• Published 15th Oct 2011
  • 8,869 Views, 587 Comments

Sketchy Salad Symphony - Sketchy Sounds

This is a tale of who we are, and how we got here.

  • ...

11th Movement

“Good morning.”

Sketchy slowly opened his eyes, squinting in the morning light. He perked his ears at the sound of a soft and feminine voice greeting him. He felt something squeezing gently around his upper body, and felt warm breath on his cheek as something soft rubbed gently against it.

Where...? he began to think, as his vision cleared and he started to take in his surroundings. His eyes then opened wide as he pieced together where he was.

“...is... is this a dream...?”

“No, dear, but you were certainly dreaming rather nicely.”

Sketchy looked around, and his gaze was met by the deep violet hues of Octavia’s. He smiled a little at that.

“I can see why.” he said as the sleep cleared from his head and his senses sharpened.

The room was filled with morning light in assorted hues, thanks to the tints of colour in the stained glass windows. Octavia returned the smile, giving him another gentle squeeze. He stretched a bit and a sigh escaped his throat.

“I’m glad I’m not dreaming, then. This is by far the best wake-up call I’ve had in years.”

His companion emitted a small giggle at that, muffled a bit as she hugged close to him again. He felt one of her hind legs starting to creep its way over his own, and he tensed slightly. Octavia must have noticed and consequently realised where her leg was going, as she promptly drew back slightly.

“Oh, I...” she started, and then cleared her throat. “I do apologise if I made you a little uneasy. Last night, I mean. I guess it is a little strange to go home with somepony, and...” she said, haltingly, starting to feel a little self-conscious. She kept herself together though, and continued. “...I enjoyed myself.” she concluded, and then added in a more muted tone, “...quite a bit.”

Sketchy relaxed at that, reaching over to return her embrace. “I did, too, Tavy. Heck, I feel like I could spend only a few minutes with you, and it’d seem like several hours’ worth of enjoyment.” He promptly mentally winced at actually saying something so cheesy out loud, and he felt blood rushing to his cheeks.

If Octavia thought it was at all bad, though, she didn’t say anything. She instead smiled, sitting up in bed and stretching. Her usually perfectly combed and brushed mane and tail were in small tangles from her having slept on them, a trait Sketchy had to admit was kind of cute - and it was somehow a relief to see her looking less than perfect. It made her seem more ordinary, and therefore like less of a different breed. She pulled the silken nightgown she’d been wearing off over her head, tossing it off the side of the bed. Despite the fact that he frequently saw her wearing naught but a collar and bow tie—and in fact, so did the rest of the world—Sketchy still felt a rush of blood to his face again from the sight of that simple act. She turned back to look at him, a warm smile on her face.

“Perhaps today will bring new things...” she said, trailing off into a separate thought it seemed.

“Yeah, perhaps so.” Sketchy replied, cracking a smile. “We should probably get up, much as I’m comfy here and enjoying being a lazy pony.”

“Probably!” Octavia nodded, an amused giggle punctuating her reply. She slid off the bed and made her way to the washroom. “Am I keeping you from anything?” her voice echoed back between the sounds of her brush swishing through the thick black hair of mane and tail. “I would hate to think I made you miss anything important.”

“You’re not, no.” he called back. “I didn’t have anything important for today, aside from meeting with you, remember?”

“Oh! Indeed...” Octavia recalled, as she saw to cleaning her teeth. “I have—nmmf!” she said, as she struggled to speak through a mouthful of foam. Emptying her mouth, she continued. “Ah, as I was saying, I have yet another arduous practice ahead of me today.” A faint sigh escaped her lips. “It almost seems as though that is all I ever do these days.”

Sketchy hauled himself out of the huge bed, shaking out his mane and tail, patting them down here and there where his reach permitted. “That’s not til later today though, right?”

There came a sound of splashing water as the cellist doused her face a little to wake herself up, and then towelled it dry. “Not right away, no.” she replied. “It will just be somewhat long, and a touch draining.” Exiting from the washroom, she fielded a question to her friend as she made her way to the kitchen. “I am going to put on some tea. Would you like anything? Oh, and feel free to take your time.”

Sketchy manoeuvred his larger frame into the washroom. It was a bit of a squeeze as the house hadn’t been built with ponies his size in mind, but he was able to get himself into the slightly confining space and freshen himself up a bit. A short while later he exited from it, having tidied his hair a little and splashed some water on his own face for much the same reason as Octavia had done for herself. He could hear her clattering around in the kitchen, fussing with what sounded like porcelain.

“If you’re offering, that would be great!” he called as he strode towards the kitchen. He lowered his voice to a normal speaking tone as he drew into the room itself. “Although I wasn’t asking about your practice out of idle curiosity. I was actually going to ask if I could take some of your time for something.”

“Of course you can, dear. What had you in mind?” she asked, pausing mid-clatter to turn her attention to him.

“Well... seeing as you’ve been kind enough to not only show me your home, but also let me sleep here, I think it’s only fair that I let you see where I live.” he smiled. “If you’d like to, that is.” he added.

Octavia’s expression formed into a wide smile at that. “Oh, most definitely!” she exclaimed. “I would be delighted!”

