• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,245 Views, 2,051 Comments

Equestrian Epona - Shritistrang

What does a horse do when it finds out that it's actually from a world inhabited by intelligent equines? And when she gets the choice, where would she decide to live?

  • ...

The Captain

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were following Rainbow Dash through the streets of Manehattan.

"I can't believe I get to see Daring Do," squealed the orange pegasus filly. "The coolest aventurer ever… and she's real! And I'm gonna meet her! Um… I mean… she's still not as awesome as you are, Rainbow Dash."

"Now calm down, squirt," Rainbow smirked. "You know that she only gives her real identity to her most trusted helpers and friends. I'm telling you and your friends because you're going to come along and help, but you've got to promise not to tell anypony who she really is."

"Oh… okay, I can do that," Scootaloo nodded. "I promise I won't tell anypony."

"And all that about me being more awesome than her… I don't really think that's true," Rainbow chuckled sheepishly. "I mean, she defeated the guardians of the Lost Tomb of Zobrek all by herself… and what did I do? One lousy Sonic Rainboom…"

"It wasn't lousy!" Scootaloo protested. "It was the coolest thing ever. And you did it multiple times, not just once. You're as awesome as Daring Do, maybe even more."

"All right, all right, I get it," Rainbow grinned. "I'm awesome. Still, you guys have to be careful if you really want to come along."

"Sure, we can do that," Scootaloo said. "Right, Sweetie Belle?"

She looked at her friend, but the little unicorn was unusually quiet. "Hey! What's the matter, kid?" Rainbow asked.

"It's my sister," Sweetie Belle said. "Both you and Apple Bloom's mom said it's going to be dangerous. And if Rarity has been kidnapped by bad guys… what if they do anything to her? What if she's hurt? She's not a tough fighter like you or Applejack…"

Rainbow snorted. "Are you kidding me? Sure, Rare always acts all sophisticated and posh, but when it comes down to a fight, she can kick flank like the next stallion."

"Really? Rarity?" Sweetie asked with skepticism.

"Sure! She helped us fight a swarm of changelings like it was nothing. She bucked a full-grown manticore in the face. She even kicked APPLEJACK of all ponies around like a sack of… well… apples!"

"Wow, Sweetie!" Scootaloo shouted. "You have the coolest sister ever! I mean…" She glanced at Rainbow Dash. "Second-coolest."

"So… you think she's going to be fine?" Sweetie asked.

"Absolutely," Rainbow nodded. "It wouldn't surprise me if she's wiping the floor with her kidnappers at this moment."

"YEEEAAAAAAAARRRRGGH!" Rarity screamed. "I got something nasty stuck to my face. Get it off, GET IT OFF!"

"It's just a spider web," Link said. "Brush it off and keep running."

"Quick, around this corner," Daring shouted.

"I hate this place!" Rarity whined. "It's dark and dank and filthy and… Argh, I wish I had never invited you to the spa."

"She's doing fine, I'm sure of it," Rainbow said as she opened the door to a tavern. "Now come on in. This is where we're supposed to meet up with Coco and… um… you-know-who."

She had lowered her voice to a whisper. All around them were scruffy, ragged sailors, tough ponies of the sea, almost all of them tall and muscular stallions that smelled of saltwater and rum. Some of them turned their heads and looked at the three newcomers sullenly. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo pulled in their heads as they followed Rainbow Dash to the bar.

"I don't like this place," Sweetie whispered.

"Me neither," the pegasus filly whispered back.

"What are you saying, this place is cool!" Rainbow Dash grinned. She put her hoof on the counter. "Yo, barkeep! One apple cider… and juice for the kids."

The barkeeper, a one-eyed mountain of a stallion, looked at her. "Cider? Whaddya think this is, an apple farm? We've got whiskey and rum… and the little ones have to settle with water."

"Okay… then give me one mug of rum." She grinned. "I've always wanted to try that stuff."

"Oh… it's you, Rainbow Dash! Thank goodness, you're finally here." When hearing that, Rainbow turned her head and saw Coco Pommel walking up to her. The young mare looked nervous and relieved at the same time.

