• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,245 Views, 2,051 Comments

Equestrian Epona - Shritistrang

What does a horse do when it finds out that it's actually from a world inhabited by intelligent equines? And when she gets the choice, where would she decide to live?

  • ...

Revealing the Trickster

"Everypony, stay in formation!" Twilight shouted. "We can't let the monsters get to the factory, there are civilians in there… AAARGH!"

"Princess!" Spitfire gasped in terror when Twilight was electrocuted by a lightning bolt.

"I'm fine," Twilight muttered, even though the tips of her wings were still twitching. She was starting to realize just how much her alicorn body was able to endure. "It still hurt like Tartarus…" She glared up to the giant main eye of Vitreous, which was floating right above her. "All right, that's it. I've just had enough of this. You wanna see some magic? HERE, HAVE SOME MOTHERBUCKING MAGIC!"

Spitfire's jaw dropped when the princess fired a huge beam of pure magic from her horn at the floating eyeball. And when it hit, the monster exploded in a giant mess of goop that splattered everywhere.

"Evasive maneuvers!" Spitfire shouted, and all the Wonderbolts and Night Guards in the vicinity barreled or dodged out of the acidic slime's way. Spitfire stared at Twilight in disbelief.

"Ehehehe… oops?" Twilight chuckled sheepishly. "I guess that was a bit of overkill, wasn't it?"

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was dealing with her own problems.

"Fluttershy! You have to snap out of it," she shouted as she dodged the Flutterbat's aerial assaults again and again.

"It's no use," a raspy voice echoed. "Even if for some reason your words would find their way into her suppressed mind, she would be unable to respond. I control the bats, so she is under my control."

"What the… who are you?" Rainbow asked as she looked up. She saw a dark, spooky figure that looked like it wore a cloak made completely out of black bats… or maybe the creature itself was made of bats. It had a sinister grin on its face and carried a huge scythe.

"I am Gomess, and my master Ghirahim sends his regards," the creature cackled. "Attack, my swarm!" With a motion of his scythe, more bats spread across all of Cloudsdale, like a shroud of shadows. At the same time, Fluttershy's attacks became more and more aggressive.

Rainbow winced when one of Fluttershy's strikes connected, leaving a hoof-shaped imprint on her face. "Dang it, Fluttershy… I don't want to hurt you…"

But Fluttershy didn't listen. With a growl, she prepared for another lunge, but then, powerful clawed limbs were wrapped around her body.

"Sorry, Shy," Gilda grunted as she restrained Fluttershy as well as she could. "But this is for your own good. Dash! You go ahead and give that creep a good thrashing, you hear? I'll try to keep Flutters under control as best as I can."

"You sure you're able to handle her all on your own?" Rainbow asked.

"You wound me, Dash," Gilda smirked. "You honestly think I'd let Fluttershy of all ponies beat me up? You know I've tangled with much worse." She grimaced when the Flutterbat kicked her into the stomach. "Oof… just get a move on, will ya? Keeping a hold on her is not as easy as it looks."

"Thanks, Gilda… I owe you one…" Rainbow gave her childhood friend a grateful nod and then flew up to Gomess, who was still spreading his bats over the battlefield. While Vitreous and his little eyes were dealt with, the battle was far from over with the arrival of this new menace.

"Taking control of Fluttershy… I'll show him," Rainbow grumbled as she flew at the creature with increasing velocity. "Ready to learn what a Sonic Rainboom feels like?"

The feelings were all too familiar to her now. The feeling of the air being parted by her hooves, the wind that tousled her mane, the adrenaline being pumped through her blood, all that was left was the explosion of speed, sound, power and color at the end of it.

Gomess turned his head… and smirked as she was speeding towards him. In the final split second before she hit her target, Rainbow realized that her signature move might not have the intended effect on this particular enemy. But she was unable to stop herself now, she slammed right into his swarm of bats… and right through it.

Confused that she couldn't feel anything at all, the pegasus slowed herself down and looked back at the monster. There was no sonic boom, no explosion of color, nothing. "What the… what happened?" she asked in confusion. "Why didn't it work?"

