• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 2,337 Views, 28 Comments

And Then... My Life Changed - frutineo

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Between the Innocent and the Beasts (Edited)

Between the innocent and the Beasts

My mind is a special thing. For you see, it makes me do the most embarrassing and sometimes foolish things; sometimes I will end up talking alone, sometimes I imagine stories to write, but most of the time… I stop looking at reality and only see my own fantasies, wishes and desires. One such fantasy I am currently experiencing.

I am there at the bottom of this cliff(?) (It might as well be a ravine I am not sure), a simple spear in hand, defending six innocent creatures. The corpses from 3 attackers littered the immediate area. I had managed to take them by surprise. They were not trained very well at all, even if they had armor. I tried to put on my best brave face (even though I’m scared shitless AND pissed off) as the rest of the offenders slowly advance towards my position.

Now I find myself wondering… How the fuck did I get myself into this? I look back and see the terrified expressions of these colorful horses, all looking at me; I cannot believe that I actually jumped in to this situation to save some weird creatures.

I shifted my gaze back as these… dog people, approaching ever so slowly. There were 6 individuals; 3 ‘soldiers’ that wore a chest piece, helmet and a spear like mine and 3 that just wore clothes. Obviously the leader of them stood at the rear of the pack, smiling like this was a game of sorts with us being the prize.

“Strange creature,” the leader started “You should surrender, that way your death will be swift!” he ended clenching his paw.

I spit to my side (one of my many stupid habits), “You are a terrible negotiator!” trying to be a troll was another one (I say try, as I don’t consider myself good at it).

He laughed at my comment “Not from where I stand.”

It was my chance to mock him “Behind your soldiers? You are such a fearless leader.” there I go again; I should stop being such a smartass.

He did not take that last comment well, “Kill them all.” he ordered.

All of the sudden the soldier at my right threw its spear at me. It was about that time I thanked having played so much ‘Soul Calibur 2’ and ‘Dynasty Warriors 6’ as I tried to maneuver my spear as the characters in the games did, my gaming experience had served me well.

I deflected the spear with my own and saw that the soldier on my left had actually begun to charge at me. He was close by, but again I seemed to have more knowledge than him. My spear collided against his and I sent him to the side. I delivered a swift kick between his legs. Luckily it had the desired effect as I enjoyed the sweet sound of pain in the form of a howl and a whimper.

I hit him in the eye with the blunt end of my spear and proceeded finish him off by stabbing at his throat. He rudely drenched my shirt with his blood. I could feel the horses cringe behind me at the sight of the dog dying from the spear lodged in his neck.

The rest of the beasts had just about had enough as the rest just made a run at me. They wanted to finish this and I stood there waiting for them. I knew I would die there, it was not possible to take them out at the same time and in my mind I half quoted a western I once saw a few years back, ‘I will die here of that I am sure, but I will send to hell as many of you as I can before me!’

A small sun ignited nearby making me close my right eye. I blocked the rest of the light with my arm. As soon as it faded I was able to discern two figures; one was an old dog person clad in a robe wearing a rather large crown.

The other one however left me dumbstruck, it was another horse. Not your average horse mind you, she looked… beautiful. I call her ‘she’ because she had feminine features; a nice figure and a pure white fur. She also wore a crown and some pieces of gold over her hooves, but the most astounding features were the combination of a horn and wings.

It was then that she spoke, and it took me by surprise “Halt your efforts Diamond Dogs!” she said, with an amazing voice, it was soothing, almost godlike and even then I could hear a rising anger.

I dropped into a kneeling position with my right fist over my heart on instinct. Her appearance and her royal regalia had simply compelled me to do so.

The elder dog spoke “Rover, stop this foolishness at once”

“What are you doing here? And do not dare patronize me!”

“I came here to stop you. Why are you doing this? Don’t you see that this is wrong?”

“You old fool! Ever since those ponies left with our gems, everyone has labeled me as ‘weak’! How am I supposed to stand it?”

Those? then I noticed that the hors… ponies had gone to the royal Pegasus (?) Or is she a unicorn? Whatever she was, the six ponies had rushed behind her as a group of Pegasus soldiers appeared all clad in golden armor, as well as some dogs with armor of gold but far more ornate. ‘Ok, I have officially been drugged or something, this is too damn weird’

“You should have ignored it. Now even I can’t save you from the Princess’s judgement!”

“So weak you have grown, that you won’t help those of your own kin!”

“No Rover, you are the only one being taken away, your soldiers will go back with us.”

“You are such a coward!”

“*sigh* My son, you have carved this path yourself. You must take responsibilities for your actions”

“So what?” Rover replied “No matter what prison I am locked up in, I will escape and I WILL have my revenge!”

He meant that, his eyes said so. He was dangerous. I then did what I am very much famous for with my family members, “Why don’t you exile him to a deserted island in the middle of nowhere?” I said without thinking and I cringed as I realized that Fuuuuuuuuuu! .

The white horse spoke as she got close to me. I can see her shadow looming over me, I dared not look up. Her presence was overwhelming, “King, I think it is great idea, that way I can be sure that your son will not try to do anything against my subjects and maybe you can go and visit him after some time has passed.”

“If that is what you wish to do.”

“Very well, guards!” The small squadron of Pegasuses dove and put the dog in shackles and onto a prisoner cart. The King of Dogs signaled his own guards to take hold of the other assailants and then departed.

Then she spoke to me “You may rise.” I complied. “I am deeply sorry for having ignored your presence.” she began “I am Princess Celestia of Equestria, who and what might you be?”

‘Ok, time to play it cool… why is my mouth quicker than my mind?’ “My liege, my name is Luis Corte, I am a Human.”

“Human?” she said, “I have not heard of such a creature before, where have you come from?”

“The country where I come from is called Mexico.”