"Hey Coco, sup?" Rainbow said. She then moved her mouth close to Coco's ear and whispered: "Say, have you seen Dar… um, I mean… a yellow pegasus with a safari outfit around here?"

Coco's shook her head. "I can't say I have. I've been here the whole day, waiting for you. But I haven't seen a pony who fits that description."

"That's strange, she wanted to meet us here, too… Wait a minute, you're saying you've been waiting for us in here the whole day? In this tavern?"

"Yes, and I was a bit nervous around all these big… and strong… ponies, but my good friend the captain kept me company." She gestured at an older earth pony stallion who was sitting at the counter. He had a marine-blue coat, a black tail and an impressive-looking beard.

"This is Captain Paddock. He agreed to take Rarity's designs to our new client in Saddle Arabia. Captain? I'd like you to meet Miss Rainbow Dash, a friend of Miss Rarity's."

"Ahoy there!" the captain said with a smirk. "Always a pleasure ta meet a fine, winged lassie as yerself."

"Thanks… I guess," Rainbow said. "These little ones here are Rarity's sister Sweetie Belle… and MY sister Scootaloo."

Scootaloo nuzzled the older pegasus happily when she heard that.

"You're Rarity's sister?" Coco smiled down at Sweetie Belle. "She told me so much about you. But I must say, I'm surprised you are here. Didn't Rainbow Dash tell you how dangerous it's going to be?"

"But I have to help my sister," Sweetie Belle said. "If she's strong enough to deal with something like this, then so am I."

Coco's eyes widened when she heard those brave words coming from a littly filly. "But even I was afraid when I saw those dangerous kidnappers. And… to my shame, I don't think I could ever be brave enough…" She closed her eyes.

"Aww, don't sell yerself short, Coco-kins," the captain said. "I've known ye since ye were just a wee filly, and there's lots of other strengths y'have."

"S-strengths?" Coco muttered. "But… I don't think I have any strengths…"

"Blistering barnacles! If I say ye've got strenghts, ye've got strengths! Yer friendly, clever and always ready ta help yer friends. Who was it who called me right after learning her friend was in danger? Who wrote a letter to Ponyville right away?"

"I… I guess that's me," Coco said, giving the rough but kind-hearted sailor a small smile.

"That's the spirit!" Rainbow grinned. "Not all ponies can be brave right away." Once again, she moved her mouth closer to Coco's ear. "Don't tell anypony, but even I was scared when I fell off a cloud for the first time in my life."

"What did you say, Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo asked.

"Nothing important, kiddo."

"Uh, Mom? I mean, I know I have no right to poke my nose in whatever business you have with Aunt Orange… but d'ya think that was the right thing to say?"

"It was kinda harsh," Apple Bloom agreed.

I snorted at that. Those kids obviously never got to know what ponies were like in Manehattan. I grew up here, I had to hear it every day. "Trust me, she just got what she deserved," I said. "Making her daughter do what SHE wants… just like your grandfather. I would never do such a thing, seedling. Trust me."

My daughters exchanged a look, but didn't say anything. Maybe they finally realized I was telling the truth. Sure, I was harsh, but rightfully so. Just hearing Clementine had made me so mad… I couldn't wait to leave this city behind me once again.

Together, we entered the tavern and saw Rainbow Dash and the other fillies sitting at the bar, talking to a young mare and a bearded stallion. But there was no Daring Do around.

"There you all are," I said. "But where's Daring Do?"

"Ssssshhhh, not so loud!" Rainbow Dash frantically waved her hooves through the air. "Do you want everypony to know about her secret?" she hissed as we came closer. "And no, I have no idea where she is."

"Well, we don't have much time to wait for her," Applejack said. "Coco, you saw how Rarity was brought on a boat, right? Is that boat still in the harbor?"

The mare shook her head. "No, I'm sorry. But… I do know where it's headed. Captain Paddock asked around and found out something interesting."

"Aye, that I did. That Caballeron fella, I heard he has business to do in Saddle Arabia. And from the looks of it, he's planning to find some treasure in the desert. Well, at least that's what the rumors say."

"So, now we know where they are taking them," Applejack said. "But how do we go after them?"

