• Published 15th Oct 2011
  • 8,864 Views, 587 Comments

Sketchy Salad Symphony - Sketchy Sounds

This is a tale of who we are, and how we got here.

  • ...

21st Movement

“Remind me again why we’re doing this?”

Freeze Pop chuckled and shook her head, looking round to her smaller companion as the two of them sat atop a cloud, gazing over the edge into the throng of ponies below.

“Princess’s request, Blackie. Or an assignment, one might say.”

“...and why am I here?”

“Because assignments like this are boring, and you make for delightful company.” Freeze Pop replied, turning her attention back to the streets below. She briefly glanced to her side though, and was rather pleased to note a tell-tale purplish tint to the stallion’s cheeks, indicative of the red underneath his black coat.

“That, and having you along makes me stand out less. Nothing that suspicious about a coupla pegasi on a cloud just watching the world go by.”

“I suppose not.” Blacklight agreed, glancing down toward the city again. It was certainly a bit of an odd practice he was engaging in with his filly-friend: apparently, Princess Luna had asked the sturdy pegasus to follow the star cellist of the Canterot Symphony Orchestra around for the day, without being seen. He honestly couldn’t fathom why, but apparently Freeze Pop herself knew the cause for the sudden interest in Octavia’s activities.

“And I expect that’s why you left the armour at home today, too.”

“Well yeah. I’d stand out just a tad if I was flitting about in my shiny golden glory, wouldn’t I?” she chuckled.

Blacklight joined in the laughter at that, nodding. “You would, at that. So, why did Princess Luna assign you to—” he began, but he was cut off by his companion’s wings flaring out and her hoof clapping to his mouth.

“Shh! There she goes!”

Octavia was making her way through the street below, having spent the past several minutes at her favourite little tea shop. She now made her way along the main thoroughfare, completely unaware of the fact that, overhead, she was being tracked by a pair of pegasi. Slung over her back was her cello case which, Freeze knew contained her damaged cello.

“Don’t lose sight of her now. We need to know where she’s taking that, without her finding out we know.”

The two pegasi took wing, gliding quietly through the air after the musician. The look on Freeze Pop’s face was focused and firm, her keen blue eyes fixed on tracking her quarry.

“Stay close, Blackie.” she instructed, banking to the side and alighting atop one of the taller buildings in town. Her smaller companion touched down next to her, quietly impressed at how seriously she took even this strange task that had been assigned her.

“You’re very devoted...” he pointed out in a quiet whisper as the two looked down over the street below.

“Hm? To my work, you mean?” the white pegasus replied, her eyes remaining on the figure of Octavia as she passed below them. “Naturally so. I am bound by honour and duty to the bidding of their Highnesses. That means indulging their orders and instructions, regardless of my opinion on their relevance.”

“I see... uhm, do you know why she asked this of you to begin with?”

“She didn’t explicitly state it, but I know her intentions.”

“Then what—”

“Shh! I think we’ve found our mark. There she goes... that’s definitely a luthier’s store. Come on!”

A silent white blur swooped down from the rooftops, landing quietly in amongst the crowd below. It was followed by a smaller black one, and the two glanced toward the shop that the stone grey earth pony had disappeared into just moments before.

Freeze Pop smiled to herself. “Mission accomplished. Look, here she comes... let’s make ourselves scarce.” She was rather impressed, upon glancing round, to note that her stallion companion had already managed to blend into the crowd. It took her at least three seconds’ glancing about to spot where he had gone to. She quickly trotted over to him, keeping her head low.

“That’s pretty impressive, Blackie.”

The dark coated pegasus blushed at that, his muzzle turning a little purple. “What can I say? I don’t have this mark for nothing...”

Octavia, meanwhile, passed by obliviously. Her mind was focused on the slight worry of her beloved cello’s well-being. Even if it was now in the hooves of a master, she still had her worries.

I wonder if this is how a parent feels when sending their children to school, the very first time?

That and other ponderings made their way through her mind as she made her way through town, heading for home. A thought struck her en route, however, causing her to pause.

I ought to pay Miss Sandwich a visit, if only to reassure her that our altercation has not permanently harmed our relationship – nor my person.

With that thought in mind, she changed course for the little sandwich shop, nestled comfortably on the corner of Chestnut Street. It didn’t take long for her to reach her altered destination, and the bell over the door tinkled melodiously as she pushed her way in.

“Good afternoon, welcome to Graze!” came the unicorn’s cheerful greeting. Her face lit up somewhat as she laid eyes on her customer. “Why, Miss Octavia! What a delight!”

Salad’s cheerfulness was soon reflected in Octavia’s own expression as she approached the counter.

“Good afternoon, Miss Sandwich. I see you are faring well. How has the day treated you thus far?”

