• Published 23rd Mar 2012
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And Then... My Life Changed - frutineo

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Chapter 11 Pt 1: Taste of things to come: Bitter Main Dish

Chapter 11: Taste of things to come: Bitter Main Dish.

The party had gone for a good for a few hours and it was filled with words of gratitude and cheering, though something was nagging at the back of my head. My friends had yet to be congratulated because of their efforts and I wanted to correct that.

I spotted them sitting in a corner talking so I walked up to them. “Hey girls, how have you been doing?”

“Hey Foraneo, we are alright, do you like your party?”

“Just fine Trixie but I know how to make it a little better”

“What do you mean?”

I picked up a glass and I started hitting a spoon against it. “May I have your attention please?”

All of the attendees stopped what they were doing to look at my direction. “I know that this party has been a blast, but now I must ask you to turn your attention to those who helped me in this event and who without their valiant efforts I probably would not be here today”

“Let us give a big cheering to; Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Arcane Knowledge, Trixie Lulamoon and Twilight Sparkle. Hip Hip!”

All of the ponies yelled with me. “HOORAY!”

I gathered some air and yelled the cheering a little louder. “HIP HIP!”


Just as I was going to yell the last cheer I was interrupted. “Hooray” a voice called that prompted the turning of the heads of everypony in the party. “Oh I’m sorry, I spoke too soon did I not?”

He was a dark cloaked unicorn stallion with two more dark clad ponies to his sides. “Who are you?” I asked the pony.

“My name is No Consequence” He said levitating a sword from beneath his cloak causing most of the ponies to gasp at such a display.

I chuckled. “I think you meant ‘is of no consequence’ dude”

“No I did not, you see my name is actually No Consequence but we are not here to talk about my name. We came here because we want something…”

My body grew cold and my stomach started tumbling and I saw RD preparing to pounce on the party pooper, the only thing stopping her was Twi holding her shoulders.

I voiced a question to the apparent leader of that pack fearing the answer. “And what is it that you want?”

Even beneath the cloak I could feel his wicked smirk. “We just wanted you to hand over the mare named Twilight Sparkle immediately, and if the rest of the Elements of Harmony could forfeit their lives as well it would be appreciated”

That is weird… “How curious of you” I said.

He looked at me questioningly. “What is so curious about me?”

“You want to kill the holders of the Elements yet you want Twilight alive, what do you want to do with her?”

“That is of no concern to a monster like-“

“It is” I interrupted. “If we are talking about my friends…” I placed my hand over my sword. “And I advise you to go back to where you came from or else things are going to escalate VERY QUICKLY!” I said as I unsheathed my blade especially forged for my own use.


I shifted into a battle stance

The ponies at the door readied their stances. “If that is how it’s going to *oof*” he didn’t finished his sentence because a dark yellow Pegasus with royal guard armor tackled him making the ponies at the party to yell and run in all directions.

RD quickly shot out to bash the smallest of the clothed ponies making them both get out of the library in a cloud of dust, I made my way to the other pony that took out a sword of his own ready to stab the Pegasus Guard and I clashed my blade against his.

The Royal Guard started punching with his forelegs trying to stop the evil unicorn from concentrating until he started to retaliate with his own shoving the guard aside glancing quickly at his sword trying to levitate it and bring it to himself.

Suddenly various ribbons and streamers from the decoration flew around the stallion distracting him long enough for one of them to trip him over. In a fit of rage he started firing magic rays at random directions making us all to duck so we wouldn’t be hit.

Arcane had started using a shield around my friends so the magic shots would not hit them though the deflected attacks landed on the bookshelves. “THE BOOKS!”

“Forget about them Darling, look” the unicorn had burned out the decorations and was leveling his blade when the orange royal guard parried it with his own, the sound of clashing metal and grunts filled the air inside the three-house.

The clashing of both stallions went on as neither showed signs of relenting until a force pushed the unicorn’s sword out of his magic range, looking at a side Arcane Knowledge had lowered her shield and a lasso landed perfectly in the villain’s neck pulling him with such force it nearly broke his neck (or at least he felt it that way)

When he landed he was at the mercy of a fairly strong and certainly pissed off farm pony that raised the rope and hog-tied him she then hanged him like a piñata and used her back legs to give him a well-placed buck in the head leaving him unconscious.