"Stupid pony," Gomess grinned. "Do you honestly believe your feeble attempt to harm me would have worked? Nothing can harm me." He laughed. "I and all of my swarm are composed of the deepest of darkness. We can never be harmed by conventional means. How can you harm shadows? How can you attack the night?"

"SILENCE!" a booming voice came from the heavens. "You shall not speak of my sister's domain in such a manner, creature! And you shall not harm my subjects any longer!"

A brilliant light shone upon the whole battlefield. Whenever it touched the bats, they were swept away and dissolved into nothingness. All of the ponies gazed up upon the glorious image of their beloved princess.

"It's Princess Celestia!" Twilight shouted with joy. "She's finally back."

Gomess grimaced at the appearance of the alicorn. Even though he was visibly shivering, he shouted: "Foolish princess! My master is aligned with powers that have vanquished your sort millennia ago… you cannot win!"

"Many have claimed this and still they fell before me, including the Master of Chaos, the King of Shadows and even my own sister…" Celestia said as she glared down at him. "If your master wants to harm these ponies, he will have to come here himself. You are nothing but a shade that withers away in the brilliance of the sun… begone!" And from her horn, she fired a ray of light as bright as the sun. It tore apart the layer of dark bats that surrounded the creature like a cloak, revealing a pulsating core in its middle and tore right through it. Gomess didn't even have the chance to scream as he disappeared, just like his swarm.

All of Cloudsdale erupted with cheer as the pegasi and Nocturnals welcomed their princess in their middle. As Celestia flew down to Cloudsdale's grand plaza in front of the stadium, Spitfire and Night Glide landed in front of her, bowing respectfully.

Twilight, however, just ran up to her former mentor as soon as her hooves touched the clouds and welcomed her with a warm hug. "You're back! How did things go with Discord?"

"I think I managed to convince him to help us," Celestia said. "Although I had to agree to a condition he had… he wanted to try and speak to the dark army's master before we attack."

"Discord wants to speak instead of causing chaos?" Twilight asked, completely baffled. "Are you sure we're talking about the same person here?"

"He has his reasons, and it is not my place to tell you about his motives," Celestia said. "First things first, though… I missed most of the fight. Are there any casualties?"

"A large number of injuries, mostly acid burns and electrocutions, your Highness," Night Glide said. "But fortunately, there were no deaths as of yet."

"The medics are treating the wounded and I am glad to report that most of the Wonderbolts are still ready for duty," Spitfire saluted. "After this cowardly attack, we are more than willing to fly into battle for Equestria."

"Your bravery is commendable, but give your fellow ponies some time to rest, Captain," Celestia ordered.

"Hey! If you have medics, get one over here, pronto!" shouted Gilda as she landed nearby, cradling the unconscious form of Fluttershy. She was still in her bat form and had a couple of bruises.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight gasped as she ran at her friend's side. "What happened to her?"

"W-well, she was kicking me in the shins… and I had to restrain her somehow… so I kind of… fought back…"

"Dangit, G," Rainbow said as she landed next to them. "This is Fluttershy we're talking about. Couldn't you have treated her a bit gentler?"

"Hey, this 'gentle' pony tried to bite my tail off!" Gilda shouted.

"It's okay, her injuries are minor," Celestia said. "And I can tell you meant well, brave griffon. From what I know, you are the new-awakened Sage of Kindness, are you not?"

Visibly taken aback that she was so suddenly addressed by Celestia herself, Gilda coughed a bit and muttered: "Y-yeah, uh… that's me… Gilda the sage… kindness rules and stuff…"

"I'll get a medic right away," Spitfire said as she flew off.

"Hey, can we stay on topic here?" Rainbow asked. "What's the matter with Fluttershy's appearance? Why doesn't she turn back into a regular pegasus? Twilight, can't you do something?"

"Let me take a closer look…" Night Glide said as she stepped towards Fluttershy. She gently stroked her mane.

After a moment, Fluttershy started to stir. "She's waking up," Rainbow realized with joy.

