded Freeze Pop and her comrade Nimbus, the very same veteran whom Freeze had spoken with previously regarding Celestia’s behaviour.

“Private Freeze Pop, Captain Nimbus... I have a most important duty for you to carry out tonight.” she stated, rising from her throne and descending the stairs before it. “Follow me.” she instructed, turning and heading out of the throne room. Her escorts immediately followed suit, flanking her on both sides a few paces behind.

“Tonight, you two are to carry out an ancient duty last performed by my guard a thousand years ago.” Celestia continued. Both of her escorts carried themselves with a little more pride upon hearing that, exchanging brief glances of excitement. They drew to a halt as Celestia stopped before the royal bedchamber, and turned to face her two guards. A large smile spread across her face - a large, genuine smile filled with happiness and relief, accompanied by a delicate sparkle in her eyes that spoke of a burden long carried finally being lifted. Freeze’s own face broke into a huge smile upon seeing this. Already she could tell what the princess was about to ask of them.

Celestia didn’t disappoint. Her voice issued forth like a beautiful summer sunset, as she spoke out the words that had gone unheard in the halls of the royal palace for just over a thousand years.

“I’m going to sleep, my little ponies. Guard my bedroom door, won’t you?”

The princess’s smile as she gave her request was as radiant as the very sun she controlled. Both Freeze Pop and her superior immediately snapped to attention.

“Yes, Princess Celestia!” they replied in unison. Freeze opened her mouth again, about to wish her sovereign a good night and pleasant dreams - but before she could speak, a soft, silvery voice that sang like starlight interrupted her.

“Goodnight, Celly.” it said. “Sweet dreams!”

Freeze blinked, turning her head. She knew already that there was only one pony who could possess a voice like that, and who would use it to address the ruler of Equestria so familiarly.

Her gaze fell upon the only other pony to whom the title “ruler of Equestria” was applicable. Princess Luna was by no means as imposing or majestic-looking as her older sister, but she still cut a very royal figure. Clad as she was in her crown, necklace and slippers, the Princess of the Moon’s understated beauty shone like a star in the evening light. Her smile was plain to see on both her lips and in her eyes as she looked upon her older sister with an expression that radiated happiness.

Celestia bowed her head slightly to the younger midnight blue coated alicorn.

“Thank you, Lu-Lu. I’ll see you in the morning.” she replied, the double-doors behind her opening with a glimmer of magic. She turned and retreated into her room, the doors slowly swinging shut behind her. There came a soft sound from within shortly after, as the ruler of the day hummed a soothing melody to herself. Freeze couldn’t remember even a single instance of Celestia doing that before either - however, it was certainly something she welcomed.

She turned her gaze back from the doors, which she’d looked back upon when Celestia had retired for the night, to the younger alicorn still stood in the hallway. Luna was eyeing both her and Nimbus with an extremely thoughtful look.

“So... you two are going to be guarding this door... all night?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Nimbus replied, bowing his head slightly. Freeze also nodded an affirmative.

Luna’s face creased into a smile. “What happens if I need you for something else though, whilst she is asleep?”

Freeze had never seen her superior officer at a loss for words before, let alone looking so very confused. Apparently the idea of having to deal with more than one commander in chief was a concept he’d never even considered.

“... er...” he mumbled, clearly baffled by the idea. Seeing this, Freeze took the initiative and spoke up.

“We swore loyalty to the crown, Princess. So, if you needed us to leave our post, we’d have no choice.” she stated, then added with a smile “Although you’d have to explain to her what you needed us for when she found out we’d been missing.”

Nimbus, grateful for Freeze’s save, quickly regained his former composure. “Like young private Freeze Pop stated, Your Majesty. We’re under the command of you both.”

Luna nodded, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “I see.” she said, her voice a melodious tinkle of silver bells. “Well, I wouldn’t dream of removing either of you from such an important duty as guarding Celly’s door.”

Freeze smiled at that, a small giggle escaping her mouth. “Much appreciated, Your Highness.”

Luna nodded slightly in reply, then narrowed her eyes slightly as she stared thoughtfully at the younger of the two guards. Her head slowly cocked to one side as she did so, and she took a step or two towards the pegasus. Freeze wasn’t entirely sure how to react to this, so she maintained eye contact with the princess, unflinching. Suddenly, the princess’s eyes opened wide and she backed off again, with a surprised gasp.

