• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 2,338 Views, 28 Comments

And Then... My Life Changed - frutineo

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Chapter 2: Midnight Conference (EDIT)

Chapter 2: Midnight Conference

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling tired. I could see that a day had gone by while I slept. My earlier actions had haunted me in my sleep and I felt worried. Really worried. What would the creatures here think of me after my actions? I was starting to miss my home, and I began to wonder how much time had gone by back on Earth.

A quick trip to the bathroom left me refreshed; but I was still incredibly worried. What will happen to me now? I thought. Will I be able to return? What do the ponies from this country think of me? And why ponies?

All of those thoughts assaulted me at once. I pushed them aside; they weren’t helping me at all, so I decided to look at my messenger bag and make an inventory of the things I had brought with me.

1 “Five Stars” messenger bag.
3 magazines (2 “Time” magazines: 100 People Who Changed the World & 100 Greatest Images: history’s most influential photographs and Play Boy Magazine Mexico edition from April 2011)
3 books (Halo Evolutions, Architect: the work of the Pritzker Prize Laureates in their own words, Toda Mafalda)
3 new boxes of cigarettes and one with half of its original cigarettes.
A lighter.
My cellphone and charger (I took notice that it was nearing 50% of its charge and had no signal, so I turned it off)
My wallet with my bus money and documents.
2 sets of clothes (1 “The Legend of Zelda” hoodie, 2 long sleeved shirts, 1 blue levis pants, 1 levis black corduroys pants, 2 sets of underwear, one pair of socks and my brown leather shoes)

Half my clothes, including my socks and shoes, are bathed in blood; I will need to change that as soon as possible. I dressed up completely except for my shoes and I took a couple of slippers that are obviously not my size (or meant to be worn by a human for that matter). Is this a castle or a hotel? I ask myself just before I wrap my bloodied clothes in a towel.

I left my room in hopes of finding the laundry room and the kitchen. I was starving, and I would like to ask the Queen of this country a thing or two.

Wait, is she a queen or a Princess? I found myself thinking. She did say her name was Princess Celestia, right? … Is that her title - and if so, where is the queen and king of this country?

As I kept on thinking I managed to make my way to… somewhere. I was lost - at least I could tell that much - and the huge corridors look almost the same for someone like me.

Finally I could hear some sort of steps and I willed myself to get near them. When I was nearing the corner of the corridor, I saw a pretty blue horse with light blue, almost white hair dressed as a maid taking a turn in my direction.

I approached the best way I could. “Hello there,” I said, hoping she would not run away from me. Luckily she didn’t. Instead, she just looked at me with some curiosity and fear. An awkward silence followed. “So… eh, I am Luis Corte, what is your name?” I asked in hopes of getting an answer. She just stood there completely unfazed, staring. “Ok, can you at least tell me where is the laundry room, and the kitchen?” She just stared at me. I was kind of hoping she would either talk or turn around and start running in fear. This was getting a little awkward.

She snapped out of her trance and talked to me. “S-sorry about that… I guess you are the Princess’s new guest.”

I felt troubled by her reaction a little bit, but I guess I would be like that if I were in her position. So I let it slide. “Yes, I think that would be me.”

“I guess I should apologize again by my previous reaction. I was told that you were different, I never expected you to be so…”

I let her be silent for a couple of seconds until she could find the right word… which she didn’t. So I helped her out. “Unique.”

“Excuse me?” she asked, looking at me quizzically.

“The word you might want to use to describe me is ‘unique’, as opposed to ‘weird’, which is the more obvious and insulting choice.”

“Ah,” she said, deeply blushing (that was just outright cute!). “I suppose you are right. Anyways, what were you asking me?”

“I need to know where I can find the laundry room; my clothes and shoes are…”

“Stained with blood aren’t they?”

I took a moment to calm my nerves there. “Yes they are… so if you could tell me where it is, maybe I can fix that.”

“Sure thing sir,” she responded. “Follow me.”

