• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,245 Views, 2,051 Comments

Equestrian Epona - Shritistrang

What does a horse do when it finds out that it's actually from a world inhabited by intelligent equines? And when she gets the choice, where would she decide to live?

  • ...

Family Reunion

I had regained my daughter. But then, I lost my friend. Did life have to make me feel miserable, I wondered. Back in Hyrule, I was without my family. And now that I'm back in Equestria, my best friend was taken from me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Navi gently poked my side. "Epona? I think you should take a look at this… I found it among the defeated Stalfos." I looked at what she was holding. It was a torn piece of cloth. And it had a very familiar-looking emblem on it.

It was the emblem of the Gerudo tribe.

"How?" I muttered. "This doesn't make any sense. How can this be here?"

"I don't know, but I didn't exactly expect Stalfos to be here either," Navi shrugged.

"Did ya find something, Mom?" Applejack asked.

I nodded and showed her the piece of cloth. Twilight came to take a look as well. "Huh? Now what in the hay is that supposed to be?" Applejack wondered. "Ya ever see anything like that before, Twi?"

"I'm… not sure," Twilight said. "I have the weirdest feeling I've seen it before in a book. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't a book about linguistics… maybe it was 'Ancient Cultures and History'? No, that's not it either…"

"What are you all doing, looking at that rag?" Rainbow asked as she pushed her way past Applejack. "Don't we have more important stuff to do like, I don't know… find Rarity? Let's get out of here and…" She went silent when she looked at the cloth and her jaw dropped. "Th-that… that's… Twilight, don't you know what that is?"

"Wait a second, are you telling me you know something about a symbol Twilight knows nothing about?" Applejack asked in confusion. "Did the whole world turn around or something?"

"Very funny, AJ," Rainbow snorted. "But yes, I know what this is. And Twilight should know, too. Don't you remember, Twilight? The cover of book seven…"

"Book… seven?" Twilight asked. But then her eyes widened and she let out a gasp. "Of course! Daring Do and the Desert Ruins! This is the symbol seen on the book's cover…"

"Wait, what?" I asked. "You're talking about that book series my daughter mentioned? That's impossible. This is an emblem I've seen in Hyrule… the land I was in before coming back here."

"Are you sure about that?" Twilight asked. "I've seen the book a hundred times, it's standing in my library. I know exactly what it looks like, and this is it." She pointed at the cloth. "Maybe the emblem you mean just looks similar?"

I shook my head. "It's not just similar. It's absolutely identical! The emblem of the Gerudo tribe… I've been in their fortress. They have it everywhere: On the buildings, on their clothes, even on the membership card they gave to Link."

"It's true, I remember it as well," Navi nodded.

"But… you couldn't BOTH be right… right?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"There are only two explanations," Twilight said. "Either one of us is wrong, or… or this tribe you mentioned must have some sort of connection to the ruins Daring Do is visiting in this book. According to her adventures, she found some mysterious, ancient ruins in the Diamond Desert… where she found this emblem everywhere on the ruined buildings."

"But I thought those books were just stories," I said, very confused. "You make it sound like this Daring Do actually exists and the author of this book wrote down her actual adventures."

I saw how my daughter and her friends exchanged a knowing smile.

After another thorough search of the spa, we were unable to find any other sort of clue, except for the piece of cloth. So we decided to leave for now. Fluttershy was visibly flustered after what happened and she quietly asked Twilight if it was okay for her to go home. In the end, Pinkie and Navi decided to escort and comfort her. Navi seemed worried for her new friend, and Pinkie… well, after what happened I could tell that she needed some comfort as well.

I was unsure on what to do next. From what Applejack's friends told me, the author of these books actually IS the real Daring Do, who wrote down her adventures under a monicker. Since we had no clue as to where Link and their unicorn friend had disappeared to, visiting Daring Do seemed like the only possibility we had.

However, I had a different kind of problem waiting for me as soon as we stepped outside the spa building. And that problem was Granny Smith.

