• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,245 Views, 2,051 Comments

Equestrian Epona - Shritistrang

What does a horse do when it finds out that it's actually from a world inhabited by intelligent equines? And when she gets the choice, where would she decide to live?

  • ...

The Fiancee Brigade

"Please understand, honored guest, that the princess told me that she doesn't want to be disturbed," said the maid, a small and demure bat pony, as she stood in front of Princess Luna's personal chambers.

"Listen, I've got something very important to tell her, and I don't know how much time I will have before the official meeting begins. And after that, we will most likely return to Hyrule, so I won't have any other chance to speak to her. So will you let me in already or what?" Nabooru snapped.

"B-but I can't!" the maid protested. "My orders were pretty clear…"

"Let her in, Night Glide," came Luna's voice from inside. "I think I've done enough moping for one day. Besides, no one should say that the princess of the night refuses an audience with one of her closer followers."

The bat pony blushed. "O-of course, princess… right away!" She gave the Gerudo a short bow and stepped aside. "Please, enter."

"Finally," Nabooru huffed as she stepped past the maid and entered the room. It was a gorgeous room, befitting a princess. The ceiling was decorated to look like the night sky. The most eye-catching piece of furniture was the big canopy bed with the night blue sheets and covers. A glass door led outside onto a small balcony with a telescope that was aimed at the moon.

Luna had been looking through that telescope when Nabooru entered. She turned her head, smiled at the sand pony and walked inside to welcome her. "Please don't be mad at Night Glide. She's just doing her job. I've rarely had a more faithful servant than her. And that's saying something, given the fact that almost all of her race have devoted their lives to my cause."

"Is she one of those… night guards you mentioned when we first met?" Nabooru asked. She felt a bit anxious to just address her goddess like that, but the fact that she was standing in her bedroom made some of her nervousness go away.

Luna realized that. It was actually the reason why she was willing to welcome Nabooru in her personal chambers. Maybe showing that her goddess of the moon was just a person as she was made talking to her a bit easier. "She isn't a guard," she said. "She belongs to a rare type of pony. Most of them live in their own sanctuary, in the caverns deep within the mountains. To call them bat ponies isn't that far off, but they adopted the name 'Nocturnals' for themselves. They rarely mingle with the more common earth ponies, pegasi or unicorns, since a rift of mistrust has opened between them ever since my banishment." Luna closed her eyes for a moment. "Like the Gerudos, they stayed loyal to the end. Some of them were driven by the same madness that took hold of my own self, the same madness that turned me into Nightmare Moon. But most of them followed me not out of conviction, but loyalty. But Celestia's followers didn't believe that. They were unwilling to trust a pony that willingly lived through the night."

"But wasn't that 1000 years ago?" Nabooru asked. "Wouldn't they be over such a grudge after such a long time?"

"Actually most of Equestria's inhabitants don't even known that the Nocturnals exist," Luna explained. "And those who do think that there's only a handful that serve as my guard. There are very few ponies that even know of their fortress in the mountains. But the Nocturnals prefer it that way. They don't want to risk being seen as outsiders, or worse, monsters. So they keep to themselves, even after my return and the purge of the nightmare."

"But shouldn't you do something about this?" Nabooru asked in surprise. "As princess, can't you just order the ponies to accept each other?"

"Technically, I could," Luna said. "But I don't think it's the right thing to do. It is their decision to stay secluded, just as it was their decision to follow me. A good leader does not force her subjects to what she thinks is best, she leaves them to their own decisions." She turned to look into Nabooru's eyes. "And thus, I want you to know that I won't order you and the other Gerudo to return at my side… I won't order you to stay in Hyrule either. It is entirely up to you to decide."

Nabooru didn't know what to say. This was not what she had expected from the goddess her tribe had revered for eons. "You… wouldn't mind if we decided to stay in Hyrule?" she asked.

"It is your home world, after all," Luna said. "You've grown up there and don't know anything else. I feel immensely honored that you still worship me after such a long time in exile, even after forgetting your true heritage as ponies. If you want to learn more about your past or even want to relive it, I will do everything I can to help. I will welcome all of you who decide to come back to Equestria. But I won't force anyone."

"Th-that is very generous, my lady," Nabooru said. She bowed in front of her goddess, her princess. "Thank you… as soon as I return to Gerudo Valley in Hyrule, I will tell all of my tribe what you said to me today. And like you, I will let them choose what future they want for themselves."

"Very good," Luna smiled. "You are fit to be a great leader, I can see. Your tribespeople must be proud of you."

