• Published 23rd Mar 2012
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And Then... My Life Changed - frutineo

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Chapter 5: Dinner Time part 2

Chapter 5: Dinner Time part 2.

From the doors appeared a pony wearing a waiters’ uniform and one with a chefs’ hat who started speaking in a Italian accent “Good night everypony and… what is that you call yourself?” he said as if unsure what to say I chuckled.

“You have been the only pony apart from the Princesses that have actually asked what my species is called and I thank you for that, my name is Luis and I am a human male you can call me man and/or person” I said looking at him.

“Very well, my name is Cuoco I will be your chef for the night, anything you wish I can make it, this is Garcon who will be your waiter and now what would the guest like to order?”

Princess Celestia looked at me. “Luis, as our guest I would like you to order first” She gave me a reassuring smile.

I really did not know what to order, and since I have yet to eat any kind of meat I opted for another solution. “Princess, I am not familiar with your world’s cuisine. So I will pass the opportunity so you all can order, then I will most likely have my choice”

Princess Luna wore an inquisitive expression. “Are you sure, Luis?”

“Very sure Princess Luna, and you are not going to change my mind” I smiled softly to reassure her.

“Very well, if you insist…”

I sat there hearing all the orders and quite frankly… I need to come up with something simple and that does not require any meat else I am doomed; I will never go for a simple salad or a soup right now and do not make me started on the hay.

Before I even knew what I wanted to order I had everypony looking at me. “S-sorry Mister Cuoco, do you know how to make a pizza?” I didn’t want to get my hopes up but they did have alcohol, so I might as well try.

“Why of course I know; it’s just dough, marinara, cheese and the toppings. Any topping you have in mind?”

“Pineapple pieces and cherries would be appreciated” I wore a smile as soon as my request was made which made Cuoco raise an eyebrow as did everypony else.

“Pardon me but, pineapple and cherries? Are you aware of what you are asking?”

“You ask me as if you’ve never had a pizza with those ingredients before; I mean they are by far the best toppings you could choose.”

“I am deeply sorry but I have yet to come across such a… unique combination.”

“What can I say? I am unique myself.”

“Very well, it won’t be long before I have your dinner ready, if you could just wait a little longer.” With that the cook and waiter left us to ourselves.

Pinkie was quick in striking up a conversation with me. “Your pizza sounds yummy! Did you used to eat a pizza like that when in your world? What was it called?”

I laughed a bit “Yes I have had a pizza like that; it is known as ‘Hawaiian’ pizza, though now that I remember there was only one place where I could get it with cherries on top, but it went out of business. My mom now has to buy a large jar of cherries so we can put them in our pizzas”

“It does sound lovely” Said the Princess of the Moon. “Though why does it feel that thou meals feel incomplete?”

That caught me completely off-guard. “Thou? Shouldn’t it be ‘thine’?” I was so trying to avoid this subject.

Everypony just stared at me wide-eyed. I could tell that Princess Luna was surprised that someone had the bravery of trying to correct her; but more than anything, happy. Although I don’t know why. “It is wonderful to finally find someone acquainted with ancient Equestrian even when our knowledge falters. When referring to a second pony or person, one must use ‘thou’. ‘Thine’ is when you must to talk to your superior in this case Celestia and I”

“While I appreciate your correction, I must admit that ‘thine’ is the only knowledge of the language that I have, on that note, did you say ‘Equestrian’? Surely you mean ‘English’.” I thanked Princess Luna for bringing me a new subject with which I could avoid her questioning. Even though she seemed sad when I told her of my lack of knowledge.

Princess Celestia on the other hand or hoof had taken another interest “Excuse me Luis, but why do you call it English?”

“Because that is what the language is called” I face palmed there. “I forgot this is another world, sorry but yes we call this language English” I said in a British accent.

“Wait…” Twilight Sparkle interrupted. “Why did you suddenly change your accent to that of Trottingham?”

Trotingham? Are you fucking kidding me? She can’t be serious about that name. “Trottingham? Is there a place called Trottingham in this world?”

“Yes there is, now stop avoiding the question.”

“Ok Twilight Sparkle, I can call you that right?”

“Twilight is fine, you were saying?”

“You see Twilight, much like your Equestrian civilization, there are several versions to our languages. English comes in American and British and a few others as far as I know. The weird part is that they all come from different countries. I studied my English in schools that specialized in British and American accents.”

“But then that would mean that your native language is not Equestrian, but another one?” Princess Celestia said.

“Yes of course. My native language is Spanish since I live in another country.”

“How does Spanish sound then? Would you care to give us an example?”

“Con mucho gusto Princesa Celestia será un placer.”

All of them just stared at me. “I said ‘Gladly Princess Celestia, it would be my pleasure.’ in Spanish” they all sported an understanding ‘Oh’.