“Oh, quite well, quite well.” Salad replied happily. “Will you take yer usual today, hon?” she added, her formal tones lapsing slightly in the cellist’s presence as she recalled the latter’s previous compliments regarding her normal manner.

“Yes please.” Octavia replied, her smile broadening and a small twinkle in her eye upon hearing the lapse in formality. “Oh, and... might I request your company for a brief time, whilst I sate my appetite?”

“Of course yuh can, Octavia.” Salad replied, glancing briefly to the taller unicorn stood nearby and receiving a brief nod from him. “I can kinda guess why.”

The strings player paused momentarily to watch her culinarily gifted companion ply her trade, nodding a bit as she finished her task.

“I imagine you can, dear. Nevertheless, I do feel it necessary to converse a while. I should not like there to be any undue resentment left between us.”

Salad nodded in return, ringing through the cellist’s order before walking out from behind the counter as she levitated her customer’s order with her.

“Well then, how’s about we go take a seat over there, hm?”

“A capital idea.” Octavia agreed, heading over to the small table indicated by her unicorn friend. The two sat down, opposite one another.

“So... I suppose I should first of all say, Salad, that I apologise sincerely for striking you. And... for what followed, too. I do hope that my token of apology, for what it is worth, has helped to set us even.”

Salad giggled heartily at that. “Shucks gal, yuh kiddin’? Ah can’t even remember the last time Ah had such a big event tuh go to, least of all fer nuthin’.” A large smile crossed her face as she went on. “Trust me, Tavy, we’re quits far as Ah’m concerned on that whole mess-up. ‘sides, Ah done screwed up as well. The blame ain’t all on yew.”

“...true.” Octavia agreed, after a moment’s pause to consider that. She shook her head slightly as she went on. “I do hope that Sketchy has been pulling his weight to redeem himself.”

“Oh, Ah’d say so hon.” Salad stated, her expression becoming slightly more serious at the mention of that topic – though only for a brief moment, as the memory of what he’d already done for her surfaced in her mind. “Heck, he already made good by me.”

“Oh?” the cellist replied, raising an eyebrow in interest. That was a promising sign – if he had been so swift to make amends with Salad, then it was at least clear that he hadn’t been speaking falsely of his regret in his actions.

Salad couldn’t hide the glee in her voice as she explained. “Yup! Why, just yesterday he took me up tuh Silk Street. Ah bet yuh can guess why!”

Octavia needed only a moment’s consideration of the destination to understand what the purpose of the outing had been. It was well-known to many of Canterlot’s natives—and, in fact, to those outside of it—that Silk Street had been named many years ago due to it being where many of the city’s tailors had converged, resulting in it having the highest concentration of fashion artists’ outlets in possibly the entire kingdom. Naturally, then, there was only a singular reason why they would have gone there.

“He took you to purchase something pretty then, I take it?” she smiled.

“Ayup! Said it’d be no good me goin’ to thuh concert if Ah ain’t gonna look stunnin’ fer it. And heck, Ah wasn’t about tuh stop him spoilin’ me.”

“That was very good of him to do so for you.”

“It surely was. Went a long way to helpin’ me forgive him, Ah’ll say that. Y’know,” Salad went on, leaning forward slightly over the table, a meaningful look in her eyes, “fer all the stupid things he does sometimes, Ah wouldn’t trade him fer anyone. Ah just don’t got it in me tuh stay mad at him forever.”

A warm smile creased Octavia’s features as she listened to the unicorn’s words, nodding her head slightly as she finished speaking. “I... in truth, I doubt that I could do such, either. It is just that... perhaps it is something that does not come so easily to me.”

Salad tilted her head a bit that. “How d’yuh mean, sugar-cube?”

Octavia heaved a small sigh. “All throughout my life, I have been pushed nigh relentlessly to succeed. It should not come as much of a surprise, then, to learn that I am no stranger to strict discipline.”

She noted Salad’s eyes widen slightly at that, and quickly continued. “Do not get me wrong! I do not despise what teaching I have had. I am no stranger to being driven, but neither am I a stranger to happiness or love. I am well aware that my parents only drove me so hard from so early in life because they recognised that which I possessed even then. They have always been there to press me onward, that I may use my gift to its fullest extent.”

Salad relaxed at that, an understanding smile on her face. “Ah getcha, hon. What yer sayin’ is that yer used tuh givin’ it your best, so yuh expect the same of everyone else. Right?”

“Precisely!” Octavia nodded. “It pleases me to learn that Sketchy has already pushed himself to make amends with you. Perhaps he did not wish to risk my stealing you from him!” she joked.

Salad giggled out loud at that, shaking her head. “Rubs off on yuh, don’t he? Ah remember when yuh first started comin’ around here, yuh weren’t nearly so... what’s the word... laid back? Relaxed?”

“Whichever word it is, I believe you are correct.” Octavia nodded. “But you cannot give him all the credit, dear. You, too, have helped coax me out of my introversion somewhat. And we must not forget Miss Freeze Pop either.”