Slowly, the yellow bat pony opened her eyes. Those weren't the mindless eyes of a feral animal anymore, but the eyes of a confused and frightened pony. She looked up at Night Glide. "M… mom?"

"Hey there, sweetie," Night Glide smiled down at her. "It's been a while… you look good."

Fluttershy started to sniffle. "Oh, oh Mom… it was so horrible… I've done so many bad things and… and I wanted to hurt Rainbow Dash… I'm a bad pony…"

"Sshhhhh, it's okay," Night Glide said softly as she hugged her daughter. "That wasn't you, you weren't in your right mind. It's going to be fine, sweetie… it's going to be fine."

Fluttershy cried into her mother's embrace and Celestia tilted her head. "Let's give them a moment of privacy," she said quietly and she, Twilight, Rainbow and Gilda left them alone for the moment.

"Is she going to be all right?" Rainbow asked as she looked back at her friend with worry.

"I think Fluttershy is stronger than you think, Rainbow Dash," Celestia said. "She might be devastated by the things she was forced to do, but I am confident that she'll recover in time. Most importantly, she has a caring mother and good friends to help her. She will be fine."

"Heck yeah, she will," Gilda nodded. "After all, it was Flutters who started that group for me and Scoots and all those other fellows to help us deal with our own problems. She may not be a griffon, but she's as tough as ponies can get."

"Gilda is right, Rainbow," Twilight smiled. "As long as Fluttershy has us to help her, she will be okay. Right now, there are a lot of other things we need to take care of."

"That's right," Celestia nodded. "And one of these things is standing right in front of me." She stared straight ahead at the small 'special task force' of White Wing, Sparky, Splinterhoof and Light Beam.

Twilight looked at them with a puzzled expression. "Wait a minute… Splinterhoof? Light Beam? When did you guys get here? How did you get here? Did you use the cloud walking spell, Light Beam?"

"Light Beam? Is that the name you gave my ponies?" Celestia asked as she frowned at the green-maned unicorn mare.

Light Beam smiled. "Hello, Celestia. How lovely to see you again."

"See? I told you this was a bad idea," White Wing sighed. "I knew they'd figure it out eventually."

"Oh shut it, angel face," Splinterhoof muttered. "We would have been fine if Celestia hadn't shown up."

"I guess the cat is out of the bag," Light Beam shrugged. "No need to hide our true identities any longer." A soft glow surrounded her and Splinterhoof, and when it was over, they both had turned into alicorns. On top of that, Light Beam had grown as tall and regal as Celestia, while Splinterhoof kept her small size.

Celestia shook her head with a sigh. "Mother, what are you doing here? Is that Farore's daughter? And why did you bring an angel and an elemental to Equestria?"

"Hey!" the pony formerly known as Sparky said with a frown. "I'm a thunder goddess."

"Demigoddess at best," the little alicorn said. "Now hush, Phosphora. Leave the talking to us."

"All right, Lady Viridi…"

Of all the assembled ponies (and griffon), Twilight was the first to regain her speech. "Wh-what? What's going on? Who is this? Why are there more and more alicorns appearing in Equestria?"

"You are such a rookie," Viridi chuckled. "You know next to nothing about other deities, or even other worlds. Did you honestly think Celestia and Luna are the only divine beings that exist?"

"You will try and treat her with respect, little one," Celestia sternly said to Viridi. "Even though she doesn't know as much as you do, she has proven herself to be worthy of these powers."

"Then why have you never told her about the multiverse, auntie?" Viridi scoffed. "A true goddess knows everything about every world."

"Can anypony make sense already?" Twilight nearly shouted. "Who are those ponies?"

"Viridi, let me handle this," the green-maned alicorn said. Smiling, she stepped up to Twilight. "So you are the protégé my daughter has told me so much about. I am very honored to finally meet you, Twilight Sparkle. Allow me to introduce myself: I am Palutena, Goddess of Light and mother of Celestia and Luna. These are Viridi, Goddess of Nature and daughter of Farore… the general of my personal army of angels, Pit… and Phosphora, a general within Viridi's army, the Forces of Nature."