Before Sketchy had a chance to talk further on the subject, the kettle sitting on the cooking range whistled loudly.

“Do pardon me a moment.” Octavia excused herself. “I shall need to prepare the tea. Will you try some? You may find it to be a little strong; it is a special blend that a zebra acquaintance of mine by the name of Zecora brews. It helps me to maintain my hearing.”

“Well, I think it’d be plain rude to refuse, at this point.” Sketchy replied with a chuckle. “Granted, I’m not normally one for drinking tea, but I’m willing to make an exception here and there.” It was then that he noticed something about what she had said.

“Sorry, did you say it helps you with your hearing?”

“Hmm? Ah, yes.” Octavia replied as she fussed with the kettle. “Ever since a few years ago, I have had some difficulties with my hearing. Nothing especially debilitating, but certainly troublesome for a musician – as I am sure you can understand.”

Sketchy nodded in reply. Certainly he could understand the annoyance – he’d had the occasional ear problem in his time, and it had driven him crazy not having full use of the sense that mattered the most for making music.

“So, I took it upon myself to seek a remedy and, well, here it is.” Octavia concluded as she set the tea to brew. “Anyway, you must tell me: whereabouts in this city do you live? It is such a large place, after all.”

“Oh, it’s a fairly modest little place.” Sketchy replied. “It’s on the outskirts, nothing special though. Well, barring one small detail.” he added, a mischievous note in his voice.

The stone-grey pony glanced round at him, raising an eyebrow at his tone, and then smiled.

“And something tells me you will not specify what that small detail is until we are there.” she said, giving a brief wink of one of her violet eyes.

“Of course not. That’d spoil the surprise now, wouldn’t it?” her friend replied. That elicited a giggle from Octavia as she nodded in reply.

“Tea is ready.” she added, pouring herself a cup, then pouring one out for her companion. “We can set out any time after I have had some of this.”

“Alright then.” Sketchy replied with a smile, picking up the other tea cup. “Cheers!” he added, and took a large sip of the menthol and spearmint smelling liquid. He regretted it almost instantly as he swallowed it down, as the powerful scents shot straight through his nose in an almost painful fashion. He nearly choked on it, coughing and holding up a hoof as he rapidly set down the teacup.

“That... wow. Phew!” he exclaimed. “I’m OK, whoa. I know who I’m calling next time I have a cold. Damn.

Octavia was unable to contain her laughter, and she chuckled happily at her friend’s reaction, an apologetic smile on her face. “I do apologise. Zecora does brew some rather potent concoctions.” she stated, before downing the remainder of her cup in one gulp. She set the cup down neatly and then reached over to his, taking it from in front of him. “It is okay. You will not hurt my feelings.” she smiled.

“OK, good... cos I have a feeling I’d hurt something other than just feelings if I tried to finish this!” he replied with a laugh and a grin.

Octavia let out a laugh of her own at that, turning and setting the cups down on the counter. With a brief nudge of her flank against his, she then set off to the house’s entrance hall to have a quick nose through her bags, ensuring she had everything she’d need for the day.

“Looks as though the pegasi have been working for a change.” she noted, glancing out the window. “Seems they finally found themselves some alarm clocks.”

Sketchy took a glance outside as well and nodded in agreement. “Looks like it, yeah.” he smiled. “Shall we be on our way?”

His host shouldered her bags and nudged the door open, pausing for a moment to admire the artwork hung in the entrance-way once more. “Wonderful, just delightful.” she said quietly to herself before moving outside. The morning air was filled with the chirruping of birds and the dull humming of insects in the grass. Sketchy headed out of the house as well, taking the lead at what was a somewhat leisurely pace for him so as not to leave his shorter-legged friend behind. She was quick to draw alongside him, and he noted a small smile on her face as she glanced around at the other ponies busy with their own lives.

“Do you know, I cannot remember the last time I simply went out for a walk?”


“Really. Yet here we are – and if I am honest, I could not be happier.”

Sketchy smiled at that, nodding slightly. “I’m glad to hear that. It’s not too far to mine, it’s on Beech Grove.”

“Hmm.” Octavia’s brow furrowed slightly as she tried to recall the assorted streets of Canterlot. Whilst it was true that in her time she had probably been all over most of it, she remembered some parts better than others.

“I cannot say I remember the exact whereabouts of that street, I am afraid.”

“Well, just as well you have me along to guide you then!” Sketchy replied with a chuckle. “We’re almost there, honestly. Just down this hill, actually.” he added as they made their way down a smoothly paved street, veering to the left at the bottom.

They passed by a streetlamp with signs hung from its ornate branches denoting the assorted streets branching from this crossroads. One pointed toward Chestnut Street, another toward Hazel Avenue (down which they had just walked), another toward Crescent Lane and the last one toward Beech Grove. It was in this direction Sketchy turned as he continued on.

Beech Grove was a fairly long thoroughfare, weaving its way slowly uphill in a rough spiral. It was easy to see how it had gotten its name, as the central reservation was dominated by regular rows of beech trees, tall and majestic with branches that cast a welcome bit of shade at regular intervals along the street. Despite its capacity for traffic, it was a fairly calm and quiet street; as they continued their walk along it, the background din of thousands of hooves walking the city streets quietened behind them. Once they were close to the top of the hill which the street circled, Sketchy veered off again down a smaller driveway.

