• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 2,338 Views, 28 Comments

And Then... My Life Changed - frutineo

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Chapter 3: Canterlot Market District.

Chapter 3: Canterlot Market District.

Lunch with Princess Luna was really enlightening. Who would’ve known that the Pegasi here controlled the weather? I really need to learn a little bit more about this world. That is why I have some basic books about Ponies; from anatomy to history.

As Lulamoon and I were nearing my room we saw Arcane Knowledge in front of the door with a serious expression in his face ‘That is odd’ I thought ‘better ask what is wrong’

“Hey Arcane, why are you here?” I asked the unicorn.

He looked at me with a serious expression.

“Arcane… is there some sort of problem?”

Finally he spoke “Hey Luis how was your night?”

“Fine, I guess. Meet Lulamoon, my new friend, Lulamoon this is Arcane Knowledge, the guard that led me to my room earlier. He also helped me when I was feeling sick like I told you.”

“Nice to meet you miss Lulamoon.”

“Likewise.” Lula said

“Now that introductions are out of the way” I said “did something happen?”

Again Arcane fell silent for a moment “Come in and I will tell you.”

We followed Arcane to my room and saw that I had made a horrible mistake; I left all of my things ordered over my bed and now there was one of them was out of place. Over the floor there laid one of the ‘Time Magazines’, ‘100 Greatest Images, history’s most influential photographs’ it was opened at page 82 and 83, the photos shown were “Saigon Execution” and “My Lai Massacre”

“Chingada Madre!” I said.

“It was like this when I entered. I was looking for you to see how you were doing, I heard the sound of someone looking through the pages of a book and tough that you were reading but then it was the sound of somepony taking a photograph and the fluttering of wings,” Arcane stopped to breathe deeply.

He continued “I barged in and saw a darkly-clad pegasus taking a photo of those pages, the spy escaped and then I looked at this, care to explain?”

Lula had seen the image and backed away as soon as she saw them ‘Great, this is getting better and better’

“Did you read the dialogue in them?” I asked him as I took a seat on the floor.

“Couldn’t do it, those images are kind of … strong.”

Lulamoon had rounded me and was looking directly at me “Foraneo, are those humans there… dead?”

“Indeed they are Lulamoon, which is why this book is here for, those are images that have literally shaken our world… allow me explain this one, please?”

I explained some aspects of my life and the time those photographs and how the situation was then and now, also the foot notes on both Photographs… They seemed to take things better than I expected and they even got warmed at some of them.

“So this is how human babies look like…” Lulamoon said.

“Yes, at least before they are born.”

“That is amazing, your kind is an impressive one, are you sure you do not use magic?”

I laughed at the comment “Good one Lula, we are adept in the usage of technology and tools thanks to our opposable thumbs. As a result of tens of thousands years of evolution, we have developed items and tools such as fire all the way to vehicles like trains and automobiles that allow us to travel great distances by land without walking, or pulling our carts.”

“Even so,” Arcane Knowledge interrupted “That man we saw still rubs me the wrong way, how can you just kill your kin like that?”

Again that damned photo. “There are many factors at play here which I won’t repeat. I hate to make my opinion of someone’s choices or methods of leading without an acceptable background. Granted, I think what he did was bad but I will not judge him based on the photo alone.”

“Still…” he wanted to continue.

I raised my hand to stop him from carrying on “I know what you want to do, you want to voice your opinion and I would love to hear it but that will lead us to discussion and it will lead us nowhere and you do NOT want to discuss that with me. I am very passionate when I do, so let us drop the subject. What do you think?”

Arcane thought for a moment “If that is what you want, so… why did you bring those books?”

“Ah yeah those… I need to know the essentials of this world at the very least before a dinner tonight. It seems I have to see the Princesses and talk about where I come from and how I ended up here… Hey, would you like to come with me?”

“Why would you want me there?” Arcane asked.

“I will need a friend (besides Lulamoon) to be there with me to, at the very least, create some kind of conversation in the case I have a mental block.”

“Friend? You consider me a friend?”

“You helped me when I was liberating my breakfast when I arrived. If you don’t want to then can you at least be there to talk to the Princesses.” I said locking my eyes to his.