I just stood there for a second while she walked away. She turned to me once she noticed I wasn’t walking with her. “Is there a problem?” she asked quizzically.

“Well, it’s just that…”

“It’s about what happened this morning is it not?”

I stood silent, becoming more nervous. ‘Then word really has gotten out,’ I said to myself.

She got close to me. “You seem troubled.”

“Who wouldn’t? I mean, the first thing I did when I entered this country is murder 4 creatures… I am honestly surprised you did not run away from me.”

She lifted a leg and touched my chest with her hoof. “We also know that you saved the life of six mares, one of which was our Princess’s prized student. It doesn’t matter if you had to kill those diamond dogs; maybe you had no other chance, but you stood up against several enemies for all the right reasons - and for that you get my admiration. You are braver than I could ever hope to be.”

I looked at her and saw sadness in her face. I position myself to look at her eyes. “Hey, please cheer up, else you want to spoil your attempt at cheering me up.”

“You… are right, here let me guide you to the laundry room. Maybe you want me to clean your clothes.”

“No thanks, I think I can manage.”

“You know you can order me to do so, right? You did not need to ask me. I work here as a maid, you could have ordered me.”

“Maybe, but it is rude to order your friends to do your laundry, don’t you think?”

She stopped. “Friend? Why would you consider me a friend?”

“First, you did not run away from me; also you wanted to cheer me up. That achieves a friendship status in my book.”

“… Thanks.”

“So… my name is Luis Corte, how about you?”


“Well, Lulamoon, it’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too, Luis.”

_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-

We arrived at the laundry room, and I was amazed at the sheer size of the room and the quantity of machines it held. I decided on taking two of the nearest ones. ‘I really hope they can be used after this’

I separated my clothes like this: pants, underwear and shoes in one machine and the shirt and socks in the other.

As I was looking at the controls, 2 bottles came into view in the corner of my eyes, both seemed to spark in a bluish light. When I looked around, Lulamoon’s horn was emitting a similar glow.

I sat on the floor confused and amazed at this display before me. Lunamoon obviously noticed me watching. “Is there something wrong Luis?”

I snapped when she talked to me again. “Lulamoon just… tell me what how are you doing that?”

She looked at me as if I had asked if she was a girl or a boy. “It’s magic of course, but you knew that already… don’t you?”

My silence was the only answer she got. “You didn’t? But how is that possible?”

“Simple,” I started answering “in my world there is no magic… at least not like that.”

“Explains your surprise… wait your world?” Now it was her time to be surprised.

I let that slip. Well, it’s not like I planned to keep it a secret for long, I thought. “I have meant to explain this to the Princess, but I don’t think this is my world.”

“Why would you say that? I mean for all that I know you just come from an unknown country.”

“Well, it is like this… first of all, we have no Unicorns or Pegasuses-”


“… Pegasi?” I asked “is that how you say it?”

“Yes it is, now why else you don’t think this is your world?”

“Well, there is no magic, the air does not feel as clean, nor do the colors feel so bright,” I said as I finally worked up the will to lift myself from the floor.

Lulamoon looked at me as if I was lying. “Let’s say I believe you and you do come from another world. How did you managed to appear into this world?”

“That is the mystery to solve. I would like to know how I got here and how to get back…,” I tried to deviate our discussion. “So… what else can you do with magic?” I asked as she poured the liquid from both bottles in the washing machines.

“We unicorns can reshape some objects, create illusions, grow facial hair and the most powerful of unicorns can teleport.”

Wait… teleport? I began thinking. If that is possible, then that must be how the Princesses appeared in a second.

“Thanks for the explanation Lula…. Can I call you that?”

“Mhhh… only if you I can call you something else then.”

“Call me Foraneo, Fora if you like to keep it short.”


“Means foreigner, a title fitting my situation, and my personal nickname back in my world.”

“Very well. From now on I will call you Fora… is there something else you would like to do? Something you want? I will let you know I am a mare of many talents.”