"W-well, I do what I can," Nabooru said, blushing at the compliment. "I just want to lead my tribe into the right direction. To be honest, we are kind of in a similar situation as the Nocturnals. Ever since our king Ganondorf attempted to overthrow the kingdom, the Hylians look at us with distrust, and not just because we are thieves. When Princess Zelda summoned us sages for a meeting, to tell us about her plans to go to Equestria, I was formally welcomed to Hyrule Castle Town as the Sage of Spirits. I could have walked straight through the main gate and across the market place without having to risk being strangled by an angry mob. After all, the princess had invited me and her guards were always watching. Still, I noticed the angry glares in the back of my neck. They felt like knives trying to stab me. And even though I was a friend and ally to the princess, the rest of the kingdom still did not trust me or the rest of my people."

"I wish I could help you through this hardship," Luna said. "You have my sympathy, Nabooru. I wish to learn more about your tribe, how different it is from the ponies I once knew. But first, tell me more about this individual named Ganondorf."

Almost an hour later, Nabooru and Luna were still in the night princess' chamber, talking. Nabooru told Luna everything about her life in the desert, her position in the tribe, Ganondorf's rise to power, his plans to conquer Hyrule and take the Triforce for himself, as well as the whole story behind the Hero of Time.

Luna frowned when she heard all of this. "So this man decided to abandon the old ways and instead pact with the forces of evil? A foolish man, tempting fate like this. But then again, I made the same mistake." She sighed. "Very well, I suppose he met his match. What happened to him?"

"He was to be executed," Nabooru said.

Luna blinked in surprise. "Pardon me?"

"It's true," Nabooru said. "At least, that was the plan. After Link was sent back to his proper time as a child, the first thing he did was to warn the king and Princess Zelda about Ganondorf's intentions. After realizing that everything the boy said was true, Ganondorf was imprisoned and put on trial. The king sentenced him for execution. But… it didn't quite work out as intended. The Gorons forged a special sword for this occasion, a blade which was infused with the powers of light by Rauru. But even after being stabbed with the blade, Ganondorf survived, as he still held part of the Triforce. So what we did instead was to banish him to a parallel dimension, via a magical mirror. I really don't know a lot about this mirror or that other world, but Rauru assured us that we would never have to fear anything from Ganondorf as long as he's imprisoned in there."

"A magic mirror that leads to another world?" Luna murmured. "Strange coincidence… not too long ago, we had an incident where Twilight also had to use a mirror to chase a thief across dimensions. I wonder if there's a connection… I have to discuss this with my sister. Still, I must thank you for the conversation we had today, Nabooru. In any case, I'm glad I met you today."

"Likewise, my lady. It was an honor being invited into your chambers," Nabooru said with another bow. "And be assured, I will make sure the Gerudo will never forget you."

Just then, they heard a gasp coming from just outside the room, followed by Night Glide's nervous stuttering: "I'm t-terribly s-sorry, but you can't just go in here…"

"Oh, I'm s-so sorry," another meek and quiet voice stuttered. "We really don't want to be a bother… Ruto, she obviously isn't here, so we should leave and…"

"Are you kidding?" shouted a for Nabooru all-too-familiar voice. "Are you always such a pushover, Butterfly?"

"Actually… it's Fluttershy…"

"N-now listen here," Night Glide spoke up again. "It doesn't matter if she's here or not, without the proper invitation of Princess Luna, I can't let you in…"

"Listen, I know she's in here so get your Keese wings out of my face, got it?" Ruto shouted. "Hey, Nabooru! Saria just told me that Link is back, safe and sound. He's in… what's that village called? Ponyville? He's in Ponyville! So will you come out already so we can give him a hero's welcome?"

Nabooru shook her head. "Typical Ruto… I'm terribly sorry about this, my lady."

"It's quite alright," Luna said. "Let's see what your rather vocal friend has to say, shall we?"

Nabooru nodded and opened the door to leave. Night Glide was resolutely standing in front of the door, even though she was shaking like a leaf. Shaking even more was the little yellow pegasus named Fluttershy, who was standing at the side of a rather impatient seapony.

"There you are! What were you doing in there, sand pony? Building sand castles?" She laughed a bit at her own joke.

"Will you stop embarrassing yourself for once?" Nabooru snapped. "You're in the presence of Princess Luna, sovereign of the night and my tribe's patron goddess, so show a little bit respect! Or do you want me to start calling your Lord Jabu-Jabu an overgrown tuna?"

That shut Ruto up for a moment. Blushing in a darker shade of blue, she muttered: "W-well, how was I supposed to know? All I saw was you overreacting when you saw this pony… sorry… princess and throwing yourself to the ground."

"And here I assumed a princess would know the finer nuances of etiquette," Nabooru grumbled. "So, what is this you're saying about Link?"