"Wait, Captain Paddock has a ship. Maybe he can take us," Scootaloo suggested.

I frowned. "I don't know… I don't want to drag yet another pony into this mess."

The captain laughed. "Are ye kidding, lass? I'd do anything for the friends of Coco-kins here. Also, it's been some time since this old sailor saw some action… time to clean the barnacles off old Mary Lou and set sail!"

"Mary Lou?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Coco giggled. "That's the name of his ship."

"Finest vessel the seven seas have ever seen!" the old sailor proclaimed proudly. "So, whaddya say?"

"Well, I say we take this chance and go for it," Rainbow Dash said. "You can take us to Saddle Arabia quickly, right?"

"Lassie, I can get ye there faster than ye can say 'Ten thousand thundering typhoons'. You all just need to help me on board as a crew."

I sighed. "Fine. You all go and prepare the ship to leave. I'll go and buy some supplies for the trip."

"What, right now?" Rainbow asked. "But I barely touched my rum."

"Come on, Rainbow," Applejack chuckled. "There will be plenty of chances for you to taste rum after Rarity is saved."

"I'll see you girls in a bit," I said and left the tavern. From my days back in Manehattan, I knew there was a store nearby that sold just what we needed for the trip. Just because Link wasn't around didn't mean I couldn't handle myself. Back in Hyrule, I had the mind of a common beast of burden. But here in Equestria, I could finally be an equal, an adventurer just like him.

But before I reached the store, I saw something that worsened my mood immediately: My sister came running down the street, towards me.

"Epona!" she shouted. "Please, listen to me... I need to tell you something."

I glared at her. "What? That leaving on my own is scandalous behavior? Because that's what Dad would say."

She stopped and extended a shaking hoof in my direction. "No, I… I just wanted to say I'm sorry. You're right, I have no idea what you went through. And I have no right to stop you if you want to save a friend. I can't imagine what it must be to live a life like that. But you've been away for so many years and I…" I was surprised to see actual tears in her eyes. "I missed you terribly. And now you say you want to leave again for some dangerous quest, and I'm afraid I could lose you again… maybe for another ten years, maybe forever. But still, it's not up to me to stop you from what you think is right. I just…"

I was shocked when she suddenly threw herself at me in a massive hug. "I don't want you to leave and… and the last thing we did was… arguing." She sobbed. "You're my sister…"

"Clemmy…" I muttered. "Are you… serious? I mean, back at your house you said…"

"I know what I said," she cried. "And I hate myself for it. I hate myself for being so weak and cowardly. Everything that all ponies ever saw in me was what they saw in our parents. Oh sure, I was the rich daughter of the rich stallion and was married to another rich stallion… Yes, we have it sooo easy because we're successful and have money and…" She sniffled. "Everypony always expects me to be perfect and prim and proper. Sometimes I have the feeling I don't even know how to properly raise my own daughter. I always envied you… you were so assertive, so independent. You managed to say your opinion and did what you wanted. You found family, happiness and a place you could really call home. And what did I have to offer to my family? A bank account full of bits and a well-behaved manner."

I couldn't believe my ears. "Sis… I had no idea… have you always felt so horrible here?"

"Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and my daughter. But I never accomplished anything on my own. Everything I own is because of my parents and I… I don't know if I want it." She looked up to me. "I had hoped that one day, you and I could maybe start anew, from the beginning. But I never found the courage. And then you were gone and it was too late! I never forgave myself for not talking to you earlier. But suddenly, you're back… and I almost made the same dumb decision as before. I fell back into the same stupid pattern as I always did, and what did I accomplish? I drove you away, again!" Her shoulders shook as she buried her head in my chest. "I'm so dumb…"

"Clemmy…" I said softly and gently pushed her head up. "You are not dumb. And you don't have to be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry. All those things I said back at your place… I said them because I always thought you were just like Mom and Dad. I was so mad at them that I never really imagined you might think differently. I never really talked to you since I left Manehattan. And now that I'm here, the only thing I do is to lecture you about being a good mother… while I couldn't even be one for the past ten years. Babs at least had a mother. Big Mac and AJ and Bloom had to take care of themselves…" I couldn't stop myself from crying as well. "I'm a horrible mother…"

Clementine gasped. "Don't say that! You are a wonderful mother. Why do you think your children turned out so wonderful?"

