• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 20,396 Views, 722 Comments

World of Ponies: The Rise of Change. - ShadowWalking18

When a human is brought from his world to Equestria, he must survive a world where humans are kept either in zoos or pets. All while the world around him begins to change, with him at the center of it all.

  • ...

*Insert name rhyme*


For it to be said that Celestia was in a foul mood was an understatement. If anything the regal alicorn princess, usually one of calm and collected demeanor, was livid to the point of outright rage.

'It has to be his fault. I should have known even reformed he could not stay out of trouble, but to do this!' She thought as she made her way down the dungeon steps toward a special prisoner.

When word had reached Canterlot of the trouble in Manehatten from an earthquake, Luna had made quick haste to the city to aid in overseeing the relief and give the citizens the knowledge that their princesses were with them. She would have liked to go herself, but Luna insisted that she could handle it alone and it would be unwise to leave Canterlot empty of both princesses. It might cause a stir, and after Tirek it was best not to let ponies think another catastrophe was in the making.

But it might just be.

Celestia did not like the possibility of old Valhruan magics or anything to do with that ancient empire making a return. Even if it was merely a pony who had stumbled upon it by way of old fragments of lost lore, though she felt sure it was not the case. So that left a human, as they were the sad descendants of that old race. But how a human could even tap into that power, when they were not but savage beasts, was beyond her. It made no sense.

'So obviously it must be Discords doing.' She thought, confident it was the Spirit of Chaos up to some mischief.

But even mischief had a limit.

She reached the end of the hall, where a marble door with gold fringe and bronze handle stood in contrast to the iron bar doors of the other cells. The entire dungeon itself was empty, as rarely had she had to throw somepony within its dark walls. But this one door lead to a occupant.

'Let us hope he is in.' She thought as she reached for the handle and pushed open the door.

Celestia strided through and crossed her hooves under her breasts as she glared down at the lounging form of the one being who was capable of driving her to anger. Discord. Spirit of Chaos. Lord of Chaos. Master of Madness.

"Ahhhh, Celestia how good of you to visit." Discord said, lounging upon his opulent couch, a tropical drink in his claw. He wore the garments of a tourist in the Southern Isles, sunglasses included. Yet the walls were decorated in a winter theme, with snow seemingly falling in the depths of the illusion.

"I would not be here if I did not have a reason Discord." Celestia said, her voice hard and commanding.

Discord smirked and removed his sunglasses, "Of course. There is always a reason isn't there. You know you should try doing something random for a change with a reason, you might actually enjoy yourself."

Celestia kept silent and furrowed her brow at the Draconeques. Discord sighed and snapped his fingers and the room changed to that of a pleasant tea party, table and chairs which now sat he and her. Celestia did not even blink, as she was use to such things from him.

"So, what can I help you with?" Discord asked, sipping up his cup. Literally.

"I am here to demand that you stop whatever foul mischief you are up to Discord. Or do I need to get Fluttershy to do it?" Celestia said simply.

Discord looked at her, and the smile that came on his face filled the princess with much irritation. Like he knew something.

"Oh, what mischief would that be?" Discord asked innocently, a halo appearing over his head.

"You know what mischief. For what reason would you have in bringing back ancient Valhruan magic. Where is the human you have corrupted to hold their magic? Tell me now!" Celestia demanded.

"Oh, well I never. Here I am, enjoying the winter and you go and lay such a horrible accusation against me." Discord said, feigning insult.

Celestia furrowed her brow further, "Do not play with me Discord. You don't know what powers you are messing with. This is not something that should be trifled with."

Discord smirked, "Oh? And you do?"

"I know enough." Celestia said.

"Do you? So I somehow gave the ability of magic to some human? Come now Celestia, even you should know that even I can't do that. The magic is either there already in the subject, or not. Especially this kind of magic." Discord gave the Princess of the Sun a smirk.

Celestia bit her lip, "Th-that....you..."

Discord went on, "But come, how could a human even use magic, even if they do have the ability for it, they are not capable of sapient thought. A creature needs to be able to think outside base thoughts before they can even use magic. So how could a human in this world use magic?"

Celestia growled and grabbed Discord by the beard, yanking him forward to glare right into his eyes, "Enough talk! Give me a straight answer and tell me what you have done!"

Discord merely rolled his eyes, "Oh Celestia you are truly getting to uptight these days. Very well, I already told you how could a human from this world....have the mental capability for magic?." Discord smirked as he put emphasis on the word "this."


Manehatten had been a mess. Castus frowned as he rubbed his head, remembering the damages he had seen in parts of the city has he and the girls had left the following day to return to Ponyville.

