• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 15,245 Views, 2,051 Comments

Equestrian Epona - Shritistrang

What does a horse do when it finds out that it's actually from a world inhabited by intelligent equines? And when she gets the choice, where would she decide to live?

  • ...

Friendships made

The door to Sugarcube Corner jingled.

Cup Cake turned her head towards the door with a smile. "Good morning and welcome to Sugarcube… oh, it's you, May."

The mare walking in nodded in greeting. "Good morning to you, Mrs. Cake. I've come to place a big order on those delicious chocolate chip muffins for my big speech at the opening ceremony of Town Hall's new parking lot."

Cup Cake laughed. "Oh, stop being so formal. You're not in your office and there's nopony here but you, me and my two little munchkins upstairs. It's a slow day, Carrot is on a delivery and Pinkie is… somewhere… planning a party, I believe."

The mayor of Ponyville, known to almost everypony as simply Mayor Mare, let out a sigh. "Cup Cake… a pony of my position has to uphold a certain… reputation. What would the ponies of Ponyville think if they believe I'm not professional enough for the job?"

"Listen to yourself, you're starting to sound like Mrs. Harshwhinny from fifth grade. We've been friends for so long, Maybell Mare. I know there's a lot more to you than just duties and regulations. You were such a fun pony to be around back in the days. And now you…"

"Let me guess… now I'm such a stick-in-the-mud who doesn't know how to laugh, who even died her mane from pink to gray just to appear more professional. Is that what you wanted to say?"

"Well… I was going to say, now you barely come for a visit anymore, but I guess what you said is correct as well. You know what I think, May?" Cup came around the counter and looked at her friend with worry. "You're working too hard. You're working yourself into what you believe to be the perfect image of a Ponyville mayor, but you barely give yourself any time to relax."

"I can't help it, Cuppy," Maybell sighed, dropping her professional act altogether. "I live in a village close to Canterlot, where Princess Celestia comes for a visit almost once a week, where her personal prodigy lives… who has also become a princess by now, and she is one of the holders of the six Elements of Harmony, who saved our kingdom again and again. I try to do my best for this town, and yet I feel so inadequate because these ponies are basically doing my job for me."

"That's because they are honestly trying to help," Cup said. "They don't flaunt their positions or anything, they see themselves as simple residents of Ponyville, even Princess Twilight. Their hearts are in the right place. It's ponies like that Ponyville needs, not new parking lots."

"I guess I overdid it a bit with all the ceremonies, huh?" May muttered. "Maybe I should take a little break."

"That's my girl!" Cup smiled as she gave her friend a hug. "Trust me, it's the right decision. And you couldn't have made it at a better time. See, there's an old friend of ours back in town…"

The door opened once again and a pair of chatting mares entered. "I'm not saying she should constantly put herself in danger, Pearl. I just think you shouldn't put her on a leash."

"I know perfectly well how to take care of my daughter, thank you very much. And I fail to see how running around in monster-infested areas is helping my Sweetie become a better pony."

"Well, for once she'd feel like she has actually accomplished something, besides finding out what's NOT her special talent."

"Epona Apple! This is my daughter we're talking about! And unless you want me to start giving you orders how to deal with your own children, I suggest you…"

Maybell Mare let out a loud gasp. "EPONA?"

I rolled my eyes. 'Oh boy, here we go again…' I thought.

It was just a matter of time. Now the whole gang was back together again. Cup Cake, Pearl Belle, Maybell Mare and… me. Epona Apple. I was not prepared for this at all.

Maybell gave me the same astonished stare that Pearl had given me just a short while ago. "It… it IS you, isn't it?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's me," I said. "Hey May, how's it going?" I took a closer look at her. "Wow, what happened to you? You really changed a lot. Your mane is so… grey. Just how much did you age while I was gone?"

She looked embarrassed. "It's… dyed, Epona. But never mind that… what happened to you? I thought you were…"

"Look, do I really have to repeat this story again and again?" I groaned. "I just told it to Pearl. So here's the short version: A meteor hit me, I was somehow transported to another land, I helped a local hero defeat an evil warlord and I came back home just two days ago. Is that enough?"

