• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,245 Views, 2,051 Comments

Equestrian Epona - Shritistrang

What does a horse do when it finds out that it's actually from a world inhabited by intelligent equines? And when she gets the choice, where would she decide to live?

  • ...

Meeting her Goddess

"This is unacceptable!" Ghirahim roared as he paced through the altar chamber. "You had the sacrifices. They were here. We could have finished the ritual and the master would walk this plane of existance. The hero's bloodline would be severed. YOU would have had your revenge!" He pointed at the witches.

"The ritual would already be finished if you hadn't insisted on holding your monologue," Lotus replied, the irritation she felt towards the demon lord clearly visible on her face for once. Aloe gasped at her sister's boldness.

"SILENCE!" Ghirahim roared. "You were the ones who came crawling at my feet as soon as you remembered your true selves. You were the ones who pleaded for silly revenge, revenge for a king who is long gone. And I offered. I offered to make all your wishes and dreams come true, if you agreed to help me revive the true master. And all I ever wanted, the ONE little thing I asked of you was to find the seven sages of this realm, as it is their magic alone that stops my master from returning… that, and the accursed blade's power."

"At least we found the first of the sages, AND the hero," Aloe said.

"That is not enough!" Ghirahim shouted. "We need ALL of the sages, and you let one of them go, together with the pesky hero."

"Excuse me, Your Lordship," Lotus said, putting all her scorn into the title. "But the one who let them escape was the adventurer pony YOU decided to bring along."

"How dare you?" Ghirahim bellowed as he stood as tall as he could manage. "Your king got his power from my master and you got your powers from him. And now, you are not even at your fullest power, recovering from your reincarnation as a pair of pathetic, colorful horses. And you dare questioning me? ME, the personal servant of Demise? The one sword that he carries in his hand? I should strike you down where you stand for your insolence!"

In the meantime, Ahuizotl was making himself as small as possible in one corner of the room. It was humiliating for the proud master schemer, but he realized that the forces he decided to ally with may be over his head. However, if a little humiliation meant he could finally reach his goals without having to fear the interference of Daring Do, then he was willing to put up with it a little longer.

Ghirahim's eyes were gleaming a crimson red as he glared down at the two pony witches. Aloe and Lotus stood together and returned the glare, both defiantly and a little nervous. They knew that the demon lord was much more powerful than both of them combined at this point, but they knew he needed them. Ghirahim liked to shout and yell a lot if things didn't go his way, but he wasn't stupid. The very reason he agreed to ally himself with the witches was that he needed their knowledge of the ancient Gerudo rituals that were necessary if they wanted to perform the ritual at this place.

"Leave," he finally hissed. "Leave and don't come back without them."

Not saying another word, the twins turned around and left the room. They didn't dare to disobey a direct order, but they didn't give him the satisfaction of addressing him with his title anymore, either.

"You go as well," Ghirahim told Ahuizotl. "Take command of as many Lizalfos, Armos and Stalfos as you need, but bring me those sacrifices!"

"O… of course, Lord Ghirahim!" Ahuizotl bowed and quickly ran to carry out the order.

"Oooooh, what do I do? What do I do? Do you think I should have brought one of my dresses? Why did Rarity have to get herself kidnapped on a day like this, I could have used her expertise. Does the crown shine enough? Or do princesses from other countries even care about that? I wish I could have studied more about her culture, her customs, but I had absolutely nothing to work with."

Twilight continued to mutter to herself as she, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie walked the roads of Canterlot, approaching the royal castle. Navi was once again sitting on Fluttershy's head.

"Twilight, calm down," Fluttershy said. "I'm sure Princess Zelda is a very nice person."

"She is," Navi nodded. "I've met her several times and you have nothing to worry about. Besides, aren't you a princess as well? Doesn't that put you two on the same level?"

"Do you have any idea how royal etiquette works?" Twilight almost screeched. "Other nobles EXPECT you to be familiar with their manners and speech… I'm gonna mess something up, I just know it."

"Twilight, you're being silly again," Pinkie chuckled. "Try to smile, we're meeting new friends from another world… I'm so excited! I wonder if this other princess likes parties."

