• Published 23rd Mar 2012
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And Then... My Life Changed - frutineo

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Chapter 4: Dinner Time

Chapter 4: Dinner Time

As I saw the door opening, I recognized the 6 mares that were standing just on the outside, the same 6 mares that I saved just yesterday from certain death.

When their eyes met mine, all I could see was disgust and fear, most of them but 2 started pleading to the Princesses so I could be removed… that hurt me deeply.

“Elements of Harmony stop this nonsense at once!” Princess Celestia finally said with a stern voice. “I called you here so we may have a conversation and so you may confront this young man that, if I might add, saved your lives by risking his, besides he is not as bad as you make him out to be.”

Reluctantly the mares took seats opposites to mine and my friends leaving me at Princess Celestia’s right side and the mares at Princess Luna’s left side. “Now let me introduce you all. They are, in the order they are seated: my faithful student Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy. Girls he is Luis Corte, a human” Soon after the mares were seated, one of them, the sky blue pegasus with a rainbow mane looked at Lulamoon and she became enraged for some reason.

“You!” she yelled just as she leapt from her seat in order to strike Lula, I wouldn’t allow that, so I took Lula in my left arm and grabbed the blue one’s foreleg pulling her into a new direction making her land on her face over the floor. “What the hay is your problem, you monster?”

I had had enough with that term “FIRST,”I yelled at her at the top of my lungs with rage filling my voice which made her take a step back in fear after that I calmed myself. “You dare to attack my friend by tackling her. Second: I have had enough of you calling me a monster. Now explain to me why you would attack Lulamoon if you would be so kind.”

The rainbow one floated to her seat. “Are you all right Lula?” I asked my friend.

She just looked at me blushing “Yes-yes I… ehm” I decided that now would be a good time to change subjects.

“Now that you are seated,” I began. “Care to tell me why did you decided to attack my friend Lulamoon here?”

“Lulamoon?” The rainbow pegasus asked. “Her name is the lame and weak Trixie.”

“Trixie? Why are you calling her that?”

“Because that is my name… my whole name is Trixie Lulamoon, though I dropped my first name out of shame.”

“And you should be ashamed!” The Rainbow one said.

She was really getting on my nerves. “I am getting sick of this; would anyone beside this Rainbow Dash here care to explain why she is so angry at my friend?”

All the mares looked at each other and the orange one with a cowboy hat spoke up “Well mister Luis let me tell yah wha’ we are so angry at this little filly here.”

“Get on with it.” I said and I listened to her tale.

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To say that I was impressed was an understatement. All of the events that had been described to me were completely unbelievable… ‘So does this whole place. So who am I kidding?’ I thought.

When the cowgirl… Cowpony finished her tale I had just one question in my mind “Why then are you blaming her for the incident?”

“Well boy you do not seem to have listened at all” The orange mare said.

“I listened, the question is, why do you blame her completely for the incident?”

“Had it not been for her bragging the Ursa would not have come to town at all”

“Ok cowgirl here is the thing, bragging and deceiving is part of an entertainer’s job, so what if some stupid children thought it was a good idea to bring a giant, astral bear to town? That does not make her guilty of anything, besides she stood up to the damn thing when she could have easily turned tail and let the Ursa destroy the whole town and kill those (what was the word again?) Colts!”

“Also notice that she has changed, even if it hurts you to acknowledge this, she has shown me more hospitality than you or the idiot that had somepony rummage through my things and make spies follow me thru the City of Canterlot.”

“Finally you should give her another chance. I am sure that you all will find that she has changed. From what you are telling me, she is not the same mare you once knew.” I entered philosophical mode. “Forgiving someone that insulted you before can open the gateways to a new friendship, but it can also mend long lost bonds. Believe me as I have been through that”

The purple mare that had been sitting at the side of Princess Luna looked up to me in surprise which was something unexpected. Almost as if I had said something much more important than I realized. Princess Celestia did as well which was getting pretty unsettling.

I started noticing a weak sobbing at my left “Lula, what is wrong?”

Lula calmed a bit before answering. “You are being too nice to me. You really think I deserve to be forgiven? I can’t think of a time I have been so happy.”

“Lula, please calm down.” I tried to say to her as I began thinking ‘Oh great now she is crying! Why is it so hard to deal with crying women?’ I looked at the Princesses with pleading eyes hoping they could help me.