On my part I dodged the magic bolts while swinging my blade against the pony in front of me, clearly an earth pony stallion for his sheer strength. What made it more difficult is that his sword was shorter than mine giving him a clear advantage defense wise but leaving me out of his own reach.

That changed when he jumped back a good distance and then jumped in my direction, I tried to block him with my sword but he deflected with his own pinning me down on the floor with both forelegs over my arms and as he was ready to give the finishing blow a wooden carving of a horse head floating in a purple glow impacted with the side of my attacker’s head one, two and three times making him take a step back.

I took advantage and I used my legs as leverage and pushed him away from me, I picked myself up and charged at the attacker who after shaking off his dizziness retaliated parrying my attacks, he tried to repeat his trick a second time but I had learned from his last leap.

I made a mad dash as he jumped and I threw my blade at him, he deflected it but I positioned myself below him and hold him between my hands in order to slam his head on the floor, I immediately sat above him and started punching his neck making him spit his sword because of the pain and lack of air.

This gave me a chance to join my fists above my head and bash his head with my hands, it felt as if I was slamming a stone floor when hitting his face and forehead, he resisted and punched my gut although weakly since the sensation of the punch to his neck still lingered. I kept hitting knowing he could end my life if I let him have a chance.

The wooden head still encased in a purple glow joined my efforts and after a few good hits from both of us, he was unconscious.

On the other hoof the unicorn found his own self being strangled by a rope and hanged upside down in the middle of the library, I got close and heard him breathing.

I looked up to Twilight to thank her but I was interrupted.

Outside we heard the crack of a thunder and the flash of a lightning before we heard the dull thud of a body hitting the floor followed by a grunt of pain, I ran as fast as possible to the entrance with Arcane Knowledge and the Pegasus guard by my side.

It was a dark robed Pegasus pony that had fallen unconscious besides the earth pony that RD attacked earlier, looking up the multicolored mare was sitting up a cloud making it obvious that she used the electrical charge in the cloud to finish off the other attacker.

I noticed that both had been mares and the Pegasus was waking up, my legs moved without me thinking and my foot struck that Pegasus in the right temple with enough force to knock her out for the night.

I turned and saw a battered Rainbow Dash on top of a cloud smiling at me. “Thanks for finishing the job there”

“You did most of the job though and where the hell did that mare came from?”

“From behind the library it seems that she was waiting in case they needed support” she leaped from the cloud and glided to the floor. “A better question would be who the hay is he?”

I had forgotten about the other royal guard completely, I turned to face him. “I can’t thank you enough for your timely arrival. What would be your name?”

The stallion took off his helmet. “Swift Strike” He said saluting. “At your service” then he extended his hoof.

I extended my hand shaking his hoof. “Foraneo, likewise”

“Nice to meet you Sir Foraneo”

I cocked an eyebrow at the mention of the title. “Sir? I do not recall having myself knighted recently”

“That would have been Princess Celestia’s doing, since you requested a sword and you have shown not once but twice complete disinterest of your own life in order to protect that of others you have been deemed a knight”

“Of course in your case your knighting ceremony was postponed until later thanks to some… restraint from the council but your title is official in paperwork thus it is why I have called you Sir”

I was surprised and there was no real danger looming so I sheathed my sword and sat down tired and shaking a little. “That’s the adrenaline flushing out of your system, you would have felt it after the battle with the Diamond Dogs but I think your mind was somewhere else”

I looked up and saw Arcane looking down at me she put a hoof on my shoulder and smiled. “Good job Foraneo” she nuzzled me.

I started feeling better. “Let’s just tie these ponies before they wake up”


After tying the cloaked ponies with some rope that Pinkie had lying around (I still don’t know what could qualify as a rope emergency besides this situation… and maybe some S&M but perish that thought) we were left with four unconscious ponies and a lot of questions.

“Ok” I started talking. “First things first, Arcane make a shield around this library especially around any door and or window. Afterwards I am going to need your assistance”

My friend asked me a question with her eyes. “I will need you to restrain the unicorn while I interrogate him”

Arcane looked at me expectantly. “Just interrogation, right?”

I rolled my eyes feeling a little hurt. “Yes just interrogation, though I will have to resort to limited pain it will be something like a slap or things like that don’t worry”

No one said anything but I knew they thought I would torture a pony in front of them. “Now please just do as I said so I can start interrogating”

After Twi, Arcane and the new guard, Swift finished checking the library and had finished setting up a barrier around it, we were left with four disarmed ponies and so I reached the living piñata and slapped him in the face.