Forcing herself to be calm, Twilight took a deep breath. "You are right, maybe I am worrying too much. Maybe this won't be too bad… after all, Cadance will be here, too." She couldn't help but smile. After Cadance's last visit to Ponyville was somewhat distracted by the sudden appearance of Discord, Twilight was looking forward to seeing her again. "Thanks for coming along, you guys," she said.

"Oh, it's no problem," Fluttershy smiled. "I mean, it's not like we've got anything better to do… all we did was sitting around in my house, being scared, while our brave friends are on their way to rescue Rarity…"

"That's nonsense, Fluttershy," Twilight frowned. "You saw dead ponies that were brought to life by dark magic, you had every right to be scared."

"Well, Applejack and Rainbow Dash sure weren't," Pinkie pointed out.

"Not helping, Pinkie," Twilight sighed. "What I mean is… every pony can help in her own way. Rainbow and Applejack help to rescue Rarity, while you two help me welcoming our visitors. That's important, too."

"I guess… but what if the others need our help?" Fluttershy asked.

"I wouldn't worry too much," Navi smiled. "Epona is with them, after all. They'll be fine, I'm sure of it."

"Yeah, let's think of the more important things right now," Pinkie agreed. "Like, what kind of ponies are our visitors? I love meeting new ponies and finding out just what I can do to make them smile. Should I organize a dance? Plan an evening banquet? Invite them to go bowling? Or just throw a regular, run-of-the-mill party?"

Twilight had to snicker at her friend's antics. "I'm sure anything you decide on will be wonderful. Just try not to intimidate them too much. The first impression is always the most important one."

When they reached the castle, the princesses welcomed them in the entrance hall. Twilight's heart jumped with joy when she saw Cadance standing in-between Celestia and Luna. While Fluttershy and Pinkie respectfully bowed in front of the princesses, Twilight ran up to greet her former foalsitter, current sister-in-law and fellow princess.

Cadance seemed to be just as happy to see her. "Twilight, it's been a while," she smiled. "How are you doing?"

"A bit nervous, to be honest," Twilight said. "This is the first time I'm welcoming delegates not just from another kingdom, but also another world. I wish I had the chance to study their country before meeting them."

"Our world will be as new and unfamiliar to them as theirs will be to us," Luna said. "I am sure it will be a most enlightening experience for all of us."

Celestia frowned. "I truly wish I didn't have to involve both of you in interdimensional affairs," she said, addressing Cadance and Twilight. "Even for Luna, this is something new. And the weight of your crowns is something both of you still need to get used to."

Twilight looked at her mentor with worry. Did Celestia really think she wasn't ready for this? Did she doubt her abilities as a princess? Then why did she invite her in the first place?

"Come on now, auntie," Cadance said. "Leading the Crystal Empire is something I've done for a while now. As for Twilight, I've known her better than any of you, and I can tell she is ready for this."

Twilight looked at Cadance with gratitude. The few words she had said were enough to stifle the feelings of doubt that had erupted in her. Gathering whatever confidence she found in herself, she stood proud and tall in front of her teacher and explaimed: "As a princess of Equestria, I will do whatever will be necessary to ensure our guests will feel honored and welcomed."

Celestia wanted to point out that the few weeks after Twilight's coronation and the few years after Cadance's coronation could not be compared with the eons of experience she had. Still, leaving them out of this would be unfair to them and the delegates from Hyrule. They expected to meet all of the rulers of Equestria, and from a governing standpoint, they were equals. So she reluctantly nodded.

"Very well. Let us prepare for their arrival. Little fae, if I may have a few words…"

"Y-yes, Your Highness?" Navi nervously fluttered up into the air and bowed in front of the princess.

"No need to be nervous, little one," Celestia smiled. "I would like to ask for your assistance. From what we know, our visitors will be Princess Zelda and the 'sages'. Could you please tell us what you know about them?"

"Oh, that is all?" Navi asked. "Certainly. Well, the princess is the most important one, but there are six more. First of all we have her personal handmaiden, Impa…"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the dimensional barrier…

"Is everyone ready?" Impa asked. "Where is Saria?"