“Hey, I never said that I didn’t want to be your friend, I just wanted to know why you considered me a friend when we’ve barely met. But sure, I will go to the dinner with you. You could use some help if you get sick again”

I chuckled at his comment “Thanks.”

“Don’t thank me yet, I still have to tell Princess Celestia or Luna about the breaking and entering and what I saw…”

“No problem, it is your job.” ‘That will lead to an interesting conversation… Puta madre’ I thought “So, if you want to you. Can look at the only other books I have, or the magazines if you want. I need to start studying.”

“Sure, I’ve been eying that architecture book for a while now, see yah.”

I saw him walk to the book in question and noticed Lula had taken the Time of the 100 most influential people. I decided not to disturb her and opened the book of anatomy. I will need to know the exact parts of a horse’s… pony’s body so I can avoid misunderstandings, knowing the language is important, I learned that reading a book on curse words of the world.

_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-

After about 2 hours and a lot of skimmed pages from the books of anatomy, history and alcoholic beverages of Equestria (I drink moderately and only vodka shots, surprisingly enough they do have vodka here). I noticed a presence in the room.

When I looked up Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had entered the room and they were reading over Arcane Knowledge’s shoulder and neither he nor Lulamoon had noticed them at all.

Quickly I kneeled as I had done before and the sound I made snapped both my new friends out of their trances “What the hay are you doing Luis?” Arcane asked.

“Watch your language soldier!” Princess Luna said sternly at the stallion that had lost a lot color from his face… literally.

Lula gasped and Arcane pushed my brother’s book aside so he could kneel beside Lula, I was quick to speak “Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, so good to see you both!”

“I wish we could say the same Luis.” When Princess Luna said that I knew that whatever had happened in these past few hours spelled doom for me.

“I guess something happened in your court my liege”

“That would be a correct assumption mister Luis,” Luna said “and please rise.”

“May I inquire as to what is it that has made you both upset?” I said lifting myself.

Princess Celestia floated a folded piece of paper and she gave it to me, opening it I saw a photo of those damn pages “Princess Luna, may I inquire who gave this to you?”

Princess Luna looked at me with some reserve. “Why would you like to know his name?”

‘Para estrangular a ese cabron!’ “To see why he would have to spy-photograph my things, as Arcane Knowledge will certainly tell you later.” I replied.

Princess Celestia took a step forward. “We will be sure of that, now returning to the photographs”

I picked up my magazine prepared to have another long chat. “Please allow me to explain then.”

_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-

After a long explanation I manage to get myself out of serious trouble and I got some points in my favor with the unborn child photo.

The Princesses confirmed the time for the dinner and left with Arcane to ask about the details of the breaking into the guest room as I was left with Lula once again.

“Lula, now that we are alone here, would you please finish that massage?”

“I don’t know…”

“Please? I really need it, besides, I will need to go for my clothes and that way maybe I can catch some sleep before the sun rises.”

“I could always use a sleeping spell on you”

I looked at her with the same glee a child looks at his Christmas presents “You can do that?”

Lula lifted her hoof pointing at her horn and rolled her eyes “Well duh.”

I quickly gathered all my stuff and hid it beneath my bed and was about take off my clothes when I remembered the fact that there was a girl in the room “Lula…”


“Could you please… turn around?”

She looked at me with some confusion but finally understood what would happen. She turned around and I got undressed and under my bed cover “Ok, you can use the spell now.”

Lula got close to me and prepared her horn to do the spell “See you tomorrow before dinner!” I say before she uses her magic on me.

“Good night Foraneo.” she managed to say before I fell asleep.

_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-_-_-_-_- _-_-

I woke up to the sound of a door opening “Foraneo, are you in there?” it was Arcane Knowledge at the door with a pair of bags over his back.

“Hey Arcane,” I said groggily as I lifted myself from the bed “What are you doing here? And what time is it?”

“Almost noon, have a good night?” he asked me while approaching me.

“Yeah you could say so, excuse me.” I went to the bathroom just a quick visit to the mirror to wash my face.

“Finally done?” Arcane asked me.

“Just a minute,” I said to him “What are you doing here anyways?”

“Princess Celestia thought that you could use a visit to town to get a nice suit for the night and a pair of shoes”

“Shoes? What’s wrong with my current pair?”