He woke up looking surprised trying to look at his surroundings until it found my face leveled to his and his expression turned to one of anger, I saw his horn starting to glow and I positioned my blade to touch it.

He tried to move so I positioned my fingers in his nostrils and pulled him down and spoke to him with the most threatening, low tone voice I could muster and that only he could hear. “Before you try to use any spell I must warn you, I like collecting parts of animals as trophies and your horn would look great as a necklace. Got That?”

His expression became one of fear so he dropped the magic. “*Gulp* W-what do you want?”

“Information” I told him in a more audible voice. “Just your reasons as to why you decided this to be a good night to kidnap my friend here”

“You meant foalnAAAAA!” I had pulled his nostrils down to interrupt him.

Again I lowered my voice a little saying in a very menacing voice. “Did I ask you to correct me? No I did not now you will tell me what I want”

I released his nose waiting for him to readjust and then I pushed his snout upwards so I could place my sword at the base of the horn so it would cut itself down if he tried to whip-it, he just glared daggers at me. “I will make you beg for your death”

I rolled my eyes and started scrapping the edge of my blade up and down his horn talking in a playful manner as if causing harm means nothing to me. “I am not hearing what I want”

The sound and feel of the scrapping made him shiver and looking at my face he thought better than to make me even angrier. “I came here on a mission”

I rolled my eyes. “I know that, but you have yet to tell me what I want”

“My mission was to take Twilight Sparkle and bring her to our main quarters, my master also asked me to kill any of the elements of harmony if the opportunity aroused all for the sake of our goal”

I arched an eyebrow. “Do tell, what is this goal?”

He closed his eyes for the briefest moment and then looked at me with hate filled eyes. “To revive the true ruler of Equestria! To revive Nightmare Moon!”

All of the ponies gasped in surprise. “Wait a minute” I said. “Nightmare Moon was Princess Luna and she was purified by the elements”

“HAHAHA! How foalish you are. The essence of Nightmare Moon is a separate entity and it still lives, we just needed a new vessel”

I looked at him in mild surprise. “Thus you want Twilight for it; if the Element of Magic is Nightmare Moon then she could become impervious to the Elements”

“Exactly, COULD! That is why we were asked to eliminate at least one of the other Elements of Harmony so there would be no chance of destroying its essence” He was hiding something else, I could also feel a serious flaw in his plan but I can’t put my finger on it.

“Destroy the essence?” Twilight asked.

“There is not much left of what our master calls ‘Miasma’. It is weak but it can be restored and once it does you will all bow before her!”

“Yeah that is nice and all but… with the four of you here, how are you supposed to do that?”

He used his eyes to look for his peers and once he saw them he counted them. “One, two, three…” He smirked in such a way that it made me shiver and then it hit me... It was so obvious.

I made a sawing motion with my blade at the base of his horn, just enough to trickle some blood. “How many of you were? HOW MANY!?”


“THIS IS FOR THE BEST ARCANE!” I yelled at her making me feel guilty. “Now tell me how many more of you were and what were you planning to do to Spike?”

Twilight and Rarity gasped and asked in unison. “WHAT!?”

“HAHAHAHAHAHA! You figured it out huh? It was simple; we needed him dead as well so Princess Celestia wouldn’t know about our attack so soon, which is why we were advised to kill the cyan fillyfooler as well. Thus ensuring our victory”

“Take that back!” Rainbow yelled but I kept on with the interrogation.

“How many more of you are out there?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I glared at him and he just looked at me with that stupid shit-eating grin of his, just the sight of it was making me angrier by the second, I even thought of cutting his horn right then and there but I thought better of it and let go.

“Arcane *sigh* knock him out”

“With pleasure”

In a flash the unicorn was out cold but we weren’t any less preoccupied. “Where is Spike? I haven’t seen him all night long now that I think about it”

“He is at the farm sugarcube; he said that he was convinced by the crusaders to have a sleep off with him and some friends from school”

“From the piñata here I can sense that they didn’t know about Spike not being here, but if that’s the case… how many more of them are out there? And where are they?” I was very worried, what if they somehow had captured him?