"Wait, wait. I'm coming," the child-sized forest sage shouted as she came running in, carrying a small backpack. "I just had to pack a couple of things I wanted to give to Link. Some things I'm not sure they have over there in that other world. Deku Sticks, Deku Nuts, some of his favorite blueberry muffins…"

Zelda had to smile at that. The Kokiri's caring attitude for her friend was too adorable and sweet. "I think he'll be enjoying it."

Ruto huffed. "Well, if I had known we would go to a different world and meet Link, I would have packed something for him, too. I have this new recipe with Hylian Loach, seaweed and chu jelly…"

"My friends, if I could have your attention," Rauru said as he entered the room, holding a pile of parchments. "I just realized something very important. According to my notes, our kinds of species are not native to Equestria, which means we might startle them with our unusual appearances."

"Unusual?" Darunia frowned as he scratched his rocky shoulders. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that there are barely any two-legged creatures native to Equestria. I would advise that we, in order to not unsettle them, should change our appearances to something more… suitable."

"It would also be a sign of respect towards our generous hosts," Zelda said. "We can use our sage powers to adapt to the world of Equestria."

"That means we're going to walk around on all fours?" Nabooru asked with a frown. "That's going to be weird. But I guess I can get used to it, at least for this one visit."

"Splendid, then it is settled," Rauru smiled. "Now then, off to an adventure!" He rubbed his palms together. "You know, this is very exciting. I feel 20 years younger. Let me summon our fairy guide… wait a second…" He turned around. "I just remembered… we don't have the Ocarina of Time anymore… how are we going to play the Ballad of the Breezies?"

"No worries, old friend, I still have this," Zelda smiled as she produced her harp. "I can play it, no problem."

"Ah, that's a relief. Thank you, Your Highness. Now, if you would play these notes…"

Zelda raised her fingers to her instrument and played the Ballad of the Breezies. Not too long after this, another fairy emerged from the portal.

"All right, all right. I'm here, I'm here. It's not like I wanted to take that break or anything. Sure, go ahead and bother me. I know I shouldn't have taken this part-time job. But does Tael raise his lazy little bum for once? Noooooo, of course not, it's all up to stupid little Tatl…"

Everyone was taken aback by the yellow fairy's little outburst. Rauru then cleared his throat and said: "Well, yes, thank you for generously offering your help, fairy Tatl. We, the sages of Hyrule, would like to be escorted to the land of Equestria."

She shrugged. "Sure, whatever. As long as we get this over with and I can get my paycheck. Please step into the portal and keep your arms and hands to yourselves. No food, drinks and pictures allowed aboard Tatl Travels. Have a nice trip."

They followed the fairy through the portals and the fae realm. Before reaching the gateway to Equestria, Zelda reminded them all to invoke their transfiguration spells. "As soon as we set foot on Equestrian ground, we will be changed," she explained. "It will probably take us some time getting used to these new forms, but I suppose it won't be too difficult. And as soon as we return to Hyrule, we will be back to normal."

"Oh, too bad," Ruto said sarcastically. "Because I was soooo looking forward to coming back to Zora's Domain on four legs."

"Are you done with the chatting?" Tatl grumbled. "Because I haven't got all day. Get on with it, will ya?"

"Sheesh, she sure is one grumpy little fairy," Saria muttered.

"Do you want me to tell you about the bad day I had, toots?" Tatl shouted. "You want me to tell you that I fell out of bed, was pranked by my brother, almost got eaten by a bird on my way to work and on top of everything, had to listen to a tirade from my boss? No? Then get on with the program!"

Not daring to say anything else, Saria just kept quiet and called upon her powers as Sage of the Forest. She felt the magic coursing through her eternally young body and took a step forwards, through the portal. She felt herself change shape as she moved, her face grew into a muzzle, her ears wandered on top of her head while growing bigger, a tail grew out of her behind, her whole body got covered with a fine coat of fur, and in the end, she fell to all fours as her hands and feet reshaped themselves into hooves.