Both me and Applejack were taken aback by the stern look she gave me. I had to take only one look into her eyes and I could tell: She knew!

"Applejack!" the Apple matriarch shouted. "Home, now!"

"Wh-what?" Twilight stuttered. "Excuse me, Granny Smith… b-but we have a very big problem on our hooves right now and we need every pony…"

"I'm sorry, princess," Granny said. "But this is a very important Apple family matter. Everything else must wait."

Twilight looked like she wanted to protest, but she meekly nodded and stepped back. I saw Granny Smith could be as intimidating as ever. She even made an alicorn princess back off. As for Applejack, she gave her friends an apologetic smile and ran home.

Granny Smith walked up to me, slowly. She was smaller than me, but I still felt intimidated.

"Cup Cake just brought home Apple Bloom and her friends, to watch over them. Can you imagine my surprise when she told me the young mare I welcomed this morning was the long-lost daughter I cried countless nights over?"

"Mother, I can explain…" I started.

"You bet yer shiny golden, three-pointed hindquarters you will!" she shouted. "You will come home and explain everything… not just to me, but to your children as well. Didn't you think for one second they didn't deserve to see their mother after such a long time? Didn't you think they deserve to know the truth about where she was? Did you think one second about those young fillies and that colt? You sure as applesauce can explain! And you will move yer flank over to yer son and daughters and explain things to them right NOW!"

I sighed. I knew I could never win a discussion or argument with Granny Smith. And within me, I knew she was right. I had my reasons for not telling them the truth, but they were egoistical reasons. She was right, they had every right to know.

"Excuse me, girls," I said to my daughter's friends. "I need to take care of something. Could you wait a while before heading to Daring Do?"

"Of course" Twilight said. "Take your time. We don't know what will happen to Rarity and your friend, but we don't exactly have a clue yet."

"Well okay, but I will write a letter so she knows we're coming," Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight nodded. "And I will inform the princess. She must know what is going on in her kingdom."

"Okay… see you later," I said and followed Granny Smith home. I honestly felt like a young filly again, who was scolded after doing something bad. Even though I was a full-grown mare. Even as a pony, I towered over my mother-in-law's old and frail body. I was also much more muscular as when I last met her. As we walked, she examined me very carefully.

"Should have recognized you right away when y'all appeared at Sweet Apple Acres," she grumbled. "I blame my damned muddled old brain and yer new looks. But you've still got those shiny blue eyes… the eyes my son fell in love with. But other than that and yer colors… Confound it, girl, where the hay have you been and what did ya do to yerself?"

"I was on an adventure, mother," I sighed. "I fought monsters… helped a good friend of mine… As for the cutie mark, I can't really tell."

"Hmmmm… that friend of yours… he's not sweet on you, is he?"

I blushed. "Wh-what? No, we're just friends!"

Satisfied, she nodded. "Good. Don't wanna explain to the kids that their mother ran off with another stallion. Did you ever think once of coming back to your family?"

"It's not as easy as that, mother," I muttered. "Believe me, if I knew sooner there was a way back home, I would have taken it."

She grunted. "Well, I believe you for now. You've always been an honest one… that's where Applejack got it from. I'm still upset because you lied to me, though."

We arrived at the farm. Granny just pointed at the door, and with a deep sigh, I opened.

Inside, my heart jumped a bit again. I saw Apple Bloom and her two friends, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, sitting at the table, each having a slice of apple pie. Usually, my mouth would have watered by now. No pony can make a pie as delicious as Granny Smith. But I was distracted by my third child who was sitting with them… Big Macintosh. By Celestia, had he grown big and strong. He only gave me a look of confusion when I entered. Applejack, who was sitting next to him, only gave me a half-hearted smile. Apparently, she hadn't told either of them the truth yet. Which made sense… I'm the one who was supposed to tell them, of course.

Granny Smith walked in behind me and closed the door. Apple Bloom swallowed the bite of pie she had in her mouth and smiled at me. "Howdy again, Miss Romani. Yer here to buy some apples after all? Or do ya wanna try some of Granny's pie?"