I sighed in resignation. “Now going outside is out of the question since we don’t know how many more of them are still nearby, and it is possible that they would send another team if they hear nothing from this guys in a few hours”

We were wondering just how long it would take us to be sure to go outside until a female voice called for us from the outside of the Library. “COME OUT! COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!”


And then they appeared

Before I could groan at the stupidity of the cliché my friends ran to the windows in the front of our little fortress and what we saw chilled my blood. It was a trio of ponies; one of them was the missing pony from the unconscious group at the library, he was carrying Spike in his back. The others were something else though, they had darker cloaks with a much more menacing dark red pattern and while the other ponies still had the color of their coats unaltered this two were pitch black beneath them.

Twilight was first to get out in a hurry approaching the edge of the shield with tears in her eyes, she had to be stopped by Swift Strike before she could get out of it tears flooding her eyes yelling the name of his assistant/son in desperation.

We got out as fast as possible just in time to restrain Twilight from doing something rash like getting out of the shield.

“Well, well, well” the cloaked pony said. “It seems that the whole gang is here, that make our jobs much easier”

We all turned to look at her. “O ho ho ho and here I thought this couldn’t get any better two members of the royal guards and the strange new creature as well, this must be our lucky day”

Swift Strike was impassive and had serious look on his face. “Surrender the young dragon named Spike now and you will be spared”

That elicited a chuckle from the darker mare. “Come on you can’t be THAT thick. From where I see it we are the ones holding all of the cards here”

He gritted his teeth at her mockery. “Then what is it that you want?”

She smiled at the guard. “We just want the element of magic to step out the shield and we will be on our way”

“And if we refuse?” Swift Strike said.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAH” *snort* “WOW just wow, you really must be a ‘by the text book’ royal guard to spout such nonsense, why don’t you relegate the hostage trading to somepony that knows what to do alright?”

As I saw from the sidelines I could hear Twilight calming down and muttering the name of her little baby dragon over and over, now she was nervous and if the inexperience of the guard was any indication she will most likely lash out on desperation at any given second.

I looked at Twi in the eyes and gave her a reassuring smile just to walk out to where the guard is. “You better go check on how are the other prisoners” He glared at me.

“Just what do you think you are doing? Do you have any experience on hostage situations?”

I do recall a couple of movies so… “I think not first ha- err hoof experience but I do know how they work and ‘by the text book’ isn’t working right now soooo…. Shush”

His glare intensified but he relented and left with a huff. “Now that he is away mind if I start with introductions? My name is Luis but you can call me Foraneo and pray do tell what the name of such a lovely mare is?” I paused a moment to look at the other two.

She giggled. “Why if it isn’t the ‘human’ such a gentlecolt but I must tell you I am already taken” she said nuzzling the earth pony that matched her cloak. “You can call me Silent Dagger”

“I knew that you were using matching clothing for a reason. It is an honor to meet you misses Silent Dagger, and your name will be?” I said directing my attention to the other concealed pony.

“Dashing Blow, at your service… for the right price of course” now that picked my interest.

“I take it you are hired…” the term slipped my mind as I tried to recall snapping my fingers. “Assassins?”

“Mercenaries darling but assassin is a little more accurate though” said Silent Dagger. “It is his talent by trade and mine by heritage”

Interesting piece of information he just gave me. “Sooo… In the case that I needed your services, I would need to do what?”

“AHEM” we three turned to see the other pony at their side trying to get our attention.

I completely ignored him. “As I was saying how should I contact you and how much do yo-“

“AHEEEM” He was getting annoying. “If you can recall, we are on a mission and we need to get going”

I turned back to the assassins. “He is getting quite annoying”

“I know sweetie but he is right we are on a contract and we are already late, I suppose it must be because of you”

I waved my hand dismissively. “Nah I had plenty of help” I said pointing out at my friends and the guard behind me. “Say care to explain to me why would you take a job that will most certainly kill you?”

Silent Dagger looked at me with a saddened expression. “I know this is suicidal but I haven’t had a good job in a while and I was bored out of my mind, besides if we kept up without doing any serious exercise our abilities would start getting dull and nopony would hire us again”

I nodded understandingly. “I see… And there is nothing you can do?”

She shook her head in a negative fashion. “I am sorry; even I must have a work ethic, so I will side with my employer… even if the job he gives me is a boring one”

The gears in my mind started to move. “What if…” I stopped myself there, a plan (or what appeared to be one) entered my mind it was risky and I don’t know if it would work but considering the alternatives we do not have that many choices here. “What if you give us Spike here and you take Twilight Sparkle?”