That sentence alone gave me warm feelings inside of me. "You… think my children are wonderful?"

She nodded. "Of course. Big Macintosh is the most polite stallion I've ever met, Babs absolutely adores her little cousin, and Applejack… it's just admirable how she managed to stay on top of everything. Did you know she got her cutie mark after a visit here in Manehattan?"

"She did?" I asked in surprise.

"Oh yes, but only after realizing that city life wasn't the thing for her," Clemmy smiled. "And when she told me she wanted to go back home to her family… how could I say no to that? So I brought her to the station right away… the very same station you once used to leave for Ponyville yourself. And she went back home to be a farm pony"

"I didn't know that…" I muttered. "I need to talk to her about this. I'm so sorry, Clemmy. I feel like such a foal right now."

"Don't be, you were just angry. And, to be honest… maybe I reacted a bit harsh towards Babs, too. In an unsafe neighborhood like ours, maybe it's not so bad that she learned how to defend herself. I'm actually a bit proud of her." She hugged me again and this time, I returned the hug right away. "I'm proud of you as well, you know? I still don't quite understand what happened or what you lived through while you were gone… but I understand you must have become quite the brave adventurer, if you're so eager to jump into danger, just to save your friend. You have to tell me everything at some point… but right now, you're in a hurry, right?"

"R-right," I nodded. I almost forgot that the others were waiting for me. "I guess I better get going. I'll be back, though. Don't you worry, Clemmy… and again, I'm sorry."

She smiled. "I know. Just watch yourself out there, okay?"

"I will." We waved at each other and then, we parted ways. She went back to her apartment, while I entered the shop called 'Morshu's Bargains'.

"Hello," I told the chubby shopkeeper. "I need some supplies for a journey. Do you sell lamp oil, rope, maybe bombs?"

After a long time of running, Daring Do dashed into small, empy chamber and stopped. Link and Rarity followed her. While Rarity took this opportunity to take a couple of well-deserved deep breaths, the two adventurers pressed their bodies against the wall on both sides of the door and peeked into the corridor.

"Looks like the coast is clear," Daring said. "For now."

Link nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Lizalfos can be quite persistent. But I've never had to deal with that many at once."

"You've seen these reptiles before?" the pegasus asked. "Strange. I've tangled with giant cobras, cragadiles, Quetzalcoatls and the occasional hydra, but I've never seen anything like this. They seemed… intelligent. And as far as I know, the only intelligent reptiles are dragons and sea serpents."

"They're from Hyrule, my home country," Link said. "And I must say, I haven't seen most of the things you just mentioned either."

"You must be Link." For the first time, she took a closer look at him. "I'm Daring Do. Rainbow Dash wrote about you in her letter, and about what happened at the Ponyville spa."

"Wait, a letter from Rainbow Dash?" Rarity asked. "She knows what happened?"

Daring nodded. "She and her other friends figured something bad must have happened after you two went missing. And when they went to investigate, they ran into a pile of skeletons that wanted to kill them."

"Great Celestia!" Rarity gasped.

Link just frowned. "Stalfos. Just great. What kind of other monsters did they bring from Hyrule? Are they okay?"

"Yeah, they managed to beat them. Doesn't surprise me that much, to be honest. After all, they were capable of dealing with Ahuizotl's henchmen the last time we met. You and your friends sure are something," Daring told Rarity.

Feeling a bit flattered, Rarity had to smile. "Thank you. But I try to do my best not to resolve to such brutish acts unless absolutely necessary."

"Well yeah, an adventurer's life is full with such necessities," Daring shrugged.

"Tell me about it," Link said. "So, how did you get captured?"

She grimaced. "I was careless. In Manehattan, I wanted to write another letter to Dash, but I didn't expect to be assaulted there. Especially not by a teleporting unicorn who loves to hear himself speak and throw magic gems around. But while I was stuck in that sack, I actually managed to slowly wiggle free from my bounds. A little trick I picked up over the years of my travels. That's how I was able to escape."