This led the pair to the front of a large and archaic looking building, its stonework construction and general styling marking it out as one of the more ancient buildings of the city. It stood somewhat out of the way of everything else, with a reasonably sized lawn sat in front of it and a collection of trees surrounding it. Its age was plain to see both from the weather-worn masonry and the architectural accents: there were two or three towers rising from the building’s roof, which was also adorned with elaborate parapets and even the odd statuette here and there.

“This is the place.” Sketchy said, simply. “It’s called the Old Chapel. Apparently, many years back, it was a school of some sort - and before that, it belonged to a religious order of some kind. And it may even have had some history even before that, too.”

“It is a fantastic home!” Octavia exclaimed, casting her gaze over every intricate detail. The style in which it was built appealed to her: as far from accuracy as some of the preconceptions others possessed about her were, it was nevertheless true to say that she rather adored things of a classical nature, architecture included. “I am pleased you brought me here.” she added.

Her friend smiled at that, as he headed towards the building’s entrance. “I had a feeling you would be, after having seen how your home looks.” he replied. “Credit to the ponies that modernised it though, I have to say. They did an excellent job of avoiding spoiling the look of the place.” he added, pressing a front hoof against an otherwise innocuous looking blank metal panel to one side of the door. There was a brief glimmer of magic, and then a soft clack as the large front door unlocked itself. He pushed it open, holding it for the smaller pony.

“One small thing I should make you aware of, by the way: there’re quite a few steps up to mine.” he stated, his voice echoing a bit within the stone hallway. The floor underfoot was of regular black and white tiling, stretching right the way from one end of the hallway to the other. There were doorways at regular intervals along the hall, which Octavia guessed belonged to the owners of those apartments. Her friend headed along the hallway a bit, and then turned sharply into a narrow stairwell.

“You know, I always imagined that if one had upstairs neighbours with little ones, it would drive the ponies beneath them mad!” Octavia remarked with a slight giggle. A chuckle came from the stairwell as Sketchy nodded to himself, talking over his shoulder.

“It probably would... I’m happy to say I don’t know anything about that from personal experience. I never lived under anypony who had foals.”

Octavia started to climb the stairs, casting her glance up toward the large pony ahead of her. “I could never practice with all that noise...!” she said, blinking a bit. She felt a slight flutter in her stomach as she continued on swiftly. “So, ah, how long have you lived here, this place?” she asked, a slight shakiness in her voice.

Sketchy turned his head round fully to look back at her, a mildly puzzled look on his face.

“Since I was old enough to live on my own...” he said, frowning slightly. “...something the matter?”

Octavia hastily averted her gaze to one side, a tinge of pink on her nose – or at least, there seemed to be.

“I, uhh. No, no, I was... I felt a sneeze coming on. I do apologise.” she replied.

“Oh! OK then.” Sketchy replied with a smile. “C’mon then, lemme show you around!” he said with a smile, turning his gaze back to the fore as he reached the top of the stairs.

Behind him, Octavia continued her climb carefully. The brass shoes attached to her hooves weren’t designed for this sort of thing, and she kept having to be wary of her balance as she climbed. It didn’t help matters that, for some reason, her eyes kept wandering toward her friend instead of focusing on where she was going.

What is wrong with you? she mentally scolded herself. In front of her, Sketchy was waiting on a landing at the top of the stairs. As he saw her reach the top, he gave a brief smile and continued on, coming to a halt at a door at the very end of the landing. Shifting a potted plant to one side slightly, he retrieved a key and proceeded to unlock the door.

“Here we are.” he said, tucking the key away again safely, “My humble abode. It isn’t much, but I like to call it home.” With that, he opened the door and headed inside, holding it open for Octavia.

“It is what you make of it!” the cellist replied, a note of anticipation in her voice as she crossed the threshold and cast her gaze every which way. She came to a stop after only a few paces, looking this way and that around her as the door clicked shut. Behind her, she heard Sketchy mutter something to himself as he picked up an envelope from the floor. She’d noticed it herself upon arrival, but of course being the polite pony that she was, she didn’t think it proper to examine another’s mail without their consent, so she had paid it little heed.

The apartment was, as Sketchy had said, rather modest. It consisted of an open-plan downstairs area, with a kitchenette off on one end of the room and some fairly comfortable looking furniture arranged in a slightly haphazard manner toward the other end. Additionally, there were some instrument cases lined up along one wall - among them a cello case that Octavia recognised straight away. Sat next to that was a saxophone case, and on a nearby counter there sat a jumble of assorted smaller wind instruments, including some pan pipes. There was also a balcony overhanging the main area, which additionally served as a ceiling for the kitchenette. There were stairs leading up to it in one corner of the room, which indicated that the balcony likely served as a sleeping area. The overall atmosphere of the place was akin to what could be called organised chaos, yet it seemed to appeal to the cellist as she clapped her front hooves together happily.

“My! This is fabulous!” she exclaimed, looking around.

“...it is? Really?” Sketchy queried, raising an eyebrow over the letter he was reading – one which he hastily stowed away to one side on a small table by the door.