One word was shouted. “WHAT!?” all of the ponies said, including the ones outside of the barrier.

“Listen to me here, I am sure you do not want to die in either a freezing wasteland nor in a scorching he- Tartarus, am I right?”

The Pegasus guard shoved me aside. “What the hay do you think you are doing?” he said in an angered tone.

“Hey let him finish” said the voice of Dashing Blow.

I ignored Swift Strike. “I am sure that you do not want to kill an infant seeing that you have a work ethic so how about this” I cleared my voice trying to put my thoughts in order. “You give us Spike here alive; we will then give you Twilight Sparkle unconscious, you following me here?”

They both nodded. “Now you can take her to your employer, but why don’t you take the scenic route? Spike here doesn’t seem to wake up at any time soon so getting the Princesses is out of the question at the moment. That will allow me a chance at either stopping you from taking her or rescuing her from this here cult….”

“Night Dwellers” Silent Dagger said.


She huffed. “They are called ‘the Night Dwellers’ though I call them nut-jobs”

“HEY!” the cultist said.

“Ok Night Dwellers. So what do you say?” I said sporting my best half smile.

Silent Dagger and Dashing Blow stared at each other and nodded in affirmation at the same time. “I like it but I want to make it more interesting. That is if you don’t mind”

“OH HAY NO!” the cultist spoke. “You are not betraying us; we have waited far too long for this to happen. I am NOT going to let you ruin it because you are getting bored you bit…“ The sound of a blade piercing the wind came and in the blink of an eye there was a knife embedded in his throat cutting off whatever he was going to say.

I was getting really afraid of her; this was the first time I had caught a glimpse of a competent combatant, the fact that I hadn’t seen how she threw it until I noticed her moving her wing to grab the handle of the blade and I noticed a strange contraption over her wing.

“Now as I was saying” she continued. “As you may have noticed the dragon infant is asleep and that is because I have used a strong sleeping potion so he would cooperate and won’t send a letter to the Princess. He will be out of it for a couple hours at most, but that is not my point”

She took something from below her cloak, it was a syringe. “Do you remember how I mentioned that I am an assassin by heritage?” I said yes. “My family specializes in poisons and they passed that down to me, now I want to make this a little more interesting”

I was getting really nervous and I was on the way of hyperventilating she picked that up right away. “In here is a poison that in the right amount it will kill you instantly, but if I only use 10ml it will take at least nine hours to get through your system and kill you”

I gulped. “But if you are in constant movement it will go down from nine to six hours, what makes it noticeable is that all of the time you are feeling pain and it just worsens as time goes by. I want to inject you this and if, only IF you manage to rescue Twilight Sparkle will I give you the antidote”

She paused for the briefest of moments. “Do you agree to my terms?”

I was nervous; on the one hoof-hand if I did agree to that it would become a race against time, if I didn’t agree then Celestia knows what are they capable of. I looked back at Trixie and Arcane, both staring at me in disbelief and fear. The rest were getting sick of the display of blood in front of them.

I took a decision. “Fine” I managed to say. “But you inject me first and then we trade Twilight Sparkle with Spike”

Finally the Pegasus had had it with me and he tackled me to the ground. “Are you insane?” he almost shouted at me while pinning me to the ground. ”if you let her do that how are you going to make sure she will keep her word?”

I used my knee against his stomach and then I shoved him to a side. “And what else are we supposed to do? They could as easily call for those other cultists and I am sure that they will take whoever they want from their homes and kill them one by one in front of us until we give up”

“This way at the very least we can have a fighting chance… I don’t like this any more than you do but the facts are there” I said preparing myself if he wanted to attack.

He got up quickly. “What facts?”

“The fact that they are far more experienced in the arts of killing than any of us here. If they had come to help those other guys that are in the library from the very beginning none of us would be here in the first place” he eased his stance a little. “You could see it; she is probably more than our match even if we go at her all together”

He looked at me dejectedly knowing full-well that what I was saying was truth. “And how do you know she will keep up with her word?”

I was at a loss of words but I didn’t want to relent, this was for the safety of others so I said the first thing that came to my mind. “Because I feel I can thrust her” I told him with all the seriousness and calm I could muster.