Street rows were cracked and ruined, in some areas whole sections had been thrust up or turned into deep holes. As well, several buildings had collapsed and others suffered extensive damage, such as glass windows from skyscrapers breaking and falling to the ground below. And to top it all off, it seemed that several hundred trees that dotted the sidewalks had suddenly burst into flames, leaving only their charred husks behind; though luckily the fire had not spread to anything else.

And that was only on the top, he felt sure that the underground parts of the city had suffered damages as well. The sewer system, water pipes, and who knew what else. And it all had been his fault.

'God, I don't even know what I did or what I had been doing.' He thought, rubbing his head as he tried to figure it out.

He had felt so alive when the energy of the Wind had filled him, but when the statue had cracked it suddenly felt as if he were on fire. His whole body felt like it was going to explode...and yet despite the pain it had also felt so good. To be....overflowing with all that power, it had felt both wonderful and painful at the same time. Though mostly it had been painful.

He felt sure that had been connected to how he had caused the ground to shake, and goodness knows what else could have happened if he suddenly had not been cut off. Though how that had happened he couldn't say. And than that dream....

'Can I even trust it?' He thought. Could he really trust something from a dream, even if it seemed to be more than a dream?

Should he have told Fluttershy of the dreams?

Upon their return, he and Fluttershy had had a rather long talk. She had listened intently as he told her what he could. The sense of the beast. The trolls. And the Wind.

"So...this Wind is some kind of magic?" She asked.

Castus nodded, "As far as I can tell, and I feel even more sure now after....after Manehatten."

Fluttershy bit her lip and Castus looked at her as she seemed to be in the middle of thinking on her response.

'She still looks beautiful....' He thought. Even if it did not have the same clarity and vibrancy as it had before. Still he realized that she was very much so. He felt his face heat up and he looked down at his hands to avoid her seeing.

"S-so you can use magic? W-well maybe Twilight can teach you how to...control it?" Fluttershy said, though she sounded unsure.

Castus shook his head, "I....don't think she can."

"S-so....back in Manehatten....was that your...magic?" Fluttershy asked.

Castus nodded, "Yeah."

"D-do you think....it might happen again?" She asked, fearful.

"Maybe." Castus said simply. He bit his lip and shivered in fear at the thought; and in desire for it to happen.

Fluttershy made a sort of eeping noise, which usually signified she was afraid. He didn't blame her, frankly he was starting to think himself as a walking time bomb now. How long did he have before he just went...boom?

He felt something warm and soft touch his hand and he looked to see Fluttershy's hoof, giving a reassuring squeeze.

"W-well...w-we just have to...be careful." She said, giving him a smile.

'Is she saying that to reassure herself? Or me?' He wondered, but returned the squeeze.

Though he did not feel so assured.

After that, things seemed to be normal between them. As normal as things could be, especially now. Though he could see that she always would look at him from the corner of her eye if they were in the same room.

Still, he still was left with a difficult position. How did he proceed?

He did not want to put Fluttershy, or anyone else, in danger. But he had no idea how this magic worked, or even how he had done what he did the first time; and he certainly wasn't willing to teach himself. But he also had an instinctive feeling that there wasn't anyone to teach him.

'So that leaves the statue...' He thought.

The statue had a part to play, though what he couldn't say or figure out. For all he knew it could make it worse, or get his body possessed by some evil spirit or something. That is how it happened in the movies.

'Damn it, this is giving me a headache.' He thought as he ran his fingers through his hair.

Still...it is not like he knew how to repeat what he did the first time...maybe it wouldn't happen again?

Why wasn't there ever a book that could give you all the answers?!

A knock at the door caught his attention and Fluttershy appeared, giving him a momentary glance and a smile, and peeked outside before opening the door fully to let Twilight in.

"Oh, Twilight it's nice to see you." Fluttershy said.

Twilight smiled, "You as well Fluttershy, and it's good to see you Castus."

"Hi Twilight." Castus said, raising his hand in a greeting.

Twilight shivered slightly, "It still isn't easy hearing you talk. How did you react when you first learned Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy blushed, "Uh...oh well...I uh...s-sort of....fainted."

Twilight rubbed her chin with her hoof, "Hmm...that would be a reasonable reaction. The brain usually can have a hard time processing information that contradicts long standing beliefs and can result in any number of side effects."

"So, is this a friendly visit or did you need something?" Castus asked as he stood up and stretched. No sense in sitting on the couch now that a guest was here.