Scootaloo mumbled something, but her mouth was full.

"She says it's very good," Sweetie helpfully translated the pegasus' pie-induced mumbling.

Granny coughed a bit. "Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo? Could you two come with me for a moment?"

Scootaloo gulped down her pie. "What? Why?" she asked.

Granny tried to come up with an excuse. "Because… I have some leftover jars of Zap Apple Jam in the pantry you two could take home with ya."

"Oh, yummy!" Sweetie Belle shouted with excitement as she jumped off her chair. Together, she and Scootaloo ran after Granny Smith, which left me alone with my three children.

Apple Bloom wanted to run after her friends, but Applejack stopped her. "Sugarcube… wait a second. There's something we need to tell y'all. You too, Big Mac."

"Huh? Really? What is it? Is it about Miss Romani?" Apple Bloom asked. Big Macintosh hadn't said a word up to now, but he was just as confused as his little sister as he looked at me.

I took a deep breath. "I… wasn't quite honest with you when we met, Apple Bloom. My name isn't really Romani, Apple Bloom. And I'm not a stranger at all. I met all of you before… even though you were too young to remember." I affectionally ruffled Bloom's mane a bit. "You see, my true name is… it's Epona. Epona Apple."

For a while, everyone was silent. Apple Bloom was still as confused as before.

Big Macintosh, however, stood up to his feet. "Mother?" he asked in his deep voice.

Uncertain on what to say, I just nodded. I was startled when he suddenly came around the table, almost throwing over one of the chairs, and grabbed me in the gentlest hug you could imagine from such a big and powerful stallion. He didn't say anything, but his shoulders were shaking.

"Big… Macintosh?" I asked and looked up at him. I saw tears in the corners of his eyes. I felt a huge amount of guilt in my chest at that moment. How could I have ever consider leaving these children of mine behind? How could I take away their only chance to see their mother again… OUR only chance to be a family again?

Tears started flowing out of my eyes as well. "I'm so… so sorry, son…" I whispered. "So sorry…"

"Sssshhh," he said. "Yer home now… that's all that matters. Eyup…"

How I had longed to hear that word from my little boy again.

Applejack hadn't moved yet, though I could tell she had a hard time not to run up to us and join the family hug. She was still standing at Apple Bloom's side. The little filly was staring at me with wide eyes.

"Mom?" she asked. "Is that really you?"

I looked up from Big Mac's shoulder and smiled at her with teary eyes. "It is, seedling… it is me… I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

Seedling. The little affectionate word we always called her after she was born. She was so tiny back then and we always had all our hopes in her, like in a little seed that still had to grow into a big and strong apple tree. I never thought she would remember such a small word from when she was a baby, but it was this word that brought back flashes of memory.

"MOMMY!" she cried as she ran at me, as sudden as Big Mac. Like him, she clung to me desperately, as if she wanted to stop me from running away. But I knew that wouldn't be necessary. I would stay here, with them. I reached out to her with my right hoof while my left one was still around Big Mac's broad shoulder. In comparison to him, she was so tiny…

Applejack couldn't help herself anymore and she ran up to us as well, hugging the three of us at once, joining us as we cried tears of happiness.

I had them back. I had my children back.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I must inform you that something important has happened that needs all of our attention right away. My friend Rarity has vanished, alongside a stallion from a foreign land. They were last seen in the Ponyville Day Spa, which we found completely abandoned… abandoned except for a group of undead skeleton ponies. From my studies, I know this means there has to be a necromancer running loose. The threat of the skeletons has been dealt with, but I still fear for the safety of Rarity. My friend and I have found a lead on where we could start our search. However, I felt obligated to inform you about these worrisome events. I also request for a platoon of guards to be dispatched to Ponyville, for the safety of the inhabitants. If there is a maleficent necromancer running wild, we cannot take any chances. I'm sorry I don't have any more information about this, except that the culprit might come from a land called Hyrule. I have never heard from such a country or read about it in my books, but I thought that if there is a pony who might know that land, it must be you. Please inform us if you have any kind of information that might help us.

