• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 2,338 Views, 28 Comments

And Then... My Life Changed - frutineo

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Chapter 6: Train of Thought

Chapter 6

I heave in my train seat looking at the scenery pass me by. I’m entranced by the beauty of the dusk’s work over this planet’s nature, relaxing for the first time today. “Who would have thought that trains could be this soothing” I state crossing my arms.

“Aren’t trains back in your world this relaxing?”

I looked to my right to see Trixie sitting next to me. “I couldn’t really tell you Trixie; this is the first train I have ever ridden.”

“It is a shame that you had to take this train from Canterlot under such circumstances.” Said Twilight who now had taken a seat in front of me. “I would have never thought that councilor Goodwill could lose his cool or that you would not be able to contain yourself from insulting him.”

I smiled at her. “You are right, maybe I should have behaved better but a person can only hold on to anger for so long before snapping at the one responsible.” I leaned back in my seat and started thinking in the events that transpired in the better part of the day.


I entered the giant wooden doors with silver and gold inlaid with the symbol of Equestria in its middle. I looked back at my friends who were sitting in the waiting room behind me. All eight will kept waiting there for me to get out or so they had said.

I entered and saw the Princesses behind a big marble desk in the far side of a giant rectangular room.

The council room was wide not because there were many councilmen (there were about one to 3 creatures from each of the races) in all I counted 10 different sentient species in order: Ponies (Divided in the different species) Diamond Dogs, Zebras, Rams, Minotaurs (who were hitting on the next councilors), Cows (there goes my chance at a hamburger in this kingdom), Buffalos, Donkeys (seriously? Donkeys?), Gryphons and finally Dragons… I made such a fool out of myself there.

I looked at the massive reptile in front of me; he was liberating smoke from his nostrils. I knew deep in my mind what he was but it shouldn’t be possible. “Sir.”

The giant light brown lizard looked at me directly and huffed at me a mouthful of smoke that made me cough. “You must be the reason I am awake, you are very gutsy to come speak to me while I am in a foul mood.”

“My name is Luis Corte, I am a human sir and I have only 2 questions for you. I was wondering, are you a dragon?”

“Yes I am a dragon. My name is Sand Scale representative of the many dragon tribes in Equestria. You had 2 questions if I heard right.” I nodded affirmatively. “Then speak before I decide to end this meeting immediately.”

I saw in the corner of my eye Princess Celestia rising as he made his treat “Can I have your autograph mister Sand Scale?”

Councilor Sand Scale blinked as if confused. “Did I… hear right?”

“Yes you did sir; I would very much like an autograph from you”

“… I am speechless”

“Why sir?”

“You do not seem afraid of me. How is that possible?”

“Do not misunderstand sir; I am incredibly afraid right now. But I am even more excited to see a talking dragon for the first time in my life so my request still stands. Will you be so kind to give me an autograph?”

He stood silent for a few seconds just staring at my locking my gaze with his. “HA-hahaha. AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” his laughter filled the entire room and I am certain that the rest of the castle as well.

"I like this boy Princess Celestia! Perhaps waking me up wasn't such a bad idea."

Princess Celestia looked calmed even after such outburst so I sighed for both of us.


I settled out of my trance, looking for the autograph book in my bags that now just hold my clothes and my new books.

'From Sand Scale, member of the Dune Drake Clans'

"I can't believe you actually asked an un-rested dragon a favor."

"I did say I was a unique person yesterday, Twilight."

"Please just promise us never to do that again."

"Fine... I won't talk like that to a dragon that hasn't fully rested unless in case of an emergency"

"Promise accepted. Now if we could only change that temper of yours..."

She was right I was lucky to have come off lightly from the hearing.


The councilmen started the 'hearing'. It felt more like a trial thanks to who I recognized as council member 'Goodwill' who had demonized me since the beginning of the hearing.

He had the tendency to exaggerate everything bad I had said about my home planet and ignore the good things.

"That is why I say we should expel him from Equestria; if his race is as violent as he said we could be facing a war with heavy casualties for all of our countries" Goodwill stated for the third time today.