“Well, yeah, there is that.” Salad agreed. She leaned back a bit in her seat, a thoughtful look on her face. “Yuh heard from him at all since the other day?”

“Not a word. But if his treatment of you is anything to go on, I suspect he is plotting some kind of reparatory measure with which to surprise me.”

Salad’s expression became slightly more solemn at that. “Well, Ah hope whutever he cooks up is enough tuh show yuh he means business.”

“I... I honestly hope so as well, Sally. As it stands, my heart is willing but my mind demands evidence.”

Salad nodded, an understanding look on her face. “Ah know the feelin’, hon. Ah’m rootin’ fer yuh both, Ah honestly am.” Having said that, she slowly rose from her seat.

“Ah’d best get back to work, Tavy. Keep me posted though, won’tcha?”

“I shall. And, thank you, Sally. I am grateful to have a friend such as you among my own.”

The sandwich maker’s cheeks turned extra pink at that compliment, and she let out a giggle.

“Aww shucks hon, yer too kind! You’re a good friend yerself. Ain’t many folks you can have a tussle with an’ still be civil to after. Ah’m glad you ain’t one of the majority.”

Now it was Octavia’s turn to blush and laugh, waving a hoof dismissivley. “Yesterday’s adversary is tomorrow’s ally, is that not how the proverb goes? I shall not take more of your time, dear. I hope the rest of your day is filled with further happiness.”

“Same to you, hon!” Salad replied, her formal tones starting to reappear as she turned to head back behind the counter. As she walked back towards it, she turned her head to flash the cellist a brief wink and a smile.

Octavia returned the smile, then turned her attention towards her food. She began chomping on it thoughtfully, letting her mind wander a bit.

“OK, so. Objective achieved, now what?”

“I have to report my findings.”

“To the Princess, I take it.”

Freeze Pop smiled at her shorter companion’s inquiry. “Actually, no.”

Blacklight’s face contorted into a confused expression at that. “...wha—huh? Wait, then why’d she send you out on this assignment?”

The larger of the two pegasi turned her head to look over her shoulder at her companion as the two started trotting along the road. “There’re a number of reasons, Blackie. But I’d say reason number one would be, because she cares.”

“About Octavia, you mean?”

“About everypony. But yeah, in this case, Octavia specifically. Remember how I mentioned before how both their Highnesses care deeply about every pony under their rule? Well, if a simple thing such as helping one pony share the magic of friendship with another is within their ability, why not do so?”

“When you put it like that, it makes a bit more sense...”

Freeze Pop giggled at that, spreading her wings as she sped to a gallop for take off. As her stallion friend followed her skyward, she drew close to his side.

“Besides, Blackie my dear, you don’t think she assigned me this task just to help out Octavia, do you?” she added, fluttering her eyelashes briefly at him.

The pegasus stallion nearly missed a beat of his wings at that, blushing so profusely that his entire face began to turn a deep shade of purple.

“Well, I... that, uhm...” he stuttered out, earning him another mischievous giggle from the pristine white mare.

“Both their Highnesses know about the goings-on of my social life. Talk gets around in the Guards, and inevitably back to the top. I think I said before it’s almost like a family, y’know?”

Blacklight gave a resigned smile, chuckling at that. “How much do they know?”

“Oh, I’ve not told anyone about how close we are. Not yet, anyway.” Freeze Pop replied, a rare flush of red highlighting her own cheeks. “All they know, as far as I’m aware, is that you and I are becoming fast friends and hanging out a lot. To be honest though, it wouldn’t shock me if they’re drawing their own conclusions already.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised either... oh, is this our stop?”

Freeze Pop nodded in reply to the stallion as she made a slow descent towards the tower balcony of an older looking building.

“This is my assignment’s contact. Though he doesn’t know that.” she chuckled, folding her wings in and strolling round the side of the round structure.

“Oh? Whose place is this?” her black-coated friend inquired, alighting next to her.

“You’ll see in a moment.”

With that, Freeze raised a hoof and rapped firmly on the french window in front of her.

“Yoo-hoo! Anypony home? Hello~?”

There came a muffled clattering about from the other side of the window, and then a slightly surprised looking grey-white earth pony’s face appeared through the glass. The window was hastily opened, and Sketchy stuck his head out with a friendly smile on on his features.

“Hey there, Freezy! And Blacklight too? Nice to see you both!” he grinned, putting emphasis on the last word and smirking a little at his white-coated friend.

“Hey there Sketchy.” his pegasus friend replied, a grin on her features. “Blackie and I were in the neighbourhood and figured we’d drop in to wreak havoc on your peaceful existence.” she snarked, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Sketchy let out a snort of laughter at that, shaking his head. “Well, I think I can manage a little bit of havoc. Come on in.” he offered, stepping back from the window.

