• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,245 Views, 2,051 Comments

Equestrian Epona - Shritistrang

What does a horse do when it finds out that it's actually from a world inhabited by intelligent equines? And when she gets the choice, where would she decide to live?

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Lost at Sea

I always used to envy Link whenever he set out on his own. Most of the heroic deeds he accomplished were those he did without the help of his loyal horse. He found lost treasure, saved people from horrible fates and defeated enormous monsters. Sure, Navi and I were a big help and part of the team, but the hero of the day was always Link. Most of the time, I accepted that and was happy with the role of the humble helper. But there were times I wished I was the one who could face the dangerous beast in battle and defeat it in a glorious way, with heroic strikes.

This moment when I was at sea with my daughters and their friends? That was the moment when I wished I could take all my previous wishes back. The first thing that ran through my head when that ugly sea monster rose up in front of me was: 'How does Link deal with such things all the time?'

But I had to keep a cool head. Link was not here, so I had to deal with this on my own. A tentacle as thick as my own body came crashing down on the deck, so I quickly dodged out of the way. At least my pony shape was much more nimble than the horse body I had in Hyrule.

Meanwhile, the three kids were running around in a panic.

"Aaaaaaaaah, that thing's bigger than the octopus in the lake!"

"It's gonna eat us!"

"We're all going to diiiiieeeee!"

"Stop running around like a bunch of headless chicken!" I shouted. "Captain! Do you have any cannons on board?"

"Uh… can't say I have," the captain said. "This is a merchant's ship, lass, not a combat vessel."

"What about catapults?"

"Not a single one," he said.

"Bows and arrows?"

"Nnnope," he said, sounding almost like my son.

"ANYTHING we can use to shoot that thing?" I shouted exasperated.

"Sorry, I wish I could help you," the captain muttered. "I really wish I could." Another wave hit the deck and soaked me and the captain from head to hooves. "What the…? Blisterning barnacles! Now see what ye've done, ye overgrown squid: My pipe went out!" Grumbling, he reached for his matches and tried relighting it.

"Looks like it's close combat for now," Applejack grunted as she bucked a tentacle that tried to wrap itself around the main mast. "Horseapples, who could have known we'd be attacked on the open sea?"

"You wanna shoot something at that beast?" Rainbow Dash asked as she flew up. As soon as she was in the air, all her seasickness seemed to be forgotten. "How 'bout a cloud that shoots lightning?" Like a flash, she flew up and pushed a small cloud down, towards the monster. She kicked it once with her legs, and a bolt of lightning shot down, electrocuting the beast. "HA! Take that!"

"Whoohoo, way to go, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo cheered, her terror forgotten for a moment.

"Nicely done, Rainbow," Applejack smirked. "Looks like it pays off havin' a pegasus with ya on a boat trip."

I admit, for a moment, I had almost forgotten that pegasi could do that. I've really left Equestria for too long. But I could see that this would not be enough. "Don't cheer for victory just yet, girls," I muttered. "It's far from over."

The lightning had left a nasty, black burn mark on the monster's right side. It let out a wailing screech of pain, but also anger. I turned its one eye towards the cyan pegasus. Most of the bigger tentacles were out of Rainbow's reach, but the ones on its head suddenly shot upwards. Rainbow tried dodging, but to our all surprise, the head tentacles turned out not to be tentacles at all, but instead actual snakes. By the time Rainbow realized that, one of the snakes had already bit her in the leg.

"OW! Hey! Let go! Stupid thing!" she shouted and flailed around, but the snake kept its grip on her while the rest of the squirming appendages surrounded the helpless pegasus from all sides.

"Um, uh-oh," she gulped as she realized her predicament. "Help?"

"Hold on, Dash! I'm-a coming!" Applejack yelled as she pulled a rope out of her hat, twirled it around and threw it all the way over to the monster. I held my breath when I saw the perfect throw… it seemed like in the years of my absence, my daughter had turned into an expert with the lasso. The rope wrapped itself around most of the snake heads, and with a firm pull with her teeth, the scaly menaces were tied up. At that moment, Rainbow managed to free herself with a strong kick to the head of the serpent that was holding her.

"Ha-ha, trussed up like a turkey!" AJ grinned. "What d'ya say now, Squidward?"