"Y-yes… I think… wait… you did… what? And I… you… huuuuh?" After that, barely any audible sound left May's mouth.

"I think you overwhelmed May a bit, Epona," Cuppy chuckled. "But it's great you're all here. May just told me she needs a break from her hard work as the mayor." So she actually went from desk clerk to mayor? That figures…

"And I thought, the four of us could spend the afternoon together, drink a nice cup of coffee and talk about the good old times," Cuppy smiled. "What do you think, girls? Isn't that a good idea?"

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged. May just responded with a dumbfounded nod.

Pearl seemed hesitant. "I don't know… I have to take Sweetie Belle to her singing lessons this afternoon…"

"Doubt it, she already went fishing with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo before you arrived," I told her.

"Oh, that girl…" Pearl sighed. "Well… I still need to go to the hairdresser and get my mane done…"

"Your mane looks fine," I said. "Stop trying to make up excuses. Believe it or not, I missed you girls a lot. And I'd really like to catch up, learn more about what you did with your lives, your families, your jobs and so on."

"That's just what I was hoping for," Cuppy smiled. "Just like in old times… it's going to be so much fun."

"Fiiiine," Pearl sighed.

"Gah!" Saria screamed and jumped backwards as the thorny vine crept down the trunk of the tree. "Those trees are really dangerous. It isn't like in the Lost Woods at all."

Zecora nodded. "It is true, dear fairy child. The Everfree is untamed and wild. Living here would be unwise for any fool. But you can handle it if you have the correct tool." She took a long stick and held it in the thorny vine's direction. The vine curled around the stick and pulled it up into the leaves.

"This was the perfect way to distract," Zecora explained. "Now is the time that we act. Quickly gather the pollen of the flower. But then we should leave within the hour."

"You certainly know a lot about the plants in this forest, Zecora," Saria said as she approached the flowers growing near the bottom of the tree, quickly gathering some of their pollen. "Is this enough."

"This is plenty, I must thank you. This pollen is perfect for my brew."

"Let's go back to your house before the vines change their minds and decide they want to have zebra and Kokiri for dinner instead of just a stick," Saria said. Together, they went back to Zecora's hut, where the potion maker put the bag of pollen in one of her many shelves of ingredients.

"I must inquire, honored guest. How is your home forest different from the rest?"

"Well, I'm not saying the Lost Woods aren't dangerous," Saria said. "There are a couple of dangerous creatures living there. But the main danger lies in the possibility of getting lost. The forest is magical, and those who don't know the exact direction will quickly end up getting lost… hence the name. We Kokiri usually stay within our village, but Hylians face another danger: If they stay in the forest for too long, they might risk getting turned into a Skull Kid, or Stalfos. On the other hand, Kokiri aren't usually allowed to leave the forest either. As the Sage of the Forest, I am an exception of the rule, though."

Zecora looked at her thoughtfully. "I could sense your affinity to the trees. What pony normally comes to this forest, flees. But even though your size is small, you stand up against the dangers tall."

"But you are also different, aren't you, Zecora?" Saria asked. "Unlike those ponies, you don't run away. You adapted and learned from the forest."

"I learned to respect it, little sprite. Too many fear the Everfree's spite. But if you patient enough to learn, there's a lot for you to earn." She gestured towards the shelves and cupboards in her hut, filled with all sorts of herbs and potions. "All the brews you have in sight, were created with the forest's might. Plants that only grow in Everfree are potent for strong elixirs, you see?"

"I think I understand," Saria nodded. "If you take your time and learn from the forest, instead of fearing it, you can gather all these herbs to create helpful potions. Come to think of it, I found this mysterious mushroom in the Lost Woods before coming here." The green-maned filly reached into her saddle bag and pulled out a bright red mushroom with yellow spots. "I don't really know a lot about potions, but do you have any use for it?"

"Possibly, we'll have to see," Zecora said as she looked at the mushroom. "I have an idea, give it to me. I'll try out a new brew… but first I need a bottle, empty and new."

Saria grinned as she reached into her bag again. "I have one of those."