“Cheers!” Freeze replied, trotting in. She was followed hesitantly by Blacklight, whose eyes roved around somewhat as he made his way inside the apartment.

“Anything I can get you guys?” the earth pony artist asked as he made his way back down the stairs. He was followed a moment later by the two pegasi, the larger of whom spoke up first.

“If you’ve any fizzy lemonade lurking in your fridge, I’ll have some of that.”

“I might just have a little....” Sketchy replied with a wink to his pegasus friend, heading over to the fridge. “How ‘bout you, Blacklight?”

“Uhm... I’ll have what she’s having.”

“Good choice, dude. I’ll join you guys on that, I was just starting to get a little thirsty myself.”

A little while later, the three of them were lounging on one of the easy chairs and a couch in the apartment’s living room. Sketchy was occupying the chair, with the two pegasi slouched comfortably on the larger seating.

“So, how goes the arting, Sketchy?” There was a small smirk on the pegasus’s face as she made her inquiry.

Sketchy grinned at that, a knowing look on his face. “Oh, can’t complain. The client I got recently could end up being really lucrative if I do a good job and word gets around.”

The two of them shared a laugh at that, leaving the smaller pegasus looking mildly puzzled.

“Did I miss a joke there...?”

Freeze Pop turned to look at her companion, her expression softening into a fond smile.

“Ah, sorry Blackie. I guess there’s no harm in telling you... at the moment, Sketchy and I share a common employer.”

“Albeit for different jobs.” Sketchy contributed.

Blacklight only took a few seconds to process what they meant, and his eyes went wide. “Wha... wait, so which one...?”

“Princess Luna.” Sketchy replied. “Trust me bud, I was as shocked as you. Probably moreso. Not every day you come home and find a freakin’ Princess just waiting around in your flat.”

“I think I’d have a heart attack if that happened to me!” Blacklight nodded.

“I’m amazed I didn’t. Good thing she turned out to be quite cool about it all. Was a real eye opener, I gotta say.”

“Anyway,” Freeze chimed in, “point is that with her endorsement of his work—assuming he does his best ever job of it—he could really go far.”

“I can imagine.” Blacklight nodded. He glanced curiously over to the larger pegasus, with an expression that clearly asked her if she was going to mention that little detail they’d spent some time on getting hold of.

Freeze Pop simply glanced back at him with a “trust me” look, then turned her attention back to Sketchy.

“Well, I expect you’re still plugging away at that currently, aren’t ya?”

“Hm? Oh, the drawing? Yeah, I’ll have to get back to work on it fairly soon, now you mention it. You can hang around for a bit if you want though...”

“Tempting, specially with the drinks supply, but we’ll have to decline, Sketchy. We’ve places to go before the sun goes down.”

“Ah. You guys and your flying.” Sketchy snickered, shaking his head. “Well, I won’t keep you then.”

“OK dude.” Freeze nodded, rising to her feet. She made her way up the stairs, accompanied by Blacklight. Their host brought up the rear.

“Good seeing you both though. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself enough in Canterlot to’ve stuck about this long, Blacklight.”

“Yes, well... There, uhm, might be a good reason for that...” Blacklight replied, blushing as he glanced sideways at his white-coated companion.

Freeze Pop chuckled happily as she stepped out onto the balcony, clambering on top of the parapet. She then paused, turning her head to look at her earth pony friend.

“Just remembered, Sketchy!”


Freeze’s expression moulded itself into a sly grin as she spoke. “I really dunno if I oughta be telling you this, all things considered, but I figure you need as much help as you can muster right now.”

Sketchy’s ears perked up at that, and he looked intently at the off-duty guardspony.

“Telling me what?” he ventured.

“Weeeeeeeell, it just so happens that while Blackie and I were out flying just now, we might just have seen a certain somepony checking a cello in to the store of one Perfect Pitch, down on Crescent Lane. But you didn’t hear that from me.”

Sketchy blinked several times in succession at that, a grin forming across his features. “Of course I didn’t, Freezy. Did something happen...?”

Freeze Pop rolled her eyes in an exaggerated gesture of exasperation. “Well I don’t know, obviously. I mean yeah, maybe she might have perhaps damaged it by accident or something. But I mean, how would I know, huh?”

“Right, how indeed.”

Freeze snickered cheekily as she turned about on the parapet to take off, though she then glanced back over her shoulder at her friend with a meaningful look in her eye.

Carpe diem, Sketchy.”

“Car-pay what?”

“It’s an old motto from way way back in the Guards, one of a selection they fling at rookies. It means seize the day. Or to put it in more blunt terms, don’t let the day go to waste.”

“So in other words, don’t waste any time heading out and doing something with that info, right?”

The off-duty pegasus guard grinned at that. “You catch on quick, Sketchy!”

She and her companion took wing, leaving a brief “Catch ya later!” in their wake. Sketchy offered his own farewell as they took off, and then swiftly turned and headed back inside.