"Oh," Twilight blinked, "well if it wasn't too much trouble I was hoping if you were free for a few studies of mine?" She gave Castus an eager and expectant look as if pleading for him to say yes.

Castus felt immediate suspicion. He figured that Twilight wouldn't try anything....crazy. In fact, Fluttershy had insisted that Twilight wouldn't, but when he saw that excited sparkle in her eyes when she looked at him he could feel the girl practically picking him apart and trying to figure out which bone does what.

'I'm probably....going to REALLY regret this.' He thought.

"Uh...what kind of studies?" Castus asked.

Twilight smiled, "Oh nothing major. Just a few preliminary tests concerning your stamina, basic health and condition, as well as a examination of your internal structure and than a Q and A about some aspects of your world to compare and examine."

'Yyyyeah. Going to regret this.' Castus thought. He didn't like the words "examination of his internal structure." God knew what that meant for this pony.

"Uh...I guess. If Fluttershy doesn't need me for anything." He said, and looked to the girl.

He really hoped she did need him for something.

"Oh, no I can handle the afternoon chores don't worry. Besides, this will be a good chance for you two to get to know each other better as friends." She said with a smile.

'Damn it.' Castus thought.

"Great!" Twilight cheered and her horn glowed as Castus felt that nimbus, of what he began calling unicorn magic, envelope him and lift him off his feet.

"Hey!" He protested as he found himself being levitated away behind a Twilight who went on and on about various questions she had and the different tests she had in mind.

His last look of Fluttershy before he was out of the cottage was of her hiding her mouth behind her hoof, as if trying to hide a laugh.

'If I come out of this with something attached on unattached to my body....' He thought....oh god why did he think that. He really hoped that wasn't the case!

'Lord, let me walk away with all my parts attached.'

As the great crystal like castle/library came into view, Castus felt himself starting to sweat somewhat. One step closer to the lab table.

Entering into the structure, Castus was shocked to see the large quantity of bookshelves, filled of course with well...books. Big books. Little books. Red books. Blue Books.

The library had to be huge, far bigger than he thought a small town like Ponyville needed.

Around he saw a few ponies looking through books, or reading calmly at a table; though all paused to look at him as he and Twilight passed by. Eventually though, they reached a door that lead into a staircase leading down. Castus could already envision a blood covered lab table with old rusty saws and knives. Manacles on the wall to keep him from running away...

'I shouldn't have watched all those horror films back on Earth.' Castus thought as they descended downstairs, the door closing behind him as they did.

"Okay. We shouldn't have to worry about anypony walking in down here, or hearing us so you can talk if you want." Twilight said as she finally set Castus down once they reached the bottom.

Castus blinked as he looked around, noting various machines and other sort of lab like devices and objects.

"Uh...sure. So, uh...what do we do first?" Castus asked.

"Oh, well first I'd like to take an examination of your basic physical condition. If you could just sit down here," Twilight said as she pointed to a table that reminded Castus of a doctors table at a clinic when he got a check up, "And I'll be right back."

Castus sat down, still feeling nervous. Still, how bad could a basic physical examination be?

'Long as she doesn't squeeze my balls and ask me to cough.' He thought.

Twilight returned a few moments later, carrying with her a notepad, thermometers, quills, a stethoscope, and a whole bunch of other objects.

"Okay, let's start with your blood pressure, than we can move on to a pulse monitoring and temperature reading." Twilight said with a smile.

"Oh...great." Castus said. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

----- 1 Hour Later -------

Castus gasped for air as he ran, the treadmill like device he ran upon seeming to go faster; though that was probably his imagination.

After all Twilight had only said she was going to increase the speed up to certain interval points. But this was going to far.

"Hmmm, you're incredibly out of shape. Do you know that?" Twilight said casually as she observed serveral monitors connected to the treadmill and the wires that were attached to Castus by suction cup like holds. The monitors showed various screens, one very similar to a pulse monitor, the line going up and down.

"I," Castus began as he gasped with each word, "Told you, humans are more....sedentary....on my world. Not....use to....this." This was probably more exercise than he would have gotten normally back on Earth. Castus was starting to wish he had gone to the gym more or done some sit ups on home.

"Yes, but I never thought it would be this bad. You're not even physically on par with an average human of Equestria, let alone some ponies. I could probably beat you in some physical competitions without magic." Twilight said, disapproval evident in her voice.

'Oh great....lectured on physical health by a bookworm.' Castus thought with shame.

Finally the treadmill stopped, and Castus leaned forward on the handlebar as he gasped for air. He felt sure his heart was ready to burst as he placed a clenching hand over his chest.