"Um… hi there," Pit said sheepishly, while Phosphora grinned and waved.

Twilight didn't say anything. For a couple of moments, she stood completely still.

Rainbow carefully poked her hoof against Twilight's head. "Um… Twilight? Helloooo? Are you still there?"

Pit looked up at his goddess. "Lady Palutena? I think you broke her…"

"This is absurd…" Ghirahim muttered to himself as he trotted in circles in the uppermost chamber of his newly-constructed tower. "This can't be happening. How can they oppose me? How can they rally an army against me? Don't they know the forces they are dealing with? I am Ghirahim! The Demon Lord! Right-hand sword of the Dark King, Demise!" He wanted to strike a regal pose by spreading his arms, but realized too late that he only had hooves.

"CURSE THIS FEEBLE PONY BODY!" he screamed, making the Diamond Dogs and Bokoblins in the tower tremble from the volume of his voice.

"Awww, is the little lord of dorkness throwing a tantrum?" someone sitting on his throne chuckled.

Ghirahim spun around. "Who DARES sit upon the throne Ghirahim made for himself, to rule over this world for the greatness of his master and his… mmmmph!" He reached up for his mouth, but only found a closed zipper there.

"Finally, some peace and quiet," Discord smirked. "Do you have any idea how annoying you are? No wonder old Demisey usually carried you around as a sword whenever he was around. Swords don't talk, as far as I remember."

Frustrated, Ghirahim opened the zipper with his magic and it disappeared. "Explain yourself! Who are you and what is your business with the demon lord?"

"Discord, spirit of chaos, nice to meet you, yadda yadda…" Discord yawned. "Enough with the introductions already, they tend to bore me. Oh, did anyone tell you you have a very nice taste in chairs? Very comfortable, too. It could use something, though…" He snapped his fingers, and the throne transformed into an inflatable blow-up chair. "There, isn't that much better?" The spirit of chaos leaned back with a content sigh.

"You are an entity with lots of power, apparently," Ghirahim said. "What is it you wish of me? Do you want the favor of my master to help us overthrow the ponies?"

"Me, the favor of that humorless blob of black scales and sharp teeth you call a master?" Discord bent over with laughter. "Oh, that's a good one. Pray tell, what's he going to do to the ponies once he arrives? Step on them with those adorably stubby toes of his?"

"ENOUGH!" Ghirahim roared, firing a barrage of gems at the giggling spirit. In a flash, Discord was on the other side of the room, and all that happened was that the chair he had been sitting in deflated after being pierced with razor-sharp gemstones.

"Now see what you did, you've ruined a perfectly good blow-up chair," Discord scoffed. "That's the last time I share a good joke with you."

"Don't you EVER insult my master again!" Ghirahim was fuming. "I'll show you what we are capable of if you don't remove yourself from this tower at once. On the other hand, don't bother… I'll destroy you anyway!"

"Now that isn't funny anymore, that's just cute," Discord grinned. "The little knife thinks it's threatening."

"I warned you…" Ghirahim muttered. His horn started glowing a dark red as he gathered all of his magic powers. "Oh Master Demise, hear your servant! Grace me with all the darkness you can give and let me destroy this infidel that dared to besmirch your greatness!"

Nothing happened… at first. But then, shadows started gathering behind Ghirahim. Discord watched with mild interest as the form of the dark horse began to manifest in front of him, staring back at the draconequus with its glowing, red eyes.

Ghirahim chuckled. "You've taken your last breath today, trespasser. For today you shall taste the wrath of Demise!"

"Demise?" Discord pulled a pair of binoculars out of nowhere and looked around the room, even out of the window. "Now that's strange, I can't see him anywhere. Did you maybe hide him under your oh-so fabulous cape?"

"Make insulting jokes all you want, but you cannot ignore the power that is my master," Ghirahim sneered. "Standing right behind me!"

Discord took another look. "Oh. Wait, you think THAT is your master?" He started laughing again. "Oh, that is rich. You actually managed to fool him this whole time, brother? I almost feel sorry for the poor guy."