Perfect Pitch, is it? Alright, let’s get going.

It was no less than fifteen minutes later that Sketchy found himself inside the shop his pegasus friend had mentioned. He was quietly impressed: there were a number of high quality instruments hung from the walls and sat in racks, and the familiar sounds and scents of wood being expertly crafted were apparent from the back of the shop. He took a breath, settling his slight nervousness, and headed for the counter. A ring of the bell soon summoned an attendant, who greeted him with a polite smile and a warm hello.

“How can I help you today, sir?”

“A friend of mine dropped her cello off for repairs earlier.” Sketchy stated matter-of-factly. “Grey earth pony, ‘bout this tall, black hair, violet eyes, treble clef cutie mark.”

The attendant blinked a few times, recognising the description straight away. “Why yes, I remember her coming in.”

“OK. Well, I’d like to cover the repair costs.”

“Er... we’re not sure of the total yet.”

“That’s not an issue.” Sketchy replied with a confident grin. He pulled from his saddlebags a small pouch filled with jingling coins. “Can’t put a price on a friend’s happiness, after all.”

“...very true, sir.” the attendant replied, recognising the tone of someone merely wanting to do something good for somepony else. “Well, our preliminary assessment has been rather positive. The damage appears worse than it actually is. It should not be a problem to patch it back together - seamlessly, no less.”

“Colour me impressed... any estimate for cost, then?”

Some hours later, Octavia returned to the instrument luthiers’ establishment. She was greatly relieved to hear from the old unicorn whom had personally repaired her instrument that for one the work had been relatively straightforward, and for another that the repair should be practically invisible. Certainly, when she took her cello from its case to examine it, she couldn’t help but gasp.

“Goodness! It is as though she had never been injured!”

“Yep. Put her back together good as new. Took a while, that did, but she’s a piece of art.”

Octavia returned her gaze to the instrument’s saviour, nodding enthusiastically as she carefully laid her cello back down.

“You have my utmost thanks.” she beamed. “I do not know what I would have done without her. As I am sure you can understand, she is almost like family.”

“Oh, I know. Every time I sell one of my works, it’s almost like sending one of my own children off to a new home. But I know the majority of the ponies I get here’ll take the best of care of them.”

Octavia nodded thoughtfully at that. “I believe I can understand that, somewhat... Ah, but let us move on. What do I owe you for this miracle?”

The old unicorn smiled at that. “Not a single bit, my dear.”

Octavia blinked in surprise. “Are you sure of that? Such intricate work cannot have been without cost, I must insist—”

She was cut short by the luthier interjecting, his smile growing some. “Now hold your horses, young lady. You’re quite correct it wasn’t without cost, but I’m not in the business of accepting payment for a job twice over.”

“Twice... do you mean to tell me that I have a benefactor?”

“I do indeed – and that’s all I can tell you, I’m afraid.”


“Well thing is, I was busy working my magic on your cello when they stopped by – and my floor attendant tells me that the pony that paid insisted on secrecy. So... much as I’d like to tell you who to thank, I honestly don’t know.”

Octavia paused thoughtfully, adding that up in her head, and then she smiled.

“I believe I may be able to guess. My thanks once more, I shall be on my way. I have a rehearsal to attend!”

Some hours later, the Canterlot Royal Amphitheatre was a hubbub of activity as the assorted musicians within saw to the task of gathering up their music and either packing away their instruments or having them handled by porters. The rehearsal had gone amazingly well, a fact which was certainly due in no small part to the feeling of re-invigoration Octavia had felt at having her beloved cello once more under her hooves. She had played her part quite joyfully, and the difference in her mood had been apparent to all.

Now that the practice had ended, she was quite determined to see to it that the source of her heightened mood was given appropriate thanks – and she was certain she knew exactly to whom her praise was due.

“Your Highness!”

Princess Luna turned her head toward the excited looking grey earth pony approaching her. She couldn’t help but smile at the mare’s exuberance, knowing full well from where it had come.

“Why hello there, Miss Octavia. You seem in high spirits tonight, although I expect the return of your cello is to blame for that.”

“Quite so!” Octavia enthused, then narrowed her eyes a little in a smile as she looked at the dark blue alicorn. “You know, the luthiers told me that the repair cost was covered by an anonymous benefactor.”

“They did?” the Princess replied, looking genuinely surprised. Octavia was certain it was a well-played act, however.

“Indeed so. Although I am fairly certain I can guess whom it was. So, I must say I am very thankful to you.”

“...to me, my dear?” Luna replied, arching an eyebrow. “Child, it was not I that funded your instrument’s repair.”

Octavia chuckled at that, figuring the Princess was simply being coy. “Come now, Princess... there is no need for such humility. I can understand the want to keep your identity hidden to the luthiers, but—”

“Miss Octavia, I assure you, it was not me that funded the repair!”