“Why, yes! It is almost as though I have walked into a comfortable version of the amphitheatre’s backstage!” Octavia replied with a broad smile. “You have so many wonderful things strewn around... may I look closer?”

Sketchy chuckled in reply, noting the almost childlike look of excitement on his friend’s face.

“Considering you look like you might explode with glee any second, I can hardly say no, can I?” He was rewarded with a bright blush crossing his fellow musician’s face, which he couldn’t help finding adorable.

“Ooh! Sorry! It is just so... you know!” Octavia said in a somewhat abashed fashion. She trotted over toward the instruments, her eyes roving back and forth as she examined the cases and their inscriptions, and then her gaze fell on the cello case and she stopped in her tracks.

“Is that the cello? I mean, the one you brought along previously?”

Her friend nodded in reply. “That’s the one, Tavy.”

“Such a fine set of strings!” she smiled, moving on to carefully pick up a set of pan-pipes. She took a few attempts at getting a note out of them, and was rewarded with a somewhat discordant high-pitched squeal, causing both her and her host to pin their ears back in discomfort.

“Oh, uh... Err, sorry. I was never very good with these.” she explained, setting them back down with a look of mock disappointment on her face.

“Well, we can’t be brilliant at everything.” Sketchy remarked with a playful smile as his friend trotted back over to him.

“True, true, we cannot.” she agreed. “You, sir, have a delightful home.”

“I’m glad you like it.” he replied truthfully. “I was a little afraid the mess might put you off. Ah, anyway.” he continued, heading toward the stairs, “I have to show you this one thing that I love the most about this little place of mine.”

Octavia gave a brief bow of her head in reply. “Lead on! I should very much like to see!”

“Up here, then...” her host replied, leading up the stairs. He cast a brief glance back over his shoulder as he climbed, and noted his guest’s head turned away a bit to one side in a slightly shy fashion. He gave it no further thought for now, turning his gaze back toward the room at the top of the stairs.

As Octavia reached the top, she took in the sight of what counted for a bedroom – and also, she noted, a study of sorts, as there was a drawing table sat in one corner of the room. Next to that was a large pile of paper weighed down with an old horseshoe, which she could see was a pile of sketches of assorted subjects. The middle of the room was dominated by a bed that rivalled her own for size, but certainly not for ornamentation as it was fairly plain and simple. As she cast her gaze over the walls, she noted a few points of interest. The walls were decorated with a few posters here and there - most prominently on one wall, she noted, was one of herself from a few months or so back when she had been involved in a fairly well-received production. She smiled a little to herself at that, unaware of her friend shuffling his hooves in an embarrassed fashion as he’d forgotten that poster was up there. There were other assorted posters on the walls as well, including a rather rare one of a certain yellow pegasus from her extremely brief career as a model.

Most notably, though, was a feature that had not been visible from downstairs - that being the french window styled doors set into one of the room’s walls. The view from them was nothing spectacular, as they looked out onto a nearby mountainside upon which there was very little to see.

An approving smile marked itself out on Octavia’s face as she spoke. “This is, as I said, a lovely home you have. You live very well, from what I can see. It is comfortable, and built with love.”

“Perhaps so, but it’s also messy as anything.” Sketchy replied in an abashed manner. “I’m a pretty bad stablekeeper at the best of times.”

Octavia raised a hoof to her mouth as she giggled. “We all have our moments. Even I make a mess from time to time!” she replied, playfully bumping her flank against his.

“I’ll believe that when I see it!” he grinned, moving over to the windows. “But anyway, this is what I really wanted to show you.” With that, he pulled open the windows. A strong breeze blew in, ruffling the two ponies’ coats and the pile of sketches in the corner. “Watch your step! It’s pretty high up here, and there’s a bit of a breeze blowing right now.”

Having said that, he stepped out through the door-like window onto a narrow balcony. As Octavia followed him hesitantly, she could see now that the apartment was housed in one of the building’s towers: the exterior wall was a gentle curve, around which the balcony she now walked upon coiled. As she followed her host, the wind blew her mane into her face, and then back out of it as the direction from which it hit changed. As her mane was pulled back away from her eyes, she gasped slightly at the view that met her gaze.

Spread out below them, in all its splendour, was the grand city of Canterlot. From up here on this tower, atop this hill, she could see the whole city all the way from the magnificent Royal Palace to the beautiful city gates.

“Sketchy... this is amazing...” she breathed. “I have never seen anything so beautiful... Well...” she continued, looking from left to right at the breathtaking vision spread out below. “You are very lucky, dear.” she said, a melodious tone to her voice.

Her friend snickered a bit at that. “It’s not all it’s cracked up to be... it gets powerful cold up here when winter comes in, and it’s scary as all get out whenever a storm brews. And what with it being all stone, it’s a real pain to heat and stay heated.” He paused, though, taking a few moments to gaze out over the city some more. “But, with all that said, you’re right. I’m pretty fortunate to have this. The pros outweigh the cons, if only for this.”

Octavia nodded quietly in reply, her eyes still scanning all the little details of the buildings laid out below them. “I would have to agree. As I said before, you have a lovely home, and I thank you for bringing me here and showing it to me.”

“Hey, no problem. Hopefully this won’t be the last time, you know?”