Ghirahim's left eye started twitching. "Wh… what did you say? Brother…?"

The dark horse sighed in a voice that was completely unfamiliar to Ghirahim. "Ah Discord, did you have to spoil my little surprise? It was starting to get really enjoyable. This little clown would have been willing to do my bidding for all eternity. If I wanted, I could have let him jump out of the window, just for my amusement."

"What…? Who are…? You are not my master…" the demon lord stuttered as he turned to face the being he had believed to be his master.

"Bingo!" the dark horse chuckled. "Can you believe it, little brother? The little demon lady actually can think for herself. Looks like Demise put a brain somewhere in that dense head after all."

"Now don't feel bad, Ghi-Ghi," Discord snickered as he walked up to the form of the dark horse. "You've been tricked by the very best. Even I was fooled by some of his tricks, back when we were still young. Hey, that reminds me: Do you remember the chocolate syrup in Celestia's shampoo?"

"Oh yes, and the barnacles in Palutena's robes," the entity that had been posing as Demise laughed. "I swear to father, those were the days."

"Who… who are you?" Ghirahim muttered. He never wanted to admit anything like this to anyone, but he was getting afraid. He was feeling vulnerable, exposed, at the mercy of these two tricksters that seemed to know so much more about what was going on than he.

"Let me introduce you to the greatest prankster alive, Ghirahim," Discord smiled. "Lord of the Underworld and a thorn in Palutena's side ever since the creation of time… Hades!"

The dark horse transformed into a grotesque figure, the caricature of a tall, muscular man with a wide grin on his face, his skin a chaotic mess of multi-colored swirls and patterns, his hair a wild combination of sickly green and blood red strands.

Hades took a bow in front of the flabbergasted demon lord. "The one and only! Hope you're not too disappointed that I am, in fact, not Demise. To tell you the truth, I've made a bet with myself to see just how far I would be able to go with this without you finding out my true identity, Ghirahim. Very far, as it turned out. Your devotion to Demise blinded you so much that you never once questioned my instructions. You've been an amusing little puppet, really."

"This can't be happening…" Ghirahim muttered as he collapsed in front of the two deities. "Tricked… all this time… but wait…" He looked up at Hades. "If you aren't my master… where is he?"

Hades shrugged. "Where he always was? Let's see, part of his power was sealed within the Master Sword and the other half… oh, that's right, it was reincarnated. Within that amusingly evil mortal desert man, what was his name again? Oh yes… Ganondorf."

"NO!" Ghirahim screamed. "No, I refuse to believe it! My master… stuck in the form of a MORTAL? That… that cannot be!"

"Oh please, you are just kidding yourself right now," Discord sighed. "Did you honestly think that all that he did, getting reincarnated again and again, using all those dark magics, acquiring the Triforce of Power… did you really think he did that because he was just really lucky?"

"He may not have known that he was the reincarnation of Demise, but he at least felt that this was his destiny," Hades said. "And while your little boss, Dark Lord Twinkletoes, is gathering his old followers in his old sandbox, all you managed to do was following a phantom around. Nicely done." And he started clapping, very slowly.

"But why?" Ghirahim asked with disbelief. "Why did you do all of this? Why would you go to such lengths and put up a façade like this? What are your true intentions if not the resurrection of Demise?"

"You know, I've been wondering that as well, Hades," Discord said. "What is it that you're trying to do? I've been perfectly happy with leaving you alone, letting you play your little game… that is, until Celestia came along. And, you know how it is, I really didn't want to help her. But, she made me curious about your true plans. Would you be willing to share them with me? I mean, we are family."

"Oh come on, Discord," Hades said. "If family was to important to you, you would have paid me a visit in the Underworld a long time ago. Well, during the time you weren't imprisoned in stone, that is. But I suppose I can tell you what I want. Who knows, maybe you'll want to join me afterwards."

"I'm all ears, " Discord said, transforming into a pair of huge wax ears.

"Well then, where do I start?" Hades asked. With a wave of his hand, he transformed the remains of the blow-up chair back into Ghirahim's throne and made himself comfortable. "Ah, yes. Chaos!"