Every pony present at the time looked at me as if I had developed a second face or something like that. All except for Twilight Sparkle who seemed to understand the implications of denying them their objective. “I’ll do it” she said.

All of her friends gasped and that was followed by a barrage of no’s, you can’t be serious and then some but Twi would hear none of it, she was determined. “Sorry guys but Foraneo is Right… *sigh* even if I am not sure this idea will work I” She started choking in her own tears and mucus. “I need to make sure Spike will be alive. Please let me go I will be fine I promise”

All of her friends including Arcane and Trixie gave up and decided it was best to let her go. “I’ll be back, I promise” with that she walked to the edge of the shield and looked at me, her eyes radiated confidence not in the plan but in me on the promise that I would bring her back. “Let’s do this”

I nodded and allowed her to raise the shield for a second and I stepped out and nervously extend my arm. “Do it” I said, uncertain if her words were indeed truthful but I gave her my arm as well.

“You know” she said to me. “I only do this so you won’t cheat on me”

I gave her an understanding smile and a nod and she injected me the poison, from the very beginning I could feel pain, maybe not pain but a slight discomfort coming from my arm. “I guess we should carry on with the exchange”

She nodded and let me pick up Spike from her back, at the same time Twilight stepped out and Silent Dagger used a drenched ha-hoofkerchief to put her to sleep and let her mate carry the Lavender unicorn. “Hey” I told Silent Dagger. “Where are you taking her?”

She looked at me and smiled. “That Foraneo is for you to find out, I will start interrogating the Pegasus, I saw that her resolve is wavering and she would be your best bet if you need any kind of information”

She looked at my friends. “My orders where to help if I deemed necessary and I must tell you without this 5 there are at the very least 19 more cultist ready to kill the rest of the elements on sight. I would advise you all to remain where you are and let him hoofing this situation”

I thanked her and she took on full gallop with her mate in the general direction of Sweet Apple Acres while I stepped in the bubble shield that protected the library. As soon as I got inside Rarity took Spike into her magic and I ran inside the house as fast as I could.

“Arcane, wake her up” I told my friend. “We need to know exactly where Twilight is going to be taken”

She looked at me with disapproval. “Then what Foraneo? If she was telling the truth then we would need at least a dozen more ponies to storm their base, even if they are separated in teams we would still need strategies against their pegasi troops forget that who knows where they are and trying to even reach any destination at night is neigh impossible”

*SIGH* she was right; there is no way we could take them head on. “Let’s worry about that later, I literally don’t have much time”

With a glow of her horn the mare woke up startled by me. “I don’t have time for games right now so I will be straight” I told her as gravely as I could. “I want to know where you are planning to perform the revival of Nightmare Moon, if you choose not to tell me” I took my sword and I used it to create a gash in the wing of the pony in front of me making her scream a little.

She had a pain and fear filled expression unsure how to react. “I will be forced to remove your wings” I started saying. “And use them as an example to the rest of your partners here just after I kill you, is that understood?”

She had understood and after swallowing a healthy amount of saliva she spoke giving me all the information I needed. “Thank you for sharing everything with us” I said nodding to Arcane so she would knock the cultist once again.

I sighed and looked at a clock to see it was 9:13 P.M. “At what time was I injected?” I asked my friends hoping that they still wanted to be my friends.

“You were injected at 9:02, why?” Trixie said with worry heavy in her voice.

I held the arm that I had been injected with. “Because it actually hurts… Not a lot but it’s progressing”

Fluttershy got closer to my wound but before she could examine me a voice from outside interrupted us. “COME OUT! COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE!” I slapped my face so hard it actually stung.

“This can’t be happening” I murmured.

Moving quickly we went outside and saw a group of one pegasi, one unicorn and three earth ponies a few meters from the barrier. “Now will you look at that, it seems No Consequence couldn’t hoof such an easy job” The earth pony said. “Now do you see why they shouldn’t have let a Unicorn do the work of an earth pony?” he asked the unicorn beside him who just scoffed.

“Now boys prepare yourself we have to capture the Element of Magic and kill some mares, we aren’t leaving until they have exhaled their last breath”

I just couldn’t hold it any longer. “POR QUE NO SE VAN A CHINGAR A SU MADRE!?” I yelled with every ounce of energy in my body. I yelled those words in the hopes of relieving some stress which didn’t happen but it stopped the ponies where they were standing… this was going to be the longest night in my life and it had barely begun.