Saria looked back at herself and saw the form of a small pony filly with a light green coat and dark green mane and tail. On her flank, she carried the emblem of the Forest Medallion. Behind her, she saw how the other sages in their new forms stepped through the portal. She saw a sleek, brown mare with a fiery red mane, that was probably Nabooru. A portly male unicorn stood next to the more athletic form of a female pony, those were Rauru and Impa. A couple of more unusual creatures then emerged: A colossal buffalo whose body looked like it was composed of rocks and an elegant pony with blue scales and fins attached to her limbs. Saria instantly recognized Darunia and Ruto. And finally, Princess Zelda appeared. Unlike the others, she had both a horn and a pair of majestic wings. Except for Darunia, she was easily the tallest among them.

Saria then took a look around and realized they were standing in another castle, the second one she had ever seen in her life. She wanted to take a closer look at the ponies that were standing in front of them… but then, the whole group got hit by a shower of streamers and confetti.

"SURPRISE!" a very loud, high-pitched voice shouted. Then, a bright pink wagon with waving flags and blaring trumpets came rolling in front of them while the voice started singing:

"Welcome, welcome, welcome! A fine welcome to you. Welcome, welcome, welcome, I say how do you do? Welcome, welcome, welcome, I say hip hip hooray! Welcome, welcome welcome to Equestria today!"

And then another shower of confetti hit them.

Twilight groaned and facehooved. "Pinkie… I told you we didn't want to intimidate them."

"I know that, Twilight. If I wanted to intimidate them, I would have worn my Nightmare Night costume."

"The chicken costume?" Luna asked.

Pinkie shook her head. "Nope, the Ursa Major costume."

Tatl groaned as she plucked a streamer from her body. "Great… just great… as if my day couldn't get any better…"

"See?" Pinkie cheered. "I KNEW they'd like it."

A round of chuckles arose among Equestrians and Hyruleans. After the guests managed to clean themselves of most of the confetti, Zelda stepped forth and courteously bowed in front of the other princesses. "Greetings. I am Princess Zelda of Hyrule and I thank you for generously inviting us to your kingdom, Your Highnesses."

Celestia and Luna returned the bow, quickly followed by Cadance and Twilight. "Well met, princess. I am Princess Celestia, and these are my fellow princesses Mi Amore Cadenza, Twilight Sparkle and my sister, Princess Luna. As the rulers of Equestria, we welcome you to our world and kingdom."

Zelda was about to introduce her companions to them, when she heard a loud gasp. She turned around and saw that Nabooru's eyes were wide open and she shivered like she had seen a ghost. Her hoof was pointed at Princess Luna.

"Nabooru, what is it?" Zelda asked with a frown. "Please, get a hold of yourself."

Pinkie Pie looked back and forth between the Gerudo and the princess of the night. "Have you two met before?"

"Considering that I spent a thousand years on the moon, that is very unlikely, Pinkie Pie," Luna frowned."But the markings on her garments do seem familiar…"

Nabooru then threw herself to the ground and lowered her head as low as she could. "G-great goddess of the moon!" she stuttered. "Th-this unworthy one is so honored to be in your presence!"

Ruto watched Nabooru for a moment, then shook her head. "I think it finally happened. Nabooru has gone completely insane. Must have been that brainwashing from those two witches."

Luna approached the cowering pony and asked gently: "Pray tell, are you perchance… a Gerudo?"

Nabooru gasped as she looked up at her. "H-how could you know?"

"Sister… what are you talking about?" Celestia asked with a shaking voice.

Luna didn't reply right away. Instead, she touched Nabooru's hoof with her own. The desert woman recoiled from her touch. "Have no fear. Tell me, what is your name?"

"N… nabooru," she whispered. "Sage of Spirits…"

"Well met then, Nabooru," Luna smiled. "It has been some time since I've seen one of the desert children who once stood at my side."

"Wha… what do you mean?" Nabooru stuttered.

Luna looked back at her sister. "She is a Gerudo. One of the tribes that worshipped and loved my night, in addition to those ponies that would become my Night Guard. I thought them to be extinct."

"But that cannot be," Zelda interfered. "The Gerudo are a tribe of female humans that dwell in the desert region of Hyrule. They are not ponies… she just assumed this form while visiting Equestria. As did all of us."

Luna looked directly into her sister's eyes. "Tell me, sister. In Ancient Equestrian, what are the words that translate to 'Gerudo'?"