The cellist turned to him with a smile. “Only if you will have me? ...Uhm, I mean... over.” she said, a brief second of panic showing in her eyes. In all of my days I have never said this, but, DUH! she mentally chided herself, bowing her head slightly in gratitude – and also to mask her embarrassment.

If her host was at all aware of any inadvertent innuendo, he didn’t show it as he escorted her back inside. “I’d be delighted to have you any time!” he replied, closing the windows once the two of them were inside.

Octavia, meanwhile, was still mentally scolding herself for her behaviour. You are supposed to be sophisticated she told herself. Still, the soft sunlight warming her coat through the glass helped to push away her feelings of annoyance; enough even to make her sigh a little in the comfortable atmosphere of the sun-drenched room.

“Thank you once more for bringing me here and showing me such lovely sights, Sketchy.” she smiled. “I cannot convey properly how much I have enjoyed myself.”

The smile on Sketchy’s face broadened at that as he spoke in return. “Maybe not with words, sure... but I can kinda see it and hear it regardless.”

The cellist let out a laugh at that. “Am I honestly that obvious? Sometimes I get just a little bit over-excited.”

“Well, it’s not just that though.” Sketchy replied as he walked over to her from where he had closed the windows. “It’s the smaller things, the more subtle changes that gave it away too.”

As Sketchy drew near to her, Octavia suddenly felt somewhat self-conscious and, she had to admit, just a little shy. Perhaps it was due to his notably large stature, or perhaps due to him being so close up after having made such a revealing observation, but either way her eloquence deserted her as she opened her mouth.

“I... oh... uhh! I... yeah.” she replied clumsily, forced to concede that sometimes she was not as sophisticated as many would believe.

Her response elicited a giggle from her friend, who then blurted “You’re so cute when you’re flustered!”

A silence of a few moments pervaded the atmosphere as Sketchy stood looking a little horrified that he’d said that out loud, whilst Octavia gave him a shocked look. She raised an eyebrow, and the silence was then broken by a peal of amused laughter from her.

“Ha! I guess I am a little silly, sometimes.”

“You are, sometimes.” Sketchy replied, mentally heaving a sigh of relief that his friend hadn’t taken his comment poorly. “But honestly, it’s rather endearing.”

“Not many ponies have the pleasure of seeing me this candid, you know.” Octavia stated, a blush painting her face slightly rosy. She leaned forward and lowered her voice. “Tell anyone and there will be trouble!” she said in as threatening a manner as she could, which came out as a rather docile-sounding statement.

“I’m terrified, Tavy.” her friend replied with a smile and a laugh, and then he pecked her gently on the forehead.

“So... did you have plans for the day? Other than what you mentioned previous.”

“Hmm? Nah, not aside from the morning, which was gonna be hanging out with you anyway. I planned to have the day free aside from that so I could just hang out with anyone else who wanted to.”

“Sally?” Octavia questioned with a smile.

“I should probably stop by her place some time today.” Sketchy nodded. “She’ll no doubt want to hear all about how I spent the night at your place, innocent or not.” he added in a teasing tone.

The grey pony’s face took on a brighter rosy hue than before, as the scope of the previous night’s events sunk in. “Yes, I... uhh... now that I know that it... could have been taken that way—not innocent, I mean...” she said, then averted her gaze to the ceiling. “...well, I do not mind. I had fun.” she said in a resolute tone.

“I did too, Tavy. Last time I slept so soundly was... well, a long time ago.”

Octavia gave her friend a curious look at that, noting the distracted tone in his voice and the faraway look that crossed his face ever so briefly.

“I am glad I was able to help, then.” she said with a reassuring smile, snapping him out of whatever memory he’d been revisiting. “It was a very relaxing sleep for me, too. Who knows, perhaps one day you can reciprocate.” she added, glancing around the room.

Now it was Sketchy’s turn to blush a little as he considered that thought. “Yeah, who knows.”

“I apologise. That was a little brash of me, no?” Octavia smirked, a teasing tone in her voice. She trotted over to the interior balcony’s edge, lifting her hooves to the railing to look down over the space below. Her tail flicked briefly in a cheerful manner as she stood there, her eyes once again wandering over the assortment of instruments sat along one side of the room.

“Well, coulda been worse.” Sketchy replied, trotting over to join her. “At least you didn’t say perhaps some time you’d like to sleep with me, too.” he grinned at her as she turned her head to look at him. Upon seeing her reaction, he practically made a face like a certain cyan pegasus had been known to make when describing a trick her friend would be helping her with.

Octavia laughed after a few moments, feeling her cheeks burning. “Ha! That... yes.” she said, then shook her head as she thought back on how silly she must have looked the previous night, asking him to stay with her.

“Oh my goodness... there’s never a camera when you need one!” Sketchy teased. “I wish I could keep a picture of your face as it is right now, lass.”

“Oh, stop!” Octavia exclaimed, though she couldn’t help giggling herself – even if she felt just a bit more embarrassed by the thought of being photographed when looking so silly. She playfully shoved at the larger pony with a hoof. “You are hilarious, you know?”

“Why thank you, I try.” he replied, a broad grin plastered across his features.