Octavia frowned at that. Either the princess was telling the truth, or she had the kind of poker face that a professional would kill for.

“You really don’t have to hide it...” she tried once more, somewhat more uncertainly.


Octavia was blown back slightly by the sudden thunderous tone of her sovereign’s voice. She stared in wide-eyed shock at the latter, sub-consciously lifting a hoof to re-adjust her mane. The princess gave her an apologetic look, blushing ever so slightly.

“I... apologise, Miss Octavia. Old habits... you know the saying. But my point stands, I am not due your praise for this act of kindness.”

“You are not? Then... who is?”

“Might I suggest asking around amongst your fellows? They were all present when the incident occurred.”

“They were, at that... I shall do that very thing, Princess. Thank you.”

With that, Octavia scurried off to make enquiries amongst her peers. She was certain, however, that the potential candidates could be narrowed down to a mere three: her fellow quartet musicians. None of the other members of the orchestra knew her particularly well, after all, so it was quite the safe assumption that none of them would have the slightest idea when or where she would have taken her instrument for repairs. She was in for further disappointment, however, as she approached her fellow musicians.

“Excuse me, fellows?”

The other three musical ponies turned to look at the cellist, a questioning look in their eyes.

“I shall be blunt, as this is a matter that is proving bothersome to me.” That sentence was met with some withering looks, but she persisted. “It is nothing to do with tonight’s performance. In truth, that was by far one of our most stellar to date. No, what is bothering me is the matter of my cello’s repair.”

Her fellow musicians relaxed and even smiled a bit at the compliments of their performance, and then regained their inquisitive looks as she continued.

“When I went to pick her up, I was rather mystified to find that the cost had been covered already. I suspected our dear Princess, but she insisted rather loudly that it was not her doing.”

“Oh, so that’s what that was?”

Octavia blushed a little at the comment from the violist to her left, nodding. “Um, quite. So, I am now trying to ascertain to whom my thanks is due. I should like to properly show my appreciation; I am sure you are all aware of how deeply I value my instrument – as do you all.”

The three other ponies shared a few clueless glances, and then turned their attention back to Octavia. All three of them had a very obvious uninformed expression written across their features.

Octavia’s eyes widened slightly, and she tilted her head with an eyebrow raised.

“None of you, either?”

“Sorry, Octavia. Perhaps whomever it was chose anonymity for a reason. Is it honestly something you need question?”

“Well...” The cellist paused, thinking that over. On the one hoof, perhaps it was indeed just something that she should accept, and be happy in the knowledge that there were kind souls out there that would do something so nice for the benefit of somepony else. But on the other hoof...

“I should very much prefer to know. I do not like to see such a thoughtful gesture towards me go without, at the very least, a thank you. It does not strike me as right, on my part.”

“Well as much as I would like to help...”

“Say no more. Perhaps the Princess knows more than she has let on, I shall query her once more.”

So saying, the cellist set off again to locate her sovereign. It wasn’t a difficult task, as the younger alicorn was stood around outside, conversing with her escorts. She turned her head towards Octavia at the latter’s approach, a questioning look on her face.

“Pardon me, Princess,” Octavia began, “I have not come to accuse you of another random act of kindness – though I believe you capable of such.” The latter part of her sentence brought a smile to the alicorn’s face, and she nodded for Octavia to continue.

“I do have a question, however... do you think, perhaps, that one of your escort may have perhaps been responsible?”

Luna’s gaze shifted to the side, briefly, falling on the pegasus to her left, before shifting back to Octavia. “I would not say so. At least, not directly.

The cellist’s eyes widened at that, and then she frowned, looking more intently at the pegasus on Luna’s left. The pegasus looked right back at her, with the same neutral and focused look of guardsponies everywhere. The guard’s tail twitched a little, and it was then that Octavia suddenly noticed the irregularity in the pegasus’s appearance, compared to the other stout pegasi around the Princess: this one had a slightly more curvaceous build, and that tail...

“...Miss Freeze Pop...?” she ventured.

The pegasus guard chuckled, her neutral expression giving way to a smile. “That should be Sergeant Freeze Pop right now, Miss Octavia, but yes. Good evening to you.”

“I barely recognised you under there! ...am I to take it, then, that you are responsible for covering the repair to my most important possession?”

“Not directly, Miss Octavia. If you’re looking for the pony that paid the bill, I’m afraid you’ve drawn another blank. It wasn’t me, either – and I promised the pony who did that I wouldn’t tell you who they are.”

Octavia frowned at that. “I see... there is little point to questioning you further on the matter then. I am fully aware of how deeply your station values their honour.”

Freeze Pop puffed out her chest a bit at that compliment. “Quite right! Though if I may make one small comment? At this point I think it should already be obvious who you need to thank.”