"Um, he's back. Zelda and that other pony… I mean, princess…"

"Her name is Twilight," Fluttershy meekly interjected.

"Right, Twilight… well, apparently Zelda and that Twilight princess helped save him and those other ponies and they all teleported to that Ponyville place. And I'm going to see if he's all right. And Stuttershy…"

"It's Fluttershy…"

"She and her pink friend are going as well, to see if their friends are okay. So, do you wanna come or what?"

"What? Zelda and Princess Twilight were gone?" Nabooru asked in a surprised voice. "Since when? I didn't even notice them leaving. And didn't I just see them outside just an hour ago?"

"Alicorns can fly really fast," Luna smiled. "Looks like Twilight is doing what she can do best: Teaching other ponies… in this case, how to fly."

"But what about the meeting?" Nabooru asked.

"Knowing my sister, she wouldn't start the meeting without Princess Zelda's presence. And after flying such a long distance for the first time, followed by a mass teleportation spell, she'll be exhausted. Maybe it's best we adjourn the meeting to tomorrow. I'll talk to my sister. Go see your friends, all of you. I'm sure they'll be glad to see you as well."

Nabooru wanted to say that she wasn't nearly as worried about Link as Ruto was. While she respected Link as a close ally who helped free her tribe of Ganon's evil influence, she also respected his skills in combat. Ruto, on the other hand, was just obsessed.

Still, she kept quiet for now and respectfully lowered her head as she left alongside the others.

"Try not to make a scene the next time we visit a parallel dimension," she muttered to Ruto as they walked. "Honestly, I can't take you anywhere."

Fluttershy politely suppressed a giggle, while the four-legged Zora replied with glaring at the sand pony.

"LINK!" Navi shouted as she threw herself at her ponified friend, hugging his equine neck. "I'm so so sooooo glad you're okay."

As soon as they saw the fairy, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were all over her.

"Ohmygosh, what is that?" Sweetie Belle shouted. "Is it a Breezie?"

"Of course not, dummy, it's clearly a Parasprite," Scootaloo protested.

"But she can talk," Apple Bloom said. "Mom, do you know what this is? Do you know her? Can we keep her?"

"Awwww, isn't that sweet?" Rarity gushed. "What a cute little creature. She looks so happy."

I had to agree with her. In all the time I've known her, I've never seen Navi this happy and relieved before. She almost broke out in tears of joy as she buried her little fairy face in Link's mane. I snickered. "Calm down there, buzzball."

"Navi… it's okay," Link said. "Look, I'm fine. A little beat up, but nothing I'm not used to." He winced a bit when Navi accidentally touched the bandage around his foreleg. "Now be careful, we don't exactly have fairies in a bottle here."

"I'll gladly volunteer!" Navi shouted. "Anything to make you feel better."

I blinked. Was she serious? "Um… I don't think that will be necessary," I quickly said. "Let's just get him and Daring to the hospital…"

"I told you, I don't need a hospital…" Link wanted to object.

"You'll go to the hospital and you'll like it, mister!" I shouted. "Applejack, get them to a doctor, will you?"

"Sure thing, Mom," Applejack chuckled. "All right, Mr. and Mrs. Adventurer, the hospital is this way."

"S-stop calling us that," Daring blushed. "We're not married."

How typical of Link. Always playing the tough adventurer, never taking a rest. And Daring was obviously the same. Well, as long as they finally got some professional, medical attention, then I'd be at ease.

But their walk to the hospital was delayed again when a small filly with a green mane came scampering along the street, straight towards him. "Link! Are you okay?" she shouted.

"Who are… wait… Saria?" Link's eyes widened.

She nodded. "Yeah, we all accompanied Zelda to Equestria. Are you hurt? Who did this to you?"

"Now would you look at that, the dashing hero has a little admirer," Rarity chuckled. "How adorable… I remember my first crush when I was her age."

"Excuse me," I interjected. "But as you can see, Link is injured and needs a doctor right now, so he has no time to talk." I stepped between them and started shoving Link in the right direction.

"Hey, as his childhood friend, I have every right to be worried," Saria said with a frown.

"LINK!" I cringed when somepony else latched on Link's body from the other side, a pony with blue scales that covered her whole body. I could tell who this was.

"Don't you worry one bit, your cute fiancee is here to make everything better," Ruto said. "What were you thinking, leaving Hyrule without telling me… again. But I came after you right after I learned where you were going and I'm staying at your side until you're leaving."

"Ruto… gah… get off me!" Link protested as he tried squirming out of the fish-pony's grasp. "And I'm NOT your fiancee!"