“You’re a mare!” she exclaimed.

“Erm.” Freeze replied flatly, blinking slowly at this. “Yes. Yes I am.” She was then treated to the somewhat rare sight of a blushing Princess Luna, as the slightly flustered monarch tried to hide her embarrassment.

“I’m ever so sorry!” she exclaimed. “I mean, I thought for a few moments there perhaps you were... ahh... do forgive me!” she babbled.

Freeze Pop understood Luna’s surprise: whilst it was a well-known fact that the Royal Guard’s recruitment process did not discriminate based on gender, the reality of the matter was that the majority of talented pegasi who would have fit the bill did not volunteer, preferring instead to pursue their own dreams of grandeur. Certainly she knew that, among the pegasi she’d known growing up, few of them had expressed the same interest in the Guard as she had - and none of them had been girls. Not that they hadn’t wanted to either work in the palace or meet the princess, mind. Nearly all of them had said at one point or another that they’d love to do one or both, but she had been about the only one who had wanted to join the Royal Guard.

And, she thought proudly to herself, I’m the only one that achieved that goal. She smiled reassuringly at the midnight blue pony before her, shaking her head slightly.

“Think nothing of it, Your Highness.” she said. “I have had my gender mistaken before, I doubt this will be the last occasion.”

Luna soon regained her composure, nodding in agreement at the guard’s statement. “I suppose that is true indeed, Miss Freeze.” she replied, a friendly smile gracing her countenance. Her wings flicked out briefly as she stretched slightly, before nodding to the two guards.

“Well, now that I have embarrassed myself before you both, I shall take my leave of you.” she chuckled, turning and walking down the hallway. “I shall remind the kitchen staff to bring you a midnight snack!” she called over her shoulder pleasantly as she continued on her way. That earned her a thankful smile from both Nimbus and Freeze Pop.

“Thank you, Your Highness!”

Freeze Pop’s mind returned to the present as she came to the gates of the palace gardens. Her colleagues, stood either side of the gates, smiled and stood to attention in greeting. She saluted them in return, smiling too.

“Good evening gents. Freeze Pop reporting for the start of night patrol. Is all well?”

The guard on the left nodded, as the one on the right moved to open one of the gates. “Eight o’clock, and all is well. Stratus left a few minutes ago - nothing to report.” he stated, before adding “Little word of warning. We had word that Her Highness Princess Luna is roaming the grounds.”

Freeze Pop nodded at that, a small smile creasing her face. She knew that this was not a warning to be extra vigilant for intruders: it was a caution to be extra vigilant for the princess herself. In the months that had passed since Luna’s return and her resuming her normal duties, the Royal Guard had quickly learned that, unlike her older sister, Princess Luna was somewhat mischievous and prone to playing practical jokes on those around her. Nevertheless, she had also shown herself to be kind and caring with it: she was quick to thank those she pranked for being good-humoured about it, or to apologise if she offended. That, and she had found it a source of great mirth when, with the assistance of Celestia, some of the guards had in turn played the occasional practical joke on Luna herself.

She proceeded through the open gate, thinking over how much more joyful her work had become since Luna’s return. It wasn’t just the younger princess’s energy and wit that had brought greater liveliness - the change in Celestia had been quite apparent as well. To Freeze, it had been as clear as day - the Princess of the Sun no longer wore a mask day in and day out; rather, the serene expression of happiness and joy she displayed to all was a genuine reflection of her heart. Thinking over it, the first time she’d noticed had been the very day Celestia had asked her and Nimbus to guard her bedroom door while she slept.

She stretched out her wings a bit as she continued along the greenery-lined path, turning off at an intersection to wander her way through the gardens. Her duty as a guard was simple: patrol the premises and look out for anything out of the ordinary. Unauthorised guests, fixtures needing maintenance, and so on - anything that was amiss needed to be looked into and acted on appropriately.

Coming to a halt, she took some time to admire the assorted statues decorating the garden. The princesses had quite a varied taste in art: the statues varied somewhat in their style and mood. There was a statue of friendship, a statue of discord, not to mention statues of assorted famous ponies from times gone by - and, of course, there were statues of the princesses themselves.