Octavia frowned once more as her mind connected the facts, and then a rather large smile spread across her features.

“I believe that it is. Princess Luna, may I ask a small favour?”

“What kind of favour?”

Octavia almost giggled as she made her request. “Might I borrow your fine pegasus guard? I am going to need to make a small detour this evening, and you know it is improper for a lady such as myself to roam the streets unguarded.”

The princess did not refrain from letting out a giggle of her own as she smiled in reply. “You may indeed, so long as she has no objections. Sergeant?”

“I can hardly object to such a request, now can I?” Freeze Pop replied, smiling to her commander and then to Octavia. “By your leave, my lady.”

So it was that, with the moon riding high in the sky and at an hour close to midnight, Sketchy was rather surprised to hear a gentle knocking at his door. He was, of course, still awake: it was his habit to stay up rather late during the evenings to work on his art, and he felt it especially fitting to do so for the current piece he was busy with. He put down the pencil he was working with and trotted to the door, opening it slightly. Upon spotting a glint of golden armour atop a white coat, he hastily opened the door further.

“...good evening, Sergeant.” he said, quickly recognising his pegasus friend from her distinctive tail. “What brings you round at this hour? I’m not in trouble, I hope?”

“Not at all, Sketchy. I’m actually on escort duty at the moment, and my charge wished to pay a visit.”

The earth pony artist gasped a little at that. “Wait, so then do you mean... the Princess...?” he questioned.

“No... were that the case, I’d have used the pegasus entrance.” she smirked, stepping to the side.

Sketchy looked from his friend to the space next to her – and then adjusted his gaze downward slightly. Where he had expected to perhaps see an alicorn, he instead laid eyes on a stone grey earth pony, with a long black mane and deep violet eyes. He gasped slightly.

“...are you sure I’m not in trouble?” he said to Freeze once more, though she replied with merely a small laugh and a shake of her head. “For goodness’ sake just let the lady in, you daft bugger. I’ll wait out here.”

Sketchy returned his gaze to Octavia with a rather apologetic look. “Sorry. Uhm, won’t you come in?” he offered, standing aside for her.

Octavia smiled a little at the taller ponies’ shared joke, nodding to the stallion as she stepped over the threshold. She heard the door close behind her as she made her way to one of the easy chairs and promptly parked herself on it.

Sketchy followed her over, seating himself opposite her upon the couch. “So, uh... why’re you here at this time of night?” he asked rather lamely.

“I had a rather unfortunate incident with my cello, the other day.” Octavia stated.

“You did?” Sketchy gasped, looking rather horrified – although, the cellist noted, nowhere near as properly shocked as he should have been. Bingo.

“I did indeed. Thankfully the damage was not substantial, and I was able to have her repaired.”

“Ah, that’s a relief.” Sketchy nodded, looking rather relieved himself. “I’d hate to even think about something like that happening to one of my own instruments... they’re like a part of me.”

Octavia smiled to herself at that remark. His tone was honest and genuine on that latter part. Not that she had expected anything else: regardless of his social standing or position, she knew the stallion to be one who felt the flow of music within his soul as well.

“You can understand the horror I felt, then. But, as I stated, I had her repaired. Imagine my surprise, then, when I went to retrieve her and found that the repair costs for the work had been covered!”

Sketchy tried his best to look surprised, although internally he could already see that she had figured him out. Nevertheless, he blundered on with the facade.

“Really? Who did that for you? Was it the Princess?”

“Strangely enough, my benefactor remained anonymous. I, too, thought that perhaps it had indeed been Her Highness – however, her denial was quite firm and, I believe, genuine.”

“Well, fair enough... I mean, there’s no reason why she’d not be honest about that with you.”

“Indeed. And then I thought that perhaps it may have been one of my quartet, but they unanimously rebuffed such accusations.”

“I guess you’re all out of ideas, then?”

“Not hardly, Sketchy.” Octavia replied, trying to suppress her amusement. “There is, after all, one more suspect on the list. I believe you know to whom I refer.”

“...you think it was me?”

“Entertain me as to why I should believe otherwise.”

“Well, uhm... I mean... you know, the cost and all—”

“Oh, that? Considering you took Miss Sandwich shopping for a gown for the concert recently, I hardly believe you are too short on funding.”

Sketchy winced, grinning sheepishly. “...you knew about that?”

“I stopped by Graze this very day.”

“Well, OK, so maybe I coulda paid... but how would I have known—”

Octavia’s laughter interrupted his sentence, as she shook her head. “Come on now, dear. You did see with whom I came to your door, yes?”

Sketchy’s expression slowly went from attempting to remain neutral to openly happy, still keeping the sheepishness from before.

“...alright, Tavy, you got me. I confess, it was me that did it.”

Octavia chuckled happily at that, relaxing in her seat a little. “Well of course it was. But Sketchy dear, why go to such lengths to attempt to disguise your kindness?”