Before neither of the Princesses could say anything, Lula spoke up. “I am sorry Luis, but you can… no I ask you all to call me Trixie. I cannot run from my past anymore!” Lula said with confidence. “First of all, I want to apologize profusely to all of you. It was horrible how I treated you in the past. I take full responsibility for my actions and I shall endure whatever punishment you see fit as well.”

“Lu… Trixie what are you doing?”

“Taking matters into my own hoof Luis, that’s what.” She turned to the six mares that were at the other end of the table and bowed. “Will you accept my apology?”

All of the mares looked at Trixie without making a sound, which ended when Rainbow Dash decided to talk “You think we will simply forgive what you did? Fat chance loser! Don’t you agree with me girls?”

“Not on this one RD.” said the cowgirl.

“See that… wait, what are you talking about?”

“What ah’m sayin’ is that Trixie here really do look like she has repented. A’ don’t see no reason not to forgive her though Ah think she still has to take responsibility fer all the damaged houses, but we can discuss that any other day”

“I am willing to forgive her if Applejack does. Even after what she did to my spectacular mane.” The one named Rarity spoke. “I do believe in second chances.”

The others just nodded in acceptance… except for Rainbow Dash who just stared at Trixie and huffed. With that they finally calmed down but I still had some feelings of dread.

Princess Celestia cleared her voice “Now that we have gotten that issue out of the way, I guess I can start asking Luis here where he comes from and why he’s here.”

“If that is what you wish Princess Celestia…” I sat there gathering my thoughts “First of all: my name Luis Corte, but for my friends I am Foraneo, I live in Mexico a country in the northern part of America.”

“Where did ya say you came from? I ‘ave never even heard of a country with that name.” the cowgirl asked.

“… I have talked to Princess Luna and Trixie about this before; I don’t think I am from this world at all.”

“Care to explain in more detail Mister Luis, about your world and how you arrived here in Equestria?” Princess Celestia asked me, her voice so soft and understanding.

“Yes Princess Celestia, I shall start with the moment of my arrival; it was a typical Saturday for me, I was finishing up a second chance test up on campus. I am studying Journalism in college in Mexico”

“So anyways, there I was waiting for a friend to come out of the test when I heard… the voice of a girl so sweet and frightened, she was calling for help and I just… had to look for her and before I even realized I was making my way up the hill near where my school is located.”

“Wait a minute… your school is located at the base of a hill?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Mountain actually, and it is halfway up.”

“Why the hay is your school halfway up there?”

“First would be because the whole city was built between mountains, a close second will be bad urban planning or so my dad, my brother and my former architecture teachers used to say.”

“Oh that explains it… hey you said you were studying journalism.”

“I am. I changed careers a while back. Now moving on; I was making my way up the mount trying to locate the source of the voice and then I found this little cavern that was said to be a ‘lover spot’ of sorts. I ran inside and got lost in the darkness. After a while, I saw the exit of the cave. I ran as fast as I could and once outside I saw all of you there surrounded by those… dogs.”

“And that was when you appeared like a ruffian.” the one called Rarity said.

“Excuse me but, why would you think that?”

“Please, you appeared out of nowhere and started killing the Diamond Dogs in such a bloody fashion. You then smiled when you did it. That’s absolutely horrid!”

“… Is that true Foraneo?” Trixie asked me in shock.

I was sitting there locking my gaze with that of Rarity’s when I decided to speak up. “Yes, I smiled. But never was it a smile out of satisfaction of killing a living being. Let me ask something to all of you, have you ever outshined someone at what they did best? Outperform someone that has had more experience than you?”

Rainbow Dash and Arcane Knowledge spoke up to that, I looked at the other mares when my gaze finally locked itself to that of Applejack’s “My smile was not one born out of the joy of killing, it was because I thought I was actually more capable than those who appeared to be knights or guards of some sort… That was proven wrong shortly afterwards after when I noticed their lack of coordination (what a bummer) and apparent training and the fact that I remembered they had outnumbered me and that you weren’t going to be any help. My eagerness then became dread over your lives and mine.”

“If you have it in you, please forgive me for the way I seemed to act. It was never my intention to look like a murderer of sorts, neither was scaring and or traumatizing you in any way. Do you think you can forgive me?”, still looking at the cowgirl… pony.

Applejack smiled at me “Well boy you need not ask. Ah can see you are speaking the absolute truth. Even so sugarcube, care to tell us wa’h did you came ta’h rescue us?”

“I was about to turn back and leave actually but I had fixated my gaze on your faces, so afraid and helpless. I knew in that instant that you were waiting for a miracle to happen and so I decided to be true to that hope. I made a promise to my heart once and I willed myself to go help you”

“E-excuse me.” a soft voice said.