“Well I have something in my mind but… I don’t know if you would want to do it.”

“As long as it’s not illegal, you can count on me.”

I whispered my wishes to her ears.

“… Ok, I don’t see any problem doing it.”

I smiled at her willingness.

_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-

Princess Luna trotted through the hallways in order to reach the laundry room of Canterlot Castle. She felt her curiosity and excitement had reached their peaks as soon as she left her sister’s room. ‘I need to know as much as I can from him. A new species never heard of appearing here in Equestria… It’s so exciting!’

She found herself in front of the laundry room and stopped when she started hearing a conversation coming from inside the room.

“Ok Lula, you can start” said a male voice.

“I hope you don’t regret this” A female voice was heard now.

“Please Lula I want to do this, I mean *sigh* it has been years since I did this and I can feel the strain tearing me apart. You’re not having second thoughts now, do you?”

‘Now what is going on here?’ Luna thought, ‘What are they talking about?’

“No, it’s just that… I’m a pony and you are a human, I don’t know anything about your body what if… if I hurt you?”

“Silly, I trust you. I know you would never hurt me and even if you did it would be an accident and it would be my fault either way”

“If you are sure then please lay down on the table.”

‘Lay down on the table?’ Luna thought.

“Lay down on the table?” the male voice asked.

“It will be easier if you are lying down and I am on top.” the female one said.

“If you say so…”

The sound of somepony settling over a table was heard.

“Now… relax let me handle everything.” the female voice said in a cooing tone.

‘This is not possible.’ the regal of the night thought ‘This is outrageous!’

“Oh yeah, that feels good, are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

“Please stop that *giggle* you are going to make me blush.”

“I am serious, you are so good *moan* you could do this the Princess” (Note from the editor: Hah!)

“Maybe I will work up the courage to ask Princess Luna, I know she would like it” (Another note: Psshh… Hahahah!)

Luna felt that was enough, the ones inside were practically insulting her so she opened the door violently with her magic and addressed to the ones inside with her royal Canterlot voice. “HALT YOUR IMP-udic acts…”

_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-

Princess Luna expected to find the human having his way with a mare, she found a mare giving the strange creature a back massage and both of them were looking at her in fear and surprise.

Lulamoon was quick in jumping from the table and bowing to in front of her royal highness, I was quick to follow and whispered to her ear “I was about to ask you who this Princess Luna was.”

“Shush” she answered.

Princess Luna walked carefully nearing the strange new guest and the maid who spoke apologetically “Princess Luna I am deeply sorry for this shameful spectacle, I never meant to for this indecency”

I looked at Lulamoon “Indecency? You were just giving me a massage, granted it was out of place but I think it hardly qualifies as indecent.”

“I told you to SHUSH.” the maid told me with a piercing glare.

“Please rise up… Also… he is right” The Princess intersected, “I had been listening to your conversation behind the doors of the laundry room earlier and I thought the worst, but now I see that you were doing something completely harmless.”

“Do not apologize Princess, I see that our conversation could be misleading, I am to apologize for I was the one who suggested such a thing.” I said to the Princess, “Let me introduce myself. I am Luis Corte, at your service”

“And I am Lulamoon.”

“It is nice to meet you both. My name is Princess Luna” she told me “so… you are the ‘human’, if my sister is telling the truth.”

I was in the process of getting my shirt when I looked at her, “You mean Princess Celestia?”

“Precisely. She told me about you earlier tonight, and I wanted to meet you personally and have a little talk with you. Would you mind keeping me company during breakfast?”

I looked at a clock that was perched on a nearby wall. It read 12:20. I wanted to eat something right now, not wait for breakfast later so I answered “Princess, I would be delighted to have breakfast with you when morning comes, but I would also like to have some late night dinner now, seeing as I have yet to eat something besides breakfast yesterday morning.”

The Princess looked at me surprised, “I can see you have little to no knowledge of Equestria.”