“Lula showed your clothing to the princesses and saw they were bathed in blood, they even got me the addresses of several leather workers and we can go there and see what they can do”

He had a point “Speaking of which, where are my bloodied clothes?”

“Over the chair near the entrance”

“Thanks” I walked to the chair and saw my shoes over my other clothes, took the shoes and then walked back to put my other clothes on when it hit me “Hey… how am I supposed to pay for anything?”

“The princess wants you to have this...” he levitated his bags and gave them to me inside them was a just a bag of coins not any kind of coins, gold coins.

“No putas pinches mames!” I said out of surprise.

“What was that?” Arcane asked me.

“You use gold coins as… (What was it again? A yeah I remember) you use gold coins as your currency?”

“They are called ‘bits’ and yeah we do”

“Amazing” I said and looked at them for a while “Before we set out let me get my things and we can share the load, that way I can keep everything in check to avoid any more rummaging thru my stuff”

“Sounds reasonable”

We got my things and we set out to the city of Canterlot. It is a bustling town, and its architecture is so diverse, so impressive and yet so unnatural ‘My brother must come here one day, maybe he could get Princess Celestia to finance one of his designs… Nah that would be pushing it’ I thought to myself.

After a while I started noticing quite a few ponies glancing at me, ‘Now this is something I recognize’. The feeling I recognized was the feeling of being judged by my appearance. Since I am Mexican, I remember once going to the U.S. when the swine flu was making big news and felt the same kind of stare they are giving me. The difference is that in this world that feeling goes to a WHOLE new level.

“Hey Arcane” I said to my friend who is walking by my side.

“Yeah Foraneo?”

“How long until we get to the leather worker’s shop?”

“The closest one is the building over there, why?”

“I need to get out of the spotlight, I hate the attention.”

“You are the nervous kind I imagine.”

“*sigh*… Yeah”

We entered the shop and we were greeted by an old and seriously sweaty dark yellow earth pony (by now I know the different kinds of ponies). “Welcome to Patchwork’s leather shop, I am Patchwork how may I be of service?”

Arcane took hold of the conversation here “Hello mister Patchwork I am Arcane Knowledge and this here,” he said putting his hoof over my arm “Is Luis Corte. We are here because we need something done specially for him.”

Mister Patchwork looked at me “And just what in the fair name of the Princesses is this…”

I sighed before I interrupted him “The word you are looking for is person or man and I am a Human.” I lifted offered hand as a sign of goodwill.

He gave me his foreleg and I shook it “Well met young man. What business you have in my fine shop?”

I quickly got down to my knees and took my shoes off “I know you work with leather and I wanted to see if you could make something like this for tonight if possible” I give him my shoes for him to inspect “What do you say?”

He eyed them carefully “Well boy, I will give you a straight answer, yes I could make these eh…”

“Shoes” I said completing his sentence.

“Shoes then, I could make them but…”

“But…?” I repeat.

“In order to do so I would need some measurements and the plastic in the soles have to be ordered and that will take several days at best and the design of the leather is complicated as well, it would take me a while to reproduce it”

“Actually, the sole could also be made from hardened leather and the heel from wood, and the design can be much simpler, they do not need to be so complicated”

“Wood would most certainly make things easier but the leather work itself will be complicated. I have yet to do something so new for my tastes, sorry but the earliest I could have it is for tomorrow morning” with that he walked to the back of the store.

I looked at Arcane “Are you sure Princess Celestia told you this was a good place to get leather garments?”

That caught Patchwork’s attention “Wait. Did I just hear that Princess Celestia mentioned this place?”

I saw his expression; it was easy to see he was elated that the Princess had mentioned him as if he was someone of importance.

“The Princess gave-“

I stopped Arcane from talking “The Princess said that if I wanted some leather garments I should come here, I guess she has heard of this store.” I said fighting hard to stop a smirk from appearing in my face.

“I… had no idea that Princess Celestia knew of my place… young man come with me for a second so I could measure your hooves.” Patchwork said.

“Feet” I corrected him.


We followed him and after a while he told us that it would take him at best 4 hours to complete my work, I asked him if he could make them black and if he could paint my other shoes in the process and he agreed to it.

We paid 100 bits for the pair of shoes (would have been more had I not mentioned the Princess earlier) and we were making our way to a boutique called Hoity Toity’s.