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Celestia put down the letter she had just received via dragon mail. "Hyrule…" she muttered to herself. "It's been a long time since I've heard that name before… a very long time."

She put the letter down and started pacing through her chambers. Through a window, she could see her sister Luna standing on a balcony, using her magic to raise the moon for the night. She knew she had to tell her about these disconcerting news. During her long absence, Luna had never heard anything about that kingdom. She had to be informed about everything Celestia knew.

But for now, there was one other, urgent matter she had to take care of. She made sure that every door and window was shut tight and, to be on the safe side, she cast a spell that stopped all sounds from getting out of this room. Afterwards, she looked up into the air and shouted:

"Farore! If you or any of your sisters hear me, I want you to move your sorry flanks here right now!"

For a moment, it seemed as if her words were unheard. But then, a flashing, emerald green light appeared in the middle of the room. And in its middle, an alicorn started materializing. It had a long, flowing mane not unlike Celestia's, but it was just as green as the light. Her coat was as brown as that of an old forest tree.

"Celestia!" the alicorn said with a smile. "Why, I haven't seen you in eons. To call me on such short notice… what's the occasion?"

Celestia snorted angrily. "Don't play dumb with me, Farore! I want answers and I want them now."

Farore tilted her head. "You seem upset… and tense. Do you want some tea? I just attended one of Palutena's late night parties and she has this exquisite tea made of…"

"Don't you change the subject," Celestia shouted. "I haven't called you here for a casual visit. One of my subjects has gone missing, and as far as I know, the culprit is someone from YOUR realm!"

That took the other alicorn by surprise. "You mean… from Hyrule?"

"Yes! Care to explain how this is possible? I thought we agreed to always keep the borders closed. No resident of either realm shall be allowed to cross them. Isn't that what we agreed on, last time we met?"

"I see. You are under the impression that little old me has something to do with this," Farore chuckled. "Unfortunately, I can't tell you either how this happened."

"How can you not know?" Celestia asked. "Hyrule is the world you and your sisters created… it is under your supervision. How could something of this magnitude happen without you noticing it?"

Farore frowned. "I may be a goddess, but I'm not omnipotent, Celestia. You should know. Can you tell what what's happening everywhere in your kingdom at every time?"

"Well… no… but you have Din and Nayru to help you. This shouldn't have happened!"

"Oh, so you're saying that my sisters and I must have everything under control. I see. Good to know that you managed to accomplish the same thing with your sister… oh, wait a minute! You didn't! You sent her to the moon!"

"DON'T YOU DARE BRING THAT UP NOW!" Celestia yelled as she glared at Farore. "What happened to Luna was NOT my fault!"

"Oh really? I'm sorry, I must have mistaken you for another alicorn princess who DIDN'T NOTICE HOW MUCH HER OWN SISTER WAS SUFFERING!"


"Sister, would you kindly keep your voice down? Wasn't it you who told me that the royal canterlot voice is a thing of the past?" a calm voice spoke up.

Both Celestia and Farore were surprised as they turned their heads and saw Luna standing next to them. "L-luna?" Celestia stuttered. "H-how did you get in here?"

"Oh please," the princess of the night chuckled. "Remember when we were little fillies? You always tried to lock me out of your room with magic locks, but I was always able to pick them. Now, will you tell me who your friend is and whether or not I should be worried if the two of you might start blowing up the castle?"

Both goddesses suddenly realized just how much their divine auras had started flaring up during their little argument. Embarrassed, they reduced them back to their normal, invisible for the mortal eye standard.

Farore was still surprised, though. "Luna?" she asked. "Y-you are here? Not banished? And free from any kind of corruption?"

"Yes. And since everypony in Equestria must know this by now, you must not be from Equestria. May I ask for your name?"