The monster's answer was a long tentacle that came at Applejack from behind. "Look out!" I shouted, but it was too late. Applejack was snatched up from the deck and raised up high into the air.

I narrowed my eyes. "All right… enough is enough! I've lost my husband, was almost crushed by a meteorite, was abducted through time and space, turned into a horse that was not even able to talk, was attacked again and again by monsters, was sent on a guilt trip after getting angry at my fairy friend, was unable to keep my Hylian friend from being abducted… and now you giant pile of sushi think you can take my daughter away from me, too? Forget about it!"

I snatched the matches away from the captain, ignoring his protests. I reached into the bag of supplies I had brought from Manehattan. I took one of the bombs I bought, lit its fuse, threw it up into the air, turned around, gave the spherical explosive a good buck and watched how it flew all the way over the water, into the monster's face.

When the bomb exploded, the beast let out its most horrible screech yet. The one tentacle that had Applejack lost its grip on her, she fell down and was snatched out of the air by Rainbow Dash.

"Need a lift?" the cocky pegasus grinned.

"All right, Mom!" Apple Bloom pumped her hoof. "You did it!"

She was right. I saw that the monster didn't have much longer to live. In its throes of death, it twitched and flailed around, whipping its tentacles everywhere. I was about to let out a sigh of relief, but then one of the tentacles came down right where I was standing.

"MOOOOOOOOOM!" Apple Bloom shouted as I was thrown overboard. Everything else I witnessed after that was a chaotic blur of images and sounds. I remember hitting the water and sinking down below. I know I struggled to get back to the surface and then hit my head on something, maybe a plank. Just before my senses left me, I saw how the dying creature was using its final breath to pull the ship apart into two pieces.

Nabooru was standing on a balcony, looking over Canterlot and the vast world of Equestria that was behind it. But her thoughts weren't focused on this new world, they were focused on a dilemma the current Gerudo leader found inside her heart.

According to the goddess her people had revered since forever, the Gerudo used to be ponies of Equestria, instead of humans from Hyrule.

Nabooru was born a human. She was raised in the Gerudo Fortress to be a skilled fighter, thief and leader. In her youth, she loved going on treasure hunts. But as she grew older, the tribe's welfare became more and more important to her. Unlike others, she had realized that following Ganondorf meant not only abandoning old traditions, but also submitting yourself to the dark forces the former king of thieves was tampering with. Conquering other kingdoms? Enslaving, even killing women and children? She would rather die than see her tribe turn into a tribe of monsters.

Ever since Ganondorf was dealt with, her path in life seemed to be clear, guided by the winds of the desert. But now? What was she supposed to do now? Her tribe deserved to know the truth, right? And what would happen if the truth came out? Would the other Gerudo be appalled? Frightened? Curious? What if some decided to go to Equestria and worship the goddess in her own world? The tribe would split and maybe be torn apart because of it.

She looked down at herself. Four quick legs carrying a sleek, sinewy body covered with only the thinnest amount of fur, a fur whose color strongly resembled the bronze skin of her human form. A flowing mane and tail, just as fiery red as her hair. The same bracelets and necklace, adapted to fit her new shape. The same jewel ornament in the middle of her forehead.

'This is what I would have looked like if I was born in Equestria?' she wondered. 'I'm still learning the extent of my powers as a sage. All I did was allowing the spell to adapt my body to this world. Did the magic know my tribe's past here in Equestria and chose this form for me? What about the others? Rauru, Saria and Impa seem like pretty normal ponies. And what about Ruto and Darunia? Do creatures like the ones they turned into even exist here?'

"Are you okay?"

Nabooru turned her head and saw Saria standing there, looking at the older female with concern.

"Saria… what do you see when you look at yourself?"

The filly looked back at her changed body. "A pony, I guess. Is this a trick question?"