A genuine look of surprise wrote itself across the stallion’s face at that. “Isn’t it obvious? Lass, I was hoping you wouldn’t find out for one simple reason. What’s the point of telling you it was me, if I’m trying to show you that I’m not doing it for my own benefit? If I’d done that, I’d have just succeeded in looking like a self-absorbed prat.”

Octavia nodded slowly, mulling that over. “That... is quite correct. When you put it that way, now I understand.” Her expression softened into a gentle smile as the meaning behind the effort found its way to her heart.

“Tavy... all I wanted was to do something to make you happy. It didn’t matter to me if you figured out I was behind it or not: so long as I’d proved it to you that I’m not just some selfish idiot, that was my aim. And even if that’d have meant never hearing a word of thanks for it, I’d have still done it.”

Octavia rose from her seat at that, and walked her way over to where her stallion friend was sitting. His eyes widened slightly as she promptly clambered up on the couch next to him, then flung her forelegs round his neck and hugged tightly to him. It took him no more than a second to let out a happy sounding sigh as he returned her affections, wrapping a foreleg around her shoulders.

“So then... should I take this to mean you forgive me?” he chuckled quietly.

Octavia gave her larger friend a tight squeeze, giggling a little herself as she replied. “Yes, Sketchy. And let me also add a thank you to that as well. You did not have to do what you did, you know.”

“The heck I didn’t. I wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to make one of my best friends happy.”

Sketchy felt a soft kiss on his cheek as his smaller companion released him from her embrace.

“You are very sweet, sir.” Octavia stated, gazing fondly at him before getting up off the couch. “Sadly, I must be on my way. As much as I should like to remain in your company a while longer, I feel I must get some rest under my own roof – to say nothing of the fact that I have left our poor Guard friend waiting on me outside your door.”

“Oh cripes, Freezy. You’re right, I’d best let you go.” Sketchy agreed, albeit slightly reluctantly.

“...by the by, do you have any pressing engagements tomorrow?”

A large smile crossed Sketchy’s features as he rose to open the door for his shorter companion.

“None whatsoever. Did you want to change that?”

Octavia tilted her head slightly, a small blush painting her cheeks with a rosy hue. “Shall we say one o’ clock, the usual place?”

“Yes and yes.” Sketchy replied, feeling his heart flutter a little with happiness. “Oh, and Tavy?”

“Yes, Sketchy?” the cellist replied, before finding herself swept off her feet and into a warm hug by her stallion friend. She was quick to reciprocate, squeezing tightly around his shoulders with her forelegs.

“It’s great to have you back.”

Octavia let out a relaxed sigh, nuzzling at her friend’s cheek a little before releasing him as she herself was set back down on her hooves.

“The same goes for you, dear. I will see you tomorrow.”

Sketchy grinned broadly as he politely opened the door for her. “Until then!”

Octavia practically skipped her way out of the door, flashing a smile to the waiting Royal Guard.

“Back to your home then, my lady?”

“Indeed! And, thank you once more, Sergeant.” Octavia replied.

“You can add a thanks from me for that too.” Sketchy added, grinning at the armoured pegasus.

“You’re both welcome. Come along, Miss Octavia.” Freeze Pop replied, unable to prevent a smile spreading on her own face as she turned to accompany the cellist down the stairs.

Sketchy watched the two depart, then quietly closed the door to his apartment.

...I’d better get some rest! he gleefully thought to himself, hastily heading back up the stairs.

Octavia and her escort made swift progress back to her home, thanks to the former’s elevated spirits. She had walked at quite the brisk pace all the way, talking almost non-stop about how happy she was now that she had satisfied that part of her that had made her demand proof of her friend’s character.

“...and I must once more thank you, my dear knight.” she continued as they reached her home. “You have proven yourself to be one of the most reliable and honourable guards I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Truly, their Highnesses could not ask for better.”

Freeze Pop simply nodded, a small smile gracing her face. “You are too kind, my lady. But I thank you nonetheless. I hope that your rest is filled with pleasant dreams.”

“I have no doubt that it shall!” Octavia beamed, stopping for a moment at the gate to her house. “Thank you once more for aquiescing to my unreasonable requests.”

“They weren’t that unreasonable. After all, what’s the odd late night worth against seeing two of my friends happy?”

Octavia blushed once more at that, nodding. “Very true. Well, I shall keep you no longer. Enjoy your rest, Sergeant. You have more than earned it, and I hope that you too enjoy some wonderful dreams.”

“By your leave, my lady!” Freeze smiled, stepping back with a bow of her head, then flaring her wings. She took to the air with a few mighty strokes and then soared away through the moonlit sky.

Octavia stood for a short while, watching the pegasus’s departure, before she headed inside her home.

And so it was that, once more in the quiet small hours of Canterlot, there were two earth pony musicians who found a deep and restful slumber.