"Still, you are not in the poorest condition. You definitely have better dental condition than humans of Equstria, and your use of hygiene is a plus. I'd say even though your constitution isn't the best, you are at least overall five times healthier than an average Equestrian human." Twilight gave an approving nod as she finished.

"Th-that's great." Castus gasped as he tried to even his breathing. He slid down and sat on his knees, hoping this was the last of it.

"Well, I have tons of notes now," Twilight said with a smile as she flipped through her notepad, "I think we can take a break for a bit."

'Thank god.' Castus thought with a sigh of relief. He might just live through this after all.

"I'll go get us some drinks if you want, though you'll need to stay down here. I'll be right back." Twilight said as she started up the stairs.

Castus raised a hand as she left, "Sure thing...no worries. Take your time."

"Oh, and don't touch anything okay." Twilight said, giving him a look of warning.

"I won't" Castus said. Like he was going to mess with anything down here; goodness knows what might happen.

Twilight gave a nod and continued on up and out the lab basement. Castus gave another sigh as he got off the treadmill completely and just flopped onto the floor, staring up at the ceiling. He closed his eyes as he took deep breathes; still exhausted from his run.

'Eye check. Pulse check. Conditioning check and a whole bunch of other checks. Is this mice feel when we study them in labs?' Castus wondered, feeling sympathy for his comrades in experimentation.

He would give Twilight this, when she wanted to learn something, she went all the way. One hundred percent.

'At least the hard part is....no...I won't say it. I'm not jinxing myself again.' He thought, shaking his head.

The sound of the door opening once more brought Twilight coming down with a tray of drinks.

"I wasn't sure what you might like, I hope cider is okay." Twilight said as she levitated a mug over to him.

Castus took the mug and took a sip from the beverage. It wasn't hard cider sadly, but still good.

"It's good, and delicious." He said, taking a bigger drink.

"You'll have to thank Applejack for that. Her orchard makes the best cider in all of Equestria." Twilight said with a smile, "I should know, I had a hoof in making some once."

True or not, Castus had to agree this cider was pretty good. Way better than the cider back on Earth. Though a lot of things tasted better here than back home on Earth.

"Castus, I was wondering if I could maybe ask you a few questions concerning your world? I have a lot of date on yourself biologically, but some social and cultural notes would be useful as well." Twilight asked, giving an expectant smile.

Castus rolled his eyes, but smirked none the less, "Sure. Though doesn't the fact that humans where I am from have culture and society enough of a difference?"

"True," Twilight said with a nod, "But having specifics would be nice as well, and give me a good idea of how you were raised."

Castus nodded, "Well...what do you want to know first? I can give you some basic stuff, but don't expect too much else beyond that, I don't have the right knowledge to go in too deep on some subjects."

Twilight gave a sort of squeak of joy as she lifted her notepad and proceeded to ask question after question, just like back in the hotel....well without being right up in his face.

'Though the look in her eyes isn't any less manic.' He thought with a chuckle.

It was well into the night, when finally Twilight was done with her questions. In fact, Castus felt sure that if he hadn't pointed out the time on the clock downstairs, Twilight would have kept him there the whole night.

Naturally she escorted him back to Fluttershy's, even though it seemed not many ponies were out at night in Ponyville; though one house seemed to have the tell tale signs of bright lights blaring through their windows as if a party was going on inside. When he had commented on the lack of noise though, Twilight had told him it was the home of the local DJ and it was one of her spells that made it so that the music wasn't heard anywhere but inside her home.

Reaching the path to the cottage, Castus told Twilight he could walk the rest of the way himself. She seemed a bit hesitant at first, but nodded.

"Well, okay if you say so. Just don't get lost now okay?" Twilight said.

"I'll be fine. I've walked home in the dark plenty of times back in my world." Castus said.

Twilight gave another nod, "Well okay. I will have some more questions tomorrow, if you don't mind coming over again. I'll even introduce you to Spike since the library is closed tomorrow. It will give me plenty of time to go over my notes and edit them with our minds fresh."

'Oh boy.' Castus thought with a bit of dread.

"Uh...s-sure." He said, making Twilight clap with a smile.

"Great, see you tomorrow than." And with that she turned and headed back toward her house.

Castus felt sure he was going to be busy again tomorrow. He just hoped it didn't involve so much running.

Turning he headed down the path, stuffing his hands into the pockets of the coat Rarity had made him. It was a chilly night tonight, he would enjoy the warm fire that Fluttershy was sure to have going in the fire place.

As he walked though, thoughts on the idea of a nice warm fire, Castus felt something....brushing against his mind. He stopped dead in his tracks as he heard the Wind blow harder and his heart stopped dead as he felt as if he was suddenly pressing himself up against a thin membrane of a wall.