“Mexico? Is it a new country?”

I had hoped this was not the case, All those years dreaming on travelling to a new world, and I am freaking out? “Then it happened…” I spoke absentmindedly.

She looked at me quizzically “Excuse me?”

I sighed heavily “Princess, it would take far too long to explain and I am sure that you would like to see to your subjects, maybe when you have more time…”

The princess looked at me assessing me, “Very well, it seems that you are tired after all. I will have the mares that you just saved tell me all about this incident. If you wish, you may take my carriage back to my castle. There you will be given a room where you can get some rest.”

“You are too kind, my liege.” I bowed one last time, then I left for a nearby cave; the place where I appeared and took my messenger bag with all the things I had been transported with. I went to the carriage that had settled when the squadron arrived, then it hit me… the ones pulling the carriage are Pegasuses, and I hate flying.

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After my incredibly awkward and long flight, we arrived at a castle. It awed me at first because… well I had my eyes shut for the entire flight, “This is so beautiful” I said, and indeed it was.

“Welcome to Canterlot.” a dark red unicorn said to me “I am Arcane Knowledge. It is nice to meet you.”

“Hi, I am Luis Corte, nice to meet you too.” I answered.

“Well met, it seems that Princess Celestia has taken you on as a guest. I am here to lead you to your room. If you would please follow me.” he told me as he walked over and I promptly followed.

It looked like a castle made out of the most amazing materials. Even though I had gone to architecture school for one semester, my younger brother is still studying architecture, and my dad is an architect as well, I could certainly get the feeling that it should not be able to stand on its own. The dimensions were exaggerated, it felt out of proportion, almost in a cartoon-like fashion.

I was led throughout the castle making idle chit-chat with my guide. We ascended a tower, at the top there was an immense door made of incredible-looking wood with a golden handle. “Is this gold?” I asked him.

“Of course it is. This is Canterlot, the capitol city of Equestria after all.”

“Canterlot? Weird…”

“What is it?”

“The name reminds me of a city. Specifically it reminds me of city called Camelot. Even the looks of it make me think this might be that city.”

“Weird indeed. This is the room Princess Celestia told us to give you. You should get yourself accustomed to it and while you are at it, you might want to take a shower. If you’d like, we can have a tailor come fit you for a new set of clothes seeing as your current set is drenched with blood”

As soon as he stated that, I looked down to confirm and what he said was right; my clothes were ruined. My old jeans (which were once a deep blue) are now a deep red from both thighs all the way down to my shoes. My crisscrossed blue and white long sleeved shirt was stained with blood as well, it sickened me as my knees and hips started giving out.

Arcane was quick to put himself below me “Whoa, careful there boy.”

“Sorry… the blood made me sick.” I said trying to lean against the door.

“Are you sure that you killed four Diamond Dogs?”

The mention of that word did not help “I need to go to the restroom, please.”

Arcane helped me inside and once there I managed to go to the toilet, which was bigger than those I had seen in my lifetime and hurled what little breakfast I had in it. Arcane helped me the entire way, it felt almost motherly.

Soon after I asked him to leave so I could take a shower. As I took my clothes from my messenger bag, he gave me a set of robes and towel from a drawer and left.

It took me a while, but I finally managed to rid myself of all the blood, dirt and grime that had collected on me. I was tired and sickly, when I finally managed to finish I dragged myself out of the shower, dried myself up and took the second set of clothes I had from my messenger bag. I put my second set of underwear on and dragged myself to bed and proceeded to cry myself to sleep.

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That night, Princess Celestia arrived at her quarters pondering on everything that she had been told by her personal protégé and her friends and sighed.

“Tia? Is there something wrong?” Celestia’s sister, Princess Luna asked her. She had been waiting for her inside her room as she usually did when she caught wind of an emergency that had occurred during the day.

“Luna, so good to see you, how are you doing?”

“I am fine, but do not stray from the question, is there something wrong?”

Celestia stood silently and decided to tell her sister what had happened.

“It started out like this…”

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“After talking to his guide I went to his room and saw that he had been crying; his pillow was soaked… I don’t know what to think anymore. In one hoof he appears to be a ruthless killer by Twilight’s account, now it looks like he is ashamed and sick of having killed those Diamond Dogs according to Arcane Knowledge. What must I think Luna?”

Luna thought of her answer very carefully “Sister, it has been long since I saw you doubt yourself like this. I think it would be best if you were to ask him over some sort of meal tomorrow, with the Elements of Harmony and myself.”

“Why would I want to do that?” asked the Day Ruler to her sister.

“That way he can explain his actions… and seeing as how he’s left you so confused, he has piqued my interest.” the Princess of the Night said smiling.

“Do you think that is good idea Luna? The Elements of Harmony are scared of him”

“But we need to know his true intentions, and surely you do not want me to read his mind.”

Celestia finally decided to agree with her sister, it would be best to do as she suggested. Then just as midnight struck, a soldier appeared outside her quarters.

“Princess, I came to inform you that the guest has woken up and is currently in the laundry room”

“Thank you Swift Strike, you may retire.” Celestia told the soldier and she looked at her sister. “Well Luna, it seems that you will have your chance to meet him. You may go and speak with him. I am feeling tired.”

“Ok Tia, see you tonight then.” Princess Luna said as she trotted out of her sister’s room.

“Sure, tonight.” Celestia said as she saw her sister leave, then she closed her doors and finally went to bed leaving the hardships of the day behind.

*** Authors notes starting ***

I must thank my new proofreader and editor FrieD195 for taking his time to correct and now it is uploaded and corrected, I use the word Pegasuses because I intend to keep my lack of knowledge of mythical creatures to a minimum here that is until the next chapter, hope you enjoy this as I advance, thanks for reading.

*** Authors notes Terminated ***