Discord blinked. "Chaos?"

Hades grinned. "Chaos! Your favorite, isn't it? So delightful, so easy to spread when you're dealing with mortals. That is, unless you have spoilsport gods like Palutena or her little daughters to ruin it." He sighed dramatically. "The last time I wanted to spread some fun, they all ganged up against me: Viridi, Palutena, and her little angel toy, Pitty-Pat. That's not fair, is it? And all just because I killed a couple of humans to use their souls to create monsters for my own personal army. Well, maybe it was hundreds, thousands or billions of them, but who keeps count of that? I mean, what do I care if the delicate balance of the world is threatened? But of course, nobody would see it my way and they ruined it all for me. So, what else could I do afterwards? Try it again? Not a very smart move, if they could just stop me again. Also, very predictable and boring. No, no, this time around, I want to work on a much bigger level. This time… I want to spread chaos on ALL the worlds!"

"Excuse me, my ear canals must be clogged," the Discord-ear said as he produced a giant cotton swab out of nowhere and started using it to clean himself in and out. "But did you just say ALL the worlds?"

"You heard me," Hades nodded. "Why only deal with Palutena's little home turf when I can spread mayhem and carnage on Hyrule, Equestria and so many other worlds? At first I was pretty random with my actions, dropping a couple of comets made of pure chaos here and there. The results were pretty amusing, but in the grand scheme of things, it didn't really change much. So I came up with another plan… My thoughts went to Hyrule and how its inhabitants could consider themselves lucky to lead such interesting lives. Always a huge and powerful monster on the loose, always some dark lord or wizard around to make things interesting. Sure, Ganon and his kin are pretty dull and humorless compared to the two of us, but the results are what matter. So I compared Hyrule with the always sunny, always funny, always colorful land you have chosen for your chaotic little romps… Equestria. And I wondered: What would happen if I released all the bad guys from Hyrule here? Would the cute little ponies be able to stand up against them like Palutena did? Also, Equestria has some pretty interesting shadowy individuals as well. What do you think might happen if we revive eeevil King Sombra and show him the wonderful world of Kanto? Or if we allow the changeling swarm to be loose on the peaceful town and city of those talking, walking animals? Do you see the possibilities?"

Discord raised an eyebrow. "That's it? You did all of this just because you felt bored?"

"Don't tell me you had a better reason for your little rampage a 1000 years ago," Hades said. "At least I had the dignity not to befriend my enemy. Oh yes, I've heard about the little tea partys and picnics you attended… tell me, do you have any shame left after that?"

"Now now, that's simply not fair," Discord frowned, crossing his arms. "Do you know how hard it is to say no to a picnic when Fluttershy looks at you with those adorable eyes of hers?"

"Brother, are you forgetting who you're talking to?" Hades yawned. "You can't lie to me, you know that. I gave you my story, so give me yours already. What is it you're planning with the ponies? Why are you pretending to be their buddy? You could have wrapped them around your claws by now. The yellow one even REFUSED to help turning you back to stone."

"You… you… you wouldn't understand," Discord muttered.

"I wouldn't? Well, I understand that I have no intention of halting my plan just because you befriended some ponies. Come on, I can buy you a new pony anytime. We'll even build you a nice little petting zoo, how does that sound?"

"It's not like you were always around to play when we were younger," Discord muttered. "Not after father… passed on. He left me in YOUR care, and what did you do? Leave me stranded on a world populated by technicolor pony weirdos, in the company of the two princesses that never liked me. Of course things got boring pretty fast, I tried to have some fun, and then they had to use those Elements of Harmony to turn me into a lawn ornament. But did you ever do anything to free me? No, you didn't even visit. You were too busy playing with Palutena and Pitty-Poo!"

"What can I say?" Hades shrugged. "It's a hobby of mine."

"Maybe I really prefer having ponies as friends," Discord muttered. "They are much more fun than you are, big brother. I don't know why I wanted to stay with you all these years… You've always been father's favorite…"

Hades sighed. "Don't be like that, Discord…"

"Um, excuse me…" Ghirahim spoke up from the ground.