...a few too many statues, Freeze noted, narrowing her eyes. There was an even number of them in total, in this area. She knew that wasn’t right - there were supposed to be about two or three in total of Luna and Celestia each, along with one larger statue of the two of them together. The latter was a newer piece than the others, all of which had been sculpted at certain points during the princess’s lives, portraying them in various stages of their growth. The central statue, on the other hand, depicted both Princesses Luna and Celestia, stood together and poised with regal grace. Below them was carved a single word: “FOREVER”. It always made her smile to see that particular statue, although right now her mind was focused on figuring out which of the statues was out of place.

She hastily trotted over to the statues of the Sun Princess - though it took her barely a second to register the fact that there were only three statues of her here, as there should have been. She turned her attention to Luna’s side of the decorations, and quickly noted the discrepancy.

Four statues. One too many.

A slight smirk creased her features as she walked over toward the statues of Luna. Obviously one of these was not an actual statue, and she could guess whom was responsible for the addition. She took her time studying each of the statues carefully.

The statue of Luna in her infancy didn’t show any signs of being an illusion - it felt like solid stone, and many years’ worth of weather had smoothed its features somewhat. She stared at it carefully for a few moments, then blinking and looking at the next statue along.

The next statue, of a young filly Luna, also did not appear to be out of place. Again, the marks of time were clear, though less obvious. It was an interesting paradox - the younger the princess was in each rendition of her, the more signs of age the stonework showed. Freeze shrugged and looked round toward the next statue, portraying Luna at an age close to or possibly the same as she was now.

This third statue stood poised regally, a stern expression on its face. However, Freeze liked to think, looking at this statue, that it was likely that the Princess had had difficulty maintaining her expression. It looked ever so slightly forced, for Luna. She smiled to herself as she looked at this statue... and then she froze.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something about the fourth and final statue, which was essentially a perfect facsimile of the one she had just been looking at... but she was certain that, a second ago, it had been slightly further away. She frowned, staring at the statue in the silvery moonlight. The statue stared back, its cold stone face unmoving.

Freeze blinked. Then she frowned. The statue seemed... nearer, now. That couldn’t be right, though - statues were, after all, incapable of movement on their own. She tilted her head, slowly pacing toward the statue. She blinked again as she did so - and froze in her tracks.

The statue was now definitely closer - and, eerily, its expression had changed. She could swear it was staring right at her, but it still wore the same stern expression as before. Without thinking, she blinked once more...

...and upon opening her eyes, she shrieked in fear and surprise. Luna’s statue now stood reared up on its hind legs, inches from her, a terrifying snarl upon its face. She shrank back from the statue instinctively - only for the statue to suddenly become animated, and at the same time, far less statue-like in appearance as its stone hair, mane and tail suddenly became the real thing - and Princess Luna pounced upon her prey, letting out a delighted giggle that rang like a soft bell in the cool evening air as the two tumbled to the ground.

“Agh... Luna!” Freeze growled, though her aggravation at being so frightened was somewhat dwarfed by her amusement at the princess’s little joke as she joined in the laughter herself.

“Well played, Your Highness.” she chuckled, giving the young alicorn’s head a playful nudge with her own. Luna grinned impishly back at her as she carefully clambered off the armour-clad pegasus and offered her a hoof up. “Thank you.” Freeze added, as she got back to her feet.

The Princess of the Moon stretched her wings out briefly before folding them again, her teal green eyes sparkling happily in the moonlight as she grinned at the guard.

“You’re welcome!” she replied. “And, thank you for being a good sport as always, Freezy.” she added, a hint of a giggle in her voice.

Freeze Pop chuckled in return. Hearing either of the princesses address her in such a familiar and informal manner always struck her as amusing; after all, it was far more common to be addressed by rank and name than just being referred to by name or nickname. Nevertheless, she’d gotten more and more used to it. Since Luna’s return, there had been a growing sense of intimacy and familiarity between royalty and palace staff. She imagined this was most likely due to Celestia’s maternal side springing to the fore somewhat, and Luna’s slightly childish nature having a preference for fun and familiarity among friends.