"Nice!" Link said. "I have to learn how to do that, too."

"I also managed to snag this saddlebag from one of the two witches," Daring said, throwing it to the green-capped stallion. "This one's yours, I assume?"

"Yeah, that's mine. Awesome job! But…" He looked around. "I suppose you haven't brought my sword and shield as well, have you?"

Daring Do shook her head. "No, that was all. I didn't see either of these things. I don't really think I could have carried stuff like that with me, the way we escaped. How does an earth pony use such weapons in the first place? I always thought unicorns are the ones that perfected the handling of such weapons, with their magic."

"Umm… to be honest, I haven't got the slightest clue. Well, at least the rest of my stuff is here. Lemme check if everything's still in there." He opened the bag and pulled out several items, one after another. "Bottles… bombs… bow and arrow… hookshot… boomerang… Megaton Hammer…"

Rarity and Daring could only blink in bewilderment. "How… in Equestria… did you get all those things in there?" Rarity finally managed to blurt out.

"What? Oh, I have a special bag," Link grinned. "I honestly don't even think about it anymore. I just put everything I find inside. Oh well, I guess I just have to fight with the hammer for now." He put most of the items back inside the bag and reached for the hammer's handle, trying to pick it up with his hooves.

"Hmmm, that doesn't work… maybe with the mouth?" He took the handle with his mouth and swung it around a couple of times. Satisfied, he nodded.

"Amazing!" Daring whistled. "Then again, earth ponies are known for their strength. All I need are my hooves and my whip." She lifted one of her wings, revealing the rope-like weapon attached to her belt. "That posing idiot didn't even think of disarming me."

Rarity cleared her throat. "That is all fine and well, but what do we do now? We are several thousand miles from home, we are being chased by ruffians and we don't know the first thing about this place."

"Ah, but that's where you are wrong," Daring said. "I've actually been here before – you can read about it in my seventh book – and I have a map of this temple."

"Nice job," Link said. "Did you also find the compass?"

"Huh? What?" The pegasus looked at him in confusion. "No, I don't have a compass."

"Ah, too bad. Then we don't know where to find the treasure chests or the boss."

"Link, I think we can all agree that we don't want to go back to the leader of these creatures," Rarity frowned. "We've all seen how unpleasant he can be. And that is putting it mildly. I still wonder what it is they want of me…" She shook her head. "All this talk of sages and sacrifices…"

"Well, in Hyrule, there are the seven sages," Link explained. "They guard the barrier to the Golden Realm and act as Hyrule's protectors, in addition to the hero… that would be yours truly." He grinned. "We have the Sage of Water, Fire, Forest, Spirits, Light, Shadows and Time. I don't really know anything about the sages of Equestria, but they did call you a Sage of… Generosity, as far as I remember."

"I am the holder of the Element of Generosity," Rarity said. "Well, I used to be, until we had to give them to the Tree of Harmony… But I've never considered me to be a… a sage."

"Now that is interesting," Daring Do muttered. "I see a connection here. Link, you said there are seven sages in your country, correct? And in Equestria, we have the six Elements of Harmony: Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Kindness and Magic. It wouldn't surprise me if there are actually six sages in Equestria. Or at least that's what Ahuizotl and his buddies believe. Let's say it is true and Rarity is the Sage of Generosity… then I would bet my hat that the other element bearers are the remaining sages."

"And who are these… element bearers?" Link asked.

"My friends," Rarity smiled. "Besides me, we have Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Applejack."

"Epona's daughter is a sage in this world?" Link sighed. "Why am I not surprised by these things anymore?"

"Excuse me, did you say… daughter?" Rarity asked.

"Nevermind, it's a long story," Link said. "And all these theories don't really help us to escape this place. Listen… Daring. Does your map say which way we have to go to get out of here?"

"Sure. But it looks like we have to avoid some traps… and that other passage here leads right back into the ritual chamber. So this only leaves us with that corridor over there."

Link nodded. "Sounds good. You go ahead… this is your world, after all. As a dungeon explorer, I'm just a guest." He smirked.

Daring smirked back. "Fair enough. Let's go."