"Awww, he always plays hard to get," she giggled and snuggled him even tighter.

"Let go of him already, scaly!" I shouted. "Can't you see he's not interested?"

"What? Who are you supposed to be?" Ruto frowned. "And what are you talking about? Link is crazy about me. He even accepted my engagement gift when we were children…"

"I'm his partner, if you must know. And for the last time, he didn't know what that was at the time you gave it to him." I was getting more irritated and furious with each passing moment. Did all those girls have to bother him? Couldn't they see that he needed medical attention?

"Wow," Applejack whistled. "Looks like you've got quite the herd of mares on your heels, stud."

"Yeah, and it looks like your mom is jealous of all of them," Rainbow Dash snickered.

"Dash!" Applejack glared at her.


I had enough. "All right, that's it! Navi, Saria, Ruto, let him go! I don't care just how much you are happy to see him, you can wait until he feels better. Link? Hospital! Now!"

"All right, I'm going," Link said. "Calm down, will you?"

"Come on, it's this way," Rainbow Dash said as she showed him and Daring the way. I let out a sigh of relief when they finally left. Then I glared at the three female fan girls. "Just what in Farore's name is the matter with you? I can't believe it… the poor guy can't take a break with you girls chasing him around all day. The only thing missing is if Malon appears out of nowhere. Go start a Hero of Time fan club if you have to, but leave him alone!"

"Wow, someone's touchy," Nabooru grinned. I didn't even notice she was here as well.

"What are you doing here?" I muttered.

"Now don't you jump to conclusions. I'm just here because she pulled me along." She pointed at Ruto. "I don't have any interest in Link, at least not like that. Looks like he has plenty of girlfriends already."

"I'm not his girlfriend!" I shouted. "I'm his partner."

"And I'm not his girlfriend either," Saria protested with a blush. "I'm his friend."

Navi nodded. "So am I."

"And I'm also not his girlfriend," Ruto grinned. "I'm his FIANCEE!"

"NO, YOU'RE NOT!" Saria, Navi and I shouted at once.

The Ponyville ponies looked at us like we were crazy. "Do you guys need some time alone?" Applejack asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No," I grunted. "We're done for now. Right?" I glared at the others and they quickly nodded.

"Oh good," Zelda sighed. "That means I can pass out now." And she fell to the ground.

"Zelda!" Twilight gasped. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, I'm fine," she muttered. "Just a bit… tired. That spell took a lot out of me and then the long flight…"

"I knew it wasn't a good idea to fly such a long distance for the first time," Twilight said. "Can you stand?"

The princess stood back up, even if she looked a little wobbly. "Yes… but just barely."

"Come on, my library is right over there. You can take a rest and I'll introduce you to my assistant, Spike."

"I think I'll go and bring Sweetie Belle home," Rarity said. "And then I'll need a long bath… it'll take me weeks to get all this desert sand out of my coat."

"And I think I'll bring Scootaloo home," Fluttershy said. "Her parents are probably worried sick about her."

"Do we have to go already?" Sweetie Belle protested. "Oh, fine… bye, girls. Bye, Mrs. Apple."

"Yeah, bye," Scootaloo said. "Today totally rocked! You are an awesome adventurer."

They left. Which left me with my daughters, the Link Stalker Squad and… the twins.

"Umm… about us…" Aloe muttered. She was nervously fidgeting around with her hooves. I also saw how they tried to avoid any eye contact with Nabooru. I could tell they didn't want to tell her their true identities just yet, and I had to agree that it was probably for the best. If Nabooru realized that these two ponies were the same that helped Ganondorf, kidnapped her and brainwashed her, she probably wouldn't be too happy.

"Go home," I told them. "Stay there and don't do anything stupid. Can you do that?"

They simply nodded and walked back to their spa. Saria, Navi, Ruto and Nabooru looked at me curiously, but I ignored them for now and looked at Applejack. "You know them better than I do… at least their new selves. Can we trust them not to try anything."

"I think so," Applejack said, but she didn't sound too certain herself. "Then again, I never expected them to have that kind of secret. I suppose I'll go and ask Spike to send a letter to the princess… maybe she can spare a guard or two that can guard their house until it's decided what we do with them."

"Good idea," I nodded and she ran off.

"What was that all about?" Saria asked me.

I sighed. "It's a long story. But it will have to wait until tomorrow. For now, I just want to go home and spend the rest of the day with my family." I gently nudged Apple Bloom with my head. "Come on, seedling."

Apple Bloom smiled as she followed me back to Sweet Apple Acres. "Coming, Mom!"

As we left, I heard Nabooru mutter in confusion: "She has a daughter?"