The giant pile of boulders crumbled into thousands of little pebbles that fell down all around the massive body of the stone ox.

Snorting, he turned around to face the ponies that watched the spectacle with bewildered looks on their faces. All, except for one mare who always kept the same stoic expression.

"So, how was this? Pretty good, eh? Shall I keep going?"

"Yes, please," Maud said in her monotone voice. "There are more rocks like this in the eastern field. Would you horribly mind taking care of those as well?"

"You got it, Maud," Darunia nodded. "Just leave it to this Goron."

While Darunia went back to work, Maud was approached by her father and two of her sisters. "Maud… are you one hundred percent convinced that this is a good idea?" Igneous Pie asked his oldest daughter.

"Yes," Maud said. "Darunia's method is faster than any procedure we've been using on this rock farm. He's able to finish a day's amount of work within an hour. It is the most efficient way and he doesn't mind helping."

"Well… I guess that's fine then…" Igneous took off his hat and scratched his head. "It's just… feels a bit strange, having nothing to do at all."

"I think Maud just wants to watch him work on the farm," Inkie smirked. "I've seen it the moment you brought him here. Admit it, sis. You like the big guy."

"He… is most efficient in what he does," Maud said with just the slightest hint of hesitation.

Inkie nudged her side. "C'mon, it's as obvious as a geode in a field of limestone. Even Dad noticed."

Maud looked at her father. "Is it really that obvious?"

Igneous coughed. "Well… for a lack of better words, let's just say I've never seen you more… radiant than today. Apart from the day Pinkamena was born, or when you met Boulder."

Maud blushed inwardly. Any other pony outside of her family wouldn't have noticed any difference on her face. "He's just so… handsome. Rugged. Big. Bulky. Like the biggest boulder in the middle of an avalanche."

"Please don't start reciting your poetry now, we get the point," Inkie snickered. She then noticed that her other sister didn't seem too happy. "Blinkie? What's wrong? Aren't you happy for sis?"

"It's not that," Blinkie muttered. "She can date whoever she wants. I'm just miffed that this big stone guy took away all of my fun."

"It's just for today," her father said. "I think you can endure one day without having to work."

"One entire day of boredom!" Blinkie almost cried. "All of my beloved explosives are lying around useless in the shack… it's not fair! I wanna blow something up!"

Igneous sighed to himself while Inkie tried to calm down her demolition expert sister.

At the same time, Rauru was still at Canterlot castle, browsing through the extensive library. While he was reading ancient Equestrian texts, a maid pony was busy fluttering among the shelves, dusting them off.

"I think I'm starting to get the hang of this unicorn magic," Rauru smiled to himself as he used his new horn to turn the pages. "What is this? The EUP was founded from earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns alike, but later a specialized flying team called the Wonderbolts was formed. But at the same time, the Night Guard was formed from Nocturnian volunteers… intriguing! So the army split up into two sides even before the rise of Nightmare Moon. I need to read more about this… I wonder if I can find anything in any of the adjacent shelves about these Nocturnals."

"Biology section," the maid said while flying overhead. "Third row to your right."

"Oh, thank you very much for your assistance, miss," Rauru nodded as he walked over to the mentioned bookshelf and pulled out an old version of 'Creatures of the Night'. He put the book down and started reading.

"According to this, the Nocturnals are their own species of ponies," he muttered. "Sometimes also called Thestrals, they are generally mistrusted by the other ponies of Equestria and live in their own society, a colony within the Fortress of Midnight in the Crescent Mountains. They usually have dark fur, manes and wings to blend in with the darkness. Their slitted eyes allow them perfect night vision even in the darkest of night, even though it makes them extremely sensitive to light. They have leathered wings like those of a bat, which allows them to fly from a very early age on. They are slower flyers than pegasi but have a much higher endurance, allowing them to stay in the air for several hours. They also can emit sonar screams to help them navigate. These screams, if pitched correctly, are often used by Nocturnian soldiers as weapons against enemies with sensitive ears."

"Did you find what you needed?" the maid pony asked as she fluttered down next to him.