Nabooru chuckled. "No, it's not. Sorry, I was just thinking. It's just so weird, being in this new body. And to think that this might be what my people used to look like…"

Saria walked up to her. "You know… there isn't a lot of change happening to a Kokiri's body. Unlike Hylians or you Gerudo, we never grow old. We always stay the same, never changing. There really isn't a lot in our village that ever changes. We live the same careless lives, no matter how old we grow. We stay the same curious, innocent children, not really knowing anything about the world outside of our forest. As for me, I am a very unusual Kokiri. I can leave the forest without having to fear any negative consequences. And the more often I leave the forest, the more I learn about the world. I don't think I'm as innocent or naive as I used to be. My body stayed small, but my mind grew. But now that I changed my body to that of an Equestrian… it's really the first time I ever changed on the outside. But you know the most curious thing?"

"What is it?" Nabooru asked.

Saria smiled. "It didn't affect my mind at all. At first I was afraid that my very first physical change would leave a big impression on me and change my whole view of life forever. But nothing of the sort happened. I'm still the same Saria from Kokiri Forest. Becoming Link's friend, becoming a sage… those things have changed me more than this transformation would ever have."

Nabooru contemplated that. "Are you telling me… that this change does not matter?"

"At least not the physical change," Saria said. "We are formed by our experiences in life, by the decisions we make and the friends we find. What we look like does not usually affect that."

"You're right," Nabooru said. "This form should not matter to me. All that matters is the future of my tribe. And whatever they might think of this, I as their leader should help them make the right decision." She looked down at the forest-green filly, gratitude in her eyes. "Thank you, Saria. Among us sages, you are easily one of the wisest."

The Kokiri smiled. "I'm just helping a friend, that's all. So, are you feeling better? Because Princess Twilight and her friends offered to show us around Canterlot."

"You go on ahead without me," Nabooru said. "There's something important I have to take care of first."

"Oh, okay then. See you later." And Saria left.

'I have to talk to my goddess,' Nabooru thought. 'I want to know as much about the past of my tribe as possible. If I'm going to tell my people about this, I'm not telling them just a half-truth.'

When I woke up, I was gently rocking on the waves. I was lying on a single plank of wood that was floating in the middle of the ocean. Around me, I saw several ship parts here and there, but no ship, no monster, no land and most worrisome: No pony besides me. I was all alone.

I sunk my head. It was probably dumb luck that I fell unconscious on this single piece of wood while everything else sank to the bottom of the sea. I failed them all… my friends, my family, everypony.

"I'm so sorry, Applejack… Apple Bloom…" I sobbed. "I should have never brought you along on this trip… I couldn't protect you after all…"

A splash coming from my right startled me. My eyes went wide when I saw none other than my youngest daughter breaching the surface of the water, holding the unconscious form of her friend, Sweetie Belle.

"A… Apple Bloom?" I stuttered. "Y-you're alive? But… but how?"

"Long story, Mom," the filly gasped. "I'd love to tell you every little detail 'bout it… but before I do that, could you give me a hoof here? Sweetie's heavier than she looks."

"Oh… of course," I nodded, reaching for the unicorn filly and pulling her on top of the plank. After that, Apple Bloom swum next to me and took hold of the makeshift raft as well.

"Dang, I'm beat," she groaned. "Placing you on top of this raft here was hard enough, and then there was Sweetie… I almost thought I couldn't make it."

"Wait, what? Don't tell me you're the one who saved me…"

She nodded, exhausted, but obviously proud of herself. "Sure did. Looks like all that training I did for the Ponyville Swim Meet I joined with Granny sure came in handy." She grinned. "When I fell overboard, I saw you sinking down like a rock. I couldn't get to the others, so I wanted to save at least you. And then I saw how Sweetie was paddling around. I wanted to calm her down, but she was panicking so much, I don't think she even heard me. Then I swum over to her and tried grabbing her, but she just kept flailing her hooves around. I heard slapping panicking ponies helps to calm them down, but I guess I slapped her a bit too hard." She looked at her knocked out friend. "I hope she's not mad at me when she wakes up."

"I think that's the least of our problems, seedling," I muttered. "We're in the middle of nowhere, and I don't see the others anywhere."

"I'm a bit worried about Scootaloo, but I'm sure Applejack and Rainbow Dash are fine," Apple Bloom said. "They've been in tough situations before and always came back."

I felt new respect for my little filly and her trust in her sister. I wished I could feel the same. "Aren't you worried she might be in danger?"