Octavia’s expression softened a little at that, and she turned to hug him. “Thank you for being so nice to me.” she said. “You are a lot of fun to be with.”

Sketchy returned the unexpected affectionate gesture. “Same to you, Tavy.” he replied in a gentle tone.

“Hmm, should we find something to eat?” the cellist suggested as she released the larger pony. “Perhaps at your friend’s place?” she added with a slight mischievous tone.

“Sounds like a good plan to me.” Sketchy replied, mirroring her tone.

His friend nodded, heading for the stairs. She carefully descended them, taking care to balance herself so she didn’t slide straight off. “Had I known I would be encountering such a thing, I would have had my shoes changed!” she laughed to herself. Her larger friend followed her down after picking up his satchel, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

“Will you be alright getting down the rest of the way, do you think?”

“Well, either I try or I stay here forever.” Octavia replied, smiling in amusement as she stepped off the bottom step and turned to see her friend descending the stairs.

“...or option three,” he replied, as he reached the bottom himself, “I carry you.”

The cellist’s eyes widened as she looked up at the taller pony, and she blinked in surprise. “Oh... yes, there is... that.” she replied. She hadn’t been expecting such a suggestion, and it showed. Carry me? she thought.

Her friend raised an eyebrow, an odd look on his face. “What? It’s no problem, honestly. I used to carry Sally about all the time when we were younger.” he explained, then lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Don’t tell her I told you, but she used to have sleep cycle problems when she was little.”

Octavia smiled at that, tilting her head slightly. “How very sweet of you... Yes, you may carry me. So long as I am not too heavy.” she added with a small giggle.

Her companion grinned and let out a laugh of his own, lowering himself to his knees. “There’s a way of finding out!” he replied. “On you get.”

Octavia was a little unsure of how to proceed, as she had never rode upon another pony’s back before. She took a few slightly clumsy steps, balancing herself over his back. “I... uh, I think I am ready.” she said in a slightly shaky tone, as she wrapped her forelegs around his withers.

Sketchy nodded an acknowledgement at that. “Alright. Hang on...” he replied, slowly rising to his feet. The cellist felt the ground disappear from under her hooves as she was raised to the larger pony’s height, back end first. She instinctively clung a little tighter, letting out a small squeak of alarm, although she soon found her balance and relaxed a little.

“This... is a bit of an odd situation! A pony riding a pony!” Octavia remarked.

“I suppose it is a little funny. But hey, can’t have you slipping on the steps now, can we?” her friend replied as he headed for the door, casting a brief glance toward the small table to its side as they exited. He started making his way down the stairs carefully, slower than he had ascended them in order not to slip. The ride was a little odd, but it didn’t take long for Octavia to find her balance and become a little more comfortable where she was perched. She laid her head against her companion’s neck as they descended the stairs, her grasp relaxing slightly as she did so.

“Thank you, dear. You are most considerate.” she intoned quietly.

Sketchy let out a chuckle at that. “Careful... if my ego gets too big, we’ll overbalance!” he warned in a light-hearted tone. His friend giggled at that, nudging at his neck gently with her head.

“You are doing fine.” she told him. This is a first, she thought to herself. It is always good to experience firsts.

They had soon reached the bottom of the stairs, whereupon Sketchy knelt once more to let Octavia off his back. “That brought back a few memories.” he chuckled as she slipped off over his side. “I’ve not had a girl on my back since I was just a young colt.”

“I bet that was a sight to see!” Octavia replied, shaking herself out a bit and straightening her mane and tail. “An enjoyable experience that was, if not a little harrowing here and there.” she added, heading for the door with a wink over her shoulder.

“You’re welcome. And yes, probably so!” Sketchy agreed as he rose to his hooves again. “Mind you, they were used to seeing that round my old neighbourhood. Like I say, I was a common sight with a little rosy unicorn on my back. I’m told she always looked rather precious back there.”

“Indeed?” Octavia questioned happily as they proceeded out of the building and down the lazily winding road. “She is most delightful. Sally, I mean. I bet she has some stories to tell!”

“Oh, you bet!” Sketchy grinned, enjoying the sight of the usually demure and extremely professional musician coming so far out of her shell. “And I’d say she’ll be more than happy to tell you them, too, as will I – just so long as she doesn’t share any of the more embarrassing ones!”

His comment was met with a melodious giggle from Octavia, who then took in a deep breath as they continued on their way along the street, down the hill toward the crossroads. The mixed scents of grass, trees and blooming flowers all mixed together filled her nostrils, and she let out a contented sigh as she felt the gentle warmth of the sun bathing her coat.

“I do so love this city. Of all the places I have played in, I am glad to be able to call this one home.” she stated happily, before moving to walk closer in step with the tall pony beside her. “And, I am glad that you live here, too.” she added.

Sketchy glanced down at his shorter-legged companion and nodded briefly, then returned his attention to the road ahead. “I’m glad you do too, Tavy. I’ll admit, when I first came back to Canterlot I was a little worried about making new friends. I’d fallen out of touch with most of the ponies I knew around here since I moved away - aside from Sally, that is.”

Octavia glanced up at him again, her tone soft and warm as she spoke. “You have made at least one new friend, that is a good start.” she noted. A broad smile grew on Sketchy’s face upon hearing that; the warmth in her voice went straight to his heart and heightened his already buoyant mood.