"Yes, you've been very helpful," the scholar nodded as he turned to look at her. "Thank y…" He stopped himself when he took his first clear look at the maid and her leathered wings.

"You… you are a Nocturnian."

"That's correct," she nodded.

"That is… astounding! If I had known this, I wouldn't have had to read so much about it. I could have asked you myself." He laughed a bit. "Then again, nothing like some good, old-fashioned research, right? Oh, where are my manners? I am Rauru, Sage of Light and head librarian of Hyrule Castle."

"Night Glide," the bat pony introduced herself. "Head maid in the service of Princess Luna."

"Pleased to meet you," the elderly unicorn nodded. "Say, would you mind if I asked you a couple of questions?"

"Not at all," Night Glide said. "Ask away."

"Splendid!" Rauru smiled. "First of all, this book said you Nocturnians live within Midnight Fortress. How come you are here, then?"

"I've lived with the rest of my tribe in the fortress since my birth," Night Glide explained. "Ever since Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon, we Nocturnals were not allowed to leave our mountain except for special occasions. It was only several hundred years later that the restriction was lifted, allowing us to live with other ponies again."

"I don't imagine you were welcomed with open hands," Rauru said. "Or… hooves, in this case."

"No." Night Glide shook her head. "The other tribes were extremely suspicious of our intentions. And I don't blame them. We've lived in isolation for hundreds of years. Still, I was one of the first Nocturnals to leave the fortress and try a new life outside of it. And while many were distrustful, others were not, allowing me to make some friends. I even married a nice pegasus stallion and started a family. And when Princess Luna returned, my experience with life among the other tribes was the reason why she offered me a job here in Canterlot."

"This is a very, very fascinating insight in the matter from the view of a Nocturnal," Rauru muttered as he wrote everything down with a quill. "You wouldn't mind if I write a book about this, do you?"

"Go ahead," Night Glide said. "I don't mind… though I am surprised that the first book you want to write about Equestria is about Nocturnals."

"Oh, it's not the first one I'm going to write," Rauru laughed. "After this abundance of information, I will need an entire new section in my own library… a new wing will probably have to be constructed."

"Looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you," the bat pony said. "But even a scholar needs a rest. Would you like to take a break and have a cup of tea?"

"Why, that sounds absolutely delightful," Rauru smiled. "I just wish the princess could join us… I wonder what she's doing at the moment."

"Flap your wings harder next time!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "If you want to go against the wind, you need to work on your wing muscles. So get up there again and get flapping!"

Princess Zelda groaned as she lifted her head from the cloud she just crash-landed on. "This is exhausting…" she muttered. "She's just as stern as an instructor as Impa."

Twilight giggled as she helped her fellow alicorn back up. "Yeah, Rainbow is pretty ruthless when it comes to flight training. I've been through this while drill before, trust me."

"What's up with the chatting?" Rainbow asked as she flew towards them. "Do you want to keep practicing or not?"

"Listen, I am very grateful that you agreed to help me with this," Zelda sighed. "But can't we take a little break? My wings are starting to hurt."

'Strange, I never thought I would ever say something like this,' she thought to herself.

"Oh, fine… I guess we can take a little recess. But don't get too comfortable… cloud maneuvering is next!"

Zelda suppressed the urge to groan yet again.

"Whatever Link is doing right now, it can't be as tiring as this."

"Thank you for bringing me this muffin," the grey-colored pegasus named Derpy Hooves smiled. "Now, can you do me a favor? I have this letter that needs to be delivered right away, and I really, really can't go at the moment."

Link gritted his teeth. "Why is it that no matter which dimension I'm in, there's ALWAYS some sort of trading quest involved?"

"Here you go," Derpy said as she gave him an envelope. "Please bring this to Vinyl Scratch. But she has to go to work soon, so you need to deliver this within the next fifteen minutes."

Link wanted to scream.

Author's Note:

Just a couple more 'slice of life' scenes, showing how the visitors from Hyrule are getting along with the ponies of Equestria. Just one or two more chapters like this, I guess, then we're going back to the more serious, action-filled stuff.