"Well, the first couple of times I was. But Applejack always came back. She promised she'd always be there for the family, and she never breaks a promise. So no, I'm not worried. At least not for them. What about us, Mom? What do we do?"

"We sure can't stay here," I said. "I just wish I knew where we have to go. We can't be that far from the Saddle Arabian mainland, but in which direction should we swim?"

I then felt a stirring next to me. Sweetie Belle was coming back to her senses. "Oooouuuuuh, my head… feels like that one time we went crusading for a headbutting cutie mark."

"Sweetie Belle!" Apple Bloom shouted with joy. "How're ya feelin'?"

"My head hurts…" she grunted. "Where are we? And where are the others?"

"I don't know either," I said. "I suppose none of you girls managed to bring the ship's compass along?"

Apple Bloom shook her head. "No. But Mom, I thought you were an experienced traveler. Doesn't that mean you have a good sense of direction?"

"I never had to have one," I grumbled. "Whenever I needed to find back to Link, all he had to do was play that song on his ocarina."

"What song?" Sweetie asked.

"A really sweet tune a girl named Malon came up with. She even named it after me: Epona's Song." I had to smile at the memory. My good friend Malon… I wondered what she'd say if she knew I was paddling in the middle of the ocean. Would I ever see her again?

I shook my head. This was not the place to be daydreaming. We could not stay here forever. I looked left, right, forth and back but found no evidence whatsoever that could give us any hint about where we were.

'Dangit, Link,' I thought to myself. 'Where are you?'

Deep in the Moon Temple, the adventuring trio decided to take a short break. Both Link and Daring Do would have been able to go on for hours without a rest, but Rarity wasn't used to such long-lasting endeavors.

Link took a bottle filled with Lon Lon milk out of his bag. "Here, guys. Take a sip. We'll need all the strength."

"Thank you most kindly," Rarity said. "I'm so thirsty… but wait, what about you?"

"Ah, I've still got some energy left," he smirked. "I found some hearts in those pots." He ignored Rarity's aghast expression, handed her the milk and sat down next to her. Looking back into the bag, he found the Ocarina of Time. 'Good thing they didn't take this one out of the bag,' he thought to himself. Leaning back against the wall, he raised the ocarina up to his lips and played the first tune that came to mind.

No matter what kind of horrible visions Link's words had instilled in Rarity's mind, they were all gone once she heard the music. "Oh, what a beautiful song," she gushed. "What is it called?"

"Epona's Song," Link replied as he interrupted his playing for a moment. "You know, I always used to play this whenever I needed her help. And she always came running. I can't tell you how lucky I was to have her at my side."

"That sounds like she is a wonderful pony," Rarity smiled. "Applejack can be proud to have a mother like her… and you can be proud to have a friend like that."

"I am," Link smiled. "Because no matter how long my adventure lasted… every time I played this music, I remembered that I was never alone."

He kept playing and Daring Do looked at the little instrument with a little melancholy. Maybe having somepony you can trust in can be nice after all. Her first meeting with Rainbow Dash had helped her realize that, and what she just now heard from Link confirmed it even more.

I was completely lost. North, South, East and West all looked the same to me. I was about to give up finding a clue and just swim in any direction, when I heard something. Something familiar… Confused, I looked around. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what, Mom?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Sssshhhh, there it is again. Don't you hear it? That music…"

"Um… I'm sorry, Mrs. Apple, but there is no music," Sweetie Belle said.

"But I can hear it. That song… I knew it! It's Link, he's calling for me!" I felt an undescribable amount of joy welling up inside of me when I recognized the tune to be Epona's Song.

"Mom… are ya feelin' okay?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I think she hit her head harder than we thought," Sweetie Belle whispered.

"Be quiet, girls, I'm not imagining things," I grumbled. "And of course you wouldn't hear this, Link is using the Ocarina of Time to call me. Come on, he's in… this direction!" Without any further doubt, I turned our little raft west. "Come on, girls. Start paddling!"

"You sure this is okay?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Well, I've got no better idea, we might as well try this direction," Apple Bloom shrugged.

I smiled. "Good girl!" Together, we started paddling our hooves.

"Besides, I heard it's not a good idea to disagree with crazy ponies," she added.

I grimaced. "I'm not crazy!"