“Why did you do that?” Arcane asked me.

“Do what?” I answered.

“Lie to him like that, that’s what.”

“Ok first of all, Princess Celestia did tell you about the shops right?”

“Yes, but that’s not an excuse.”

I lifted my hand to stop him from ranting at me “I only said what we knew, the Princess told you about the place, she gave you the list and the fact that the store was in the list makes true my claim that she knows of the store, am I wrong on that?”

“… No.”

“You see? I only stretched the truth; he was the one who wanted to believe that Princess Celestia had sent us, I never did I lie to him.”

“Tell me; have you ever studied to become a lawyer or a politician?”

“Don’t you dare say that again. I was studying journalism, why do you ask?”

“Because you have a gift with words, that’s why.”

I decided to drop the conversation there, we arrived at the store to find a familiar face “Lula, how are you?”

Lula turned around to look at us “Arcane, Foraneo how are you?”

“I’m fine Miss Lulamoon.” Arcane replied

“I feel great, thanks for the spell by the way.”

“You’re welcome Foraneo”

“So Lula, what are you doing here?”

“Getting my dress ready for tonight.”

“Glad you decided to come with me to the dinner.”

“But of course I would, you will need every kind of help you can get.”

“That goes without saying.”

“I guess you are here for the same reason.”

“You are right Lula now… who is the manager?”

A gray bluish, flashy stallion appeared in front of me “That would be me!” he said “The name is Hoity Toity! Who might you be?”

I stared at him stretching my arm “Luis Corte at your service mister Toity”

Hoity Toity gave me his hoof to shake “Nice to meet you young…” he became entranced looking for the right word to come to his lips

“The word you are looking for is ‘man’.”

Hoity Toity shook his head out of trance “Very well young man, now let me ask you what business might you have with me?”

“I am currently staying at the Canterlot Palace as a guest of Princesses Celestia and Luna; tonight I have dinner with them both and they told my partner here that this will be the place to get myself a nice suit for the occasion.”

Hoity became surprised “Oh my, a guest for the Princess then let us make haste I will need you measurements, and also if you could give me an idea how a race like yours has their suits done, it would really help.”

After a few instructions on how to make a suit on my understanding Hoity made a design that was both to his and my liking. With this approval he began working my measurements and said that after 2 full hours he would have my suit ready. I paid him 250 bits leaving me with 100 bits that I hoped to return to Princess Celestia.

Arcane, Lula and I left the establishment to grab lunch. Following lunch, we wanted to look at the other stores that made up the market district when after a couple of hours I noticed that Arcane was glancing at every mirror like surface, not looking at his self but at some pony behind us.

“Arcane, is there a problem?” I asked.

He just offered a somber look in response. “Somepony is following us.”

“The one guy back there?”

“They are actually 3, but he is the least subtle of the group.”

“What’s wrong?” Lula said getting near us.

“Arcane says that we have some ponies following us.”

“Is that true Arcane?” asked Lula.

Arcane started walking and we followed him, “Yes Lula, there are 3 but they do a really shabby job if you ask me.”

“It does not look like they are professionals at all.” Lula inquired.

“You’re probably right, they look like amateurs.”

“Amateurs,” I repeated. “Then we are being followed by at least one other pony.”

Both my friends looked at me. “EH?” Lula managed to say.

“It is an old trick I had heard of back in my world. Any professional would use a bunch of amateurs to follow someone perceptive so he may go unnoticed. I bet they are following me and doing this trick because you are with me Arcane.” While looking at the stores in the streets I saw a black door with an open sign in an alley and decided it could be a good spot for hiding, now we could use a distraction.

“I understand the logic in there.” Arcane told us. “Do you have an idea on how to get rid of them?”

“I actually do.” I said to him with a smirk in my face.

“Spit it out!”

“There is an alley behind us. There is a store over there and if we can enter unnoticed, we could try getting outside through the back door or something.”

“Ok first, how would you even get there? They will spot you in no time.”

“I could always use a smokescreen.” Lula interrupted.

“You can?” Arcane and I asked.

“Well duh.” she said pointing at her horn. “I did say I am a mare of many talents.”

We smiled and hid Lula behind ourselves as she literally worked her magic. Only the ponies near us (with that I mean all of those that were not running away from me) noticed and before I knew it we were enveloped in a sparkling smoke that went a couple of meters into the air.