“The fact that no one seems to know about my species might be a giveaway, but you’re talking about something else are you not?”

Lulamoon stepped in “Princess Luna here is in charge of the night council. She is up all night, so when she says breakfast she means a meal right now”

“Ohhhh…” I must have had the dumbest expression in the world because Princess Luna was laughing at me. “Sorry for the lack of knowledge, but I must ask, why would her Highness have council meetings at this time of day?”

“Because Equestria is an immense place, and our people will always require some sort of assistance. Besides that, I am the ruler of the night of course.” Princess Luna answered.

“Ruler of the night? How does that work?”

“It works in the way that I am the one that calls forth the moon and night. It means that I have a responsibility to my country and subjects.”

“Waitwaitwaitwait… You bring the moon and night? How is that possible?”

Princess Luna was surprised to say the least, “Why are you asking such a thing? How do you think the sun and the moon travel back and forth around the world then?”

“They don’t.”

“Why wouldn’t they?”

“Simple, it is because…”

_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-

After a short explanation on how the sun, moon and earth work from my part I had gotten a really awkward silence from Lulamoon’s part and Princess Luna was analyzing carefully all the information that I had given her while she sat down.

“Princess Luna? Lulamoon? Is something wrong?”

Again, just silence.

It took a while but their silence was broken when they heard my stomach grumble. Never had I heard it growl so loud.

Princess Luna shook her head and looked at me apologetically, “I must apologize once again; I have neglected you as a guest in our kingdom, would you like to come with me to the dining room?”

“No need to apologize your Majesty, I would be honored to come with you and I would also like for my friend Lulamoon to share the meal with us.”

“Wait, what?” Lula looked dumbfounded.

“Please Lula, I really would like to have a friend with me, I would be more comfortable that way.”

“But you just can’t ask the Princess t-”

“I agree, I shall allow Miss Lulamoon to keep you company during our meal.”

Lula began, “You see? Somepony like me would never share the same table with… the… prin…” Lula fell silent for the briefest of moments “Excuse me Princess, did I heard correctly?”

“Indeed you did Miss Lulamoon, you are allowed to keep our guest company.”

“But-but why?”

“Because, My little pony, I know how hard is to be alone in a world that you do not recognize, it was the same for me not long ago and that is why I would like you to be there for him.”

Lulamoon looked at the Princess with a shocked expression, and Princess Luna looked at her with a sweet and melancholic gaze, they communicated with just their eyes.

“I will gladly do so My Princess.”

“Excellent, now please follow me to the dining room.”

We followed Princess Luna to a great hall, about as impressive as the rest of the castle, we had a good breakfast (dinner) and we talked some more about Equestria and its inhabitants, mostly because I needed to know how this world works, and also to let me know that she and her sister were planning a dinner in my honor.

“Princess, I don’t think that a dinner in my honor is necessary.”

“It is Luis, besides I think my sister would like to talk to you, seeing as she couldn’t do so earlier.”

“… Very well, I hope to see you tonight then. I am sure you are late to your council then.” with that, I took my leave.

_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-

Princess Luna took a seat on her throne ready to have a boring council night as it always did. “Let us start tonight’s session, the first theme in our agenda is…”

“Princess Luna, if I may,” a deep voice said from the front rows of the council chamber.

“Chancellor Goodwill,” the Regal of the moon said, attempting to hide her annoyance. “Is there something the matter?”

“Yes my Princess. I would like to address the council on a most important matter.”

“If you think this is important then do so; Could you please tell us what is this pressing matter?”

“Glad you ask Princess. It involves Princess Celestia’s new guest.”

*** Author Notes Initiated ***

First and foremost I want to thank GuyFace and RandomExpert781 for taking their time to help me edit this story, I would also like to address all of the 13 viewers that were patient enough to see this come to light, I hope to put up some more chapters in the near future.

Also I want you to know that Lulamoon is actually Cannon in the tv show, I shall wait and see how long does it take until you figure who she is.

*** Author Notes Finalized ***