"This is Farore, Luna," Celestia introduced the goddess. "Goddess of Hyrule and sister to Din and Nayru."

"I… never heard these names before," Luna admitted.

"I will tell you everything… but first, we need to deal with a big problem," Celestia said.

"Two big problems, actually," Farore agreed. "I suggest you deal with the case of your missing subject and I will try to find out who managed to cross the borders… and how he managed to do that. You know I hate to get directly involved with mortals, but this is serious."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "And what about your tea party with Palutena."

"She can wait. For now, I need to speak with my sisters. Farewell!" And she disappeared in another flash of green.

Luna blinked. "You have interesting friends."

Rarity was not having a good day.

It started pretty hectic, with a big order of dresses she had to finish in a short time for one of her more important customers. The day got worse when Opalescence laid down on one of the finished dresses, getting cat hair all over it. After taking a lunch break, she thought she had put the worst behind her as she actually managed to finish the order ahead of schedule. But the worst was yet to come.

Everything seemed to be wonderful when she met a quite charming and handsome stallion in her boutique, a gentlecolt who gave her inspiration the boost she needed. On top of that, he agreed to accompany her to a relaxing afternoon at the spa. But did she have a wonderful time? No, she was kidnapped by the ponies she believed to be some of her oldest friends. And now, late in the evening, she sat in a dirty old cage on a very uncomfortable, shaking carriage, when she was supposed to be with her family in one of her favorite restaurants.

Now she was getting hungry, too.

She was about to ask if her day could get any worse, but experience told her that asking such a question meant tempting fate. So she didn't do it. Instead, she looked outside, in-between the bars of her cage and asked in a whiny voice: "Are we there yet?"

"Why, are you eager to reach our destination?" Lotus asked from the front. "Do you know what we are going to do to you, Miss Rarity? Do you know what the ritual involves?"

Rarity flinched. "On second thought, take your time. There's no need to rush."

"On the contrary. Surely, our partners are already waiting for us. We should hurry."

"Sister," Aloe interjected. "We are approaching the city. We should constrain them. And get rid of the golems."

"Right, we don't want everypony to see our precious cargo and ask silly questions," Lotus nodded. She jumped off the cart and stood in front of the bulky ponies that were pulling it. She chanted a couple of strange-sounding words, and the ponies turned into sand. She then turned to face the prisoners. "Oh, in case you think of shouting for help…" The gem on her headband started glowing, and for a moment, Rarity felt like her throat was strangulated. She gasped, but no sound left her muzzle. Confused, she turned to Link and tried speaking to him… but nothing happened. Her lips moved, but that was it.

"A little silencing spell," Aloe explained. "Sorry we have to do this, but there is just too much on the line for us." And after that, everything went dark. A big blanket was put over the cage.

Rarity sighed. Up to now, she had at least been able to converse. But now, she couldn't even speak with her fellow captive. So now boredom was added to her already bad day, too.

She saw Link shuffling around and watched as he tried to take a look outside. On one side of the cage, the blanket didn't properly cover everything. Moonlight was shining through a thin gap, into the cage. Rarity heard the clopping of hooves, lots of voices and the wheels of many carriages. Where had the twins brought them?

Link peeked through the small gap. After a while, he waved Rarity over and let her take a look as well. She was very surprised as she realized that she recognized the city they were going through: It was Manehattan!

"Where is the harbor?" they heard Aloe mumble. "Is there still time?"

"It's that way," Lotus replied quietly. "Don't worry, the boat won't leave without us. But calm down, you'll attract unwanted attention."

After a while, the carriage stopped. Rarity heard the cries of seagulls nearby and the air smelled like salt.

"Come on, it's that ship over there. Let's tell him we're here. He and his men can bring those two on board, we did more than enough by bringing them here."

"Are you sure it's a good idea to just leave them here?"

"Hey, it's not like they can escape."

Coco Pommel was having a very nice day.