“I actually find it hard to comprehend that you do not know Spanish by now.” I said to Princess Celestia.

“Why do you find it hard to comprehend, young Luis?”

“Please just call me Luis, and to answer your question I will refer our attention to your sister’s name.”

“What does my sister’s name have anything to do with your language?”

“Because Luna is, as far as I know, a word in Spanish that means ‘moon’.” I looked at questioning gazes of the mares and stallions, all looking at me. “And again it seems that you did not know about that, let me tell you I find a little myself homesick at the mention of her name.”

Princess Luna looked at me concerned. “Do tell us why my name makes you homesick, we… I do not think it is only because of the translation.”

I decided to ignore that ‘we’ as I did with the rest them and politely answered. “Princess Luna…” I started. “The name of my country, ‘Mexico’, when divided to its original roots, it can mean ‘the place in the bellybutton of the moon’ that is why I find your name nostalgic Princess.”

Princess Luna was surprised at this. “What you are saying is that the moon hath been important to your people at some point?”

I measured my answer the best I could. “To be sincere here; yes the moon held an important place in our history, there is even a pyramid dedicated to the moon and the sun in our most important cultures.”

Princess Luna was so happy I swear I got a smile myself just looking at her innocent and giddy expression.

“Hey, I have been meaning to ask you about something you said when we found each other in the room earlier, but I forgot what that was.” Arcane said for everypony to hear, I am so dead if I have to translate that. “What did you say?”

“Chingada Madre.” Interjected Trixie.

I looked at her wide eyed. “You remembered?”

“I have an eidetic memory, more commonly known as photographic memory, except that I can recall everything I or others around me say.”

“Also, when I picked you up at noon you said something else. I can’t recall what exactly but there was a ‘mames’ there, I don’t rightly know what it means.”

“Thanks Trixie, Arcane… I am glad you remembered.” I said sheepishly.

“Now that thou mention it…” Princess Luna said. “There was something else you said. I think it was ‘Para estrangular a ese cabron’ If I recall correctly.”

I paused for a moment. “Wait, I said that out loud?” I was sure I had thought that one not said it out loud.

Princess Celestia looked at her sister with a glare. “Luna, you did it, didn’t you?”

Princess Luna did not meet her gaze; she just sunk in her seat. “Sorry.”

I was really confused at the moment. “Sorry for what?”

Princess Celestia stopped glaring at her sister and directed her attention to me. “I must apologize in behalf of my little sister Luis; it seems she overstepped her authority and has done something we swore not to do unless we thought it was completely necessary. When we were in your room, she read your mind.”

I could not believe this. “Excuse me Princess, but care to explain to me ho... no wait I know how. More importantly, why would you do such a thing?”

Princess Luna slowly and hesitantly met my gaze. “It was when my sister and I arrived at thou quarters for interrogation, do you remember that?” I nodded. “We started reading into your mind when you finally addressed us, we just wanted to make sure that you were speaking the truth and that you were not a threat to our country, will you be able to forgive me?”

I will never regret what I am about to do. “Princess, I am not a very forgiving person I must admit that but I will forget this transgression under one condition,” I just casually said sporting the most malevolent grin I could come up with.

I swear I heard Princess Luna swallow deeply. “And, what would be thou conditions?” she asked hesitantly.

My smile faded and I looked into her eyes. “I must say that most of the words I said before have no literal translation to… Equestrian and that most of them are insults. So in an effort for you all and me to understand each other, I will give you a translation and explaining on how they are used and you will teach me the curse words of this world that match them. That way we can compare our languages. We might even come to understand each other better. Do we have an agreement?”

The Princesses looked at each other, worry evident in their faces, and nodded. Once again they looked at me and Princess Celestia spoke. “Very well Luis My sister and I accept your conditions; it will be interesting to hear something new even if they are insults.”

It was then that the food arrived so I decided to leave things right there. “Princesses, I think it would be wiser to eat first, then we can carry on with the conversation. Shall we?”

The Princess just nodded in approval.

_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-

Dinner was uneventful; the pizza was incredibly good (even though it really needed some ham). The rest of the ponies loved it, even the Princesses. All of that was forgotten as soon as I started translating my insults from Spanish to Equestrian; along with every detail of what they meant and how to use them. Rainbow Dash was kind enough to teach me Equestrian insults.

Now we were talking about what would happen to me, Princess Celestia had voiced exactly what I expected to hear from her. “Luis, I am terribly sorry to say this but; you will have to stay here until we can find a way to return you to your world. I hope that is not that big of an inconvenience for you.” I rolled my eyes.

“Princess Celestia, You and I both knew I would be staying here. I just hope to be gone by the end of summer… I still need to make up an excuse for my absence.”

“Sugarcube, why would you need to make up an excuse for where you ended up?”