Indeed, the thought struck her, Luna seemed to have made friends of most of the palace staff, to a greater or lesser extent. This wasn’t too surprising considering that, even before her return, Celestia had been just as familiar with them too - there was not a single pony who worked for the royal sisters that either one of them did not know by name.

“Will you tolerate some company while you do your rounds?” the silvery voice asked, cutting through her internal musings.

“Of course, Your Highness.” Freeze Pop replied, starting to walk through the gardens once more. Luna followed alongside her, scowling slightly.

“Freezy... you don’t need to do that when it’s just you and me out in the middle of the garden here.” The guard let out a chuckle at that, prompting her sovereign to tilt her head slightly in bemusement. “What’s funny?”

“Nothing, Luna.” she replied. “It’s just that you reminded me just now of a conversation I had, just like that, with your sister some time ago.” She looked round at the royal pony as a grin spread across her face. “Seems I have a knack for getting scolded by you both for being too formal!”

“Hmph!” Luna replied, sticking out her tongue. She then let out another laugh. “Well it’s your own fault, then.” she mock-chided. “...what were you talking to her about, anyway?” she added after a few moments’ silence.

“Hmm? You mean, back when Celestia scolded me?” A nod from Luna told her to go on. “Well... it was not long after I became a guard, actually - a few months or so, perhaps... I had some burning questions, so to speak. Captain Nimbus told me to just go and ask them already, instead of wondering.”

“Ahh.” Luna said, a knowing tone in her voice. “I see - you were new to the job then; you wouldn’t have known Celly too well yet.”

“That’s right. It’s one thing to be told that she’s kind and welcoming and happy to talk about almost anything. It’s quite another to actually engage her in conversation in that manner. I mean, even now, I still have trouble thinking of her--or you, for that matter--as anything besides my sovereign.” Noticing Luna frowning slightly at this remark, she added “It’s getting easier as time goes on, though, Luna.”

The Moon Princess smiled at that, a soft giggle escaping her mouth. “I’m glad to hear that. All of you who work around the palace are dear to us, after all - why, I would go so far as to call you our extended family, even.”

Freeze blinked slightly as she felt a soft bump against her shoulder. She looked round at the slender alicorn, who merely flashed her a bright smile.

“Is it that much of a surprise? You know we both care about all our subjects, after all - but we can’t be close to them all every day.”

“That’s true.”

“Yes. So, having so many of you in our home, it makes the place feel more alive. It feels more like we have a big family around us.”

Freeze peered at Luna briefly. The alicorn had averted her gaze with that last remark, turning her eyes to the sky with a faraway look in them. She could make an educated guess at what was on the younger princess’s mind: there was not a soul in Equestria save for the two princesses themselves who knew exactly from where and when the two originated. One thing, however, had always been clear to those who looked carefully: they were the only two of their kind. Freeze in particular had seen clearly how heavily such an existence could weigh upon them, and the image of a world-weary and sorrowful Celestia briefly passed through her mind. She frowned slightly at that, then shook her head slightly.

Luna blinked and looked round as she felt something soft and feathery curl over her back. Beneath the guard’s helmet, she saw Freeze Pop smiling as she gave the princess a gentle reassuring hug with her wing. She smiled back.

“Thank you, Freezy.”

Freeze grinned. “You’re welcome, Luna - though, all I’m doing is exactly what’s required of me.”

“How do you mean?”

“I’m one of your guards, dear. My role is to protect you from harm as best I can. That includes helping to guard your heart.” she smiled.

A slight flush of red darkened the princess’s cheeks at that, which Freeze had to admit was thoroughly adorable. Almost as much as the way the princess hastily glossed over some of her emotion.

“Freezy! You’re being all sappy!” she said, trying and failing to sound indignant as she shoved against the sturdily-built pegasus playfully.

“A thousand pardons, Your Highness.” Freeze replied teasingly as she folded her wing back up, her smile turning into a cheeky grin. Luna shook her head, smiling.

“I think I’ll leave you to the rest of your duties for the night, Freeze.” she replied, her tone relaxed and happy. “I have other ponies to go and surprise, after all.” she added with a mischievous giggle.

“Alright, Luna.” Freeze nodded, chuckling a little herself. “Have fun!”

“I certainly shall!” Luna replied cheerfully as she cantered off into the deepening night.