“Did someone else hear that?” I exclaimed.

“O-over here,” A voice said. When I turned it was the yellow pegasus that had spoken.

“Oh hello, you must be…”

“She is Fluttershy.” Princess Luna informed me.

“No offense, but I have never encountered someone whose name has been more fitting to themselves, besides Princess Luna here. Moving on, did you have a question?”

“Oh yes of course Mister Luis. C-could you explain to us what you meant (if it’s not much of a bother) with that promise thing?”

I was feeling a little stifled and a tad melodramatic, so I took the chance of getting up and walking to one of the glass doors that goes to the balcony of the room. “It is something I once read in a book entitled ‘The Alchemist’.”

“What is an Alchemist?” Applejack asked.

“They are people of myth. Think of them as scholars whose sole purpose in life is getting to combine science and magic. It was said that they could turn glass into silver, create potions of various types and effects and finally create the mythical philosopher’s stone”

Princess Luna took an interest to this one particular item, I could tell by her expression “Before you go asking, it is a stone that, when used correctly it could turn lead into gold and a master Alchemist could use it to brew a potion that could extend your youth and lifetime as long as you kept drinking it”

“Oh boy does that stone sound mighty useful and mighty dangerous”

“In the wrong hands maybe Applejack, but as I had said before, it is just legend and myth. My world is devoid of magic even when there are people willing to believe there is. Most of the time it’s just illusions, smoke and mirrors as we call it, let me now conclude my story.”

I leaned to the glass door and looked to a side as not to look at them and so the moonlight would reflect directly over me. “The scene of the book went a little something like this:”

And as the young shepherd and the alchemist were walking under the scorching sun of the desert, the alchemist began to speak to the boy;

“Boy, let me tell you the most important thing one should ever do in their lives.”

“What is it master?” asked the young shepherd.

“Remember to always listen to your heart and to do what it tells you to do.”

“But why master? Why should I listen to my heart?”

“Because boy… if you don’t do what the heart tells you to do, you will live your life filled with regret and no man should live a life like that.”

I finished the story and looked upon the ones sitting in the table “The reason I went and helped you was that book. I promised myself right after reading that passage that I would help those in need and not to avert my eyes from them… I helped you because if I had not done such a thing, not only would I have been stranded in this world, I would have to live regretting my cowardice the rest of my life.”

With that all of the present looked between themselves in some sort of silent agreement, 5 of the mares stood up from the table and started walking in my direction and I saw their teary eyes, then all of the sudden the pink earth pony jumped and hugged me.

“I am so sorry!” she said.

Wow, she was strong and she smelled so nice. “No offense but, you smell nice.”

That comment made her laugh a little. “Why would I be offended silly?” with that she jumped and settled in the floor.

“Sorry for bein’ so harsh on you sugarcube.”

“No problem Miss Applejack, you were afraid.”

“Darling I fully regret my past statements, could you forgive me?”

“I already have Miss Rarity.”

“Hey… I am really sorry about how I treated you. That was so uncool of me”

“I understand Rainbow Dash, but you have another apology to make.” I told her pointing at Trixie to which she went not without some reservations.

I looked at the butter colored pegasus cowering nearby and told her. “You don’t need to say anything. It was a pleasure to have cleared my name to all of you.”

That is when I noticed the one that was left behind was sobbing I think her name was Twilight Sparkle. I walked up to her side where I kneeled and placed my hand in her shoulder, “Hey, what’s wrong?”

The only response I got was a full-fledged crying and once again I was facing the bane of my existence: a crying girl.

She pressed her head to my shoulder. “Please stop crying, you don’t need to cry.” I was rewarded with a louder crying. “Oh please. Look, it’s not that bad.”

The crying quickly faded to sobbing and finally I heard her voice. “I am sorry.” It was not possible, that voice.

“No way, it was you!”

She separated her face from my shoulder and looked into my eyes. “Yes… it was me.”

My mind was running in all directions at a hundred kilometers per minute trying to understand on how the hell she could call me from another world. Princess Celestia voiced some of my questions.

“Twilight Sparkle, you told me that you were exhausted and had no magic left in yourself.”

“I know, I know and I still can’t believe it happened.” Twilight Sparkle turned to her mentor separating herself from my grasp which filled me with joy. “How was that possible Princess?”

“I don’t know my faithful student, this is confusing to say the least.” as she tapped her chin with her hoof. Princess Luna came up with an idea.