I deadpanned at her. “Since you are a girl you would not understand but please hear me out: *Ahem* Hey dad, guess what? I was suddenly transported to a world that a 6 year old girl would love to go to! It is filled with pastel colored ponies that are ruled by 2 magical pony Princesses!” I paused a moment for my ranting to sink in.

“He will most likely question my sexual orientation and mental health… In that specific order. So yeah, I need to come with something not only plausible, but also a little manlier than that, maybe I could hit my head here have a nice looking scar and just shrug it off as amnesia… Nah, too clichéd.”

“Sugarcube, Ah dun rightly know how ya’ll git along with you father, but why can’t yah just tell the truth? Ah am sure that yah can bring evidence of your stay and he will see just what happened.”

I looked at her trying to understand just how she could just nonchalantly say such a thing but I remembered one little fact. “Applejack, I am going to be brutally honest with all of you, so please do not interrupt me; THAT is a horrible idea for 2 reasons: one is the fact that once I get back I will be assaulted by reporters and so I will have to tell them where I was all this time.”

“Two: I am not going to tell the inhabitants of my planet that we are not alone in this universe because I know my race. Humans, in general, are horrible creatures and if they know of the existence of this world they will want to come here to study your race. They will see magic and will try to get it and weaponize it. They will endanger your planet and I am sure you do not want that.”

All of them looked at me with fear and confusion except for the Princesses, Trixie and Arcane. “Sorry to have been so blunt but… It is the truth. The talk Princess Luna mentioned? It was because of a set of photographs that shows what my race is truly capable of. But you have nothing to fear, I am not like that and even if my world is filled with hate, war and death. It is also filled with loving, caring and good-natured people”

“I have actually something here in my backpack and those saddlebags to show you. I just hope you can endure it.” I got from my seat so I could go to the perch were I had left my things when my messenger bag floated on its own.

I looked around and saw that Twilight was levitating my things to my seat. “Thanks Twilight.” I pulled out the bit pouch Princess Celestia gave me. “Princess, thanks for the money. Here is what remains from the bits you gave me earlier. I used most in my clothes and I am left with 50 bits… sorry”

“There is no need to return the money, Luis.” said Princess Celestia. “I wanted you to look your best, whatever remains is yours to use as you see fit.”

“That is too kind of you but I must return this, I don’t feel like I deserve them.”

“Once again, I must insist that this be your reward and I will not take it back.”

I gave up there… it was not worth fretting over it and I needed to take my things out. After getting most of my stuff out, I located my magazine as all of the Elements of Harmony surrounded me. “In this magazine there are some disturbing images as well as emotional ones that not only describe the way we have lived through almost 2 centuries, but also how we have evolved in aspects like technology.”

I started pointing out the photos from the dreadful pages that were shown to the Princesses which made Fluttershy cry… I feel like I had just committed a horrible crime. I don’t know how but Pinkie Pie’s mane deflated almost completely and I swear that it became grayer; I apologized with the photo of the unborn child.

“Your species is amazing I would really like for you to come to Ponyville with me so you can teach me more about your technology. I really want to know what other machines you have at your disposal!”

“Sure Twilight. I mean, while I am not a scientist I can tell you how our tech works with my limited understanding. Now besides these cameras, we also have airplanes that allow us to travel from one place to another in a matter of mere hours”

“Just how fast can these planes go?” Rainbow Dash asked me.

“I have heard of planes that can break the sound barrier though I don’t know at what speed they do break it though, besides…”

“Besides… What?”

“I meant that maybe planes are not the fastest thing, we also have space shuttles”

“Space shuttles?” asked Twilight. “What are those?”

“They are like planes but can travel outside our planet’s atmosphere and into outer space using chemical engines that produce incredible speed and power.”

“That is so exciting! Tell me just how far have humans traveled in space?”

“The farthest have been to the moon and back. There are photos taken on its surface in here.”

“WHAT?” Everypony yelled at me.

As soon as the yelling stopped echoing in my ears, I felt the sensation of vertigo and no wonder, I found myself floating over the table right in the middle of both Princesses.

“SHOW US! SHOW US! SHOW US!” Luna commanded me like a kid that wants to see what her father is reading in the newspaper curious about it.

“Fine… everypony else come closer so you may see.” Being in the middle of such powerful beings is frightening at best but at the same time it is incredibly soothing which is giving me mixed sensations but I swallowed my fears and showed the pictures.

They were awed by them asking me a lot of questions which I answered to the best of my ability after the Q & A round I managed to sit back “Luis, I almost forgot! Tomorrow, we need you to come to the day council with us.”

I looked at Princess Celestia “I am not going to like the reason why, am I?”