"There will not be a war if humanity never learns of the existence of this world. I will never speak of this world to anyone." I stated once again.

"The promise of a murderer holds no weight here!"

That motherfucker! "May I remind you that I saved the life of 6 young mares, Mister Councilor."

"And how do we know your intentions were to save them and not to eat them?"

He was taking advantage that my status as omnivore had appeared earlier. "I would never eat another sentient being councilor."

"You have no qualms in killing them, then?" this guy is getting on my nerves.

"And it seems your parents did not impart gratitude onto you!" I tell him snapping at his comments.

He merely replied "I am an orphan." as if that was supposed to stop me.

"Woah. They didn’t even bother raising you? No wonder you are so stuck up!" the silence that followed my statement was dreadful as was his expression.

The councilmen and Princesses sat in silence waiting what was coming next. Who was going to speak next? What would he say? I spoke first.

"Princess I have a proposal to make to this council but it requires the presence of your Personal Student, if you don’t mind”

She snapped from trance looking at me sternly. “Arcane Knowledge, please bring Scholar Twilight Sparkle to the room.” Arcane shot a disapproving glance at me and walked outside the room.

“What is it that you want to do, human?” Goodwill asked but I refused to meet his gaze or answer his questions. “Ignoring me now? How foalish of you.”

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “I have no reason to talk to you right now so sit tight and wait.” Soon Twilight was inside the room she stopped to greet the council members and stepped at a cautious distance from me.

Princess Celestia looked at me once again. “Now that my student has arrived, would you be so kind as to what this idea of yours is?”

I put up my best cunning smile just for her. “As you wish.” I bow in front of her and then turn around to the council. “Council of the nations of this planet. I stand before to ask your permission to live in the beautiful lands of Equestria until I can be sent back to my world. I shall stay under the constant watch of Scholar Twilight Sparkle and of the fair Princesses of Equestria!”

“In exchange I promise to share what little knowledge I have on the history of my world and of some of the technologies we use so you may try to reproduce them for your own benefit.”

“Why did you say some?” called the obnoxious voice of Councilor Goodwill from his seat. “Why won’t you share your full knowledge with us?”

“Because I do not know if all of your races value peace. I bet you take it for granted, and in order for peace to continue to permeate this world, I refuse to talk about any and all kinds of weaponry because I know how countries are always trying to be above the others in terms of firepower. I refuse for that to happen to this world.”

“Or perhaps you want to bring your people here and take our world without much resistance.”

If only I could… “Princess I am going to show you something from my world, but I fear that I will have to repeat it several times for everyone here to see…”

“If you want to be seen by us all then let me help you.” the Princess lit her horn and a giant image of me appeared hovered in the middle of the council room.

I thanked her properly and began.


“I am still impressed by the signs you showed.” said Twilight. “I never expected to see a language done by people with that kind of handicap, and a song too!”

“What language? What kind of handicap? What are you talking about?” Pinkie Pie asked appearing at my side from what seemed to be thin air.

“Hijo de la… Pinkie when did you take seat here?”

“I’ve been sitting here all along.”

“That’s not t-…” I was stopped by a purple hoof in my mouth.

“Believe me when I say this. Don’t question her.”

I stared at her for a while when Trixie interrupted “Don’t avoid the question. What Language?”

“It’s a sign language used by mute people in my world, that way they can communicate with other people. Though what I did was just a song.”

“And it was quite the sight.” A red mare joined. “Why don’t you do it again for everypony here to see?”

I was sincerely confused here. “I will gladly do it again but… how do you know about it? You weren’t even there. In fact who are you?”

“It hurts that you don’t recognize the one who helped you in pouring your stomach in the toilet 2 nights ago.”

“… Arcane?” Asked Rainbow Dash who had come close.


“You are a girl? How?”

“I guess that except for a few here, the rest of you don’t know about how royal guard armor works. Am I right?”

I nodded as did Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. “You see Royal Guard armor is imbued with an illusion spell to hide the differences between mares and stallions”

“Quick question here…” I interrupted. “Why would you do that?”

“Miss Sparkle if you may?”