“Tia, could it be the Elements doing?”

All of the present looked at her. “How could that be possible Luna? She didn’t even have it on when they were trapped.”

Princess Luna looked at the table pensively. “Maybe. But what if she somehow used the power of the Elements without having them?”

“That would make a convenient plot twist.” said a certain pink pony.

We all looked at her and Rainbow Dash said “Pinkie Pie, you are so random!”

By this time I had collected my thoughts and I decided to speak up “Princess, I know this might be out of place but… what are these Elements of Harmony?”

Everypony in the room became silent after I asked that question. “Luis,” Princess Celestia asked, “Do you really not know about the Elements?”

“I never saw them in any history book… might have to do with me skipping over some pages and not reading it in its entirety. My question remains the same though, what are the Elements of Harmony? Also, I would like to know what you all were doing there if that is possible.”

The Princesses looked at each other and Princess Celestia spoke up. “Take a seat then.” I took seat beside Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy with Applejack and Rainbow Dash on the other side of the table giving my new friends some sort of company. Princess Celestia began the tail of the elements of harmony and how these mares ended up surrounded by those assailants.

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As I sat silent after having listened the story of the Elements of Harmony; of a guy named Discord and of Nightmare Moon and how those mares got into so much trouble. My mind gave me the only logical response but I still needed some information from the Princesses.

“Princess Celestia…” I began.

“Is there something the matter Luis?” She asked gently.

“You said that magic rules your world and that is found in each and every creature, right?”

“Yes indeed, every creature of this world has some form of magic. It is on par with what you would call a life force, why do you ask?”

“Because I may have a theory on my arrival.”

“Is that so? Would you kindly share this theory with us?”

I remembered the game Bioshock but I think it was just a coincidence. “You said that your student here is the living representation of the Element of Magic”

“You think my sister’s theory is correct, don’t you?”

“Kind of…” She looked at me confused so did the rest of the guests. “My theory is this: Miss Twilight Sparkle here was in a state of desperation. When she began asking for help maybe she did not consciously use her magic nor did use the power of the Elements of Harmony.”

“Then what did Twilight use?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Simple… she did nothing; someone else did it for her, the world did it for her”

“EH?” Was the answer I got from all of the present, they were confused and that made me smirk.

“Simple, as she faced the certainty of death she must have wished for a miracle to happen, she asked for help and because she is the element of Magic she must… no she has to have a link with this world in and of itself. The world must have heard her plea. Then the world tried to bring in a miracle…”

“But if that is the case, why you?” Princess Luna asked me.

“I think the world must have brought someone willing to answer to such a cry for help, had it not been me it would have been someone else, I just happened to rush to her aid without having a second thought.”

“Then why did it not bring me instead? I also heard her pleas for help.” Princess Celestia asked.

“I said it was a theory, it is flawed but I think it would be because of your status as Ruler. You need to be political about it so you can keep the peace, peace that this world loves. So instead of bringing you and starting an international situation, it opted to bring outside help, thus bringing me. And as I said, it was pure chance.”

All of the present said nothing trying to dispute my theory. “I wish to keep my options open. Even if your theory comes with a lot more credibility than what my sister and I have come up with.” Princess Celestia said to me.

“It does not matter, the best thing I can do is waiting here until anyo…pony can figure out a way to send me back… in the mean time I can enjoy the place. Maybe find a job around to sustain myself until then.” I said giving her a smile, I wanted to grin but my teeth are not something I like to show to the general public.

“Ya’h certainly look pretty laidback fer a guy stranded in unknown territory.”

“Miss Applejack,” I began. “I am just following something a writer once said: Reality is the only thing that even if you stop believing in it, it won’t disappear. Or so it goes, right now my reality consists on being stranded in this world until someone can send me back. There is really no point in doing anything else but enjoy my time here. I will also need to come up with a way to explain to my parents were have I been once I finally get back. No need to tell them I was in a dimension of colorful girly ponies… My brother would laugh at me.”

“I am glad that you can focus on what is truly important, even if we are not sure how long it will take for us to get you home.” said Princess Celestia.

“I shall wait until that time comes. Now if it’s not too much to ask, how about some dinner? I am starving!” The Princess chuckled at my comment.

“Very well, let me call the royal waiter so we can order our meal, I am quite hungry myself.”

And thus began what had become the most interesting dinner I have ever attended.

***Author's Log***

Thanks Again to FrieD195 for the job on edditing this tale, hope you like it.

***Logging Out***