“You are mostly right… The stallion that most likely (though Luna and I know for a fact that he was responsible) sent spies to trail you, Councilor Goodwill, wants to have a meeting to dictate if you are a menace to Equestria and its neighboring countries.”

I raised an eyebrow “Neighboring countries? Did that guy actually say that?”

“Indeed he did.”

“What is wrong with that guy? What did I ever do to him?”

“I must apologize on his behalf, he is doing what he thinks is best for the good of Equestria. Do not hate him. He doesn’t do this out malice, he is simply misguided.”

“A ‘jerk’ was my choice but I will take your word on that one… Can I ask you a favor?”

“What is it Luis?”

“I would like to give you part my luggage as a gift. I do not want any more troubles because of it and, if you’d like to, you can use it as you see fit, either hiding it away for safekeeping or allow your scholars to study it. But please do call me so I can explain things in more detail.”

“I gladly accept these gifts then Luis.”

I pulled out everything but the “Todo Mafalda”, the “Halo” book and the Architecture book. “The architecture book is my brother’s I will lend it to you in case you want to look at the buildings inside and the architects themselves.” I said nonchalantly but I realized who I was talking to and corrected myself. “Though I will appreciate it if you would be so kind as to give it back to me when the time comes for me to return home, my fair Princess.”

“… You almost forgot that you were addressing me, did you not?”

I lowered my head “Sorry Princess, I forget sometimes to show proper respect to others… One of my many faults”

“I pay it no mind Luis. It was refreshing to hear someone talk to me like an equal, though I would like to ask you to restrain yourself from such outburst. At least until we know each other better.”

I bowed from my seat “Very well Princess. I shall follow your command.”

“Please look at it more like a favor I am asking as a ruler to a guest.”

“Very well… Now Princess, if you do not mind, I would like get back to my quarters to prepare for tomorrow (who knows what I’ll be up against). I would like to prepare a speech just in case. Will it be alright if my friends come with me?”

“We would be delighted darling! It would be the least we could do after how this evening started.”

“I am afraid that only Arcane can enter the council, Miss Rarity; and only as part of the royal guard. This hearing will be considered private.”

“Is that normal?”

“No Applejack it isn’t. A private hearing is only used if there is a threat to disrupt peace or the subject is particularly touchy.” answered Twilight to her friend. “But we can wait for him outside of the chambers. I am sure Arcane can come out and give us an update from time to time.”

“You would wait outside for me?” I asked in disbelief.

“Of course we will, Silly-filly-who’s-not-a-filly!” yelled Pinkie Pie. “And after the hearing, I’ll throw you a ‘Welcome to Equestria! Thanks for saving our lives!’ Party!”

“Is there going to be a lot of chocolate and cake involved?” I asked the hyperactive pink pony and she nodded in response. “Then I will do everything in my power to make it as short as I can. Princesses, Trixie, Arcane, girls, I will see you all tomorrow then.” I bowed and took my leave.

_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-

The human had taken his leave from the dining room leaving the ponies all sitting on the table leaving it in a state of tranquility “Cheerful fellow, isn’t he, Tia?” stated Princess Luna.

“I am glad he is taking it so well… but tomorrow, all of that could change.” said Princess Celestia looking down to the table.

“Wha are yah in such a mood Princess?”

“It’s because of Councilor Goodwill, Applejack.” Twilight Sparkle informed her.

“Is that guy so bad?”

“You don’t even know the half of it, Rainbow.” Twilight said “That pony is the only one I have ever even come close to actually hating in my entire life”

“Darling, listen to yourself! I am sure he can’t be that bad.”

“You are right, Rarity… he is worse.”

“Whoa. If Twilight can say that with a straight face, then this means trouble.” said Rainbow Dash. “Care to enlighten us on just how bad this pony is?”

“As you wish…”

_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Authors Notes -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_

Thanks to my great editor FrieD195 that gives his time editing this story and let me put his notes here.

Editor’s Notes:

I was able to see a slight improvement in your use of run-on sentences. However, I see that you are still frequently forgetting to use any sort of punctuation at the ends of at least half of your sentences. The only times I’ve seen punctuation have been when the sentence is a question(?) or an exclamation(!). While those are simple enough to correct, it leads me to believe that you are typing these chapter up in a hurry and not entirely paying attention to some of the more minor details.

As for overall chapter content, it was a little emotional. I can see why he was so regretful after showing those bad photos. I hear that in some places in this world, it is a class 4 felony to make Fluttershy cry like that. Since I’ve edited chapter 6 before this chapter, I can say that you set up the encounter with Cunt-cilor Not-so-Goodwill very well. I don’t know if the story is close to ending, but at the rate things are progressing, I will guess that there are at least another 13 chapters left before the story is over. But then again, that’s only my guess. All in all, great work! Keep it up!

Again I would be lost without him.

Author Logging out.