'No! No! Not again.....' He thought, eyes wide with horror. What would he do if that thin membrane broke again? What would he do when that light of life, that cold freezing flame and molten ice flooded his body? What would he destroy next? The town? The trees around him? God, no would he hurt Fluttershy?! Better if he hurt himself!

Yet...he wanted that feeling. It had felt so good, so blissful and alive. Like a drug, and just one hit was enough to make him addicted. He could feel himself pressing against the membrane, trying to reach the light. Like a thirsty man reaches for water.

'Stop...stop.' He told himself, even as he felt the membrane begin to stretch.

Memories of burning pain as a statue crumbled in his hands and a store and city nearly torn to pieces as he crushed his fists into the ground in agony came back and he nearly retched.

The membrane seemed thinner now, stretched out.

'I want to stop....so stop!' He thought, and felt as if the pushing against the membrane seemed to ease some, but it only came back as he felt the lyrical Wind blow its melody, and the light seeming to echo that melody. It was calling him him, and his mind on reflex seemed to reach for that light. Wanted that light.

Castus saw images of cities burning, the skies turning red and black as wild streams of energy tore across the world. Horrible screams of people dying as cities from the sky fell to crash into the ground below, or else sink into the oceans that suddenly appeared as the ground sank deeper below.

'Stop!' Castus thought as he fell to his knees, and starting to dry heave.

And than it was gone, the wind dying down to their low breeze once more and the light fading away, lost in the gentle breeze. Castus lay there, gasping and body shaking with dry heaves.

So close...it had been so close.....but he stopped. He had stopped.

'I....I can....I can...control it...I can....ignore it.' He thought, though it hurt to say.

Slowly, taking in ragged breathes, he stood. He spat and wiped at his mouth.

He needed answers...he needed to know what was going on! And all he had to go one was a statue that he had to find.

Slowly turning his head, Castus gazed out at the city on the mountain. Canterlot. Was that where the statue was?

'I....Twilight...Twilight would know...ask her....ask her tomorrow.' He thought, before turning and continuing back to the cottage.

As he entered into the warm home, he noticed Fluttershy sitting back the fire. A book in her hooves, which she closed partly when she looked up to see who entered her home.

"Oh, Castus. Welcome back." She said with a smile as she set the book down.

'God...I could..I could have...' He thought as he walked over to her.

Fluttershy stood up and looked at him worriedly.

"Castus, is something wrong? Oh, I hope Twilight didn't go too hard on you with her tests. I know she doesn't mean any harm, but sometimes I think she doesn't realize that others don't have the same uh.....zeal as her when it comes to science."

Castus shook his head, before grabbing Fluttershy in his arms and hugging her tightly.

"C-C-Castus...w-w-w-w-what are you-" Fluttershy stammered, pushing against him lightly.

Castus didn't say anything. He just held her, and eventually Fluttershy stopped her minor struggling and slowly wrapped her hooves around him; if a bit awkwardly.

He would find answers. He would, if just to keep her safe. Keep Fluttershy safe from the most dangerous thing he felt existed right now.



Discord was pressed up against a wall, the pressure of the magic binding him increasing as the regal white alicorn mare glared death and torture at him.

"Goodness, I think I hit a button." DIscord said with a chuckle.

"SILENCE!" Celestia ordered, her voice giving way to the Royal Canterlot Voice.

This took Discord by surprise. Usually Celestia was always collected and calm, but it seems that this whole Valhrua stuff had a sour note with her. Given the history he could understand why, but he never expected this sort of reaction from her.

He both loved it, and feared it.

"You have done many things in your life Discord, but this not only goes beyond those! You have very well possibly doomed all of Equestria!" Celestia yelled, teeth grinding.

"Oh come now, Equstria has a good track record so far on doom. Nightmare Moon, Tirek, Chrysalis, me....you in the spring." He chuckled at that last one.

Celestia's horn suddenly stopped glowing, and Discord kept floating there against the wall. He smirked as he watched Celestia, wondering what she was going to do next.

Celestia looked left and right, and seemed to be muttering to herself before looking back at Discord.

"You and I are not done yet. But I have other things to do now." Celestia said, before turning and walking out, muttering to herself as she went.

Discord blinked as the door slowly closed and he slowly began to laugh.

"Ahahhaha, well...I think she is starting to loss it." He said with a chuckle. Maybe he could add a Celestia Mental Breakdown to his video list. He already had Fluttershy's and her friends. He still thought Twilights was the best.