It started with a delicious breakfast. Shortly afterwards, she took a look at her daily mail. And to her joy and surprise, she found out that one of the merchants overseas she had contacted was very interested in the dress patterns she had sent him… the patterns she had from her new friend, the designer Rarity. All she had to do was to bring him one of the copies Rarity had generously left with her. The only problem was, he was living in Saddle Arabia… and there were no trains going there. Which meant she had to take a ship.

But her good day continued when she stumbled across a certain somepony on the street, a sailor who was a good friend of her late father… and he agreed to take her on his ship. And on top of that, he invited her for a drink in his favorite tavern at the harbor, right next to the docks.

When she left the tavern, feeling a little tipsy but also warm and fuzzy on the inside, it was already late and the moon was shining over Manehattan, big and bright.

'So big…' she thought to herself. 'Almost looks like it's going to fall down on top of the city.' She giggled a bit at her silliness and started walking. She felt a bit nervous, walking past the old warehouses. But she was certain that she would probably be all right as soon as she'd reach the street, where she'd call for a cab to take her home.

She came past a parked carriage, when she started stumbling. "Whoa… I better think twice before trying out rum in the future," she muttered as she leaned against the cart. The big box or whatever it was that was standing on the carriage, slid a bit sidewards. The blanket covering it also slid off a bit, revealing that it was, in fact, a cage.

She was also looking at her friend Rarity, who was sitting inside that cage. For a moment, Coco thought she had drunk enough to hallucinate, but she saw Rarity let out a silent gasp and she frantically waved her hooves at Coco.

"Rarity? Is that… is that you?" Coco asked. The white unicorn nodded and made some more gestures with her hooves, pointing to the padlock that was keeping the cage closed.

"What happened? Who put you in here? Can't you talk?" Seeing her friend in distress made Coco very nervous and upset. "Oh, what am I supposed to do? A… a key? There's a key? But where? I… Oh Rarity, I can't find it. Who did this to you? And where are they?"

Rarity pointed in the direction where the twins had left. "That yacht over there? I heard it belongs to a Dr. Caballeron… a very rich stallion. Oh, what trouble did you get yourself into now?"

The stallion that was in the cage with Rarity pointed at the ship, then the lock. Coco understood at once what he wanted from her. Her eyes widened with fear. "M-me? Get the key from them? Oh no no no, I can't do that. I'm not a very brave pony…" Her legs started shaking.

Rarity reached out of the cage and gently patted Coco's head. Using her magic, she then took hold of a stick lying on the ground and started writing in the dirt.

'TELL MY FRIENDS' she wrote.

"B-but I can't just leave you here… those ponies that captured you… if they do anything to you… AH! Somepony's coming! I'm so, so sorry, Rarity, but I better leave… I'm going to tell the others. Don't you worry." And she ran away, as fast as her little hooves could carry her.

Just a moment later, the twins returned. At their side was a dark stallion with an unshaved chin, who was followed by an assortment of male ponies who looked quite brutish, in Rarity's eyes.

"So, you are certain that these two are the ones we are looking for?" the stallion asked in an accented voice.

"At least one of them," Lotus replied. "The other one is an old nuisance we need to get rid of. Now, bring the cage on board!" she told the thugs.

They didn't move. "My boys know I would never let them accept orders from anyone… If you want their assistance, we need to discuss the matter of payment first."

"Caballeron… Didn't Ahuizotl tell you you'd be paid as soon as you brought the prisoner to him?" Aloe frowned.

"That's Dr. Caballeron!" the stallion frowned. "And we agreed on ONE prisoner. What I see here are two. More prisoners, more bits. It's easy, isn't it?"

Lotus rolled her eyes. "Very well, your fee will be doubled. But we can only pay you after we reach Saddle Arabia. Now can your men hurry up? We don't have all night."

"That's fine with me," Caballeron nodded. "All right, boys. You heard the ladies." With a smile, he turned to look at the prisoners. "Just so you know, this is nothing personal. But business is business."

He nodded towards his men, and the cage was carried to the yacht.