In the midst of the commotion we slipped away to the alleyway I had talked about before, we entered the door and we found ourselves at a reception, there a black earth pony stallion greeted us.

“Good afternoon Sir, Madam… Miscellaneous.” that comment immediately got me laughing.

“Is there something wrong with your friend here?” the black pony asked my friends.

“Beats me, this is the first time I have seen him laughing at all.” Arcane told him.

After a few more laughs I composed myself… kind of. “S-sorry sir, *chuckle* I laughed because you were really funny.” I breathed deeply to control myself. “My name is Luis.”

“My name is Leather Strap. I am the owner and manager of this fine shop. Now I will need some kind of identification please.”

I stood silent there for a moment trying hard NOT to make fun of his name and I gave him my ID so did Arcane and Lula. “Why would you need our ID’s?” I asked.

“It’s not an establishment for children… what kind of ID is this one?” he asked me when I handed over my documents.

“The one we use in my Country”

“If this number means anything, then you are 18 years old.” Leather said.

“23 actually, I had this one taken a few years back.”

“23? Hmm… I am not really sure about that but the hay with it. If you pass for 15, then you are welcome to my shop. Please do come in.”

We entered the place and I bet Lula and I were wearing the same shade of red as soon as we figured what kind of establishment was, it was a sex shop. “A sex shop? Seriously?” I asked the manager.

“Well boy what did you thought this place was?”

“I thought it would be a bar but now your name makes sense… Sorry if I insulted you, but I guess I shouldn’t complain… What is a good book to read about sex or erotic stories?” I asked.

“The clopfiction section is around here if you would follow me.” He guided me to the stands on the far left.

“… Clopfiction?”

“Mature content sir, you know for clopping?”

“I guess you’re referring to masturbation.”

“I guess you are not from around here.”

“Your guess is accurate. So which ones do you recommend?” I asked him looking at the sheer amount of titles and editions on the stand.

“The best-selling ones are these compilations” He said handing me 2 thick tomes, one from a Raging Semi… I am so grossed out by the name alone, but I will give it a shot and finally one from a Velvet Heart. “If you buy them both the store will get you a gift for your patronage.”

“Really Foraneo? You are going to buy those magazines?” A mildly un-amused Lulamoon asked me.

“Do not look at me like that. I want to see the writing styles, compare them and maybe get me some ideas so I can write my own stories in the near future.”

“You write?” she asked me.

“Sometimes I do. Most of the time they’re sad stories that is why I intend to go for more sexual content.”

“You don’t say… maybe this one will help you out.” the owner of the store said giving me a hardcover leather book. I looked up the author.

“Reform School Fillies by Rose Papillonne?”

“Rose Papillonne is one of the best-selling authors of erotic content nowadays. The only problem is that he/she can’t write a good ending even if his/her life depended on it, this is her one of her best works to date.”

‘Meh. What is the worst that could happen?’ I thought to myself.

I bought all 3 books paying 50 bits for all of them “And here sir is a gift.” The stallion said giving me a couple of bottles. “This one here is strawberry scented massage oil and this is a normal odorless lubricant.”

“Woah, thanks I guess… I really hope to see you again someday.” I told to him.

“I do as well sir.” with that we carefully got out of the establishment and made our way to the stores I had commissioned my clothes to.

After some waiting in the leather working shop I finally got my new shoes and the old ones looked like new. We made our way to the palace in just a few hours. We were all set up by dinner time. We arrived to the royal dining room were the Princesses were talking to one another.

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna” I said taking a deep bow to my hosts. “I appreciate your invitation, and I hope that we can make ourselves acquaintances.”

“Please take a seat.” Princess Celestia looked at me. “I hope that we could all discuss more about your situation.”

“All?” I asked her just mere seconds after I said that, the doors of the room opened as we were taking our seats. Then I saw them.

*** Author’s Log***

Once again my thanks to FrieD195 for the amazing work he made in editing chapter’s 1, 3 and soon to be uploaded 4 if you have time please check out chapter 1.

I thank you reader for sticking out with me and waiting so patiently, also on that note I want to tell you that I am a slow writer so I apologize for the inconveniences.

***Logging Out***