“Very well Arcane. Unlike Equestria that is matriarchal most of the other races are patriarchal and have more respect towards male figures. That is why our royal guard have to keep the appearance of being male in palace grounds”

She lost me. “If that is the case then why do they seem to at respect Princess Celestia? Wouldn’t they be all like ‘I won’t listen to some girly Princess!’ ”

“Would you go against the one who has enough power to move the Sun across the sky?”

“… Point taken… Wait, if that is the case then that would mean that there are more mares than stallions in this world.”

“You are right on that one Luis. The birth ratio is one colt per every 9 fillies”

“That is not as unsettling as I thought it would be…. Anyways you did want to see the signs right?” They all nodded. “But you will have to forget the singing part”

“I can do that.”

“You remember the song Twilight?”

“Trixie is not the only one with a prodigious memory.”

“You are not the Princess’s Student for nothing.”

“Come on and stop stalling for time.”


"This is 'My Valentine' from Paul Mcartney"

What if it rained?
We didn’t care.
She said that someday soon,
The sun was gonna shine.
And she was right,
This love of mine,
My valentine.

As days and nights,
Would pass me by.
I tell myself that I was waiting for a sign!
Then she appeared,
A love so fine,
My valentine.

I ended the signs just to loose myself in my memories once again.


I had ended my little presentation and faced the council.
“Is that supposed to mean anything?” Goodwill spoke breaking the silence.

I ignored him for a bit. “Council members what I have shown you just now is a sign language used by handicapped people, people who have never spoken a word since birth, either by a hearing impairment that would never allow them to hear a sound in their entire lives or to speak at all.”

“If my race was as violent as Goodwill thinks then why would we even take the time to create a language for those who can’t speak? Or a writing system for those who are blind?”

“What Councilor Goodwill has been doing all day long is ignoring everything good my world has done!” I began tearing as I speak. “As of now he has literally being treading callously upon the memories of some of the greatest minds of my world!”

“Like Ludwig Van Beethoven who, after losing his hearing in his forty’s, managed to create some of the most beautiful orchestral music pieces ever heard in history!”

“Or how about Gaby Brimmer who could only move her left leg with the aid of a table and the letters of the alphabet and a friend, was able to write some of the most beautiful poems my country has ever heard?”

I dropped to my knees. “Members of the council once again I speak to you as a humble man who has been stranded in a world that is not his. Grant me a chance to live here, share my knowledge and if you see fit, allow me to eventually go back to my world.”

“You think that some tears and dropping to your knees are going to get you anywhere?”

I stood facing Goodwill. “No, but is the only way I know to show my respect to all of the worthy council members. But you mister Goodwill, you are the kind of … colt that only hears what is good for him and ignore everything else, YOU who don’t look at things with an objective eye. I say you are unfit for having a seat in this very room”

I looked at Princess Celestia square in the eye begging her to end that charade once and for all. She understood and nodded.


“It was beautiful Luis!” Fluttershy told me. “It is great that you could come with us.”

“I am glad as well but do you think the peo… ponies in your town would accept my presence?”

“Thanks to you, they have no real choice on the matter. Just don’t antagonize them, even if they get insulting” Twilight told me.

“I can’t make that promise Twilight.”


“Because even I know to not to make a girl a promise… if I know I can’t keep it.” I stretched a little and yawned. “You say we are supposed arrive tomorrow morning, correct?”

“Yes we are bound to arrive at 7 A.M. sharp.”

“Then I think I will get some sleep before my presentation tomorrow. Who else wants to come to the sleeping car?”

All of the mares hooves rose up to their hooves and we went to our respective rooms Twilight bunkered with Rarity and Arcane, while Rainbow roomed with Pinkie and Applejack. That left me with Fluttershy and Trixie.

“Good night girls. See you in the morning.”

“Good night Foraneo.”

“Good night Luis.”

I slept soundly that night.

_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Author logging in. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

Once again FrieD195 you are a life savior you impress me and I don't use your real name out of respect just your alias.

And yes I learned that part of my valentine out of my own volition.

more chapters coming soon... I hope.

_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Author Logging out _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-