“I have, at that.” he agreed. “One I’m glad to have made, I should add.”

The two of them continued on, turning onto Chestnut Street at the crossroads they’d passed before.

“Oh! I know this street.” Octavia noted. The scenery was familiar to her, although she usually approached it from the opposite end.

“I figured you would, lass. Graze is just along here, after all, on the corner.”

“Ah, so it is.” the cellist nodded. It has been a long time since I have had a day where I did not feel like I was being pressured. she thought to herself. The day was hence shaping up to be a refreshing break from the norm, as she enjoyed the company of her friend and the warm weather.

Presently, they arrived at the aforementioned shop. Sketchy entered first, the bell on the door tinkling softly. Ever the gentlecolt, he then held the door open for his companion. As Octavia proceeded past him, Salad’s cheerful voice came from behind the counter where she had been standing with her back turned.

“Good morning~! Welcome to Graze—” she began as she turned around, but then she caught sight of her customers and her eloquent tones vanished completely. “Well hay there yew two!” she blurted happily, her ordinary manner coming to the fore. Fortunately for her, there were no other customers present that might have taken issue with her less than formal speech.

“Hello, dear.” Octavia replied with a smile, her own tones a stark contrast to Salad’s more rustic manner.

“Hi, Sally!” Sketchy replied in greeting to his unicorn friend. “Can I get my usual?” he asked.

“Sure thing, sugar-cube!” Salad replied happily, giving Octavia an expectant glance.

“Oh yes, may I have a marigold and honey sandwich?” the grey pony inquired, perking up at the idea of some breakfast.

“Ya certainly can, Miss Octavia!” Salad replied cheerily, her horn glowing to life as she began her work. “Oh, hay, Sketchy?” she added, assorted cutlery and condiments floating around her, “Ah called round to yours last night just to say hay, but there weren’t nopony home. Somethin’ happen to yuh?”

“Buh?” Sketchy replied, blinking, and then his mind caught up to his ears. “...oh! Oh, well, last night I slept at Octavia’s—” he managed to say, before there was a loud clatter of knives, plates and condiments falling to the floor. Salad promptly leaned right over the counter, an extremely broad grin on her face.

“Ooooh, yuh did now, did yuh!?” she beamed, her eyes wide with delight.

“...what! Ah, no, not like that! It was perfectly innocent, I assure you!” Sketchy hastily babbled, noting Octavia covering her face with a hoof behind him.

“Oh? ...oh! Ohhhh, sorry!” Salad replied, blushing a bit. “Gosh hon, Ah thought... ahh, never mind what Ah thought!” she said, hurriedly picking up her dropped items. She swiftly regained her composure, adding “Did yuh enjoy yourselves, though? Ah mean, yuh know, have fun hanging out and all?” she explained awkwardly.

“Yeah, yeah we did.” Sketchy replied, thankful for the topic change. “Right, Tavy?”

“Yes, indeed.” the grey pony agreed, her cheeks cooling off from the surge of heat the sandwich maker’s comments had sent them. “I am sorry I have not been here in some time, madam. I have been terribly busy with my practice of late.”

“Aww, shucks, hon, it ain't no bother. Ah know how it goes; yuh gotta focus on yer practicin' when somethin' important's comin' up. It ain't no worry.” Salad reassured her, a buoyant tone to her voice. She was secretly thankful for the steering away from her hoof-in-mouth comment.

“I do love this place.” Octavia continued. “It is on such a quiet little corner. I enjoy sitting outside when I have the opportunity; not least when I have something I can eat whilst I do so.”

“Ah’m glad tuh hear ya say that. ‘course, Ah kinda knew it anyway from seein’ ya around.” Salad replied with a slight snicker. “Y’know? If that ijit there was less of a clam, he’d ‘a probably already met ya long before now.”

Octavia blinked at the attendant’s odd choice of words. What did she say? Clam? Oh... Ha! I get it...

“It is very probable - if I could pry my eyes away from my notebook, that is. I miss the world around me as well; just, for different reasons.”

Salad chuckled at that. “Yer as bad as each other, then. Small wonder yer gettin’ along so well, huh?” she giggled as she completed putting the sandwiches together, laying them on a tray for the two. “That’ll be eight bits in all, bah the way.”

Octavia began to reach into her bags, but she was stopped by Sketchy reaching into his own satchel.

“My treat, this time. You’ve spoiled me enough already just last night.” he said, ignoring the wicked look on his unicorn friend’s face.

“Very well, this time.” Octavia conceded, smiling. “Next time is on me, though, I insist.” she added, firmly – or rather, as firmly as she could manage. It was about as docile-sounding as her threatening tone.

Sketchy grinned, picking up the tray in his mouth and carrying it over to a vacant table. The two of them sat down and promptly tucked into their breakfast. Salad trotted over after a few moments, as the shop currently had no other customers thanks to it being late in the morning by now.

“You were saying just before that you had feared for your ability to make new friends?” Octavia questioned Sketchy as she downed a mouthful of sandwich.

“I had a bit, yeah.” he replied.