The two gods looked down at him. "Oh, he's still here? I nearly forgot about him," Hades said. "Oh well, I'll just put him away until I feel like playing with him again." He snapped his fingers, and Ghirahim found himself hanging from a weapons rack on the wall of the room. He wanted to shout and complain, but realized he couldn't do that anymore. Hades had taken away his mouth.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to play again very soon," Hades smiled at the helpless demon lord. "Demise or not, your little army of monsters can still stir up some nice trouble in this world… at least until I found the remaining sages. Thanks for the help, by the way. I don't think I could have found the first two without your help."

"The Sages?" Discord asked. "So there's more to this whole story than just fun and games. You are trying to find the Sages of Equestria. Tell me, what do you need them for?"

"I would have told you, but you don't want to play with me anymore, so you're out of luck."

Discord narrowed his eyes. "Hades… I'm warning you. We may be brothers and I may have promised father I would never lift a claw to hurt you… but if you insist on hurting the ponies, I will not stand by idly."

"Do you honestly believe you could stop me, little brother?" Hades smirked. "Do you remember who always won in those little fights we had in the past? I am older, I am bigger and I am stronger than you, Discord, so go ahead and turn some clouds into cotton candy someplace else. Big brother's got work to do."

"I see…" Discord frowned. "Well, I've done everything I can. You don't want to listen to reason. But don't say I didn't warn you, Hades… Palutena already knows that you are involved."

"What does she think she can do?" Hades huffed. "Send her little angel at me, again? I doubt she can even find me."

"She knows that you're right here…"

The god of the Underworld laughed. "See, this is why I've always been father's favorite. You are always a step behind me, Discord. Why would I set foot into this world if I know that Palutena's here, too?" And with a burst of smoke, he turned into a piñata.

"Clever trick, Hades," Discord muttered. "But Palutena will be the least of your troubles when you run into Twilight…"

Comments ( 125 )

Can I imagine Hades sounding like James Woods?

5523251 Well, he does have his own voice in Kid Icarus: Uprising, but sure, imagine his voice however you want it to sound like.

inflatable blow-up chair.

in this case, wouldn't inflatable and blow up be the same thing?

5523348 Well, it's Discord. He likes to add unneeded words.

You mentioned Kanto. I expect Poke-references now. Give them to me.

5523396 I did not just reference Pokemon, but also another series of games made by Nintendo. A town and city populated by walking, talking animals? Come on, I'm sure you can put two and two together. :raritywink:

5523294 I've never played Kid Icarus, but I always remember Hades in Disneys Herculues, James Woods made that character. :pinkiehappy:

5523430 Yes, I also enjoy that version of Hades a lot. I've watched the movie and saw that Hades in the Kingdom Hearts games.

But if you've got a Nintendo 3DS, I recommend you try out Kid Icarus Uprising. If not, try to find videos about the game on Youtube. The characters' constant conversations are entertaining to listen to.

5523401 Never really liked Animal Crossing.:ajbemused:

Didn't see that one coming. Was sorta expecting the five freedom fighters from Twilight Princess, not really the cast from Kid Icarus. Did make sense at first with how I pictured their descriptions in my head.

Wooo! Kid icarus characters are awesome! :pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss:

5523401 OH. I GET IT, ANIMAL CROSSING WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH...... I never played that one though.

Well, I say, that it was weird at first that Ganondorf and Demise existed at the same time, but I never expected to be a ruse by the God of the Underworld and professional troll Hades, much less that Kid Icarus would pass from mere mentions to be directly involved, AND PALUTENA IS CELLY'S AND WOONAS MOM? :rainbowderp:

This Story is awesome. I realy enjoy reading this.

Keep up the good work.

Okay, now I'm expecting full out war in all worlds.

5523467 Me neither, but I thought it would make for a good reference.

Yes! THank you so much for keeping Discord good!
I can understand him being in a moral dilemma with choosing between family and friends, but I am so happy that he didn't instantly betray the ponies and went with his brother at the first mention of chaos.