Celestia lowered her head with a sigh. "It means… desert pony."

"What?" Nabooru gasped. "No… no, it's just a name. A name of our tribe. We've always lived in Hyrule…"

"Auntie… do you know anything about this?" Cadance asked softly.

Celestia wanted to protest. She knew she could try and find some other excuse. To cover everything up beneath a carpet of lies. She looked up to meet the stare of her sister. No. She wouldn't lie anymore.

"It is true," she finally said. "The Gerudo used to be a tribe of ponies from Saddle Arabia. They were devote followers of my sister… even after her change into Nightmare Moon. I had no other choice but to banish them from Equestria, to another world. What happened to them afterwards, I do not know."

Luna gritted her teeth. "You… you knew they were there and you never told me? I thought… maybe they simply forgot about me…"

"We never forgot," Nabooru said quietly. "We worshipped the great goddess of the moon, above everything else. A grand deity, portrayed in the form of a majestic mare with the night sky itself in her mane, so speak the ancient scrolls. She was more important than either Din, Farore or Nayru. Her ways were the teachings of the night." She lowered her head. "I won't sugarcoat it… we're a tribe of thieves. Quick on our feet, silent in the night. Even though the night in the desert was as relentless as the burning day, it still gave us the most advantages. Shrouded by the darkness, we used the positions of the stars to find our way in an endless land of sand." Nabooru then looked up at Luna's face. "But I never figured she'd be real… a real person in another world… of ponies…"

"This is unbelievable!" Twilight gasped. She used all her willpower to resist the urge to write down notes. "I've never heard of this. Luna, is this true?"

Luna closed her eyes. "It is very much true, Twilight Sparkle. You know, the Night Guard tribe of bat ponies were my protectors. The Gerudo sand ponies were my spies and scouts. And when I fell victim to my madness, they all stayed loyal. Yet you punished my followers for following one of our six virtues, Celestia." She glared at her sister furiously. "How could you? And how could you not tell me this after I finally managed to cleanse myself from my madness and you welcomed me back at your side after thousand years of absence? Why welcome me back and leave them in banishment?" She turned around and fled the room.

"Luna, wait!" Twilight shouted, but Celestia held her back.

"Leave her be for now, Twilight," she said. "She has a lot to think about. And we can't forget our hospitality." She turned to face her guests. "I suggest we adjourn the meeting until all involved are feeling better."

After taking a look at the still shivering Nabooru, Zelda nodded. "I agree. Could I ask for some accomodations for me and my followers?"

Celestia nodded. "Of course. The guest tower is this way."

"I'll show them," Cadance offered. "Please, follow me." The kindhearted princess helped Nabooru to her feet and lead her and the others out of the room.

Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie were baffled from what they just heard. "Celestia… is this true?" Twilight asked. She felt uneasy. "Did you really…?"

"Twilight… I want you to know that while I always strive for an Equestria where everypony is treated equally and just, I do make mistakes. Banishing the desert ponies was one of such mistakes." She lowered her head. "The ponies of Equestria always look up to me… but I am in no way perfect. I didn't tell Luna about my decision to banish her followers because I didn't want to burden her with anything else that reminded her of her dark past. It was difficult enough for her to come to terms with what she did. And while I am not proud of my decision, I did it for the safety of Equestria. There are dark forces lurking in the worlds outside of ours, Twilight. I didn't want anything to come to Equestria to tempt us. There can never be a repeat of Nightmare Moon! Do you now see why I was against the opening of the world border? I wanted to protect my sister from her past."

She turned away from them. "Feel free to stay within the castle as long as you wish. Maybe show our guests a bit of our world before we begin our meeting. I need some time alone. There are a lot of things I have to think about." She slowly walked away.

"Does that mean… no party?" Pinkie asked disappointedly.

Author's Note:

Finally, all the 14 chapters I've written and posted on fanfiction.net are now checked for errors, revised and copied to this site. From now on, updates will come at a much slower rate, because I now have to actually write them again. This means that there will probably only one, possibly two updates per week for this story. I hope you understand and still have fun enough with this story to continue reading. Again, if I missed any errors or plotholes, please point them out so I can correct them.