“Which is real silly if yuh ask me!” Salad chimed in with a smile. “Ah mean, heck, he’s a big softy and real dependable. Who the heck wouldn’t wanna know a pony like that, am Ah right?”

Octavia chuckled at that, amused by Salad’s openly affectionate description of her friend. “Quite so, dear. I admit I am slightly envious. It is not so easy for me to make friends. I have only a small circle of them myself – and I do not leave Canterlot often, except to travel for concerts, so my horizons and experiences of other ponies besides those found in this city are somewhat limited.”

“That so?” Salad asked. “Ah guess Ah can understand that – and Ah bet it ain’t easy either with yuh bein’ famous and all, folks must get a little intimidated by it here an’ there.”

“It has been known to occur, yes.” Octavia replied with a nod. Her tail flicked out behind her, and there was a slight clattering of condiments as her errant appendage swept a few items clean off the table behind her. Her eyes widened and she hastily glanced round, her mouth full of bread and flowers. She slowly gulped, though she was relieved to note the lack of a mess on the table - thanks to the soft yellow-ish glow holding the things her tail had hit aloft.

“I, uhh... Oops.” she said apologetically, looking round at Salad. The blonde maned unicorn simply smiled, her horn glimmering as she carefully set the condiments back down.

“Think nothin’ of it hon.” she reassured. “Happens tuh everyone, now and then.”

“...right, yes.” Octavia nodded, mentally chiding herself. So clumsy! This is not how you act in public...

“Don’t let it worry you, Tavy.” Sketchy grinned as he finished the last of his sandwich.

“Lemme get that fer yuh, hon.” Salad promptly said, picking up the empty plate and trotting off with it.

Octavia watched the unicorn walk off, then turned back to Sketchy. “Your friend is very good-natured. You must have been glad to see her again.” she said, quietly. “And I am impressed by her devotion to her work, running a place such as this cannot be an easy thing.”

“You’re right, it’s not.” Sketchy replied, nodding. “But she loves it, and she and her folks do a roaring trade as a result, from what I hear. They’ve been able to keep it going ever since before I was born, so they must be doing something right.”

Octavia finished off the last of her sandwich and sat back in her seat, enjoying the contented feeling a full stomach brought.

“I am happy to hear that.”

“So anyway... practice again today, huh?” Sketchy asked.

“Yes, indeed. It is going to be quite tiresome, I expect.”

“I can imagine. But you know, from what I’ve seen thus far, I think the finished product is going to be something mind-blowing.”

“...would you like to come and see, when it is performed?”

Sketchy blinked a few times in surprise at his musician friend. “...come again?”

“I said, would you like to come and see?” Octavia replied, a small smile stretching across her face. “I do not believe it would be fair to tease you so by showing you what we are doing, and then not have you there to see the end result, do you?”

“Well... no, right enough.” Sketchy replied. “But—”

“No buts, dear. I shall not hear excuses. If the cost of entry is a concern, worry not.” Octavia replied, her smile growing. “I shall see to it that you have your choice of seat.”

“Wha... wow, really? You’d do that for me?” Sketchy asked incredulously, hardly able to believe what she was saying.

“Of course, dear. We are friends, are we not? The only one with more clout than me in this performance is the Princess herself, and I honestly would not expect her to prevent me being generous.”

Sketchy sat up, his expression forming into a huge smile. “Well, it’d just be plain rude to refuse then, wouldn’t it?” he chuckled. “I’ll happily take you up on that, Tavy – so long as you’re sure it’s OK.”

“It is fine. I like you, Sketchy. The times we have spent together so far have been some of the most enjoyable I have had in recent memory. Think of it as me showing my appreciation, if you will.”

“Alright then.” Sketchy nodded. “You’re on, Octavia. And, thanks.”

“Hmm, do not mention it. That is the correct expression here, is it not?” the cellist smiled back, getting to her feet. “I am afraid I shall have to be on my way, though. I have scarcely a few hours before I am expected at the theatre, and I must invest some time in some further composition.”

“OK lass.” Sketchy acknowledged. “I won’t keep you from it. But don’t work too hard, alright?” he added with a fond smile.

“I shall endeavour not to.” Octavia replied, mirroring his expression as she walked round the table. She craned her neck slightly, and planted a brief kiss on his cheek. “When should we next meet up?”

“You busy Monday?”

“Hmm... no busier than today.”

“Monday it is, then. Usual time and place?”

“That would be fine, I suppose...”

“Something up?” Sketchy questioned, noting some hesitance in his friend’s voice.

“Well... it is just that, I shall not have my cello to bring, if you wanted to play together...”

“Ah? Oh, don’t worry about that. Actually I was thinking perhaps we could just go for a wander around, or something. I mean, I had fun just walking about with you today, so...”

“I should very much like that!” Octavia replied brightly. “I have enjoyed myself today also. Very well then, Monday it is.”

“Great!” Sketchy replied with a nod, then he leaned his head down and returned Octavia’s earlier affectionate gesture. “See you then.”

“Until then.” Octavia smiled, heading out of the shop.

It wasn’t immediately apparent to the casual observer, but Canterlot’s premier classical musician carried a bit more of a spring in her step as she made her way towards home.

Meanwhile, across town from the sandwich shop, a sergeant of the Royal Guard was just waking up for work...