Come on, I can buy you a new pony anytime. We'll even build you a nice little petting zoo, how does that sound?

And he shall be called... BUTT STALLION!

So, when do Mario, Samus, Kirby and Master Hand and Crazy Hand show up?

When Hades meets Twilight?

Theres going to be,


Hell to pay.

Something I really, really want t see. Twilight finding out how to Unleash The Pinkie.

What does this mean? It means Pinkie becomes Fausts avatar. Total and complete control over every aspect of the story.

There is a good chance that such an occurance has already happened, but nobody knows about it, because she altered all our memories to forget the thing was ever possible. :pinkiecrazy:

Oh hey! It's Kid Icarus too, and it's integrated into the canon? Palutena is Celestia's mother?

... I like this. I don't think I've seen a Kid Icarus crossover... and now that I think about it, it'd be pretty appropriate after the tone of Kid Icarus Uprising.

Damn it! I liked the story because I'm a fan of Legend of Zelda and I have somewhat mild knowledge on the game, but now Kid Icarus!? I think this is getting a little too complicated for me, I need to start watching some walkthroughs.

*Hops on a black horse with a fiery mane and trots away*

See you later...

"Discord wants to speak instead of causing chaos?"

With the way he works, those two are the same thing.

Glad they finally revealed Demise and Ganondorf were the same person. I'm glad to ignore canon breaks for the sake of a good story, but that one was bugging me.

I hope you have a plan. I have seen to many authors fail to do anything half as big as this is getting.

More more more please

5523624 Dont Forget Pikachu, DK and Fox

Is this a crossover between Twilight Princess and MLP? My life is now complete! I can die happy.

5524235 Well, it's mostly Ocarina of Time and My little Pony, with guest characters from Kid Icarus and little bits taken from Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess.

5523352 I'm glad you're back to action, just where's Epona-chan?

5523929 More than that; the whole nintendoverse. He mentioned Kanto (pokemon) and a world of talking animals (animal crossing).

..... I think i hurt myself holding in my laughter.

Just want to mention: in the chapter when you had Hades talk about how long ago Discord went on a rampage, you said 100 years, not 1000.

Why are there more and more alicorns appearing in Equestria?


your little rampage 100 years ago

I think you meant "little rampage 1000 years ago" 100 years ago Discord was a lawn ornament.

I tried ti have some fun, and then they had to use those Elements of Harmony to turn me into a lawn ornament.

I think you were trying to say "I tried to have some fun"

Thanks for the corrections, guys. It should all be fixed now.

I'm sorry, I can't help but picture this voice for Hades:

So when does everyone in Smash shows up
But for really this story just got better and confusing

the way this is turning out, it may turn into a Subspace Emissary crossover. that would be the SSBB campaign.

I can actually see Ghirahim surviving. when demise was defeated, he simply disappeared; he could've been teleporting away.

5524255 that is.... a surprisingly logical answer

5526260 Your argument is invalid. It's Level two.

So! Discord is not Demise's brother, but Hades! TWISTS EVERYWHERE! Kick his butt Dissy!

After reading this chapter you mights as change the story title to Criss on Nintendo Univers you enclouded Kid Icarus you might as well put Super Mario Bros, Medtroid, and many other Nintendo franchises. :pinkiehappy:

This is intense. Nice job.

Intresting and weird and multiversal. Good show.

"Now hush, Phosphora. Leave the talking to us."

"All right, Lady Viridi…"



Ah hello Pitty Pat. I JUST HAD TO DO IT!

Now that's an interesting turn, the story has taken.
When can we expect the next chapter?

5528232 I'm glad you enjoyed it. And the next chapter will be ready in February, I believe.

I like how you combined Kid Icarus, The Legend of Zelda and Equestria into one big mashup btw; and Discord's foreshadowing, in regard to Twilight is very promising.

Oh! I just realized, I'm following this story since before the list-feature here and therefore haven't added it yet.
*adds your story to his 'Outstanding' list*


Is their father Typhon? And what about Majora?

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